10 State Parks That Rival National Parks | Travel Video

Picture this 130 a inspiring sculptures strategically scattered across 10 square miles of California’s breathtaking Landscapes or imagine stumbling upon captivating petroglyphs in Nevada that have silently witnessed over 2,000 years of History these are merely two highlights featured in our top 10 list of state parks in the United States

Number 10 to kick off our exploration let’s hit East to the state of New York leworth State Park often referred to as the Grand Canyon of the East is a natural wonder nestled in the Gennesse river valley of Western New York encompassing approximately 14,42 Acres it stands as one of the

Largest state parks in the region established in 1907 leworth state park has a rich history that dates back to the senica nation who once inhabited the area the Park’s namesake William prior leworth was a philanthropist and preservationist whose efforts led to the protection and development of this stunning landscape today the park pays

Homage to its historical rots while providing a sanctuary for nature lovers and Adventure Seekers the Park’s rugged Cliffs and numerous Trails offer a range of outdoor activities for hikers and nature enthusiasts the trails may end through dense forests revealing stunning vistas of the gorge waterfalls and the JY River

Leworth provides a variety of programs encompassing nature history and Performing Arts including guided walks tours and a summer lecture series outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy whitewater rafting kaying and swimming and for a truly Unforgettable experience exploring leworth by hot air balloon is highly recommended and there’s a $10 parking

Fee required per vehicle during the summer peak season however it’s free if you’re there in the offseason number nine next let’s head to the West Coast and explore explore a park in the Golden State of California Emerald Bay State Park nestled along the pristine shores of Lake Tahoe is a

Breathtaking natural Haven that seamlessly combines stunning Landscapes Rich history and recreational opportunities founded in 1953 this California State Park encompasses approximately 1,533 Acres offering you a diverse and immersive experience in one of the most iconic locations in the Sierra Nevada region situated on the Southwest shore of Lake

Emerald Bay is renowned for its crystal clear waters and picturesque surroundings the park holds historical significance with evidence of early Native American habitation and later exploration by European settlers in the mid 19th century one of the Park’s notable features is Vikings home a Scandinavian inspired Mansion built in

1929 by Mrs Laura Josephine Knight Vikings home serves as a Living testament to the area’s history and Architectural charm for hikers and and outdoor enthusiasts the Rubicon Trail offers a Scenic trick along the shores of Lake Tahoe this well-maintained Trail takes you through Pine forests and showcases stunning vistas of the lake

Providing an immersive experience of the Park’s natural beauty and for kayakers you get a chance to explore the Bay’s pristine Waters at a leisurely Pace take note when you get there a small parking fee will be required $2 for 1 hour or $5 for the day per vehicle number eight as

We reach the eighth spot on our list we’re circling back to New York for another exciting State Park Watkins Glenn State Park located in the picturesque Finger Lakes region of New York is a natural gy that captivates you with its stunning Landscapes deep gorges and cascading

Waterfalls founded in 1863 it is one of the oldest state parks in the United States located near the southern tip of cica Lake the park is near the town of Watkins Glenn it covers an area of approximately 700 78 Acres providing a diverse and immersive experience for nature enthusiasts and outdoor

Adventurers the Park’s history is deeply rooted in the conservation movement of the 19th century it was initially privately owned until the state of New York acquired the land in 1906 officially designating it as a state park the crown jewel is undoubtedly The Gorge Trail a Scenic hiking path that

Manders through a narrow 400t deep gorge carved by Glenn Creek as you Traverse the Trail you’ll encounter 19 waterfalls among the notable highlights are Cavern Cascade Rainbow Falls and Central Cascade camping is also available at the park ranging from $18 to $30 per night for tents and $58 per

Night for cabins and be prepared to pay an entrance fee of $10 when you get to the gate between May and October number s for our next Park Escapade we’re headed west again but this time to the picturesque landscape of the high desert in Central Oregon Smith Rock State Park

Emerges as a geological Marvel etching its Grandeur against the backdrop of the Cascade Range located just outside the city of tabone this iconic Park stands as one of Oregon’s Seven Wonders captivating you with its breathtaking Landscapes and thrilling recreational opportunities a Haven for outdoor enthusiasts Smith Rock offers an

Extensive network of hiking trails that wind through the high desert terrain showcasing panoramic views of the Crooked River sheer Basalt Cliffs and the distant snowcap peaks of the Cascades renowned for its worldclass rock climbing opportunities the park draws climbers from around the globe to scale the iconic formations that Define

Its Skyline for those seeking to immerse themselves in the Park’s Beauty camping facilities are available allowing you to experience the magic of Smith Rock under the canvas of a stared Central Oregon sky as the sun sets over the Crooked River the landscape transforms into a tranquil Oasis providing an ideal

Setting for camping and stargazing weekends and summertime tend to be the busiest so arrive early if you can a parking pass is required which you can purchase on site for $5 or you can buy an annual pass for 30 number six shifting our gaze to the east our next

Park adventure takes us a few States over to the scenic Landscapes of Utah perched on the edge of the Colorado Plateau dead horsep Point State Park commands an unparalleled Panorama of the Southwest rugged Beauty just 32 Mi Northwest of Moab Utah this park offers an onping Vantage Point overlooking the

Majestic Colorado River providing you with an immersive experience Into the Heart of Canyon Country encompassing approximately 5,362 Acres dead horsep Point derives its intriguing name from a historical anecdote The Story Goes that during the late 19th century cowboys corraled wild mustangs onto the narrow Point using it

As a natural pin however horses kept perishing due to dehydration and the park hosts an extensive network of hiking trails like the dead horse Point Overlook Trail and the East Rim Intrepid trail that leads adventurers to breathtaking viewpoints such as the dead horse Point Overlook and the Schaefer Canyon Viewpoint offer

Mesmerizing vistas of the Meandering Colorado River the Towering Lal Mountains and the intricate Canyon Network below while enjoying the natural wonders it’s worth noting that there is a fee to enter which contributes to the preservation and M of this remarkable landscape the fee is $20 per vehicle or

$10 if you’re on foot number five this time around our travels extend far to the West taking us to a secluded island in the heart of the Pacific located on the western side of the island of kauwaii in Hawaii yaa Canyon State Park is a stunning geological Masterpiece often referred to as the

Grand Canyon of the Pacific this natural wonder is conveniently located near the town of WEA offering a Scenic Escape Into the Heart of the Island’s interior spanning over 1,800 acres WEA Canyon unfolds an array of red green and brown Hues the Canyon’s ballot of colors creates a visual spectacle that has

Earned at its well-deserved moniker carved over Centuries by the Meandering flow of the WEA River this on inspiring Canyon stretches approximately 14 m in length and plummets to depths of up to 3,600 ft the geological drama on display is a testament to the erosive power of water shaping the canyon steep Cliffs

And rugged terrain one of the notable features within yeha Canyon is the Majestic wole o Falls which drops up to 800 ft and for the outdoor enthusiasts WEA Canyon State Park offers a network of hiking trails that line through its diverse terrain Trails such as the canyon trail and Cliff Trail provide

Varying Vantage points allowing hikers to immerse themselves in the Canyon’s Beauty from different perspectives as as for entry there is no fee to access WEA Canyon State Park making it an accessible destination for those seeking to explore the wonders of the islands interior number four returning to the

Mainland our next State Park shares a border with the Pacific as well situated against the picturesque backdrop of Oregon’s Coastal expanse aola State Park stands as an idyllic Retreat just 80 Mi Northwest of Portland spanning over 1,000 Acres it presents a generous canvas for exploration encompassing diverse ecosystems that seamlessly blend dense tempered

Rainforests with dramatic Cliffs overlooking the vast Horizon of the Pacific Ocean it’s not just known for its scenery but also for its cinematic history Eola State Park served as a filming location for the iconic movie The Goonies The Very Shores with the famous Hast Stack Rock that played host to The

Adventures of Mikey and his friends continue to enchant you with the same sense of wonder and inrig captured on the Silver Screen if you’ve seen the movie and visited the park let us know in the comments the park unfolds a host of captivating features from Windswept Cliffs adorned with sick of spruce to

Intimate Crescent beaches cradled between Rocky promontories and a neighborhood of T pools reveals a hidden world of marine life for those drawn to the Allure of trails the cola State Park offers an array of hiking opportunities the Crescent Beach trail with its Meandering path through Lush Coastal forests unveils panoramic Vistas

That culminate in the breathtaking spectacle of Crescent Beach itself the Lewis and Clark Discovery Trail steeped in historical significance retraces 14 M of footsteps by the famous explorers and affords hikers with views of the tilamook Rock Lighthouse and the expansive tilamook head parking is located just north of the park with a

Daily fee of $5 per vehicle before moving on Please Subscribe hit the like and ring the notification Bell so you never miss our new destinations number three this this next Park on our list resides one state south of here in sunny Southern California located approximately 90 Mi Northeast of San

Diego anoro Desert State Park stands as a vast Testament to the state’s diverse and captivating Landscapes covering over 600,000 Acres it ranks as California’s largest state park surpassing even renowned counterparts like yosee and Death Valley the Park’s unusual landscape characterized by expansive desert Plains rugged canyons and striking Badland

Creates a mesmerizing Tableau that captivates all who Venture into its depths one of the Park’s most celebrated phenomena is the annual Wildflower Super Bloom that attracts nature enthusiasts photographers and curious travelers from all over turning the desert floor into a Living Canvas and this towering family of palm trees forms the natural Palm

Oasis The Oasis owes its existence to a unique hydrogeological phenomenon where underground Springs sourced from the neighboring Santa Rosa mountains rise to the surface to form a delicate balance of water and soil something else unusual that you will see is about 130 metal sculptures crafted by artist Ricardo

Bresa viewable along the scenic drive these art installations reveal themselves far and few between like Hidden Treasures amidst the vast expanse of the desert they seem to just pop out of nowhere unlike many other natural attractions entry to the park is free welcoming all individuals and families

To explore its wonders and share an appreciation for the Park’s ecological significance and aesthetic marveles number two the next Park on our itinerary is truly one of a kind and a must visit whenever you in the state of Nevada located in the vast expanse of the Mojave Desert just 50 Mi north east

Of Las Vegas Valley of Fire State Park stands as a geological Masterpiece captivating you with its Rich history and a inspiring Landscapes spanning over 40,000 Acres it holds its position as Nevada’s oldest andar largest state park a testament to its enduring significance in the region founded in 1935 Valley of Fire inherited

Its name from the Striking red Sandstone formations that illuminate like Flames during the golden hours of sunrise and sunset creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle that lingers in the memories of fortunate onlookers its age and geological prominence render it a distinctive gem within the state’s Park system setting

It apart in size and historical Allure and there are several hiking trails you may want want to consider while you’re there Valley of Fire is not only a geological W but also an archaeological Treasure Trove adorning the red rocks are ancient petroglyphs that tell Tales of past civilizations these intricate Rock

Carvings estimated to be over 2,000 years old offer a fascinating glimpse into the cultural tapestry of the indigenous peoples who once thrived in this Aid landscape just know there’s a $10 daily fee per vehicle if you’re from out of state or an $8 fee if you’re in Nevada resident and overnight camping is

Available for $20 per night or $18 if you’re from in state number one the park at the top of our list takes us further east to a region famed for its Wildlife kuster State Park a sprawling natural reserve in the Black Hills of South Dakota traces its roots to the early

1700s when French explorers first discovered its pristine Landscapes formly established in 1912 the park boasts an expansive footprint exceed in 71,000 Acres solidifying its stature as one of the largest state parks in the United States located near the iconic Mal rushmor National Memorial kuster state park offers you a unique and

Enriching experience allowing exploration of two prominent attractions within a conveniently short distance with elevations ranging from 3,150 Ft to 7,242 Ft High the park exhibits a diverse topography characterized by Rolling prairies Granite Peaks and dense Woodlands with nine campgrounds this varied terrain is significantly influenced by the regional

Climate featuring warm Summers and cold Winters with the latter often accompanied by ample snowfall kuster state park has gained a claim for its thriving Wildlife population including bison elk Pronghorn big horn sheep and white tailed deer visitation to kuster state park is recommended from May to September during this time frame you can

Engage in a myriad of recreational Pursuits such as scenic drives hiking excursions and Wildlife observation a $20 entry fee per vehicle is required granting you access to the park for 1 to 7 days we invite you to embark on your own Journey exploring the natural wonders

That each park has to offer if you’ve been to any of these Parks let us know in the comments and if you’re looking for more alternatives to crowded national parks watch this next video where we cover our top 10 list of the most underrated national parks in the United States

Embark on a breathtaking journey with our latest travel guide video, unveiling the Top 10 State Parks in the United States for 2024! From the dramatic cliffs of Smith Rock State Park in Oregon to the lush landscapes of Letchworth State Park in New York, each destination promises a unique and awe-inspiring experience. Feel the thrill of adventure at Dead Horse Point State Park in Utah, perched on a mesa with panoramic views of the Colorado River. Wander through Watkins Glen State Park’s fairy-tale-like gorge in New York, adorned with 19 waterfalls and enchanting stone bridges.

Explore the vast desert landscapes of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in California, where wildflower blooms and stargazing take center stage. Ecola State Park in Oregon offers a coastal escape with rugged cliffs and Pacific Ocean vistas. Hawaii’s Waimea Canyon State Park, also known as the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific,” showcases vibrant cliffs and breathtaking views. Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of Emerald Bay State Park in California, nestled along the shores of Lake Tahoe.

Encounter the majestic wildlife of the Black Hills at Custer State Park in South Dakota, known for its bison herds and serene lakes. Conclude your journey in the surreal landscapes of Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada, where fiery red sandstone formations and ancient petroglyphs create a truly unique desert experience. Whether you’re a hiking enthusiast, a photography buff, or simply seeking serenity in nature, our travel guide is your gateway to the best state parks in the U.S. Subscribe now for more awe-inspiring adventures and let the exploration begin! 🌎✨ #StateParks #TravelGuide #NatureExploration #AdventureAwaits

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Looking for the less crowded National Parks? We narrowed down the Top 10 Most underrated National parks in the U.S. ! Watch it here:

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