Barcelonas La Sagrada De Familia

Hello everyone and welcome back to JT on the go today we are going to visit the lasat familia in Barcelona first off before we go any further there’s one thing you guys got to know during the making of this video the sagata Familia began construction on

March 19th 1882 and by 2024 it is incomplete the covid-19 pandemic which swept the world in 2020 delayed construction and the completion date in this model the parts that you see in Gray are the parts that are completed the parts in yellow have yet to be built to finish the cathedral segata Familia

Is expected to be finished by 2026 it is the largest unfinished Catholic Church in the world and is way taller than the rest of Barcelona here’s how they get the money to finish the cathedral entry fees from tourists that come to visit the cathedral fund the construction cost I

Recommend getting your tickets as far in advance as possible you can go to www.sad the lines 2 and 5 will bring you right next to the sangata Familia the station is named after this place in the station there are also signs that point you directly to the sangata familia in

My opinion it is one part that makes Barcelona’s Metro great back to the cathedral on one side it is mostly red while on the other side it is blue the red side points to the direction the sun rises which is in the BL morning while blue points to the

Direction the sun sets which is the afternoon I mean by the windows all of them look pretty colorful lasata Familia is also one of the top things to see when you visit Europe it is very crowded here a lot of fine interior architecture makes it look contemporary the absolutely

Because it is so tall there are upper levels the architect who designed the cathedral is Antonio Gotti he dedicated his life to building the second highest in Instagram Antonio GTI cornet was born on June 26th 1852 Gotti worked on this Cathedral until he was killed by a tram on June 10th 1926 this door has multiple different languages from around the globe on It after his death the cathedral continued construction with several new Architects taking over to build buil God’s dream zakara de Familia means holy family the cathedral was built to honor jesus’ family and the 12 Apostles like many Gothic Cathedrals it also has a belt you see all school and there are some things that are printed on the doors when we walk out there that are on the other side of the cathedral they all have meanings from books in the Bible most people miss this the building

Has some little statues on them like most churches in Europe it is tall here is a smaller building that contains some facts about s Familia here’s what the cathedral looked like it had come a long way in 1909 and Antonio GTI had the schools constructed using a traditional

Method the Catalin Vault to get the curved surfaces that characterized them and evoke the shapes found in nature the architect’s main source of inspiration in 2002 the building was moved and rebuilt in its current location in order to continue construction on the S Familia here’s what the school looks

Like we saw some more pictures about the place we were in imag Imag this building turns out to be a school cuz there are classrooms inside Going back to the cathedral there is another Cathedral underground it can easily be seen from the ground level this place is huge that’s everything we may have to come back in 2026 to see the sagata Familia fully finished to get information for this video we

Went to the souvenir store to buy a book that talks about the sangata Familia it has a ton of detail if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you are new make sure to subscribe and follow my Instagram account so you won’t

Miss out on the next video this is Jana go signing off

The La Sangrada De Familia is Located in Barcelona Spain. It is the Worlds Largest unfinished Catholic Church and one of the top things to see when you visit Europe. Antoni Gaudi Cornet was the Arcitect that Designed the Cathedral. He worked on the Sagrada Familia until he was killed by a Tram in June of 1926. The Catedral is still under constricton it is expected to be finished by 2026.

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