Барселона что посмотреть 2024 #barcelona2024 #sagradafamília #ПляжБарселоны #топместбарселоны

Hello everyone, you are on the Frostysummer channel, today we will talk about our little trip around beautiful Barcelona and show the bright corners of this city [music] Let’s start with a picturesque place – the Ciutadella Park. The path to it lies through the Arc de Triomphe. This

Structure was built for the opening of the World’s Fair, when the city was preparing to welcome a million visitors from 27 countries. It is unique in that it is the only arch-shaped monument not built to honor generals, emperors or conquests. The arch is also

Distinguished by its material – it is built of red brick. Unlike many similar buildings made of gray or beige stone, the red color makes this arch especially solemn. This monument is dedicated to the mayor of Barcelona and the main organizer of the 1888 World’s Fair.

The Castle of the Three Dragons (Castell dels Tres Dragons) was built for the 1888 World’s Fair and served as a restaurant. Instead of being demolished after the exhibition, the building became home to a natural history museum laboratory in 1920

. The pearl of the park is the Cascade fountain, designed in the form of a triumphal arch. The main figure of the entire composition is the sculpture of Venus in a sea shell. Numerous mythical creatures are placed around it . In sunny weather, the fountain looks simply incomparable.

The Sagrada Familia is the most visited attraction in Barcelona. Gaudi began construction of the temple in 1883 at the age of 31 and since 1914 he devoted all his energy to it. At the time of his death in 1926, only a quarter of the building was completed;

Construction is expected to be completed in 2026, timed to coincide with the centenary of Gaudi’s death, the entire process will take 144 years, 10 times longer than the construction of the Pyramid of Cheops and 123 years longer than the construction of the Taj Mahal . are financed exclusively by parishioners and

Gaudí’s source of inspiration was nature; the temple is filled with its symbols, especially in the stunning 60 m high ceiling vaults imitating the crowns of trees. 18 spiers of the temple symbolize the 12 apostles, the Virgin Mary, the four evangelists

Of Jesus Christ and create a unique architectural harmony more than 3 million people a year. visits the temple attracted by the magical atmosphere, some visit the temple several times in the description of the video we will leave a link to purchase tickets and book a visit to Sograda Familia

Because this must be done in advance, otherwise you simply most likely will not get there back in 2014, a Catalan artist embodied a unique for the idea of ​​the kissing wall, he used 4,000 photographs of Catalans captured in their moments of happiness

, weddings, birthdays, motherly affection and much more. Each photo carries a charge of positivity. Turning from the main pedestrian street La Rambla we will find ourselves on the Royal Square. GaudI also took part in its construction. Despite the name, kings never lived on it,

In the center of the square there is a popular and beautiful fountain of the Three Graces , around it grow luxurious palm trees, in the crowns of which parrots scream, brought to Europe by Columbus . Casa Mila in Barcelona is Gaudi’s last completed creation.

After completing the work, he plunged into the construction of the Sagrada Familia, abandoning any other projects. The façade of Casa Batlló looks as if a house was built from skulls and bones. For this project, Gaudi was inspired by the colors and shapes of sea life,

For example, the colors of the façade are the colors of corals in their natural environment. The main cathedral of Barcelona is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia, a beautiful church in the Gothic style; on the sides of the building you can see gargoyles

That represent sinners through which water flows, thereby purifying their souls. The fascinating history of the Bridge of Sighs in Barcelona: its creator, Joan Rubio i Belver, a student and colleague of the great Antonio Gaudi, proposed the demolition of some city blocks that did not correspond to the Gothic style

And the construction of new ones in the neo-Gothic style. However, this project faced stiff resistance and was buried. As a consolation, Rubio was allowed to build the famous bridge over Bishop Street, which continues to delight millions of tourists every year.

One of the beliefs says that if you walk under a bridge with your back forward, looking all the while into the empty eye sockets of the skull, and make a secret wish, it will certainly come true! One of the beautiful buildings of the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona – the Archdeacon’s House

Inside which now houses the Historical Archives of Barcelona. The house is adjacent to the Roman Wall, built in the 3rd century BC. Walking inside you can also admire the beautiful architecture of the palace. The Gothic Quarter, this picturesque area with streets and alleys in the traditional old European style,

Is the real heart of Barcelona. It combines monuments from the Roman Empire, civil war and vibrant modern culture. The square, named after Ramon Berenguer, contains a monument to this outstanding man. he was the ruler of Catalonia and under his rule the territory of the country expanded significantly.

The central square of the Gothic quarter, St. James Square, hosts a festival of competitions in the construction of castells, towers of people, and on Sundays residents come here to dance the national dance sardana

Boqueria is the famous market of Barcelona offering a wide selection of fresh fruit fish and meat it is one of the oldest markets in the city. Barcelona has another very stylish Sant Antoni market. This was the first market in Barcelona built outside the city walls

, and on Sundays flea markets are held on the territory of this market. a unique feature of Barcelona is its unsurpassed desserts and pastries, they are so delicious, tasty and fresh that you want to buy them again and again, almost any culinary specialty will delight you with its sweets

In Spain there are many art galleries, each of which is designed for a variety of tastes and budgets. There, if desired, or you can dance in joy of successful purchases. Walking along the streets you will meet many people who enjoy life in the open air.

Here you will find street performers and creators creating unique art right before your eyes. And on the way to the sea there is a long wall with a variety of graffiti. Plaza de España is the most beautiful and impressive square of the Catalan

Capital in the middle of the square there is a fountain with statues symbolizing prosperity, faith, courage, art and commerce this square was significantly rebuilt for the World Exhibition in 1929 This square offers incredible views of the National Palace of Barcelona and the magical fountain at its base, on the mountain Montjuic.

The Garden of Rubio y Luce is a small green area that occupies the courtyard of a medieval monastery and hospital. Now there is an art school nearby, and its students can often be found in this garden.

This is a garden in the heart of the metropolis, where peace and quiet reigns, and you can relax on the comfortable shady benches Barceloneta is the area where the famous beach is located.

Initially, this was the residence of sailors and fishermen; they were the first to choose this place. Today it is a well-maintained tourist area with many bars, restaurants, sports fields and a promenade for relaxing walks along the coast. During a beach holiday, local merchants will offer you to buy everything from things to food.

Barcelona is a magnificent city with a rich culture, unique architecture and an exciting atmosphere. Like and Subscribe to our channel, see you soon

В нашем видео вы узнаете, как максимально насладиться Барселоной всего за один день, охватив главные достопримечательности, которые вас поразят своей красотой. Среди них — Саграда Фамилия, дома Гауди, рынок Бокерия, готический квартал и многое другое!

Билеты в Саграда Фамилия


  1. Хорошие изображения, хотя музыкальный фон временами совершенно неуместен и не имеет ничего общего с Каталонией, Барселоной и тем более с Антонио Гауди.

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