San Felipe to Ensenada

Hello friends it’s 9:30 in the morning 96° F 35 12° C for you on the metric system and we’re leaving San Filipe headed towards inada San Filipe is on the Gulf side of Baja California insata is on the Pacific Ocean Side you’ll notice on the map that we have to get

Over the Sierra Warz mountains as we head Northwest After going through a very quick military checkpoint we’re headed on Highway 3 towards the Pacific rather than north towards Mexicali and see a lot of times you know as ring goes you know you get you see a bunch of military guys and they have guns and you kind of get

Nervous uh there’s no need they’re just doing their job they’re trying to keep the road safe they’re trying to control you know movement uh among foreigners coming into their country U you know USA does that Canada does that everywhere else does that and that little white

Lizard I don’t know if you saw it there’s a little black and white lizard went across the street or he could have been time on a scorpion cuz he did have a curled up back tail was big I don’t know don’t know if he made it or

Not I Str him we missed him with a right tire but if he kept drunking he might have got hit by the left TI we’re not sure if he’s a lizard I hope he did not get hurt scorpion i’m not answering I may have some scorpion Watchers out

There that uh are going to unleash the Scorpion King on me if I say something that we don’t like and so I’ll try to be good if you are mountain shopping we have several different models to choose from we have the smaller Brown mountains and then we have the rocky type

Mountains back behind them off to your right we have some a little bit different mountains still we’re still working on those don’t have them perfected yet ooh Jenny look up ahead well Jenny can’t hear us but she loves those wind turbines and when we were traveling through

Southwest uh part of the US a Arizona New Mexico California especially seeing all the wind turbines she was amazed something that we’ve noticed is going through the mountains me this is a two-lane road here and we’ll be stuck behind some big big truck pulling a

Heavy load and a couple of cars may be also stuck behind it and they’ll be on a solid line on a curve and they’ll just oh I’m passing that big truck and they’ll pass them without even knowing what’s coming and there lies one of the problems of why

You see the little monuments on the side of the road uh we just waited a few minutes ago to pass a big truck and I’m glad we waited because there was a cement truck coming that you couldn’t see if you passed an the curve so wherever you are drive careful be

Careful you don’t pass through this life but one time yep there’s a cross right up here on the side of the road and a Truck passing us kind of in a curve he get his own little cross there with some flowers if that’s what he Wants this is what they talked about yep got some bad potholes along here that need to be filled need to be worked over the red truck that was in front of us he passed the little candle truck here and there he is up there but he passed him oh they’re fixing the

Potholes now he passed him on a Crest on a crest of a hill so he didn’t even know what was coming hold on couple more potholes there talking about job security those guys will never run out of work if their job is to work on Highway 3

Okay we got through the rough patch in the road back there and it’s smooth sailing from here on yeah probably not but smooth ceiling right now driving through the bajal peninsula one thing that’s important I believe is to have a new model car where with the electronics you can keep

A check of your oil temperature you can keep a check of your water temperature you can keep a check of your air pressure and all four different tires and uh kind of know what’s going on all the time with your vehicle we also carry

A big jug of water in the back in case we do get stranded somewhere and um yeah don’t set yourself up for failure that’s that’s one of the keys to traveling long distances through the desert and through the mountains now we’re getting more into the farming and ranching territory away from the

Desert towards the more fertile land you’ll usually see the irrigation lines run out where the water out to help their plants survive the heat the Dryness it’s a little bit cooler than what it was when we left this morning it’s 11:30 in the morning it’s 93° f they’re redoing part of the road here it needed It 91° outside fight and uh can you imagine how hot it is for these guys working on this black asphalt doing this workout in the hot sun they got their long sleeves on it has got to be hot hot Hot we’re about 1 hour outside of inata Lot of ranching out in this area I’ve seen tons of Black Angus Cattle and now here’s some horses off to the side also seen some dirt devils uh across the dusty fields those of you who don’t know what a dust devil is it looks like a little tornado

Out in the uh in the dust got about 45 minutes before you get into inada on Highway 3 you’ve got a military checkpoint make sure you give him that young military F I bet he wasn’t over if he was 18 years old that was that’s a stretch it’s like Andrew out here yeah

Andrew is our you’ve seen him before he’s 14 years old or 15 getting ready to be 15 years old and just a another few days but uh he was with us last year in San Miguel de yende and then traveled across the South and the southeast with us to Florida then up to

Virginia and it mentions uh about the wine there was some wineries back here behind us we were gonna film it but we figured nah no need to because we figured that we’re GNA do a whole episode on The Vineyards up around Valley Guadalupe coming up soon and I think you’ll enjoy that Oh Okay we are in insata and that’s where I’ll finish this video at and we’ll pick up the next one and show you some more stuff around here but I will say this 30 minutes ago it was 87° and once we crossed over that mountain got towards inata it is

73° so back at San Filipe 3 hours ago right at 100° F you get into inata 73° F not too bad he hey we’re back at one of our favorite places in inata and uh yeah this place we’ always get the potatoes where it’s like a baked potato with all the fixings

Already ground up in it uh we want with tacos today it’s you know it’s lunchtime we thought go a little bit lighter so look forward to eating it I’m starving and look forward to showing it to you while on the west coast we’re going to film several episodes in inata Rosarito

Tijana and the wine region of Valley de Guadalupe we think you’ll be pleased with upcoming content at Carbones you can get pretty much anything potato and taco wise that you could possibly want we’ve loved this place ever since we were here back in January of this year Renee got two of

The beef and cheese quesa Tacos No Fly please and I got one of those like that and I got one with pork and pineapple and bacon Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum hey thank you so much for joining us on the journey hit that like button subscribe if you have not already done

So share our videos we appreciate it drop us a comment we’d love to hear from you and don’t forget we have another Channel called take a breath I’ll put a link to that down in the description section so you can go over there and subscribe and help us to grow that channel di Amigos

@GeneandRenee we’re driving from San Felipe to Ensenada – east coast of Baja California to the west coast.

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