Why Visiting Barcelona Will Change Your Life

Every year Ashley and I are lucky enough to go on one big trip an international trip Chee it’s something we look forward to all year long it’s our favorite thing to do this year we picked Spain I personally wasn’t into it well actually I picked Spain but for good reason

They’re known for their modern architecture their amazing food and Tapas oh my God so good holy crap cheap drinks and just overall Good Vibes but secretly I picked Barcelona for a reason you see 7 years ago I met Ashley and she was easily the most fun person I’ve ever

Been around never afraid to be yourself no matter where we were and after 7 years of making memories I knew that Barcelona would be the perfect backdrop to ask Ashley to marry me but there’s just some things you can’t plan for what wo yes that girl just

FL she just show me her boobs her boobs the Bernette the blond girl she really I love say yes she did why I don’t know she show me her Bo just say Yes they were nice big what do you call him Max Yos good for her that was crazy I can’t believe that just happened just partying and having fun was like woo and just pointed at me and I was like yeah full circle moment Ashley’s the most fun person even in

Barcelona I’ll be honest this is my fourth attempt trying to give this speech and each time it got more and more Awkward Jason it’s really romantic so I wanted to ask you Ashley oh my God ni will you marry me yeah oh my God yes oh my God oh my God she said

Yes can [Applause] you Love and after looking back and reflecting on this day oh my God everything worked out it was actually perfect shout out to the girl sitting behind me for the assist woo yes and thank you for letting us share this moment with you we’re Engaged now back to why visiting Barcelona will change your life when Ashley and I travel we believe in doing the most toury activity in every city I am so excited to be at Disneyland Paris for the very first time Big B again is behind me with six million potties down

Here we are the beer Masters a little night time time lapse on the top of the Eiffel Tower W this is like history this is San Francisco History oh my God can’t believe we got on Cosmic rewine twice and happy birthday to epod I know downstairs they had like random men with

Like wine in their pockets so we might be able to give them some euros please don’t listen to her don’t do that I’m just I’m kind of flabbergasted when you say things like that it’s weird when researching for a trip the same three places kept getting recommended lasag

Familia parkwell and casabo all three r designed by the most famous catalon architect and designer from Spain Anton gy he’s a major major major influen G’s work has a highly individual style it’s super unique he’s the only one who does it and his work is influenced by the

Passions in his life architecture nature and religion my boy W smile most of his work can be found in Barcelona including his main work on the Church of Las Familia this is the largest unfinished Catholic Church in the world con structure began on sagata familia in 1882 gudy actually devoted the remainder

Of his life to this project and is buried in the church’s CIT and at the time of his death in 1926 less than a quarter of the project was complete we just got in this place is packed.com as it should be it is gorgeous breathtaking and a huge tourist attraction and we are

Here during the holiday so everybody’s on vacation we’ve been on the outside of this for about 15 minutes just taking it in we’re about to go inside but it is breathtaking and Nick has been schooling me on all the facts and everything about this beautiful is it a church baby it is

It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before it feels more like a wonder of the world the construction for this place is over a hundred years in the making and it’s almost done it’s kind of cool because we’ll be like the last group of people to see it incomplete and then moving

Forward it’ll always be done so to me this is like life-changing this is so cool it’s very very special I’m very excited to see what’s inside the attention and detail on the outside is just beautiful we’ve literally just been like staring at it it’s like wow Wow I can’t express enough you have to come visit this place for yourself seeing it on the internet seeing on Instagram it does not do it justice at all it is so beautiful the stained glass the amount of detail like this is one of the most

Beautiful places I’ve ever been to in my life it’s really cool to be here and feel a part of History I’ve heard about this place since I was a little kid and I never imagined that I would actually be here with all these people from all different walks of life and around the

World it’s really really beautiful and the colors in here and the vibe and the spirit it’s just breathtaking like I I love this so much I’m so happy that we decided to do this so we’re here at lasag Familia and we actually bought the add-on ticket to go up to the Nativity

Towers so we’re in line to do that right now and I didn’t realize you get like in a little bullet elevator and it shoots you on up so we’re waiting in the line right now and I’m really excited I have no idea what to expect but I figured if

We’re here we might as well go up to the Towers this was worth the 15 year extra I didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into and we’re going to go down 4,000 steps the 400 400 400 just kidding that’s still a lot 400 of anything is a lot but the views over here to see the whole city of Barcelona

Is breath peaking we can still see some of the construction going on holy crap this is insane this is the stairs that we have to go down and there’s going to be 400 stairs this is insane look how narrow this is oh my gosh oh it didn’t take your coin you missed

It try again try that again Sorry we Go and each of these windows looks right back in the church that was beautiful gym wow are you kidding me that was so cool so narrow kind of scary but well worth it for those views up there it was awesome if you’re coming all the way to Barcelona and you’re visiting lasita

Familia go pay that extra a little bit to go up to the top of the tower as you’re able to explore and take your time and it’s breathtaking views of of the city just be warn not to be deby down or I’m just being realistic here if

You have knee issues body stuff going on you’re claustrophobic or anything that’s going to be a bit hard for you especially coming down um I had a bit of like woozy Shaky Knees at the very top when I saw how high we were I ended up getting through it but

Just know that um if you know if got to be in a little bit of shape to do that cuz all of us like huffing and puffing going down that thing Ashley just used the power of the worldwide web and found out exactly where Antonio GTI is buried I know he’s

Buried in the chapel of the Virgin D Carmen but my American ass was literally about to go up to someone and be like excuse me where’s the body of him cuz I would like to see it y’all want to see a dead body but I don’t know we’re should

We like walk around and see if we can like go there is that here I don’t know where is gouty buried in the Sada Familia we’re at the sagata Familia he’s in the chapel of the Virgin Del Carmen one of the four Chapel within sagada Familia Crypt boom so wherever the Crypt

Is is that weird if we go ask so we were actually able to find out down here is actually going to be the cryp area you’re not able to go in it today it’s only opened on certain days but Antonio gti’s body is buried somewhere in here

So in 3 years it’ll be 100 years since gy was buried that’s crazy that’s insane and everyone in the city celebrated him over and over again while they were bearing him and dedicated his life’s work all around the city it’s amazing and they’re still celebrating it I know

It’s so cool so we just wrapped up at lasag Familia and honestly guys you have to check that out it was definitely five out of five Vibes and we’re not very religious at all but there’s something when you go in there you can’t help but feel a little bit like I don’t know

Nostalgic or yeah I don’t know what the word is but it just felt special and sacred and beautiful and loving that’s that’s all I can say about it it was a gorgeous experience erience again book your tickets ahead of time online scan them with the QR code you cannot wear

Hats and you can’t dress like a little hoochie when you’re in there so just make not don’t wear a little hoochi dress okay and if you do wear one they will ask you to go down to the gift shop and buy a t-shirt CU all for a few different people on there

So wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart the party is officially started and on that note I think it is sangria o’ let’s go find a restaurant and get into the grub and food and drink all the

Drinks once the Sun starts to set Barcelona becomes a different city and it’s not frowned upon to have a picture of sangria or maybe two because tonight we’re headed to the center of Barcelona to check out bio which was designed by Anton gudy and is considered one of his

Masterpieces we made our way over to casabo yes it is hectic it is packed for good reason though the nighttime light show is so incredible it’s drawing this all in are you ready to do this I’m so excited and you guys were here during Christmas time so it’s a different

Experience during Christmas than it is non holiday and this building was actually finished in 1877 and one of my favorite movie caspers whipstaff Manor was based off of this architecture from gouty I’m so excited you guys need to book ahead because it will sell out it’s a very hot tourist attraction go online

The tickets are about €30 make sure you do this when you go to Spain I’m so excited to experience it and just a Snapple fact for all my Millennials out there yes the Casper set was the same set that was used in the backst street boys video what was the name of this

Video again Everybody not bad for my first party huh yeah except instin for life back boy SCH insing for life okay but that song is fire and now it’s time for another mouse Vibes history moment this is the bio family and do you see this guy right

Here this is Joseph bio I know that dude and he bought the home in 1903 and shortly after purchasing the home the bio family hired gouty to redesign their home in 2 years later in 1906 the building was completed and refurbished F this is so cool then in each room it

Has a different symbol and then you press the iPad and it tells the Story this is so cool I know that obviously you guys can’t see everything but like with this iPad when you turn and you press different buttons it kind of like magically shows history so like right here instead of these doors there’s like a treasure chest and out

Comes these like pieces of wood that tells the story it’s like really really cool like At first we weren’t going to get these but I was like we should probably know what’s going on it’s really awesome good call on getting it breaking a mental sweat this is so

Pretty it’s like I I hate being that person but like it looks like it’s literally Casper okay this is where it really looks like the house from Casper is right over here look at this there’s no corners every is a round Edge and everything is built with a purpose of

Having a purpose it’s so cool oh my God this is so pretty these like blue and freaking purple fro are so pretty oh my God welcome to the noble floor this is considered the very heart of the house the first one we’ll reach on this floor

Is Mr bio study which leads into the House’s main living room where a large picture window takes Center Stage which is ideal to see and be seen among other elements the huge oak doors are particularly noteworthy in a totally wavy ceiling which invokes the strength of the

Sea so we paid a bit extra to do the gold access so we can actually come up to like the living quarters with the actual living space and the furniture that the family sat in this is really cool it’s a private area it was like €1 more well worth it this is beautiful

Inside and I always say this whenever we travel do the tourist stuff it’s popular for a reason this is B bad ass I’m having the best time and the fact that we’re here during Christmas and it’s lit up with these light shows it’s like I want to cry it’s just it’s the best

Ashley’s 100% right like photos in YouTube do not do this place any justice come here and experience it for yourself I’m like on the verge of crying it’s so beautiful me too like I I knew nothing about gouty before this trip I just researched it right before we came here

I’m like this is beautiful and I love that they have the headset in English with this like Photo access that you can like learn more about it but like this is so pretty and I just like love learn I I never loved learning in college or

High school but like now that I’m a full-blown adult and I’m a tourist on vacation like this is such a rich experience like I want to cry sorry this is like really cool I just like really love it everything in here has a curve everything even the roof nothing here is

Flat or has a corner everything is rounded and beautiful it’s so cool here this is my dream architecture like i’ I’ve said since I was a little kid asked my mom and my brother I was like I want the cast for house I want the cast for

House and I know obviously it’s deeper than that but like this is gorgeous like I had a big family this is where I would want to live like it’s just like like it’s birthday of course Ashley finds the one mirror to take a selfie it’s like so

Beautiful it feels so silly crying I just like could you imagine if this was your bedroom now no it’s just like it’s just so cool the the family seems so happy and he’s like I’m going to build this big place for everybody to love each other and live it’s like that’s

Just beautiful about your family or like real life willly Wonka in the chocat factory everything that they could dream of is real as someone who comes from a small family this would be ideal like I would love this and just have a big family you hear that Ras we’re all

Moving here all the cousins all the aunties all the uncles we’re moving here and no fighting no touching the light well is a fundamental part of the house as it distributes the air and light that enters through the main Skylight as you walk through the house you’ll experience a tribute to all the

Women caregivers who left an incredible mark on this home The Loft is one of the most unique spaces and it’s a delightful combination of Aesthetics and functionality as it was formerly a service area for all the tenants of the building moving on let’s head up to the

Roof the roof Terrace is dominated by what is popularly known as the dragon’s back however the main focal point of the roof Terrace are the four crooked poly Chrome chimney Stacks designed to prevent backdrafts here you go here we go and the last stop of our tour is the gouty cube this is

[Applause] so Keep [Applause] Got [Applause] [Laughter] w oh my gouty you guys that was an amazing experience I gave up kind of on the audio thing halfway through because I was so mesmerized by the lights and just the culture and everybody walking through and the excitement must do if you come to Barcelona I don’t care if

It’s a tourist thing do it it was inexpensive I think it was like €30 each amazing like oh my God in that last room the little like 4D experience with the AI I created images of gouty like you guys yes yes yes yes yes it was amazing

I know after watching 19 minutes of this video you probably think we plan everything but one of our other must do on every trip is to have a spontaneous day have no plan float around and live like the locals today is a special day Nick has been talking about coming to

Barcelona and skating since we first met 7 years ago and just seeing him with his board doing his thing I have my cool camera today so I’m going to get some shots of him hopefully I can get some action shots that aren’t blurry but I’m back here holding all his stuff which is

The opposite of what always happens um and I’m going to get hit by a car right now so let me hold up Q Usher There off the nose off the off the nose It’s made at Barcelona at the Museum the M give me Mouse vies right now seriously B we’re over here at macbo Museum and this is something that’s been on my bucket list since I was a kid we’re here super early and they just clean the ground probably the best blackr skating I’ve ever seen in my life but the ground is super slippery I think actually got a

Couple clips of me almost killing my face but I can’t believe we’re here this is like the Disneyland of skateboarding Museum Dart k karani of Barcelona so it’s basically a museum but the architecture around it is just absolutely perfect for skateboarding in since opening back in 1995 skateboarders

From all over the world have been traveling here not only is the spot amazing but skateboarding is embraced here you’ll find skaters hanging out day and night in this area but what makes this place so special why is everyone coming here the entire place is granite when you have something like that it’s

Just special and people come all around the world and skate a Ledge and after hanging out here for a day there’s one thing I realized this place isn’t just for skateboarders or artists or really really really ridiculously beautiful girls this place is for everybody there’s restaurants and bars

Just feed away from the actual Museum our favorite spot was kenos which is one of our favorite tapas restaurants we’re actually going to be covering that in another video but lots of good times are being had in this area you can get pictures of sangria there’s a skate shop

Called Rufus fast and even on the day that we were there the community was throwing some type of Celebration you literally can find all walks of life at M you’re so sweet hi buddy this is dedicated to Nick cuz he’s been talking about coming here forever now we’re going to leave our

Mark yes how epic is that we leaving our mic over here at mcmo Museum so all the skaters that are coming here come find the mouse Vibes leave a comment if you find this I know let us know tag us on social if you happen to come to

Barcelona to Maca and you see our sticker but the best thing about Barcelona is all of the city is actually a skate park so we’re going to go wander around get lost today throughout the city this is just one of the many spots you’ll find Here in the midst of our Skate Session we’re going to do an epic photo as is on this side we found this t obviously for me and we’re going to do some spooky stuff hold on do not be us right now we’re being the typical tourist we’re like literally

On this sharp edge of the stet and I’ve almost got hit by a bus 14 times trying to get the perfect shot and then Nick almost just got hit on camera so but it was worth it cuz we got the Shot Magic I was like what is happening right now I got spooked that was awesome good for you for being able to like get all the way up there I could never I would just be struggling your hands are dirty huh yeah and I know that it’s really bothering

You okay we’ll find a place is it like sangria time yet it is always hangry a time when you’re in Spain honestly this is the earliest we’ve been out all week aside from monserat day yesterday we were like out by 10 a.m. and it feels a

Bit early but it’s like it’s our last day in Barcelona so let’s go get a drink yeah all right after we’ve made it off Loma finally we’re over here to grab some SRI a little pit stop yeah this has been the most lowkey spot we’ve eaten at

On our trip right we’ve really lived the high life here in Barcelona between the rooftops and the like specialty restaurants we’ve eaten so good at a very minimal price might I say ask and you shall receive morning yes I didn’t know I was going to get the

Whole effing sangria lot that’s here in Barcelona but I love he said good morning too I know I’m like what even time it’s 12:30 oh that’s this is our earliest sria we’ve been like literally washed isn’t the right term but Nick and I like we’ve aged we learned on this

Trip we’ve aged we’ve gone to bed early we’ve woken up early I mean look at her she’s old we waited to have a cocktail till after 2:00 she’s too old I don’t know it’s fine we’re adulting but are we at the same time because we each got our own Fishbowl

Don’t double straw we’re going to be Loosey Goosey after This cheers all right you just saw that awesome shot this is the reality of it pull it out it’s a cocka camera it’s I I’m sorry it’s okay I first I like put it in my mouth and Nick’s like no no no cuz I would probably end up choking and dying

In Barcelona yeah all right sangria check 20 minutes later gotten about a quarter way down not a dent at all it’s a freaking chalice babe it’s literally they brought me all the sangria in Barcelona they’re like oh you guys are engaged and it’s your last day here have

All the sria so I’m having I’m just taking my time it just looks beautiful out right now there’s all these couples walking by smooching Nick got to go skateboard I got to take really cool photos I’m just like enjoying life right now I’d say the biggest take away from

This trip is to live life in the moment be present and drink sangria when they offer it and I learned that sometimes I need to let go of all the control and let Nick plan something I just love my boyfriend he’s my fiance I have to get used to it

I just love my man and it’s fun I loved Barcelona so much and if you love Barcelona in this video go ahead and subscribe to our Channel right now because we’re going to have a ton more videos coming out from our most recent trip to Spain and in the words of the Old

Country baby M

Hola! We are in Barcelona, Spain to show you if the massive tourist attractions are worth the hype! BUT FIRST, we want to share a very special moment with you….our engagement! Come with us on to the rooftop of the iconic Ieborstar Paseo De Gracia, explore the world famous architecture of Antoni Gaudi at La Sagrada Familia and Casa Batlló. Are these massive tourist destinations in Barcelona worth it? Lastly, Nick gets to fulfill a life long dream of skating at MACBA Museum!!! Watch this video for things to do in Barcelona!


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😎 Nick 🤙🏽

Business Inquiries:

Chapter Markers:
00:00 – We got engaged in Barcelona
02:40 – Should you visit Barcelona’s biggest tourist destinations?
03:55 – Visiting La Sagrada Familia
10:46 – Visiting Casa Batlló at night
17:05 – Gaudí Cube 4D Full Experience
19:35 – Skateboarding at MACBA
24:22 – The BIGGEST sangrias ever
27:20 – Our final thoughts on visiting Barcelona


  1. What a fun video and a beautiful video. I just absolutely love this. Congratulations again to you guys. This was just awesome. Thank you.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. I’m crying for soo many reasons: Ashley and Nick’s engagement; Nick’s dream destination and the beauty of Barcelona. Sagrada de Familia has the only nude Christ in the world. Congratulations Nick; Best wishes Ashley. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing moment. ❤

  3. Love the celebration movie video montage!! Dude, that feeling we get right before we are going to propose is crazy. It feels like the top of a rollercoaster getting ready to go down that first big drop. It's like you know she will say yes but still that 'OMG it's got to be perfect so here we go' feeling. Great job Nick. How beautiful over there, guys! Ashley, you are just glowing throughout the whole video 💜💜💜. Barcelona…got me thinking 🧏🧏(maybe future anniversary trip with Selina). Can't wait for the foodie guide…yum! Proud of you both 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  4. my heart was racing just watching!! AWE 😍thank you both for sharing the beautiful moment! 🥰 wishing you both much love, success and more adventurous trips to come!!!

  5. YESSSSS I’m so glad you guys are getting married❤! You guys are so cute together and you remind me so much of my parents🥹❤


  6. Crying 😭and it was the most Nick and Ashley proposal. A woman flashing her boobies, loud music, booty beer, and all the feels. 💙Congrats guys.

  7. You guys!!! This video has us crying in the club right now! 😭😭😭 we are so happy for yall! So glad so many dreams were fulfilled on this trip. Also, the editing and cinematography in this vlog was so fire, yall are just getting better and better!!!

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