The Most UNIQUE Place to Travel In Vietnam – Da Lat! Ep. 5: Vietnam Tour

Guys we’re in Dalat [Music] and of course being that it’s the morning  here in Vietnam got to grab ourselves of coffee   and since it’s a little cooler as well here  we’re going for the hot coffee today yeah you  

Know it that’s why we got the sweaters on  it’s a lot cooler up here in the highlands   that’s for sure nice change up though yeah it  is they make their coffee completely different   here than I’ve seen anywhere else in the world  it’s very delicious for sure but typically make  

It with milk it’s kind of like layered with the  condensed milk M and so you kind of get a weird   look when you ask for milk on the side though  yeah tea thank you thank you so much one thing  

That they always give you is the tea when you  get coffees it’s so good so it’s like jasmine   tea but it’s very watered down tea and most of  the time we’ve had had it it’s served cold so  

It’s almost like a refreshing iced tea mhm it’s  like their version of iced tea and way healthier   because it doesn’t have any sugar in it like our  really like processed sugary Iced Teas back in   North America but this one is actually served hot  today it’s very hot so be careful it’s pretty good  

I always feel a little bit rude because I don’t  drink at all I have a couple sips tastes good   but I’m not a huge tea guy I generally drink  is I think we might have got something mixed  

Up here we got more milk than we did coffee so I  think that might have been a slight communication   or maybe it’s a espresso shot yeah it’s like  a shot of puy oh it’s strong it’s definely

Espresso it’s an espresso sh yeah so I usually  just drink black black coffee I don’t know if   it’s even possible with this one it’s like it’s  almost like as if you took the coffee grinds and  

Just like squeezed out like the thick juice of  it and then that’s what we got I think it’s like   Kyle strongest coffee you’ve ever had and you  like your coffee strong I like strong coffee  

But this is like I’m going to have to join  Jess and put some milk in mine o it’s still strong yeah and milky it’s not my favorite all  right so now that we’re nice and caffeinated   that strong strong coffee we’re going to go  just to around the town here today tomorrow  

We do plan to go explore the beautiful  landscapes around delat some of the most   beautiful landscapes in the whole country but  the city itself has so many unique features   different unique architecture all around and  really cool unique restaurants and bars and  

I know I just said unique three times but we’re  going to stick with it because because they are   very unique yeah there’s some very interesting  things here there’s a good one interesting so   we’re going to go try and find them today  and the first Stu we’re heading to right

Now all right so now we’ve come down to the  crazy house it’s called it’s actually like   a guest house if you’re looking for somewhere to  stay you can actually stay here all right so 120   dong to get in for two people 60 dong each  it’s roughly like $4 Ian little less so not

Terrible thank you thank you so much he  crept right up on me I didn’t even see   him standing it says right here that it’s  rated one of the 20 strangest hotel rooms   in the world I believe it it looks like  something out of The Hobbit or Lord of  

The Rings or something it’s pretty definitely  has Hobbit it’s got hobit Bobs up [Music] in [Music] seems to be a lot more rooms than I  had expected in this you know what I mean I   thought there would just be a couple but there  just goes on forever and ever and ever there’s  

Like railings on these Bridges but they’re at  like knee height so it feels a little sketchy   coming Crossing some of these Bridges and  it is high up and you could definitely fall   if you’re not paying attention so keeping  my eyes on the prize here this is actually

Scary it’s like a maze it just keeps going [Music] on oh my God I I at that this is not very an  inclusive kind of stay don’t just K my butt   it’s not just a museum it’s an Adventure Park  oh cool W look at this like where the master  

Eats the dinner I think this is actually the  reception it said oh so this is the reception   of the hotel my bad my bad oh look at all these  old photographs I love old photographs it’s them  

Breaking ground for it we don’t speak Vietnamese  so we really can’t read it but I’m guessing this   is probably the guy that came up with the idea  he seems to be breaking the ground maybe he’s   more of a political figure he seems very important  I’m not sure yeah something about old photographs  

Yeah I think about time that they lived kind of  lives they LED what happened in their lives how   did they die that got more be so morid some of  them might still be living it’s something that I   think you should come check out yeah if you’ve  got kids it’s definitely worth exploring they  

Would love to check out this place it’s not a  whole day event no but it’s definitely really   cool to check out yeah it’s worth a stop and  it was like 5 minutes down the road from where  

We were so worth checking out less than 10 bucks  for us both to kind of come tour around yeah check   out something new and unique and how many times  am I going to use unique I don’t know to like 1  

2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 well not that anyone’s  counting or anything I think it’s time we go   grab something to eat and actually we found  a really cool restaurant and bar if there’s  

Anywhere that’s more unique than here it’s this  place that we’re headed to next all right so upon   further research scratch that we’ll be going  to the cool bar the unique bar in a little bit   because they actually don’t serve food and we’re  really hungry we were just discussing too that  

If you’re looking for a Christmas gift idea  for Kyle and Jess maybe a thesaurus would be   a good idea I think so just jokes a nice like  and comment saying Merry Christmas is all we   need Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to each  of you by the way this should be coming out  

Probably a little bit after Christmas so Merry  belated Christmas we hope you have a great New Year all right so we come down to the now coffee  in Destro it’s like half a block away from the  

Crazy house really didn’t need to drive that far  no but it’s a nice place with some good prices   beautiful garden setting to have lunch in they  have a mixture of Vietnamese traditional food   but then also you got a bit of Italian you  got a bit of French in there so we kind of  

Got a mixture and we can pick whatever we  want yeah we like the places where we can   have a wide variety so everybody’s happy  I already know what I want that was quick [Music] ch so we’ve come down to the 100  roofs maze bar right downtown here one  

Of the coolest places I think we’ve ever  seen when you first walk in you have to   order your drinks first so we’ve gotten some  drinks and then just like the name says it’s   like a bit of a maze so let’s go explore  and see what this place is all [Music]

About it’s spooky like it’s scary it’s like  a little haunted feels like a haunted house   soft this is so crazy it’s so dark too it  is it’s like amazing the name speaks true   it is literally amazed you can go up the  stairs down the hall and these like creepy  

Faces on the wall okay do you want to go up  should we let’s go down first we’ll go down first [Music] it just goes  gosh this crazy how big is   this place it seems to just keep going and [Music]

Going gosh it’s dark you believe it is it’s  like a haunted house once was blind but now I see it looks like we’re in a cave honestly  it feels like we’re in a cave okay and it  

Like Echoes Echo now you can actually see what  this place is like guys okay that was perfect   but it kind of kills the spookiness a little  bit having a light but at the same time we’d  

Rather you guys so just so you know it is Pitch  Black it is Pitch Black in here and you got all   these little kind of cubby ho tables spider  I’m joking I was like I just got soaked and  

Now there’s a spider you little B just a minute  ago we ran into this girl who was like how do I   get out of here do you know how we got back up  no I have no idea this is crazy it is literally  

Amazed when you come in here it’s funny because  she was like how do I get out of here and we’re   like oh yeah you just go down that way and then  up the stairs we just got in here so that’s how  

You get out but now we’ve gone in circles and  I’m like how do we get out just go down cuz   we’re going up so just go down we’ll keep going  up see if we can make it to the top with this  

Light I feel like we’re in like The Blair Witch  oh oh my gosh don’t say that it’s such a good   movie it feels like there’s at some point going  to open up and be like an actual Bo oh what’s in here feel like we’re getting close  yeah we made it through the Maze  

And found the actual bar this is  the top yeah yeah got enough top   find it we made it we made it this  is awesome find the garden garden no this way this up this way I going  up to the Garden area good luck

Good oh wow that’s so cute it’s like an enchanted  forest it is all right so it’s definitely not just   amaz there’s like a bar and then this beautiful  garden we just found cool success we made it we  

Made it through the maze we found the gardens  what an adventure yeah I wish we should have   maybe come in daytime cuz then you would have  seen the gardens a little bit better but that  

Just leaves a little bit more mystery for if you  want to come check it out yourself so when you’re   in the lot you got to come check this place out  come check out the ma Cafe and bar for sure and  

They got cheap wine they got cheap we wine so  can’t go wrong am I right but with that said we   should maybe grab a quick night cap and then  head back to our room because we are heading  

Out of town tomorrow not leaving delat but we  are heading out to the clay tunnels which is   an absolute mustsee so we’re going there next  it’s going to be the evening for us but just 2   seconds for you we’ll see you then all right  so we’ve made it here what a beautiful drive  

On the way out here too oh my gosh and it totally  reminds me of Canada yeah it feels like we are in   Alberta and BC like it is crazy how SI similar  it is pine trees and like the mountainous feel  

To it too it’s not nearly as humid as some of  the beach towns we’ve been to here in oh it’s   definitely cool like you definitely want your  jacket maybe even a pair of jeans yeah I wore  

Shorts today kind of wish I had to maybe brought  some jeans or something so but it’s not that bad   not that bad all right so 240 dong not terrible  about 13 bucks Canadian not bad it is more of a  

Touristy like tourist attraction and you may  notice that we’ve done a lot of those in this   video here there’s so much to see throughout  the Lattin the beautiful countryside and the   big Highland Hills but we like to mix it up with a  little bit of the raw experience the less touristy  

Places but then we also like to do some of the  really touristy things and when we were looking   into the L we just couldn’t help ourselves but  to go to some of these really beautiful places   that they’ve put together and this place looks  like one of [Music] them [Music] I believe this  

Is story of Vietnam like there’s lots of stories  of Vietnam to pic I believe don’t quote me don’t   quote me on that we just saw some cool pictures  and we were like oh let’s go check that out we  

Don’t know too too much about the place we aren’t  necessarily A History Channel or like National   geographically one thing about theat in general  though it seems to be like they really enjoy   making these sculpture pieces of art everywhere  you go quirkiness it’s got a quirkiness to it yeah  

Oh wow it’s like a little village oh my God love  [Music] it [Music] it’s massive that’s what she said we’re in for a show tonight play us the song Mr piano woman play  us a song tonight cuz we’re all in the mood  

For a melody and you got us feeling all right  [Applause] there’s a few people here but that’s   one thing I’ve also noticed is even some of these  more touristy attractions they’re not super busy   no met a lady yesterday she was from Vietnam and  they were saying that locals tend to like like the  

Flower The Flower Farms and sometimes things are  a bit too quirky that they didn’t really like like   them and it’s more for like the international  tourist yeah yeah exactly it is a real quiet   quaint little getaway from the city too like the  hustle and bustle even a small City like the lat  

It’s nice to just kind of yeah then you got the  little music in the background by the cafe it’s   quiet quiet little walking path in the garden  yeah take it she doesn’t look too impressed  

Maybe I hyped it up in my head but it’s okay I  don’t know if it’s worth the entrance fee that   you paid yeah it’s it’s pretty cool but it’s  maybe if you had kids yeah and we were saying  

Even if you have kids there’s not like a lot to  do like inter like uh like interaction wise yeah   we just went and S there’s like a little archery  range there and they said yeah you can do 20 dong  

For three arrows if one of them hits the target  you can win a bottle of wine fortunately it was   a red bottle of wine just as a white wine so it  didn’t work for us but maybe I just hyped it a  

Bit in my head yeah it’s one of those things where  it looks really picturesque in all the pictures   but then it’s really just kind of a couple of  sculptures that are kind of that picture worthy  

Place and I think we’re just going to wrap it up  here because like we said it’s a little bit more   of the same yeah yeah but make sure to click  subscribe ring a ding ding dong that Bell so  

You be notified of our future videos and until  next time see you in the next one bye [Music] bye he

We’ve spent 1 month in Vietnam so far, and Da Lat is the most unique place so far!

We know, there’s so much to see and do in Vietnam, but this little city in the Vietnam Highlands, is an absolute must see in Vietnam!

In this video, we take you around one of the best tourist destinations in Vietnam, to show you what it’s all about!

We hope you enjoy this Vietnam travel vlog! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

#vietnam #vietnamtravel #dalat

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