SEVILLA💃. QUÉ VER y hacer en 3 días.[Andalucía, ESPAÑA 2024]

Charm, magic, joy, sensations that take over you and transport you are what Seville provokes as soon as you arrive. If you are preparing a trip to Spain and Seville is one of the included destinations, we invite you to walk with us through its streets and

Discover even a little of everything that this Andalusian city has to offer us. If you are thinking of visiting Spain but you haven’t included it, wait until the video ends and tell me if you haven’t changed your mind. Remember that Seville has a special color………..

We will give this city three days, at the end of the video we will show you, as always, the hotel where we stayed. Travel companions welcome to Seville!! First of all, I tell you that we all did the tours on foot, it is a

City to enjoy, with those sunny days that Seville presents it is a wonder to be able to do it. We will start today in the María Luisa park and in it the Plaza de España. The María Luisa park is formed

In part by the gardens of the San Telmo Palace donated in 1893 to the city of Seville. Over the years, this park was chosen for the Ibero-American exhibition of 1929. Built between 1914 and 1929 for said exhibition, we find the beautiful Plaza de España.

The square is large, it has a semi-elliptical shape that symbolizes Spain’s embrace of its former American territories. Throughout the entire square you will find tiled benches that represent the provinces of Spain. This monument has also been the setting for famous films such as Lawrence of

Arabia or episode 2 of Star Wars, Attack of the Clones. It is one of the most iconic places in Seville and it is truly beautiful, words are beyond these images. It is also not worth telling them that this square is a square open to the public, a place that

You do not pay to access. Yes, there is a cost if you want to enjoy a boat ride, prices range from 6 to 12 euros depending on the type of boat as well as the duration of the ride.

From this iconic place in Seville and Spain we stop for a moment to tell you how we stay connected during our travels. Everyone who follows us on our networks knows that while we are traveling we show them day by day, with publications

And stories to show them in the moment how beautiful we are finding. We always stay connected thanks to Holafly eSIM, which in the case of Europe gives us unlimited internet. The purchase is simple, you choose the eSim for the number of days you are

At your destination, you make the purchase online and install it before embarking on the trip to activate it as soon as the plane lands, and at that moment the costs begin to fall. send messages and

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With esim technology, I leave the list in the description, and that your phone is unlocked by your company. We leave you a discount coupon in the description for you to use on your next purchase, and also a video that we have that explains the step by step from purchase, installation and activation.

After this little traveler’s advice we continued our walk and directed our steps towards the Royal Alcazar of Seville. About 800 meters separate us. The walk is so enjoyable that you don’t even realize that time passes, in every corner, in every corner something will catch your attention,

Something will awaken in you sensations that cannot be described in words, that is Seville. The Royal Alcázar of Seville is a walled palace complex and is one of the oldest palaces in use in the world. He has lived through different stages in time and since

Its walls have contemplated the influence of the different cultures that have passed through Seville. It is an essential tour, I recommend doing it. It will take a long time since it is advisable to do it slowly, without rushing, estimate between two and three hours so reserve that time in the day’s itinerary.

We visited it in the month of October and it coincided with the Pilar bridge (here we don’t call our country a bridge but a long holiday), but in short you understand, there were a lot of people!, so perhaps on other dates it is different, but I would advise you to bring

Your tickets, it is easy, you can do it online and reserve your place, since the day we visited the tickets were already sold out, in our case luckily as always we already had a reservation, (and it is Also a way to avoid the lines)

The ticket price is 13.50 euros, you will need to bring an ID with you at the entrance to access the venue so don’t forget to have it, on Mondays there are hours with free access. In the fifth season of Game of Thrones, the Alcazar served as a set to

Become the kingdom of Dorne. If you have seen the series, in addition to marveling at the route, you will be able to recognize some places from its scenes. We continue with the walk and will pass by the General Archive of the Indies. The General Archive of the Indies is one of the

Most important documentary centers that exist related to the discovery and encounter of the New World. You can visit it, it is closed on Mondays, admission is free. We now arrive at the Cathedral and the Giralda. The cathedral is a Catholic temple of Gothic style, UNESCO declared it

In 1987, along with our previous visits to the Real Alcázar and the Archivo de Indias, a World Heritage Site, in 1988 the Guinness Book of Records certified that it was the cathedral with largest area in the world. For all that has been said, it is understood that a visit to the Cathedral of

Seville is essential, we are facing one of the most impressive cathedrals in the world. Inside you will find the tomb of Christopher Columbus. Although it has days and times of free access, the price of general admission is 12 euros online and

13 euros if you buy it at the box office. The ticket includes access to the Cathedral, the Giralda and the Church of the Savior that we will see later. Giralda is the name given to the bell tower of the Cathedral, the lower part of the tower corresponds to the minaret

Of the old mosque of the city, while the upper part is a superimposed construction in the 16th century, in Christian times, to house The bells. At its peak is the bronze statue that represents the triumph of faith and serves as a weather vane, the Giraldillo.

Going up to the Giralda is perhaps something that we all have in mind before arriving in Seville, what we have to keep in mind is that the climb, as expected, is not by elevator but is on foot, in our case as I told you there were so many people,

But the plus is that it is not a staircase but rather a ramp and it is wide, so the climb is quite easy. It is good to clarify it because it is not specified almost anywhere, and sometimes before climbing any bell tower, we see people with doubts because no one wants

To start climbing and regret it halfway through. From the top of the Giralda you will get views of the Sevillian rooftops that are worth it and you are also in the most iconic place in the city. We try to capture our experience everywhere we

Go, it always obviously depends on tastes, moments, crowds, etc. So as I have told you several times, look for more opinions, don’t just stick with what I tell you. I mean, you can see that they are real travelers, there are many videos that are exclusively from image banks and

Not a real visit, but it is easy to identify the travelers, you obviously realize that. And as I always tell you, keep in mind that everyone’s tastes are different, but it will help you

Form an idea of ​​the place, then you will confirm if you agree or not with what someone has told you. The visit to the Cathedral is worth it, it is a must in Seville. From here, From the patio of Los Naranjos, we finish this tour of this first day that we began there

In Plaza España, now to rest because tomorrow we will continue in this beautiful city. Here on the map the places visited today. Today we are going to the Triana neighborhood, but first we are going to see

A couple more places, we will set out, the same as I said the previous day, the walk is exquisite, I dare to say that it is one of the cities where the most I have enjoyed it. Our accommodation was quite close to the Plaza de la

Encarnación, which we will see later, so what is detailed in the walk is from our starting point, it will vary for you depending on your accommodations. Our accommodation, our chosen hotel this time was Casa Palacio Don Pedro. It’s very simple, remember that I told you that the city was packed, therefore the prices

Were quite high, so it was chosen based on price, as well as location. Anyway, in October we paid 110 euros per night without breakfast. The surroundings are beautiful, the area is very beautiful. As I said, prices vary greatly due to all these details, if you

Are going at a time when people are going to arrive en masse to the city the prices are going to rise, it will be different if you travel at another time, if you travel in winter

Than if they travel in summer. So I leave you the month and what I paid but always look for This is a really very basic hotel But hey, it was clean, it was good. As I said, from here we set course on our walk.

And on this beautiful walk we will now pass through the Plaza del Cabildo, a corner that will take a few minutes to enter but is charming. The Plaza del Cabildo is located in the Arenal neighborhood, in the old town, next to the cathedral.

As I said, all the points we are making are very close to each other, I am leaving them all on a map so you can make your own. This time we did not do a free tour because we already knew the city, but as I always

Tell you, it is a good option to make the first contact with it, in the blog there is the link to reserve the free tour as well as the links to everything that I am naming during the video. We took a little detour to see the Royal Tobacco Factory.

This building was the headquarters of the first tobacco factory established in Europe and is the most important Industrial building in Spain from the 17th century, it is classified as an Asset of Cultural Interest with the category of historical monument. Since

The mid-20th century it has housed the headquarters of the rectorate of the University of Seville and some of its faculties. You can visit to admire the building, admission is free. We could have visited it yesterday but since we had more crowded places we left it for this second day.

Be careful when I say walk or walk a lot, we have gone in autumn, but it is not a good idea to walk in summer, at midday for example, the heat in Seville is very hot, so keep that in mind. We will now arrive at the Paseo de Cristóbal Colón located on the

Eastern bank of the Guadalquivir River and thus at the Torre del Oro, and already on the opposite bank we begin to see the Triana neighborhood. The Torre del Oro is a defensive tower that protected the city from invasions by the Guadalquivir River, it was built in 1221, it can also be visited

Since in 1944 the Naval Museum was inaugurated inside the tower, the museum is distributed On two floors and a panoramic terrace, admission costs 3 euros, and on Mondays it is free. Tourist buses can also be an option, especially if you go with

Children or older adults, to avoid the fatigue of the walk, especially if it is hot. We continue the walk along this beautiful Paseo de Cristóbal Colón and we find the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza. This bullring, next to the one in Madrid, is one of the most

Important in Spain and is also one of the most visited sites in Seville. The entrance price is 10 euros. Those who follow me already know that I don’t enter these types of places but I leave all the information on the blog for anyone who wants to do so.

And now, we cross the Isabel II Bridge, better known as the Triana Bridge, to immerse ourselves in one of the most beautiful walks to do in Seville and to which we will dedicate the rest of the day. The neighborhood of Triana

It is said that Triana is the most flavorful and special neighborhood in Seville, will you join us to discover if this is true? As soon as we cross we find the San Jorge castle, which houses an exhibition related to its dark past. The castle was used as the headquarters and prison

Of the Spanish inquisition, it was demolished in the 19th century to build the food market. The museum is located in the underground ruins, admission is free. Next to it we see the Capilla del Carmen. Here is this market calling me to enter, and who could say no?

When entering the market website we find a legend, the market is Triana and Triana is the market. A few steps inside will take us to discover the heart of the neighborhood. Stalls of all kinds, many places to eat and have a drink, people everywhere, you stop for a second, you hear people talking

In all languages ​​next to you, no one who passes in front resists entering, neither do we. A stop to snack on something, accompany it with a beer and have that moment of enjoyment in which you stop filming and gathering information so that

Your senses are distracted by aromas, sounds, and colors, because none of this is missing here. At this impasse we ask that if you like the video you subscribe. Thank you!! Now we continue. The sun shines in all its splendor and we continue the walk

Along the San Jacinto pedestrian street. Shops, bars, and enjoyment is felt in it. On this street we find the Chapel of the Star, and a few steps later the parish of San Jacinto, there are many churches that you will find here in Triana to give you a look inside.

Retracing our steps we can pass through Betis Street next to the river, through the Santa Ana parish, and through the Los Marineros chapel, and we will go to the Triana Ceramics Center. Triana, in addition to everything the city has, the pottery tradition took the name of

Seville to all corners of the world, ceramics have always stood out in Seville and that is how we find samples of beautiful ceramics in these houses. So a tour here is charming and recommended. Continuing the walk a little further, just a little, we will reach the Alley of the Inquisition.

Remember that we were talking about Castillo San Jorge as the center of the inquisition, since this narrow passage was part of the Castle enclosure. The accused were taken on this route to be judged by the court of the inquisition. A few steps later we find the Parroquia de la O.

As happens in many of these places, keep the places written down, but walk, walk and discover as they have much more even than what I have shown here. But we are finishing this second day in Seville here in Triana, we are going to rest and continue tomorrow on the last day in Seville.

Today, like every day, we will start the walk from our hotel, we will go to the Santa Cruz neighborhood to get lost in its streets. Santa Cruz is a historic neighborhood that sits in part of the city’s old Jewish quarter. Its narrow streets give it that charm and you can

Spend a lot of time walking without wanting to stop. We will find churches like Santa María la Blanca or the Church of the Holy Cross on this road. There are also many places to go for tapas, to have a drink,

The truth is that there is a lot of charm in all the areas that we have visited in Seville, I told them where we had the hotel and that the area is beautiful, but the truth is that they all The areas we passed through have a very special charm.

We will walk back and pass by the Church of the Savior, which we said at the beginning when we visited the Cathedral that with the entrance to the Cathedral, the Giralda, the entrance to the church of the Savior was included.

And slowly we turn towards the hotel but to finish in the Plaza de la Encarnación in the Metropol Parasol, the so-called Setas de Sevilla. In 2004, the Seville city council called an international competition for ideas to redevelopment, the objective of this initiative was to return to the Plaza de la Encarnación the life

And splendor it enjoyed years ago. From among 65 proposals the Jury chose the innovative Metropol Parasol project. In 2011, 250 meters of walkway was inaugurated to enjoy Seville from another perspective. The initial project was called Metropol Parasol but very soon

The citizens of Seville renamed it Las Setas, a name that is due to the shape of the unique structure. We are going to go up to the mushrooms, the schedule is long from 9:30 a.m. with the last access

At 11:30 p.m., the ticket price is 15 euros, you can get it right there at the ticket office. At night they light up with certain colors, it is a nice visit to make. And from here with the views of Seville we say goodbye to this city that, as you can see,

Has a lot to offer, what we saw and more, because there are always places to discover. As we said, there are many more places to add, if you have more days they can be the Basilica of the Macarena, the Palace of San Telmo, the Hospital de los

Venerables, the Palace of the Duchess of Alba, Casa de Pilatos, Church of Charity, In short, countless places. We hope that this tour has been helpful to you if you are preparing a visit to the city, or has encouraged you to add it to a future visit

To Spain. If any of this has happened, or if you simply liked the video, we ask you to like it, subscribe, and share it with travelers who like to create their own itineraries. Travel companions, have you already seen our videos from Malaga, Madrid or Barcelona?

Sevilla tiene un color especial😍. Muchos dicen que es la ciudad más bonita de España, incluso más bonita del mundo. Sevilla nos invita a dar un recorrido por sus calles que nos llevará por la Giralda, la Plaza de España, el Alcázar y más. Qué ver y hacer en Sevilla en 3 días.
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00:00 Qué visitar en Sevilla
01:28 Día 1- Plaza España-Alcázar de Sevilla-Catedral-Giralda
14:29 Día 2- Triana- Hotel- Torre del Oro-Plaza de toros
28:33 Día 3- Santa Cruz- Setas de Sevilla- Iglesia del Salvador

Música de este video: Epidemic Sound : Pruébalo gratis►

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