The History of 10 Ancient Regions of SPAIN

Hi and welcome today we’re going on a beautiful journey across Spain diving into the rich history of diverse regions that make this country so captivating from the northern Landscapes to the southern coasts let’s uncover the historical Treasures waiting to be explored join us as we travel through history and beauty of 10 extraordinary

Regions in Spain number one The Basque Country our first destination we’re visiting is the enchanting Basque country and we start our journey in San Sebastian this coastal city intertwines Basque culture and Maritime Traditions The Basque people have a unique linguistic and identity that predates the Roman Empire and The Basque language

Yusara remains one of Europe’s oldest languages the carlist wars a series of Civil Wars heavily affected the Basque Country region the city of San Sebastian witnessed the siege of San Sebastian in 1836 during the first carlist war where the carlists supporters of Infante Carlos laid Siege to the city held by iselene Forces number two Galicia heading Northwest we find ourselves in Galicia with its Jewel Santiago de compostella the region has a unique blend of Roman Celtic and medieval influences visible in its architecture and traditions Galicia played a role in the Peninsular War against Napoleon’s forces during the Peninsular War Santiago de compostella

And Galicia saw confrontations between French forces under Napoleon and British Portuguese and Spanish allies the Battle of sanago De compostella in 1809 ad resulted in the expulsion of French forces from the city Galicia has preserved its Celtic Traditions visible in music dancing and unique festivals like the rapadas bestas the art of horse

Taming Santiago de compostella became a Christian pilgrimage site after the discovery of the remains of St James in the 9th century sparking the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage tradition the Cathedral of Santiago de compostella is a masterpiece of Romanesque Gothic and Baroque architecture the structure has evolved over the centuries with various

Elements added during different periods Pilgrims from around the world travel to Santiago to compostella to pay homage number three andalia now let’s delve into the rich Heritage of Andalusia starting with the historic city of Cordoba once a center of Islamic culture cordoba’s great mosque Cathedral showcases the architectural Wonder of

Alandus You Can wander through through the narrow streets of the Jewish quarter where different cultures coexisted leaving an indelible mark on the city Cordoba and the broader region of Andalusia were Central to the long process of Rista during which Christian kingdom sought to reclaim territory from Muslim rule Cordoba was a center of

Learning and culture during the Islamic Golden Age boasting of libraries universities and advanced scientific and mathematical Achievements Number four Catalonia venturing into Catalonia we explore the medieval charm of gerona with its well-preserved old town and iconic Cathedral ancient walls and picturesque Bridges it offers a glimpse into Catalonia’s medieval past the city has played a role in various historical conflicts including battles during the Reconquista during the Spanish Civil War

Jona played a crucial role enduring bombings and significant resistance against Franco’s forces Catalonia and the City of Jona experienced the impact of the war of Spanish succession the siege of Barcelona 17713 to 1714 ad marked a crucial episode where bourbon forces besieged the city held by supporters of arch duuk Charles

Catalonia played a pivotal role in the modernism movement an artistic and cultural movement that influenced architecture art and literature Number five Valencia turning our attention to the vibrant Valencia you will discover the modern site of Spain with the city of Arts and Sciences this architectural Marvel designed by Santiago calatrava and Felix Candela represents the fusion of science art and history Valencia has a connection to trade and commerce with

Its Port being a hub for maritime activities since ancient times Valencia during the Reconquista was a Battleground where James I of Aragon conquered the city from Muslim rule in 1238 ad marking the end of Muslim domination initially conquered in 7 11 ad it became a TAA an independent Muslim principality elid briefly captured

Valencia in 1094 ad the Christian reconquest began in the late 13th century and James I of Aragon took the city in 1238 ad Valencia then became part of the crown of Aragon influencing its architecture and culture the city’s history reflects the complex interactions between Christian and Muslim forces and its subsequent

Integration into Christian Kingdoms number six Canary Islands let’s Journey to the natural wonder of Tia National Park in tenie the park centered around Mount tide a dormant volcano is not only a world heritage site but also holds cultural significance for the indigenous Guan people the indigenous Guan people inhabited the Canary Islands before the

Arrival of the Spanish the Canary Islands were a crucial stop for ships during the Age of Exploration serving as a resupply point and offering a strategic location for navigation ultimately the Spanish invaded during the Spanish conquest and the guancha people resisted the victory at aguer contributed to the overall castian

Conquest of tenie Alonso Fernandez delugo was a key figure in the conquest of the Canary Islands and his success in various battles including aguer gradually brought ten under Castilian control the defeat at aguer weakened the guan’s ability to resist further incursions ultimately Paving the way for the islands incorporation into the SP Spanish Crown number seven Castilla ilon heading back to the mainland we arrive in Castilla ilon and the historic city of sovia the alkazer of sovia and the Roman aqueduct stand as tesat to the Region’s medieval past during the Reconquista a major role was held by Castilla El as Christian kingdoms sought to reclaim

Territory from Muslim rule the alkazer of sovia served as a royal residence for various monarchs and Isabella I of Castile was crowned queen there in the 15th century during the Peninsular War 1808 to 1814 Castilla ilon including Segovia witnessed the horrors of the Peninsular War French forces under

Napoleon occupied the region and the people of sovia faced the challenges of occupation and resistance the alkazer of sovia has served various purposes throughout history including as a royal palace and Fortress the Roman aqueduct a UNESCO world heritage site is a remarkable feat of engineering and a testament to Roman Engineering in Spain number eight Mera exploring the southeastern region of Mera we uncover the maritime history of Cartagena this coastal city has a rich past from its Roman Theater to its medieval fortifications Mia the Region’s Capital has a blend of morish Gothic and Baroque architecture showcasing its diverse history the city played a strategic role

In Naval conflicts including during the Punic Wars Spain played a significant role in the Second Punic War from 2018 to 2011 BC which was primarily a conflict between Rome and Carthage before Hannibal’s invasion of Italy he had spent several years consolidating carthaginian control over the Iberian Peninsula the Roman Republic recognizing

The Strategic importance of the region sought to counter carthaginian influence in Spain the battle of the Ebro River in 218 BC marked one of the early engagements in the Second Punic War Hannibal decisively defeated the Roman forces under the command of Naas CIO securing carthaginian control over much

Of the Iberian Peninsula while the focus of the war shifted to Italy Rome also conducted military campaigns in Spain to disrupt carthaginian support and reinforcements in 1936 to 1939 cardig with its strategic Naval Base was a republican stronghold during the Spanish Civil War the city played a crucial role

In the conflict serving as a base for the Republican Navy and hosting International Brigades number nine asterus venturing into the green Landscapes of estrias we find ourselves in ovetto this city with its pre-romanesque architecture and medieval charm is a treasure Trove of asuan History oo became the capital of the kingdom of arrius in the 9th century under King Alfonso II earning it the

Nickname cradle of Spain asterus played a crucial role in the early stages of the Rista as the kingdom of Asus resisted Muslim expansion in the 8th Century the Battle of Kanga fought in 722 ad is a pivotal event in the early stages of the Reconquista the centuries long Christian effort to reclaim the

Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rule this battle marked a significant victory for the Christian forces and is considered by many as the starting point of the Reconquista following the Muslim Conquest Christian resistance began to coales in the mountainous regions of aurus in the North northern part of the peninsula around Kanga Poo’s forces

Numbering perhaps a few hundred used the natural defenses of the terrain to their advantage the narrow passes and difficult landscape hindered the mobility of the larger Muslim Army despite being outnumbered the Christian forces achieved a decisive Victory Poo’s success at Kanga led to the establishment of the kingdom of aerus a

Christian realm in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula Number 10 extremadura our next destination takes us to the southwestern region of extremadura and the ancient city of Merida once a Roman Capital Merida is home to well-preserved Roman monuments including the Roman Theater and the aqueduct of Los malagos Merida known as Augusta amerita during Roman times was a

Key administ ministrative and Cultural Center in the Roman Empire the Roman Theater in Merida built during the 1st Century BC hosted Gladiator contests and theatrical performances extremadura has historical connections to the Age of Exploration with explorers like hernand Cortez and Francisco pizaro hailing from the region while not a specific War

Extremadura particularly Merida was part of the Roman Conquest in the Iberian Peninsula involving various military campaigns the Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula began in the 3rd Century BC initially Rome sought to control strategic areas for trade resources and Military purposes extremadura was crisscrossed by Roman roads that connected different parts of

The Iberian Peninsula Merida was a hub for such roads enhancing communication trade and Military movements the Roman presence in extremadura led to the romanization of local populations Roman Customs the Latin language and governance systems influenced the culture and daily life of the inhabitants

We’re going to explore 10 ancient regions that played a role in Spain’s victory in history. These regions provided Spain with resources and soldiers, enabling them to conquer enemy forces, and claim and rule the land we know as Spain today!

By understanding the history of these regions, you’ll learn about the factors that contributed to Spain’s victory in history. You’ll also learn about the battles and wars that took place in these regions, and the strategies that were used to win them. This video is a great way to learn about Spain’s history and see how it has influence the world today.


Watch more journeys here:

00:00 Welcome to Spain
00:26 San Sebastian
01:20 Galicia
02:43 Andalusia
03:36 Catalonia
04:41 Valencia
06:00 Canary Islands
07:12 Castilla y Leon
08:24 Murcia
10:03 Asturias
11:38 Extremadura

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