Mallorca in Winter | Is it worth it? | Best things to do 🇪🇸

Hi and welcome back we are two soulmates on the road this is Leo and I’m nadiv and we are living on the beautiful island of mayorca and today we saw to share a video what you do in mayorca during the winter time because normally everybody knows mayorca in the

Summertime but there is also activities and we want to show you in this video what you can make it during the winter time in Maya P Maya is very good if you want to go shopping you we find everything your heart desires but it has so much more to

Offer so we having another beautiful and sunny day today here in mayorca and it’s amazing we have like winter time but we have like 18° today I even I feel like I have too many clothes on me so Leo he’s working so I’m alone with Luna and

Honestly I love to have a walk here in some very new because um you would see it in just a second it’s so peaceful and you can see all the colors of myor all the shades of blue and it’s just super peaceful and so basically from Palma you

Take the bus uh number 25 and uh you will go into the end station the last station and then you just have to walk so not in the direction of P the opposite way and yeah in one moment you have to go up some stairs and then you

Will reach um the bicycle way and um yeah in the rest you will just see in a Second Oh maybe one information that is important for you if you’re traveling with your dog to mayorca so during the summer season it’s not allowed sadly for the dogs to go at the beach but I think from October till April any Beach all around the island you’re allowed to come

With your dog and that’s super nice I mean I find it not so nice that dogs cannot go in the summer because I believe some humans are way more dirty than than dogs so yeah but well at least now um yeah we can go to the beach and

Luna she always she enjoy running and playing with the with the seaweed and stuff like that and yeah and now I will show you some very new let’s Go oh wow can you see that there’s a person swimming he’s brave because the water temperature has 16° at the moment I think it’s kind of cold huh but well I think it’s very good for the immune system and everything so so maybe we should do that as well one

Day honestly is so nice how quiet it can be in the winter time here Mya because in the summer time it’s just so super picked so many tourists everywhere and yeah so winter time is just very very nice so if you just want to have an easy

Walk then just come here it’s very easy even like with kids and stuff like that and yeah instead of doing maybe a big hike but we will come to that um later on as well because there are so many beautiful hikes here in mayca and yeah so now we Continue oh wow just look how beautiful and clear the water is it’s so so so Nice So and if you continue the way you will come to a nice Viewpoint and yeah just a few MERS more and we are There so yeah you see how beautiful it is there we’re just going to relax you now a bit and maybe you can come also here to have a little picnic or something it’s just so so nice here honestly yeah and uh the colors you saw before this is

Something I love in my yogur the different shades of blue of the ocean is just so Beautiful so and after the Viewpoint if you continue the way even more up then there is a very nice spot to swim it’s a secret spot and obviously now it’s winter but in the summer I going to show You so most of the places here in p p are closed during the winter season I mean there’s still a few hotels open but not so many and every once in a while you will also find a restaurant or a cute coffee place where you can sit on

The Terrace and just enjoy the sunshine and your Life so one thing that is very nice to do is to rent a bicycle because from P Pama you can drive all the way up to Palmer to the center and you will always drive on the coast and the way is very flat and you drive to a natural reserve so

It’s super super nice to do and yeah so let’s get one by baby so different is your number one direction if you want to rent something here in PL Prima because I mean now in the winter time they have only like bicycles and stuff like that but in the

Summer they have amazing tools that you can book and also they have puddle boards and all the kind of things hello hey hello hi I would like to rent a bike please hey hi hello welcome to different yes of course what my yes please yeah we trick

You a little bit because Leo is’s working here but anyway it’s your number one place to go if you need a bicycle or whatever you’re going to need and anyway now I want to rent a Bike what a nice Bike baby Another cool thing to do here in Maya is to go on a hike because there are so many hiking routes here and especially in the winter time or let’s say also spring and Autumn season it’s a very good moment to go on a hike because later on the summer it’s in the summer

It’s too hot and yeah we will share a few of the beautiful hikes that we did ourselves going to the Castel isn’t really a hike to do but if you want to have an easy walk from Pala City Center you can reach the Castel in between 45

Minutes by walk and you will have a beautiful Viewpoint with a nice overview over PMA another easy to do thing is that you take the bus from Plaza espa and go up to DEA which is a cute little mountain town and from there you can walk until

Kaladaa if you’re going to poena then maybe you can go to cabare you will walk to a valley which definitely looks like being on another planet and throughout the way you will come along a lot of gos and at the end you will get rewarded with an amazing view over

Kalab if you’re in the area of s El then you can do the satrapa hiking which is very nice but also a bit more difficult but you will have amazing views over the island satra gona and also if you continue a bit more around the corner

There is a very beautiful color which is called color and bassette and yeah all in all this hike is just very very nice and the most beautiful hike that we did here here on this island is in the area of Audia we went to KB which is just

Stunning you can only Reach This remote beach by hiking and then climbing over a few rocks or by boat and guys we can tell you we’ve never seen such an amazing blue color here in the water it was just mind-blowing Beautiful another fun activity here in Pima is that maybe you can come and join one of my workout or yoga classes which are every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. in the park of Santa Catalina and now we are walking in the center of Palma and we are going to to see the King’s Garden and also the cathedral which is the symbol of Palma let have a look All H man Hello I I I I I think love I I be I I be I I Be I So obviously you can also go inside the cathedral and the entry is €9 we will show you the open times as well but you can do also a guided tour and I believe the guided tour is also on the rooftops where you have an amazing view over

Palma and you can also go and visit the museum See now we’re going to recommend you some places if you’re fancy to have something s here in Palma City so here in small side street you can find the rose velvet bakery where we are going now and honestly their lemon pie is to die for it’s Heaven let’s Go He So the second place we want to recommend to you if you’re having a sweet tooth is Anita’s cake so they have a lot of things like cupcakes and kind of things and also they are famous for the Cronut so you know they mix between a COO and a donut let’s Go So if you know us already since some videos Leo and me we just love Bubble te and where we live in our street they just open a bubble tea shop like in the summer and this is not good for us so we are all the time drinking bubble tea and

Yeah what we do now we’re going to go and have one two Graas and cheers see you later m I love it if you like to have good coffee there is two places that we like to recommend you one is the barn and the other one is s Hills and we also going to show you some nice places where you can have a dinner

Here in Palma City if you want to eat good and cheap Tapas then you definitely have to come to Kasa hulio which is here around the corner so it’s a very local place a very small place but the Tapas are very very good and I would recommend you to uh uh

Reserve or book a table because it’s always always full and you know how it is you know when the local people go there you can go there as well because that means the food is Good if you want to try some typical mayin food then you definitely should have a visit at Sal SAA which is a very rustic and very local place and it’s super Affordable if you love the Venus and also you love the wine this is one great place to come hi in Palmer the name is laa you can come every evening to enjoy a glass of wine and hear good music oh I forgot something very important so one of the best things that

You can do in mayca in the winter time is just sit at the beach and enjoy one of the beautiful sunsets because it is so different honestly the sunsets in Winter are so different than the sunsets in summertime so in the winter time they are so so beautiful And in general if you are in pimer it’s very easy to go from A to B because there is um the main bus station in Plaza espia and there is the buses and the trains and yeah you can do for example a half day trip where you take

The bus to go up to a cute little Mountain Village which is um by the mosa or maybe you can go and visit DEA so just go out in nature and explore with the city or maybe you go to the North or you rent a car and you explore the south

Of the island or the west or whatever it’s just a very diverse and diverse and even in winter time Maya can be very beautiful yeah if you have any question about mayorca we live here we are locals and if we can help you just let a comment and please don’t forget to

Subscribe to our channel that this help us a lot and N you want to say something else no that was all for today okay bye Bye want

Hi lovely travellers,

as you know now, Leo and me we are living on the beautiful island of Mallorca, so we thought to share a video on what to do here in the winter season and clearing the question if it’s worth it to come here during the winter time.

We will show you some great activities you can do here in Mallorca in winter, such as renting a bike, joining some outdoor yoga & fitness classes, sharing some of the best hikes that we did on Mallorca so far and recommending you some of the best cafes and local restaurants in Palma de Mallorca, the city center.

As we are living already 10 years here on Mallorca, please feel free to ask us any question, if you want to visit this island. We are more than happy to help you ☺️

Thank you so much for watching 😀

Nadine & Leo

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Locations we visited:

📍 Mallorca:
📍 Son Veri Nou:
📍 Playa de Palma:
📍 Different (rent a bike):
📍 Castell de Bellver:
📍 Deia:
📍 Cala Deia:
📍 Cala Boquer:
📍 Sa Trapa:
📍 Platja des Coll Baix:
📍 Sa Faixina Park:
📍 S’Hort del Rei (King’s Garden):
📍Catedral-Basílica de Santa María de Mallorca:
📍 Rosevelvet Bakery:
📍 Anita Cakes:
📍 Tastea Bubble Tea:
📍 The Barn Coffee Roasters Berlin:
📍 Surry Hills Coffee:
📍 Restaurante Casa Julio:
📍 Celler de sa Premsa:
📍 La Viniloteco:
📍 Plaça d’Espanya (main bus station)

Chapters in the video:

00:00 – 00:33 Intro
00:34 – 05:55 Son Veri Nou / Playa de Palma
05:56 – 07:30 Different (rent a bike)
07:31 – 09:18 Best hikes Mallorca
09:19 – 09:42 Workout/Yoga Mallorca
09:43 – 12:50 Kings Garden & Cathedral Palma de Mallorca
12:51 – 17:08 Best Gastronomy tips Palma de Mallorca
17:09 – 17:55 Sunsets
17:56 – 19:00 Outro

#mallorca #mallorcaisland #palmademallorca #palmademajorca #spain #mallorca #majorca #maiorca


  1. If you are planning your trip to Mallorca and have any questions, we are more then happy to help you, as we are living already 10 years here. Contact us on Instagram: 2_soulmates_on_the_road

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