TOP 10 Things to do in MADRID – [Travel Guide]

Hey, adventurers! Are you ready to explore one of  the most amazing cities in Europe? A city full of   culture, history, art, and entertainment? A city  that will make you fall in love with its charm,  

Its beauty, and its people? If you are, then  join us as we take you to the top 10 things   to do in Madrid, the capital and largest city of  Spain. And stay tuned until the end, because we  

Have a special bonus for you. You don’t want to  miss it! and Welcome to the Global Adventures. [Number 1. MUSEO DEL PRADO] The first thing on our list is the Museo   del Prado, one of the most famous and popular  art museums in the world, and a must-see for any  

Art lover. The Prado houses a vast collection of  masterpieces by Spanish and European artists, such   as Vel zquez, Goya, El Greco, Titian, Caravaggio,  Rubens, and more. Some of the highlights include   Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights, Caravaggio’s  David with Head of Goliath, and Goya’s Black  

Paintings. The Prado is also one of the largest  museums in the world, with over 20,000 works of   art and 8,000 paintings. You will need at least a  few hours to explore this museum, and you will be  

Amazed by the beauty and diversity of the art  on display. The Prado is open from Monday to   Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sundays  and holidays, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The admission  

Fee is 15 euros, but you can get a free entry if  you visit during the last two hours of the day,   or if you are under 18, a student, or a senior  citizen. The Prado is also free on some special  

Days, such as May 18, November 19, and December 6.  The Prado is located in the Paseo del Prado, one   of the main boulevards of Madrid, and it is easily  accessible by metro, bus, or bike. The Prado  

Is definitely one of the best things to do in  Madrid, and a must-visit for any art enthusiast. [Number 2. RETIRO PARK] The second thing on our list is   the Retiro Park, the green heart of Madrid and  a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature. The  

Retiro Park was once a royal property, but now it  is open to the public and full of elegant gardens,   fountains, statues, and monuments. You can rent  a boat and paddle on the Grand Pond, admire the   beautiful glass pavilion, or visit the oldest  tree in the city, a Montezuma Cypress planted  

In 1633. The Retiro Park is also a great place to  have a picnic, read a book, play with your kids,   or just take a walk and breathe some fresh  air. The Retiro Park is open every day, from  

6 a.m. to midnight, and it is free to enter. The  Retiro Park is located in the center of Madrid,   and it is easily accessible by metro, bus, or  bike. The Retiro Park is one of the most beautiful  

And relaxing things to do in Madrid, and a perfect  escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. [ Number 3. ROYAL PALACE] The third thing on our list   is the Royal Palace, the official residence of  the Spanish royal family, and the largest royal  

Palace in western Europe. The Royal Palace was  built in the 18th century on the site of a former   Moorish fortress, and it has a stunning mix of  baroque and neoclassical styles. You can take   a guided tour and see the lavish rooms, the royal  collections, and the frescoes by Goya, Vel zquez,  

And other artists. Some of the highlights  include the Throne Room, the Hall of Mirrors,   the Royal Chapel, and the Royal Armory. The Royal  Palace is also surrounded by beautiful gardens,   such as the Campo del Moro and the Sabatini  Gardens, where you can enjoy the views of the  

Palace and the city. The Royal Palace is open  from Monday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.,   and the admission fee is 13 euros, but you can  get a free entry if you are under 18, a student,  

Or a senior citizen. The Royal Palace is also  free on some special days, such as April 18,   May 18, October 12, and December 6. The Royal  Palace is located in the Plaza de Oriente,   one of the most elegant and historic squares in  Madrid, and it is easily accessible by metro,  

Bus, or bike. The Royal Palace is one of  the most impressive and majestic things   to do in Madrid, and a must-see for  any history and architecture lover. [Number 4. PUERTA DEL SOL] The fourth thing on our list  

Is the Puerta del Sol, the most central and  iconic square in Madrid, and a popular meeting   point for locals and tourists alike. The Puerta  del Sol is surrounded by historical buildings,   such as the Casa de Correos, which houses the  clock that marks the New Year’s Eve countdown,  

And the Tio Pepe sign, a symbol of Madrid’s  nightlife. You can also find the famous statue of   the Bear and the Strawberry Tree, which represents  the coat of arms of Madrid. The Puerta del Sol  

Is also a great place to shop, eat, and drink, as  it has a variety of shops, restaurants, bars, and   cafes. You can also enjoy the street performers,  the musicians, and the atmosphere of the square.  

The Puerta del Sol is open 24/7, and it is free  to visit. The Puerta del Sol is located in the   heart of Madrid, and it is easily accessible  by metro, bus, or bike. The Puerta del Sol is  

One of the most lively and vibrant things to do  in Madrid, and a must-visit for any traveler. [Number 5. PLAZA MAYOR] The fifth thing on our list is the Plaza Mayor,   another impressive and historic square in Madrid,  and the heart of the old town. The Plaza Mayor was  

Built in the 17th century and has witnessed many  events, such as bullfights, markets, festivals,   and executions. It is enclosed by arcades and  adorned with statues, such as the equestrian   statue of King Philip III in the center. You can  stroll around the square, enjoy a coffee or a tapa  

At one of the many cafes, or visit the nearby San  Miguel Market, a gourmet food market where you can   taste some of the best Spanish delicacies.  The Plaza Mayor is also a great place to   experience some of the local traditions, such as  the Christmas market, the Epiphany parade, or the  

Carnival. The Plaza Mayor is open 24/7, and it is  free to visit. The Plaza Mayor is located in the   old town of Madrid, and it is easily accessible  by metro, bus, or bike. The Plaza Mayor is one  

Of the most charming and historic things to do  in Madrid, and a must-see for any culture lover. [Number 6. GRAN V A] The sixth thing on our list is the Gran V a, the   main and most famous street in Madrid, and a  showcase of the city’s architecture, culture,  

And entertainment. The Gran V a is lined with  majestic buildings, such as the Metropolis, the   Telef nica, and the Capitol, and it has a variety  of shops, restaurants, theaters, and cinemas. You   can walk along the street and admire the views,  go shopping, watch a musical, or join the vibrant  

Nightlife. The Gran V a is also a great place  to see some of the city’s landmarks, such as   the Cibeles Fountain, the Alcal Gate, and the  Plaza de Espa a, where you can find the statues  

Of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. The Gran V a  is open 24/7, and it is free to visit. The Gran   V a is located in the center of Madrid, and it is  easily accessible by metro, bus, or bike. The Gran  

V a is one of the most exciting and fun things  to do in Madrid, and a must-do for any traveler. [Number 7. SANTIAGO BERNAB U STADIUM] The seventh thing on our list is the   Santiago Bernab u Stadium, the home of Real  Madrid, one of the most successful and popular  

Football clubs in the world. The Santiago Bernab u  Stadium is also one of the largest and most modern   stadiums in Europe, with a capacity of over 80,000  spectators. You can take a tour and see the pitch,   the dressing rooms, the trophies, and  the museum, or watch a match and cheer  

For your favorite team. The Santiago Bernab u  Stadium is also a great place to learn about   the history and the legends of Real Madrid,  such as Alfredo Di St fano, Zinedine Zidane,   Cristiano Ronaldo, and more. The Santiago Bernab  u Stadium is open from Monday to Saturday,  

From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Sundays and  holidays, from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The   admission fee is 25 euros, but you can get  a discount if you are under 14, a student,   or a senior citizen. The Santiago Bernab u  Stadium is located in the north of Madrid,  

And it is easily accessible by metro, bus, or  bike. The Santiago Bernab u Stadium is one of   the most thrilling and inspiring things to do in  Madrid, and a must-visit for any football fan. [Number 8. TEMPLE OF DEBOD] The eighth thing on our list is  

The Temple of Debod, a unique and  surprising attraction in Madrid,   as it is an ancient Egyptian temple that  was donated to Spain by Egypt in 1968. The   Temple of Debod was originally built in the 2nd  century BC and dedicated to the goddess Isis. It  

Is located in a park near the Royal Palace,  and it offers a stunning view of the city,   especially at sunset. You can visit the temple  and learn about its history and symbolism,   or just enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere. The  Temple of Debod is open from Tuesday to Sunday,  

From 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and the admission is  free. The Temple of Debod is located in the   west of Madrid, and it is easily accessible  by metro, bus, or bike. The Temple of Debod   is one of the most unique and romantic things to  do in Madrid, and a must-see for any traveler.

[Number 9. REINA SOF A MUSEUM] The ninth thing on our list is the Reina Sof a   Museum, the national museum of modern and  contemporary art in Spain, and a counterpart to   the Prado. It has a rich and diverse collection of  works by Spanish and international artists, such  

As Picasso, Dal , Mir , Kandinsky, and Warhol.  The most famous and impressive work is Picasso’s   Guernica, a powerful painting that depicts the  horrors of the Spanish Civil War. The Reina Sof a   Museum is also a great place to discover some of  the latest trends and movements in the art world,  

Such as surrealism, cubism, expressionism, and pop  art. The Reina Sof a Museum is open from Monday to   Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sundays,  from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The admission fee is 10  

Euros, but you can get a free entry if you visit  during the last two hours of the day, or if you   are under 18, a student, or a senior citizen. The  Reina Sof a Museum is also free on some special  

Days, such as April 18, May 18, October 12, and  December 6. The Reina Sof a Museum is located in   the south of Madrid, and it is easily accessible  by metro, bus, or bike. The Reina Sof a Museum is  

One of the most fascinating and creative things to  do in Madrid, and a must-visit for any art lover. [Number 10. EL RASTRO] The tenth and last thing on our list is the El  Rastro, the largest and most famous flea market  

In Madrid, and a tradition that dates back to the  15th century. It is held every Sunday and public   holiday, and it attracts thousands of visitors  and vendors. You can find all kinds of items,   such as antiques, books, clothes, jewelry,  and souvenirs. You can also enjoy the lively  

Atmosphere, the street performers, and the bars  and restaurants in the area. The El Rastro is   a great place to experience the authentic and  colorful side of Madrid, and to find some bargains   and treasures. The El Rastro is open from 9 a.m.  to 3 p.m., and it is free to visit. The El Rastro  

Is located in the east of Madrid, and it is easily  accessible by metro, bus, or bike. The El Rastro   is one of the most fun and adventurous things  to do in Madrid, and a must-do for any traveler. [BONUS: TOLEDO]

And now, as a bonus, we have a special  recommendation for you. If you have some   extra time and want to explore more of Spain, you  should definitely visit Toledo, a beautiful and   historic city that is located about 70 km south of  Madrid, and it is easy to reach by train or bus.  

Toledo is known as the City of Three Cultures, as  it has a rich and diverse heritage of Christian,   Muslim, and Jewish influences. You can  visit the stunning cathedral, the Alc zar,   the Synagogue of Santa Mar a la Blanca, the  Mosque of Cristo de la Luz, and the El Greco  

Museum. You can also admire the views of the  city from the river or the hills, and taste the   famous marzipan. Toledo is a UNESCO World Heritage  Site, and one of the most charming and picturesque   cities in Spain. Toledo is a perfect day trip  from Madrid, and a must-see for any traveler.

And that’s it for this video,  adventurers. We hope you enjoyed   our list of the top 10 things to do in  Madrid, and we hope you will visit this   amazing city soon. Madrid is a city  that will surprise you, delight you,  

And make you want to come back for more.  Madrid is a city that you will never forget.  But before you go, we have some questions for you.  What do you think of our list? Have you been to  

Madrid before? What are your favorite things to  do in Madrid? Let us know in the comments below,   we would love to hear from you. And don’t forget to like, share,   and subscribe to our channel for more travel  videos. We have many more adventures to show you,  

And we don’t want you to miss any of them. So, hit  that bell icon and join us on our next adventure. Thank you for watching, and we will  see you in the next video. Adios!

Welcome to The Global Adventures! Our latest video, “TOP 10 Things to do in MADRID – Travel Guide”, is your ultimate guide to exploring the vibrant city of Madrid.

We’ll take you on a journey through the city’s rich history and culture, starting with the magnificent Museo del Prado, home to one of the finest collections of European art. Next, we’ll stroll through the lush Retiro Park, a green oasis in the heart of the city. Our adventure continues at the grand Royal Palace, the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family. We’ll then visit the bustling Puerta del Sol, the true center of Madrid, and the historic Plaza Mayor, known for its beautiful architecture. We’ll explore the lively Gran Via, Madrid’s main shopping street, and catch a game at the iconic Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, home of Real Madrid. We’ll also visit the ancient Egyptian Temple of Debod, and the contemporary Reina Sofia Museum, where you can admire works by Picasso and Dalí. Don’t miss out on El Rastro, Madrid’s famous open-air flea market, and as a bonus, we’ll take a day trip to the stunning city of Toledo, known for its medieval Arab, Jewish, and Christian monuments.

Join us on this exciting journey and discover the best that Madrid has to offer in 2024! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to @TheGlobalAdventures_ for more travel guides and adventures around the world. Safe travels! 🌍

01:56 2. RETIRO PARK
05:24 5. PLAZA MAYOR
06:26 6. GRAN VÍA
10:54 10. EL RASTRO
11:44 BONUS

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