P&O Arvia Mediterranean Cruise – Episode 3

Coming up in this episode we have ports of call in Marsailles Barcelona and Cadiz before heading into some SE days on our way back to Southampton Bonjour from mares France it’s a glorious morning at the port and a busy one the port is quite a distance from the city center today so we have another shuttle ride we did wake up to an advisor on our TV screens about issues in Mars so it’s no no GoPros or Tech

Today just us and our mobile Phones the port itself is very industrial and the coach transfer took approximately 30 minutes to get to the drop off Location We are finally made it into maray France So we’ve just um had our cross on yes it was very nice it was a little sort of Bakery just tucked away from the main Marina here yeah it wasn’t a a tourist hot spot it was um one where all the locals kind of go can gather only one

EUR for a really good cost on which was really really good just went around the corner on the main drag here and um like one cl on was about €120 so yeah made a saving there bit more yeah he didn’t like the experience though did you no it was a bit

Um yeah a bit yeah I don’t know how to describe it but yeah the coffee wasn’t very nice either but the cross was amazing yeah cross was amazing so um we’re just having a wander around now in fre the shops um it was very busy yeah it is

Yeah yeah yeah that’s Pete says yeah let’s go Yeah After spending a few hours wandering around and taking in some sights we decided to head back to the ship whilst there was some beautiful architecture and a nice Marina Mars wasn’t our favorite Port of Co if we were to return here we would probably book an Excursion elsewhere there are some parts which

Weren’t clean and at times we didn’t feel Safe however this wasn’t going to dampen our day we took advantage of with the quieter ship and headed to the top decks for some sunbathing and a dip in the beach coma pool so we’re in a Zen dining room we just had deep fried bre L mushroom crumb

And we completely forgot to uh take a b or p and it was delicious so what have you got Pete um beef cheap wh heem beef it look all right yeah looks lovely I have gam with pineapple fried egg peas and chunky chips looks all right I have marmalade French and

T with a vanilla sauce vanilla sauce and I have the trusted chocolate and vanilla ice Cream after dinner we headed to the headliners theater to watch greatest days which was really good probably one of the best shows we’ve seen at sea and a great addition to the Lineup that evening we watched a beautiful sunset as we sailed away from marsill Good morning and welcome to Barcelona so first thing to do is listen to where you got to get off and what deck cuz we almost went all the way to the bottom of the ship um but it’s actually deck six yes it’s in the [Applause] 18 one thing to Just note they did advise all of us on the cruise magazines to be on the lookout for Pick Pockets barcel is um renowned for yeah um Pick Pockets apparently so just make sure all your stuff is in your bags locked away secured so it’s not easily accessible um

And things like mobiles don’t take large amounts of cash that you don’t need with you and you just take what you need with you for the Day that was a short 5 minute Journey ride into town um this at the World Trade Center which is um just opposite Le just remember if you’re with Pio um if your select Fair it is free so they shouldn’t charge you if um you are not a select

Fair um I think they scan your card and I think it’s charged at £4 each way today I think it was was five so yeah um just remember that each where they drop you off is where they should pick you up apparently we’ll let you know later

Hopefully there’s a cable car I don’t know if you can see it’s probably one of the test ones it’s like the doors open on that one Pete want to go on that one no but we are going to go on them we’re going to go on them so um yeah we’re going to

Explore let’s go hola welcome to Barcelona Spain the uh metal sculptures represent the waves of the Seas and it encourages you to walk under them and it uh welcomes Travelers by land and SE to the area as we decided to head out early the famous Treeline L Rambler was really quiet and businesses were still setting

Up for the day L Rambler is very popular for tourists visiting Barcelona and as a result it is also one of the locations Pick Pockets operate so make sure you are being mindful if you Visit For our American fans out there we have Starbucks Dunkin Donuts and across the road a Taco Bell oh and a Benny Jerry’s ice cream shop oh and they have a little kiosk selling scratch cards there’s another one there we are off to the cathedral believe you say the S

Familia don’t C me on that but we’re just going to go for nice wander up to there about 30 Minutes so today we’re getting about and generally out of ports um by using Apple Maps cuz it can come up on my watch without me having to get my phone out all the time and things like that so it will tell me exactly which way to go without making obvious me getting my

Phone out and what pocket l in and things like That so we are finally here at the sagada Familia um it’s taken us about an hour and a half in total to walk here um yeah it’s not so busy at the moment it is just literally 10:00 now um we’re just on the opposite side where quite a

Lot of people take photos and things and I know I can get really crowded here but um it seems all right at the moment gu no one near us dude finished Construction in another 30 years I think it’s longer than That so just um walking from the cathedral we’re heading back down towards the port um but we’re going into what’s it called um I don’t know it’s the it’s called the old it’s the old cable cars we’re going to go and ride them to the uh

Castle so it’s about an hour’s walk from the cathedral so yeah5 Miles I think just taking in the sights as we go we’ll probably stop off at a cafe yeah get a drink he wants a Starbucks no we not go to Starbucks I have got a white C with ice

And I think well I just poured the ice the coffee hot coffee into the ice and glass I think that’s what we sped to do but essentially I wanted a nice coffee that’s what I’ve got it’s really nice coffee one of the YouTubers we follow is called

Sailing Zara and they’re a really great American family that are sailing around the world um we’re just walking through Barcelona and come across their boat they want to say hello yeah Co yeah go give them a follow as well cuz they’re brilliant yeah sailing satara um great

Great videos um great YouTubers yeah so let’s go to the cable car which is Lally over there over there we’ve been walking for nearly 2 hours it is I would say nearly 30° um and is hot than so if you come to Barcelona make sure you’re wearing sunscreen I think

That probably makes it worse I remember being in Florida once putting sunscreen on which was waterproof and it basically just acted as a moisture capture and all these spots of water coming out of M um but um yeah me to be drinking plenty and plenty yeah be

Safe I always think this bit down a looks like Santa Monica wheel so Pete yeah you know you said you wanted to go to your disn’t he yeah I want to go you need to take me yeah there you go do you want to go no go on it

No you looking forward to going on this Pete uh it’s high it’s very high Pete loves Heights he absolutely loves it don’t he I’m going to video every second of it it’ll be trembling so that was 40 which is uh £3 3623 for a round trip we both got a

Return trip that’s for two yeah 20 Each be right [Applause] [Applause] Got the wonderful views it’s nice I don’t mind in a building that’s fine hanging from our Table the port cable cars which first came into service in 1931 leave from the Tower of San Sebastian located next to Barcelona Beach and travel to the monck mountain you will also notice a tower on the route sit situated at the World Trade Center which is the shuttle drop

Off point however this is no longer a stop on the route for those film Buffs you will also recognize the cable cars from Netflix bird Bots Barcelona okay so uh we’ve done the first cable car so it’s the oldest one um they pack you in but it’s all right

Do I was really nervous but actually it was it was it was right really good I enjoyed that really really enjoyed it so it was 191 19 round 20 20 each round trip um so I think it’s worth it safe climbing the mountain um so it’s a

10-minute walk to the next cable car which again you have to pay for it’s uh it’s not included in that price um but this one’s got like a nice cafe and a a dining is a diving board and a pool or something like that there I think it’s

The old Olympic swiming pools and then there’s like a cafe bar attached to that which is really close to the um the bottom of the N um cable cars so we’re going to go there see if there space get a drink and then we’ll go up the C cars

Yeah up to the um Charle Museum how many miles you walk so far seven I think seven seven miles to Okay little tip if you’re coming to Barcelona or on a Mediterranean Cruise I would definitely invest buying one of these battery operated fans well worth it and I recommend drinking a nice cold sangria it’s really nice I’ve never had one actually it’s my first one N how much are the tickets Pete uh 15 round each so 20 to get up on the first one 15 to get up on the second one and then you still got to pay the castle the castle expensive day out and we’re in we’re in [Applause] As you can see these cable cars are a lot newer and you get amazing views over Barcelona the top cable car station is located right next to monu castle at 173 m above the port you get amazing views of the surrounding City and the port area N [Applause] [Applause] Pap So the castle really really nice views and actually the outside it’s a really beautiful castle and it’s massive the exhibits inside well there was just nothing there it was um it was really quite empty they had a whole big old exhibit on the pandemic like there’s nothing about the history

Of the castle or anything like that so it’s a bit disappointing um we were going to stop they got a little cafe inside there’s like no seating really available they’ve got selected amount of seats so um that could be an improvement as well it’s yeah it’s it was wor the journey we’ve done

It once [Applause] A so after Barcelona we um went to the spa and we’ve relaxed so now we want to come back to the room and we’ve ordered room service so I’ve got the uh club sandwich Dom’s got a pizza and I’m just going to show you what it looks Like good morning from on board Aria somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea after an exhausting day on Barcelona we had a nice Layin and a spot of breakfast taking advantage of a c day it was on this C day that we decided to film our full ship tour head over to our Channel

If you want to see this beautiful ship from deck 3 all the way up to deck 19 as we explore all the venues and passenger areas on Board that evening we headed back to the clubhouse for our rescheduled game of bingo This is an outrage unfortunately it wasn’t a winning day for me for dinner that evening we opted for our favorite the KE and cow then to make the most of the Evening Sun we headed up to deck 19 for a round of Minun After watching a beautiful sunset it was time to head in for that evening’s entertainment starting with Magnolia Road in the headliners theater sweet home what I’m coming home to you to end our SE day we caught a great aerial performance in the grand Atrium And good morning from cadit kadit yeah say where are we it’s our last part of call sad sad sad time before we head back to saan yeah so yeah um as you can see we’re able to just to walk off the ship today there’s no shuttle shuttle’s

Right in the Tak to the town towns are right there so um lots of little shops little um streets so uh yeah we’re just going to have a little explore yeah let’s go each so just inside the terminal you can get yourself a map um of Cadiz and the

Tourist information and they’re really um helpful so he’s literally pointed out a load of things to do inad dis on our own um some sites we can see where all the shopping areas are and things like that so it’s really helpful okay for when you just get out

Past security at the Port if you want the sightseeing buses they are just Here okay so Peak someone in the tourist obervation and G directions to the shops yeah might down so um Pete using his orientering Skills what would help would be street Signs technolog is coming out Instead you know you’re in the main shopping area when you find a mobile phone shop and we’ve got Vin whoever in Spain head to elop it’s a really really good shop does all sorts of fits and bobs What I We’re just going to walk this way a little bit I think there’s some Roman Coliseum stagium ruins and then we’ll go back in towards the Shops We just stopped off for a drink in a one of the local coffee shops which is just behind us Bazar coffee Bazar coffee very traditional Spanish local independent Cafe where the uh owner is shouting and there’s lots of arguing going arguing inside arguing um but yeah it’s um

Entertaining to watch and the Coca-Cola was good good Coke yes right um we’re going to go and explore some more of the shops um we’re in this nice little square aren’t we people are yeah it’s nice little area there as well it’s not too commercialized here is it no big

Time Big Time um just very much a local kind of town really yeah quite chilled quite um yeah right let’s uh go Explore Okay so we’re back at the Port we’ve had a few hours walking around the town looking Fe the shops yeah really nice it’s a really easy town for you just to literally go off and walk around have a mooch around um yeah really nice but

It’s getting very warm isn’t it so uh we go up to 30 this afternoon yeah so um we decided to come back to the ship we’re going to get some lunch yeah hopefully and hopefully it won’t be so busy on there cuz quite a lot of people will go

Off to seille from here um whereas we decided just to have a much around the town so so I think we might go to the try the infinity pool at the back it’s always been busy so we’ve uh we thought we’re going to try that hope today

Hopefully hope today right let’s go back on board yeah back to Southampton yeah the last time we get off off the ship next Southampton this might not work but every time I just randomly repeatedly press the button that you want to get off on it seems to go straight to

It who knows who knows is it real or are we just lucky 14 14 deck 14 voila that’s all I’m saying So Pete what have we bought in the shops today we bought this little fan and it looks really big against my head but it’s small small um two speeds and it fits right in your pocket it’s got a little like um you know like a popsocket

Almost where you can attach it to your finger and it’s got a little lanyard we got it from lhop £12 and I’ve also brought myself a nice new bag drawring bag which is upside down Tada it’s got really nice insides all lined and that it’s really nice ooh a zip and

Pocket have it that’s all we brought we at the swimmer po He Oh As we wave goodbye to Spain we decided to give the Olive Grove another go for dinner John udre was back on the stage that evening for another brilliant show which we followed up with ETS in the Sky Dome before finishing the evening watching the moon shining over the Sea As we start our final 2 days at Sea sailing back towards Southampton we decided to have a relaxing morning chilling in the Crow’s Nest before heading to Ripples to try their ice cream afternoon [Applause] tea we knew we were getting closer to home home as the beautiful Mediterranean Sun soon turned into the foggy Bay of Bisque we were back in six Street Diner where we had a great starter however I can honestly say that our Mains were a huge disappointment they were cold solid and Bland which is a shame as the venue is very well themed and has a great atmosphere That afternoon we headed to the headliners theater for a talk all about Aria her build and a virtual tour of the Bridge over the next 24 hours we were getting closer and closer to the UK you knew this on the final day as people started to pack up and leave their suitcases outside their their Cabin on the last night we joined the virtual queue on the P web app for the KE and cow the great thing about joining the queue is that you can sit in a bar or in our case make some drinks whilst we got ready in the cabin until you’re

Notified that your table is ready so Pete it’s the last evening of the cruise yep where have you decided to eat again Ling cing out now we had a bit of a disastrous lunch didn’t we the worst M at se I’ve ever had us Street Diner I don’t even

Know word cannot do it justice how rubish it was start was really nice actually the name was revolting cold just weird was a Bly thing but it was just weird and really hard and really cut for was all I didn’t eat it I didn’t

Even e it it was cold so we thought we’ come to our place where and we had to look at the menu on the dining room but it wasn’t it was just the normal stuff there was nothing on the Specialties stuff that we wer going to like so we

Thought we come here so Pete what have you ordered tonight I’m having uh we’re having a cheese melting sort of thing to start off a Shar and then I’ve ordered a very well done D sauce and I’ve ordered the fets take with Di I know what you’re thinking we’re always in the KE and cow but it’s such a good restaurant and well worth a small amount Extra It was then time for our final show in the headliners Theater well good morning everybody we are back in a very gry and overcast Southampton after an amazing cruise around the med we just wanted to say thank you for watching our videos um remember to give us a like um comment in the below um any messages or are you

Going to the Mediterranean or any questions about the cruise and remember to give us a subscribe yes thank you and Aria is just over there so byebye Aria we’ll see you soon we’ll see you soon for the next holiday byebye Bye

Hey y’all & welcome to episode three of our P&O Arvia Cruise around the Mediterranean. In this episode we continue our cruise onboard P&Os newest ship, Arvia. In our final leg of the cruise we head to Marseille, France, before visiting Barcelona and Cadiz in Spain. We then cruise into some sea days on our return journey back to Southampton and a not so warm UK.

We start off waking up in Marseille, France, where we spend a few hours exploring the city and grab a real-life french croissant! After a quick trip into the city we return to the ship to take advantage of a quiet day onboard.

Our next port of call, and our busiest day so far, is Barcelona, Spain. We head out early taking a stroll down La Rambla, before walking the city streets to La Sagrada Familia. We also pop by some other landmarks including the Arc De Triomf. Come with us as we take a ride on the old and new cable car up to Castell de Montjuic.

We then dock in Cadiz, Spain, where once again we explore the port without any booked excursions. We show you around the shopping area, and go for a leisurely stroll through this beautiful port. We then spend an afternoon relaxing onboard in the swim up bar and infinity pool.

We then have a couple of sea days to end our Mediterranean cruise heading up to Southampton UK. Some activities onboard during this episode include Mini-Golf, Inifinity Pools, Shows, and more that Arvia has to offer.

This is episode three of three, and we hope you will find it enjoyable. Episodes one and two include ports of ;
La Coruna – Spain, Palma de Mallorca – Spain and La Spezia – Italy.

Please Like and Subscribe to our Channel and follow us on Instagram and Threads – @DomPetesTravels

Thank you for watching! Dom & Pete 🙂

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