Aachen Cathedral | Aachen | Germany | Aachener Dom | Palatine Chapel | The Shrine of Charlemagne

Welcome to Catholic shrine Basilica YouTube channel aen Cathedral aen Germany introduction aen Cathedral German aen or D is a Roman Catholic Church in aen Germany and the seat of the Roman Catholic dasis of aan one of the oldest cathedrals in Europe it was constructed by order of Emperor Charlamagne who was

Buried there in 814 from 936 to 153 1 the Palatine Chapel saw the coronation of 31 German kings and 12 Queens the church has been the mother Church of the dasis of aan since 1930 in 1978 aen cathedral was one of the first 12 items to be listed on the

UNESCO list of world heritage sites because of its exceptional Artistry architecture and Central importance in the history of the Holy Roman Empire Charlamagne began the construction of the Palatine Chapel around 796 along with the rest of the palace structures the construction is credited to Odo of Mets the exact date of

Completion is unclear however a letter from alquin in 798 states that it was nearing completion and in 85 Pope Leo III consecrated the finished Chapel a Foundry was brought to aen near the end of the the 8th century and was utilized to cast multiple bronze pieces from

Doors and the railings to the horse and bear statues Charlamagne was buried in the chapel in 8814 it suffered a large amount of damage and a viking raid in 881 and was restored in 983 following charan’s canonization by anti-pe Pascal 3 in 1165 the chapel became became a draw for

Pilgrims due to the enormous flow of pilgrims in 1355 a Gothic choir Hall was added and a two-part capella vitria glass Chapel which was consecrated on the 600th anniversary of charlamagne’s death a cupula several other chapels and a steeple were also constructed at later dates it was restored again in

1881 when the Baroque stucco was removed history the cathedral uses two distinct architectural styles with small portions of a third first the core of the cathedral is the carolingian Romanesque Palatine Chapel which was modeled after San Vitali at Rena and is notably small in comparison to the later additions secondly the choir was

Constructed in the gothic style finally there are portions that show anion style such as the area around the throne the Octagon in the center of the cathedral was erected as the Chapel of the Palace of aen between 796 and 85 on the model of other contemporary Byzantine buildings the

Architect was Odo of Mets and the original design was of a domed octagonal Inner Room enveloped by a 16-sided outer wall the span and height of charan’s Palatine Chapel was unsurpassed north of the Alps for over 200 years the Palatine Chapel consisted of a high octagonal room with a two-story circuit

Below the inner octagon with a diameter of 14.46 M 47.4 ft is made up of strong piers on which an octagonal cloy Vault lies covering the central room around this inner octagon is a 16-sided circuit of low groin vaults supporting a high gallery above this up upper story was

Known as The hotch Monster High Church the arched openings of the lower story are only about half as high as those of the hotch monster as a result of which the lower story looks stocky and bulky the two floors are separated from each other by an expansive cornice the

High Altar and Imperial Throne are located on the upper Circuit of the Palatine Chapel in an octagonal side room covered by a barrel vault lying on an angle this area was connected with the palace by a passage above the arches of the gallery an octagonal drum with

Window openings Rises on top of which is the Cupa on the East End was a small ABS that protruded and was in later years replaced by The Choir opposite of this was the teered entrance to the rest of the now defunct Palace West work light is brought in by a three tiered system

Of circular arched Windows the corners of the octagonal Dome are joined with the walls with a system of paired pilasters with Corinthian capitals architecture the upper Gallery openings are divided by a grid of columns these columns are ancient and come from St gion in Cologne Charlamagne allowed further spolia to be brought to

Aen from Rome and Rena at the end of the 8th Century in 1794 during the French occupation of the rhin lot they were removed to Paris but in 1815 up to half the pieces remaining in the louo were brought back to aen in the 1840s they were restored to their

Original places once more and new Columns of odenberg granite were substituted for the missing columns the interior walls were initially lined with a marble facade the round arched openings in the Upper Floor floor in the side walls of the Octagon between the columns in front of a mezzanine are decorated with a

Meter high railing of carolingian bronze rails these bronze rails were cast 1,200 years ago in a single piece according to Roman models the original Cupa Mosaic was probably executed around 800 and known from medieval sources depicted Christ as the triumphant lord of the world surrounded by the symbols of the four

Evangelist s with the 24 Elders from The Apocalypse of John offering their crowns to him in 1880 to 1881 it was recreated by the Venetian Workshop of Antonio salviati according to the plans of the Belgian architect Jean Baptista beun the Dome was intricately decorated with a mosaic tile the exterior walls of the

Carolingian octagon made of quy stone are largely unjointed and lack further or ornamentation The Only Exception is that the projections of the pillars of the Cupa are crowned by antique capitals above the carolingian masonry there is a Romanesque series of arches above a late Roman Gable the Octagon is crowned by unusual Baroque

Vents aen cathedral was plastered red in the time of charlam according to the most recent findings of the rhines office for monuments this plaster was made longer lasting through the addition of crushed red brick the color was probably also a reference to the Imperial associations of the work geometry the question of which

Geometric Concepts and basic Dimensions lie at the basis of the Chapel’s construction is not entirely clear even today works of earlier Cathedral Architects mostly followed either the drusian foot 334 mm or the Roman foot 295.000 mm however these measurements require complex theories to explain the church’s actual dimensions in 2012 the architectural

Historian Ora heckner proposed a theory of a new hitherto unknown unit of measure of 322.34 this measurement is referred to as the ainer kig fu aen Royal Foot after the similarly sized Parisian Royal Foot 324.50 architectural symbolism Is frequent in the Palatine Chapel its diameter including the circuit surrounding the Dome measures 100 carolingian fet equivalent to the height of the Dome West work the West work Western facade of the cathedral is of carolingian origin flanked by two stair Towers it is a two-story Building

Completed by a porch from the 18th century at the West End the bronze leaves attached to this porch the wolfer WF door weigh 4300 weight altogether the main entrance to the cathedral the door was cast in aen around 800 and was located between the West work and the

Octagon in the so-called hexadecagon up to 1788 the portal was restored in 1924 each Leaf is divided into eight rectangles a number which had religious symbolism in Christianity as a symbol of Sunday the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and also of perfection as

Did 12 also and can be found in the measurements of the Palatine Chapel over and over again these boxes were framed by decorative strips which are made of egg-shaped decorations the egg was considered a symbol of life and fertility from Antiquity in Christian belief it was imbued with the even wider symbolism of

Eternal life the door rings in the shape of lion’s Heads Are wreathed by 24 can this Scrolls again to be understood at the deepest level through numerology the wolfer imitation of the shape of the ancient Roman Temple door signifies charlamagne’s claim to have established a new Rome in aen with a Palatine Chapel

As the distinctive Monumental building sculptures there were multiple sculptures made of bronze including an equestrian peace probably meant as a parallel of a statue of Marcus aelius in Rome in the the four hall there is a bronze sculpture of a bear which was probably made in the 10th Century in

Aonian times opposite it is a bronze pine cone with 129 perforated scales which stands 91 CM High its date is controversial and ranges from the 3rd to the 10th Century its base is clearly Anan and includes an inscription written in leonine hexameter which refers to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers of

Mesopotamia according to one view the pine cone would originally have served as a water spout on a fountain and would have been placed in the atrium of the Palatine Chapel in carolingian times the upper level is characterized by an exceptionally fine brick Western Wall inside it bulges outward while the

Outside bulges inwards so that the carolingian West Wall can be seen as a convex concave bulge before the construction of the porch in the 18th century the carolingian West facade when seen from the narx was particularly evocative a large Niche topped by a semicircular arch in the western upper

Level corresponded to the semicircle of the barrel Vault of the lower level today the Western Wall is broken up by the large Western Window the large window frame dates from the gothic period and replaced a smaller window from carolingian times which was probably structured as a Mion a double

Arch with a column in the center the modern window was designed by aval matare in 1956 matar’s design imitates however abstractly the structure of the carolingian bronze gate inside the Dome bronze and unprocessed quartz formed the window itself the function of the upstairs part of the West facade is not entirely clear

The right of baptism long reserved for the Collegiate Church of Mary was at a baptismal font which was behind the marble Throne until the end of the an regime possibly the space was involved in these ceremonies furthermore in the Western Wall under the Great West window there is a fenella small window even

Today through which there is line of sight to the court below the former Atrium it is certain that the so-called carolingian passage entered this room on its northern wall connecting the alaria Kings Hall in the north of the palace with the church the lower barrel vaated room in

The west probably served as Charlamagne Seiler after his death on 28th of January 814 and his burial in the pepan sarcophagus the floors of the western facade lying above this room were remodled in the first half of the 14th century and in the 17th century the tower was completed between 1879 and

1884 choir between 1355 and 1414 on the initiative of the maryan stiff and the mayor of aen Gart chorus 1285 to 1367 a Gothic choir was built to the east of the Octagon before this there must have been a rectangular carolingian choir the gothic choir measures 25 M

Length 13 M wide and 32 M High its external wall is broken as much as possible by Windows the surface area of the glass is more than 1,000 square m and led to the name Glass House glass house this was conceived as a glass reliquary for the holy relics of aen and

For the body of Charlamagne the design is arranged on the model of the saint Chappelle in Paris likewise a space for important relics and a Royal Palace Chapel for protection of the Vault of the choir iron rods were built in at the time of construction to counter the lateral

Force on the narrow Stone supports and to allow as much space as possible between them for window space treasury the aen cathedral treasury contains one of Europe’s most significant Church treasuries a unique collection of precious objects from the history of the aen cathedral after a redesign of the treasury’s installation

In order to sufficiently address modern conservational Technical and safeguarding requirements the cathedral treasury was opened in the winter of 1995 today more than a 100 cultural Treasures are displayed on different levels on more than 600 square m of exhibition area the cathedral treasury features sacred cultural Treasures from late

Antiquity as well as the carolingian aonian hen stafen and Gothic eras its lofty position is mostly owed to the fact that for centuries from 936 until 1531 today’s aen cathedral was the coronation church for the Roman German kings some of the acquired pieces can be traced back to Royal donations others

Show the European importance of the church dedicated to the Virgin Mary today’s aen Cathedral as a pilgrimage church and as the burial Church of Charlemagne organs the organ system of aen cathedral was installed in 1939 it consists in part of the earlier orgon installed 1845 to 1847 which was built by the organ

Builder Wilhelm kmaker of Leni this kmaker organ had 60 stops distributed in three works the current instrument was installed in 1939 by Johannes clay B on and expanded to 65 stops which were distributed thereafter in five works to achieve a balanced sound throughout the cathedral the parts were distributed

Through the cathedral in the Northwest and Southwest niches of the choir are the works of the high organ while a swallow’s nest organ was hung on the East pillar of the Octagon in 1991 to 1993 the organ was restored by the clay Organ Company and increased to a total

Of 89 St Ops at this time the swallow’s nest organ was turned into a new independent instrument which now stands in the upper church between the octagon and the choir as well as a chamber organ the cathedral also has a small organ called the Z organ this was built by the north

Italian organ Builder Cesar zom probably sometime around 1850 the pipe Works wind box and keyboards survive the historic housing no longer exists but the current housing was built later on the model of a North Italian cabinet organ in classicist style the instrument is arranged in the classic Italian style with the typical

Stops of the Roman style as well bells in the belfrey of the tower eight Bells hang on wooden yolks in a wooden bell frame the bells were cast 3 years after the city fire of 16 56 by fron von Trier and his son Jacob this disposition altered from that of

Medieval times has been maintained to this day except that the Mary Bell has had to be replaced twice the modern Mary Bell was made in 1958 and was cast by Petty and JRA Adel Brock Palatine Chapel Throne of charam the Palatine Chapel in aen is an early medieval chapel and remaining component

Of charlamagne’s Palace of aen in what is now Germany although the palace itself no longer exists the chapel was preserved and now forms the central part of aen Cathedral it is ain’s major landmark and a central Monument of the carolingian Renaissance the chapel held the remains of Charlamagne later it was

Appropriated by the OT tonians and coronations were held there from 936 to 1531 as part of aen Cathedral the chapel is designated as a UNESCO world heritage site Charlamagne the First Holy Roman Emperor began building his Palatine Chapel Palace Chapel in 786 ad the Palatine Chapel has been described as a

Masterpiece of carolingian architecture it is All That Remains today of charlamagne’s extensive Palace complex in aen the palace INE Chapel was designed by Odo of Mets he based it on the Byzantine Church of San Vitali completed on 547 ad in Rena Italy this accounts for the very Eastern field to the chapel

With its octagonal shape striped arches marble floor golden mosaics and ambulatory it was consecrated in 8 kn5 to serve as the Imperial Church the shrine of Charlamagne the Shrine contains the Mortal remains of Charlamagne canonized in 1165 since its completion in 1215 scenes from the life of Charlamagne

By pseudo Turpin are displayed upon the roof reliefs the long axes are each occupied by eight Emperors and Kings paloro a golden altar piece the pad which today forms the antium of the high altar was probably created around thousand 20 in folda it consists of 17 individual gold panels with reliefs in

Repose in the center Christ is enthroned as Redeemer in a mandora flanked by Mary and the Archangel Michael four round medallions with images of the evangelist’s symbols show the connection to the other 12 relief panels with depictions from the life of Jesus Christ they begin with the entry into Jerusalem

And end with the encounter of the women with the Risen Christ in in front of the Open Grave on Easter morning the depictions are read from left to right like a book stylistically The paloro is not uniform the first five reliefs probably come from a Goldsmith taught in the rhin

Lant and is distinguished by a strikingly joyful narration it probably derives from a donation of Emperor Otto thei the other panels together with the central group of Christ Mary and Michael draws from Byzantine and late carolingian predecessors and was likely first added under Otto’s successor Henry

II who also donated the ambo of Henry II presumably in the late 15th century the golden altar piece formed a massive altar system together with the 12 reliefs of Apostles in the cathedral treasury along with alter pieces with scenes from the life of Mary which would have been dismantled in 1794 as the

French Revolutionary troops approached aen Barbarosa chandelier the chandelier was donated by Emperor Frederick I and his wife Beatrix and is attached to an iron work chain of 27 M its octagonal shape was meant to dovetail harmonically and symbolically with the overall structure of the church imagery and inscription refer to the Heavenly

Jerusalem the cubil mosaic the Cupa Mosaic displays the Adoration of the 24 eldest as written in the Book of Revelation who at the end of times offer their crowns to the Lord with covered hands the recent Mosaic dates from the end of the 19th century and cites an engraving by Chini from

1699 Feast Day 15th August the patron saints Festival is celebrated on August 15th on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary January 28th is the Feast of blessed Charlamagne King of the Franks and the Lombards emperor of the Romans and father of Europe who died on this day in

8814 January 28th is the Feast of St Charlamagne who was buried in aan Cathedral in 814 mass time weekday 7 a.m. 10 a.m. Saturdays 7 a.m. 8 8:00 a.m. 10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Sundays 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Church visiting time January

To March every day 7 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. April to December every day 7 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. contact info aen Cathedral domhoff 1 52062 aen Germany website www. oener do.de how to reach the cathedral MRI aen airport in limberg Netherlands is located 5 nautical miles Northeast of

MRI and 15 nautical miles Northwest of aen Germany is the nearby airport to the cathedral colog Bon airport is the International Airport in col Germany is the nearby airport to the cathedral in Germany aen shance BF train station in aen Germany is the nearby train station to the

Cathedral if you wish to know more about Catholic shrine basilicas Maran shrines and Maran apparitions subscribe to our Catholic shrine Basilica YouTube channel like and share with your loved ones for more Church’s website www . Catholic shrine basil.com

For More Details of Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.
Visit : https://catholicshrinebasilica.com/aachen-cathedral-aachen-germany/

Aachen Cathedral (German: Aachener Dom) is a Roman Catholic church in Aachen, Germany and the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Aachen. One of the oldest cathedrals in Europe, it was constructed by order of Emperor Charlemagne, who was buried there in 814. From 936 to 1531, the Palatine Chapel saw the coronation of thirty-one German kings and twelve queens.

The church has been the mother church of the Diocese of Aachen since 1930. In 1978, Aachen Cathedral was one of the first 12 items to be listed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites, because of its exceptional artistry, architecture, and central importance in the history of the Holy Roman Empire.

Charlemagne began the construction of the Palatine Chapel around 796, along with the rest of the palace structures. The construction is credited to Odo of Metz. The exact date of completion is unclear; however, a letter from Alcuin, in 798, states that it was nearing completion, and in 805, Pope Leo III consecrated the finished chapel.

A foundry was brought to Aachen near the end of the 8th century and was utilized to cast multiple bronze pieces, from doors and the railings, to the horse and bear statues. Charlemagne was buried in the chapel in 814. It suffered a large amount of damage in a Viking raid in 881, and was restored in 983.

Topics Covered On This Video of Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.

– Introduction to Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.
– History Of Cathedral of Aachen, Catholic Diocese of Aachen, Germany.
– Architect of Aachen Cathedral, Aachener Dom, Aachen, Germany.
– Geometry of the Aachen Cathedral.
– The west work (western facade) of the cathedral
– Sculptures at Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.
– Bell, Choir & Organ at the Cathedral of Aachen, Germany.
– Treasury Museum at Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.
– The Shrine of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany.
– Pala d’oro, Barbarossa Chandelier & The Cupola Mosaic
– Palatine Chapel – Throne of Charlemagne
– Feast date of Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.
– Cathedral of Aachen Mass Timing
– Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany. Contact Information.
– How to reach Royal Basilica of Our Lady of Atocha, Madrid, Spain.

#CatholicShrineBasilica #AachenCathedralGermany #CathedralOfAachen #AachenerDom #AachenCathedral

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