Hello everyone welcome to Seville again we are in Seville again this time it’s not a nightlife video but uh afternoon live stream in sville and as you can see the weather is magnificent today is the 3rd of February 2024 it’s around 3:30 p.m. here in Spain in Seville and it’s 20° C right

Now so welcome everyone to this uh live stream we are going to go through the center of Seville in this beautiful afternoon I’ll just show you where I am right now I’m in one of the bridges that crosses the guadal K River and quite close to the tallest

Building in Seville that you can see right now so this is the Tor Thea and it’s the tallest building here so we are starting on this side of the river or actually in the middle of it and we are going to walk towards the center so this

Will be a walk in Spain in Seville in this beautiful Saturday Sunny Saturday of February 2024 hey Lawrence welcome thank you for joining in as usual our live streams have been a bit short notice warning uh also my agenda doesn’t allow me many times to schedule live streams in

Advance so I try my best to take you to place is on a live stream whenever I can and thankfully there’s also so many viewers of Zen walks joining in usually even with such short notice so Lawrence thank you so much for coming it is really a beautiful day it’s

20° this doesn’t feel like February of course it can get cold in Seville in the night still it can go especially in early morning it can go down to 6° when I landed this morning around 9:00 a.m. it was 7: so it’s can be a bit cold yes so if you’re watching this

Live you can join the chat the live chat by subscribing to Zen walks if you are already a subscriber welcome and right in the live chat with the Zen walks community if you’re watching this after you can also subscribe Zen walks thanks you a lot and

Also do not forget everyone to press the like button right now on this live stream thank you so much so apparently we have four people watching right now Lawrence m is writing hi everyone I’m sure there’s someone there so please do write on the live chat and uh walk with

Me we are going to towards the center from this area I just have to be careful to get out of the bike Lanes there’s a beautiful network of bike Lanes in Seville you can really go almost everywhere in Seville by bike or scooter and um you will see many many of the

And they all the it’s all very well indicated all the traffic signs and it’s all very well you can’t get really wrong in Seville on the bike LS yes Lawrence I See You Say More are gathering yes we have six at the moment I should try okay I think I’m a

Bit stranded now cuz I didn’t cross when I could so at on our left there’s the bus station it’s just behind those trees so it’s a big bus station and from here many buses depart to several places in Spain and it is quite Central R knows about bikes Lawrence say

Is not like in Australia I wonder how it is there if it’s not as here well of course one of the countries that has so many I’m just going to cross illegally has so many bike systems and already for some so many years is the Netherlands for instance really Amsterdam in

Particular you have thousands if n if not millions of bikes um going in the city walks in camera welcome thank you so much for coming in this short notice live stream we are walking in Seville hello Michael Michaels welcome so much thank you so much for coming so you’ve never seen sevil

Michael yeah well uh this is a chance for you to see a bit of seil I’ll just show you that in interesting building over there it is now PL it’s called plat the armas and um it is now kind of a shopping mall but it kind of resembles

Um how do I say resembles um a train station actually but it’s a shopping mall right now so we are going towards the center the road for today is Seville Center historic Center wonder about in the old streets of Seville and as you can see they’re very

Well educated there’s no cars but they wait for the green light this is a characteristic of um Spain cuz I I always uh admired that not everyone of course but the vast majority of people just really wait for the green light to go and also they are usually very respectful driving as

Well there nikada are you here I didn’t see you coming sorry about that so tell your friends right now that this live is happening send a WhatsApp message in some group that you may know and would be interested in seeing a bit of s that would be lovely to have more and

More people watching this live stream so here we go on the green light although that bike didn’t respect the red light that’s fine so here you have all the esplanad of seille of course already full of people and there’s the always so many so yeah not only the Spanish of

Course but the foreigners here as well so let’s see what you’ve been saying I was a bit distracted uh let’s go back a bit in the live chat so Michaels said this was never here yes I hope you’re liking it that’s very nice best thing about Seville Lawrence asks it is a bit

Difficult question actually because I think there’s so much to enjoy in Seville one of the things is this that you just see right in front of me it’s the what they call the teras and pug is going in front of me actually now so the teras is the esplanad and um

One of the things is that they really enjoy coming out uh in the streets in the sun with um the Young Who come it’s also families and you can have very frequently the several what do I say the the several ages or Generations that was the word that I was missing so several

Generations many times in this esplan I was almost filming a a live accident crash luckily nothing Happened and yes so they really joined together and um several generations of the same family or friends just join and have a good time so that’s one of the characteristics of uh Spain overall and in Seville I do find that really amazing but if you talk um Lawrence about for instance

Monuments there’s so much to see there’s the cathedral there’s the pla despa where I we will take you today at the end of this live stream and um you have the set as theia also a viewing point and um so many churches and so much more I can’t even

Tell you it’s it’s beautiful it’s really beautiful so I think one has to experience it and just wonder in the streets just go in some little uh Place having some beers if you like beer or having some snacks Tapas it is really very very nice so we are in a different place than

We us used to come on our previous last NTI video or live stream we came here and to film The facade of this church right now we are going to continue actually a bit longer so this is the Church of Santa Maria Magdalena of seille and it has this

Beautiful I’m going to get closer beautiful door and facade with a beautiful roof uh kind of top over there so it is it is quite amazing and this since you were talking about the best things to see in Seville Lawrence it’s it’s the churches and The Monuments and it’s really quite quite

Striking so we have a viewer MC I Think I think you already here in the live streams but I don’t recognize this many subscribers and many viewers many times so welcome thank you so much for coming so yeah we’ve never done a live stream doing today in Seville so this is um the first one and I’m just going that

Guy was waiting so there’s a beautiful building up here this is quite beautiful here so you can see already people are out many of them are having lunch still because on a Saturday especially and Sundays as well lunch is in Spain are usually late they start maybe arriving

To the restaurants at 2:00 p.m. sometimes 3 and then continue eating until 4 or 5 just relaxing and chilling I read what you said walks in camera he was too busy enjoying being live on Zen walks to look out for traffic yeah so welcome everyone we have six people

Watching so welcome this is a little Courtyard with a fountain there and and right now we are in the I think this is Plaza de la Magdalena exactly yes so this is the Magdalena square with a beautiful Fountain over there I’m going to get a bit closer so you can see that Fountain

A bit yes laen yeah walks in camera he’s known for his um nice humor so yeah it’s quite nice okay so let’s keep going um again I’m I’m not lost but I’m just wondering a bit in the in the streets of sevil Cu it’s so nice just to wander

Around but I do have a plan for today’s walk although I can’t delay too much because at quter to 5 um Central Europe time so a quarter 4: in England or Portugal I do have to finish this live stream so I can’t get lost completely

But until I can I will be with you so please send the link of this live stream to your friends and if they don’t have anything more interesting to do just join on this live walk in cille right now so I was saying I have a plan for

You tonight tonight no this afternoon it’s the usual NTI videos coming to my mind which is to take you to laeta the Sevilla which is that viewing point this is a beautiful church right here a bit hidden in modern buildings but it’s very beautiful quite

Amazing this was let me see if I can check convento de Santo anel I didn’t know that one wow interesting and um so I was saying I will take you to the set see a bit around and then go towards the cathedral keep going and finish at the bla ofil which is a

Beautiful beautiful area with um with a buildings an artificial River Canal that was built for the uh the I think the first world exhibition of Seville I will tell you more about that later so Michael Michaels is saying I’d like to see seta so yes let’s go because

It’s quite a beautiful quite a beautiful structure that I think everyone loves I’m just going to show you this beautiful building again sometimes we miss some architectural wonders in Seville because we don’t look up and they’re everywhere it’s quite striking so this is a busy street pedestrian streets

Everyone’s going this is the K one And it goes towards the cathedral if we went that way on the right but we are I’m just going to show you a bit high so you can see how many so yes many many people around it’s quite nice so we keep going no actually

Uh just a change we go along in the busy street which is very always so we are nine watching right now welcome to Zen WS welcome to live stream in Seville do subscribe to the channel if you haven’t done so and also click the like button don’t forget that’s very

Very important so 3 2 1 Click like now thank you so Much this is a typical in atmosphere of Spain where as many people always I always say the same thing but it’s really strikes me as um Community feeling they do have a very big sense of community and that’s I would say it’s not unique Spain but they have their uniqueness in doing it

Yes Lauren saying noisy and happy locals yes exactly yeah it’s quite quite nice so it’s nice to see the Sun going on these beautiful buildings we are almost arriving to the setas Thea it’s to our right and you will see already the beautiful structures above the Streets so it’s towards the right yes I can see it’s here already but of course in the camera is a bit more difficult we are still a bit far you love that uh Lawrence about the happy atmosphere isn’t it yeah I think everyone really likes it it’s impossible not to like

That and by saying this of course I can’t say that Spanish don’t have their own personality it’s not that they’re laughing all the time it’s not that it’s just the major component in life is enjoying and be happy and so it’s very structural and very deep in their

Personalities as a natural thing so it’s not just because they laugh all the time and are a bit empty no it’s nothing like that at all it’s the other way around really I think we just there’s a well-known Auditorium here but I don’t know if I passed it

Already I don’t think so I’ll take there’s the store of course of hamon the ham well-known Spanish ham a beautiful Spanish place where they’re all eating of course it’s also very this is called Victoria yenia and it’s um yeah it’s the typical Spanish uh place to eat and have a a

Meal and of course some beers so I hope you’re enjoying this do not forget to press the like button of course again don’t press it twice because then you w do the like so it’s just press once please thank you and you can see already the setas that

Thing going on top of the street from one side to the other that’s the part of the structure that goes above this street we won’t climb up but we will go around it so you can see the structure From Below oops I think I have to go around here So here it is you have the set of the Seva appearing right on your screen right now they resemble a bit mushroom like structure and that thus the name of setas which means mushrooms in in Spanish also they have championes but satas is also their word for

Mushroom and people go on top of the structure we can’t see right now but I’ll try to get an angle for you when we are going up so you see people going it’s a bit hard to see because they did this very well people go on some

Pathways up there metallic ones on top of this structure and you can’t see so much but it’s possible to identify some folks going up in the mushrooms so he we going up now walks in camera loves mushrooms I say exactly the same I do love mushrooms

It’s an amazing thing to have so if you see carefully there’s a bit of a a tube of structure met metallic tube on top inside the structure and that’s where people go there’s no one walking right now and this is the plaza that they constructed right on top

Of the market because there’s a market underneath exactly where we are now walking so many times people just come and chill here in these steps enjoying the sun because this is facing south or Southeast maybe so it’s um it’s beautiful to be here again we at modern buildings this

Was not well accepted by everyone in Seville some people hate it some people love it I can’t imagine that people that would live in these buildings around the setas may have been a bit upset about it because they have a big structure right in front of the uh windows but I actually don’t

Know what was before maybe it was buildings and maybe they didn’t have any view anyway I don’t know I really don’t know I should look into the history of the setas to understand what was here in the previous times and actually you if you search Zen walks channel for Seville you may find

Some videos at least one that may have a thumbnail of this TR in the night and please click on that video so you can see the light effects that this has during night time so the colors change and go from one side of the structure to

The other like um like a path of light in colored uh lights and LEDs it’s a beautiful show that they give here every night I think it starts at every hour and goes for some minutes then coms down and then on the next half half hour or

Hour I’m not sure it goes back to the to giving like a light show and it’s uh an amazing thing actually so we’ll go uh just to wander a bit and show you how the the outside parts so areas of this structure are you can see there are not

Exactly here but there are again of course explanat down there there’s one right at the left you can see a bit there in the dark maybe it’s a bit dark for you to see but there are esplanad of course all around where there’s no traffic and of course right there I’m

Going to show you now esplanad right at close to that foot of the mushroom so there’s plenty of places to eat relax and enjoy some nice drinks as well so this is the seta Zia again this is the 3rd of February 2024 it’s now 4: p.m. and it’s I

Think still 20° exactly it didn’t go up so let’s now walk towards the cathedral I hope you enjoyed this visits to the set of theia because they are very very nice so here I’m going to show you up there’s a tube if my gimbal doesn’t collapse there’s a tube right there where people

Walk on top and uh I’ve been told that the views from up there are quite magnificent I was never up there yet but um one day I will so welcome everyone this is 14 people watching right now we are in Seville Spain on this live stream it’s right now 4:04 p.m. local

Time please press like on this live stream And subscribe to CH of course for more videos is like this sure so I will keep going cuz we do have a bit to walk still from here to PL Des that’s a bit of of walk to make so

This is pretty cool Lauren says great shots then thank you thank you so much just um a last view of the setus before we continue our walk in Seville to today there it is it’s quite an impressive structure really so I didn’t show you but down

There I’m going to point that to you so down there there’s as a market uh we didn’t go in because we really don’t have time but in our civille videos at least again in one of them there’s a tour of that market so please search Zen

Walk sevil or Zen walk sevia in Spanish as well and our Zen walks here will show up so you can choose the one that starts here in seta Silla because there’s a tour of inside of this Market so we are going back to the areas of restaurants and esplanades again it’s

Always full of espan there we go and let’s go to the pedestrian street I hope the image is stable and the connection is good it’s always a gamble when we do live streams because sometimes the 5G is not strong enough hopefully everything will be okay and

Also the stability of my gimbal I hope it’s okay I’m trying to keep it all stable for you sometimes it’s not that easy with temperamental gimbals as walks in camera says they can be a bit temper all right more hamon stores so we have J Santos beautiful interview today

Welcome first place first thing to say is welcome thank you for coming the buildings are so futuristic we need this weather in Canada connection is great thank you for the feedback yes thank you so much we never know sometimes when the I’m glad the connection is good sorry to make you

A bit hungry again but there’s always also nice place is to have some little treats I love this little snail on the wall there it’s a kind of an interesting feature gimbal working okay what in camera it seems thank you yes I’m trying to not to avoid those sudden moves that

It sometimes has and I didn’t yet this discover the Right Moves for it not to do it so I’m going to show you a traditional place they open at five so they’re closed right now but um I already was here at least on one occasion and it’s really traditional Spanish and not expensive

And it’s quite interesting so they say here so we reopen at 5:00 p.m. so they had a a lunch period and now they they are um cleaning and we’ll go again on it’s the name of this um place and if you come to Seville please come here if

You can it’s usually very full but you can really have the true Spanish experience say because it’s not only tourists coming here but Spanish and civil civil people coming as well so it’s quite nice so here’s some of the small streets of Seville this is actually quite large for the other

Historic streets that you can find here in Seville so we are walking towards the cathedral as I was saying earlier so this is a very busy Place have nice things on the display definitely yeah so let’s keep going so we approaching we are actually going on several pedestrian streets right now and we

Will see the cathedral in a couple of minutes still a bit away not far so some of the places as you can see are closed in the early afternoon for the Siesta and after five six then all the streets get full of people again because it’s

Natural that right now many of them are resting doing the Siesta which is really a thing that happen happens not in everyone of course but many people do in Spain and especially in hot places like Seville Seville can be very hot in the summer and so it’s

Really no point in one being in the street with 40° so you just take your time to rest a bit and then come out when it’s cooled down a bit and that really is one of the main reasons for the for the Siesta to happen so if my iPhone adjusts

The light you can see the Tower of the cathedral already up ahead we are just walking towards It Start right There he was very cute he really just wanted to say hello to that girl he just came right to her that is very sweet so almost there in the cathedral hope you’re enjoying this walk with me my friends and um it’s a pleasure to have you here in the live stream

Really so here is the one of the streets we’ve already recorded for you at Sand walks some NTI videos as well passing here in the street full of restaurants and Asad as you can see it’s a bit more touristic in this area but you can still have a a nice

Meal in this area of course yes lovely doggy Lawrence really was he was so sweet he really just wanted to say hello to that girl there and so here’s the building of the cathedral already it’s beautiful blue sky yeah amazing so this is the 15minute bell and there’s the kirala the

Tower of the cathedral it’s under renovation right now on this side but we will go around it so you can see it from the back we won’t go to the front of the cathedral today we will go on the back part of the cathedral and that’s we are going to walk right now

So I’ll send you the link on Google maps of where I am right now so it’s on the chat already so you can see where we are we are at theala so the big tower of the Cathedral of Seville she stunning really so you have horses here because this is

One of the things that sevil has a lot is you can take a tour of sevil on on these carriages so that’s lots lots of them really so here is one of the sides of the cathedral and the tower I’m going to show you a bit up it’s an amazing

Building really is it’s quite stunning so this is the central Fountain of the plaza de Cedral and the Sun is beautiful really is quite beautiful it’s amazing so I hope you’re enjoying this this live stream we will walk a bit in some narrower streets of ceville so we can show you a bit of the historic Center we’re not going deep into it CU that’s not on our path

Today but even so I will try to show you a bit of how old seil is thank you Lawrence it’s a nice Fountain indeed and it always gives that feeling of coolness because in especially in the warm weather to have fountains like this they just cool you with

It of course many times you want to get in them so we have a bride and the groom right there it’s a beautiful shot I’m sure speee so we have a ceria here so it’s a bodega and it’s full of people full of Spanish especially having drinks of course and

Enjoying this beautiful afternoon out I see lots of drinks and people just enjoying and these ones these ones are just making a so they were enjoying just enjoying a beautiful meal uh on the ground so let’s continue our walk as I told you I can’t really um get lost so much

Today as I do have work right at 5: So we’re going in some not so touristic streets now of Seville I’m going in the neighborhood a bit sorry for the lights in your screen so again a beautiful beautiful Square I wanted to bring you here because it’s uh it’s an amazing square so there’s no traffic

Here and you have this especially this part with all the shadow of the orange trees and you know people live here this is a small courtyard open it’s not closed and with the shade of the trees you have coolness I can feel it right now it’s a bit cooler

Than outside this little Courtyard so I hope the connection is good here cuz I’m in a bit of a corner hopefully all good so we’re going back to The Palace of alcasar so the cathedral is on our right you can see see it from here but it’s on our right and the alcasar palace is right on the left so that’s the um a beautiful beautiful palace very well known in um in Seville so we have 12 people watching

Thank you for still being here in this several live stream here’s a view of the cathedral again before we go towards our final destination today there it is it’s a beautiful beautiful building so this isal is the name of the Tower and uh we are going now inside the courtyard one

Of the open courtyards of the alar alar it’s One still existant one of the oldest palaces in the world actually we’ve filmed here for you on a live stream at night already but we didn’t come here in the day so here you can just enjoy a bit of Stillness not that sill is too noisy but here you just have a

Quiet quietness that it’s quite quite nice to experience so one of the entrances is through there where people are going and one of the the exit is actually on that big door right there I’ll just go a bit closer so you can take a look this is the exit of the palace

Just just and again if we turn the iPhone around you have the cathedral right there beautiful so let’s keep going on our walk for today we’re going right here in this corner where we will see some narrow streets again narrower than before actually and my this the signal May uh

Cut a bit so let’s hope not hope the signal didn’t cut off for you I was under a bit of a tunnel there so here we are in the Old ceville Street and you can see the balconies and how they use many times also some tiles as a

Decoration uh all good walks in Camas say thank you thank you so much yes sometimes when you go under structures you just imagine that the connection is going to be lost and many times it does so I was glad it didn’t right here so I’m just going in here cuz I

Don’t oh yes I was never here cool so this was um the water passageway so I love the old part Laurence says I love to S to yes how how it would be to be here in the old times yes it’s uh it’s uh it’s amazing to think that isn’t it so there you go the B Carman the Opera inspired by sevil many many scenes are in sevil and so this would be one of them I don’t

Know if you could read that but um I’m going to show you again Lawrence you can I’m sure elaborate a lot on this being a musician and a singer I’m sure we will all like to know more about the Opera and its relation with sevil and here’s

Lawrence a famous balcony isn’t it this one the barbar seil the marriage of figuro yes many many are inspired on cille isn’t it Balon de Rosina there you go so there it is beautiful here it’s really amazing so this uh according to Legend no the this balcony inspired the barber of

Seville so yes beautiful balcony actually amazing so we’re going to get a bit out of um from the bar of Seville exactly rosina’s balcony yes it’s quite amazing yes so yes Spanish inspired a lot of operas and plots libertos it’s quite interesting it’s a beautiful building that one

Really okay so we are now going out a bit of the sevil historic Center to finish this live stream in the plad that’s what where we are walking right now so we have around 10 minutes I hope I can get you there in time for the pl at ESP if not

Another another live stream we will show it to you but again if you search our channels then watchs for plasa the ESP or Seville simply Seville you will get uh a video at least one recorded in that Plaza Des um area which is a Monumental area

Really so we’ll go now to a bit more of Um kind of um there’s still gardens around here but you can hear already the traffic of the big Avenues of Seville so it’s a bit of a different atmosphere but you can still listen and relax and hear some birds which is always so nice we have 10 people watching some

People still here in the live stream I see the towers of the plet espa already up ahead of course in the on the phone is quite hard to show yet on the camera because it’s behind some trees we are just walking now in this Garden here which is a beautiful green

Area it’s the Hardin de Murillo this is the name of this and so all the alcasar palace is right behind these walls and it’s it’s big inside it’s it’s quite big and it’s so beautiful it’s really worth every penny that you pay to go in because it’s really a fantastic

Experience to visit the palace you can just wander around you can also have guided tours but you can just go on your own and wander in the palace and the gardens and it’s a beautiful beautiful area some people from Seville not old they still remember when the alasa

Palace was just open to public they would just come some of them would have like a picnic in The Gardens of the alasar and then would visit the palace so it was not closed there were no tickets so you could just go in and um of course that changed now because in

This type of monuments where there’s so many people wanting to visit some regulation must happen otherwise it can become chaotic and uh in terms of um maintenance it’s more difficult uh so they for many years now it as you have to buy a ticket to go in but as I was

Saying it’s really worth it because it’s very beautiful inside so if you come to Seville make sure you pay a visit to this palao which is so beautiful okay we have around 8 minutes I misjudge the time it takes to walk to get to pla despa from here but um we will get

There we will get there and show you how it is and this is what one of the main streets that so we kind of went around on the inside of the cevil old neighborhood but towards there where the camera is pointing right now would be the cathedral a bit further already

I was trying to get that green light but I was not able to so again lots of people wanting to go also to the plas and the um so this would be the let me check where I am right now aena El that’s where we are and that Fountain there is the plaza

Austria so you can see a fountain on the roundabout right there and um this is one of the main Avenues of course of seil as you can see and so the pl is p you can see Towers on the right that’s where we are heading when the green light

Comes we got a bit stranded over here so there we go okay here we go oops the green light is blinking already and um so we’ll go in the PLA desp and end this we have 11 watching again thank you so much for coming thank you for subscribing

Yeah and for pressing the like button I wonder how many likes we have if someone can see that you can tell me on the live chat I would like to know because on the live chat I can’t see that I mean on the screen I can’t see on the live stream

Unfortunately so this is a beautiful garden here we won’t go there but it’s right by the side of bla other people so this is um all this area as I was saying earlier the pl also on the right you see a circular building it’s a bit hard to see

From here due to the Sun but Um there is um circular building there it’s called the casino and also the pl they were it’s a it was a a group of buildings that were built between 1914 and 1929 for the Iberian American exhibition of 1929 so this is early early 20th century all this area was built for that exhibition

So there you would have the casino around beautiful building right behind these fences and here is the main building of that exhibition so they created all this all this area PL espa with Gardens beautiful big Gardens as part of that exhibition in 1929 and um it still is a touristic

Attraction nowadays so many people come here to enjoy this magnificent structures and towers and canals you can rent boats and go on the canals here’s the garden it’s a beautiful big Garden here and we’re just going to enter right now so this is one of the towers on the

Other side there’s another one this is the circular or semicircular structure so yes love the Palms uh Lawrence was saying yeah yes and uh a city of many treasures and Lawrence is saying it is indeed looks a great City to explore walks in camera just wrote yes I I agree totally

You to come to cille if you have the time to just enjoy relax it’s really a beautiful beautiful city so let’s approach the the the kind of lake or lash Canal that you have Here there’s the tower up There and people just riding those Boats there we go my gimbal was not temperamental until now so you have beautiful tiles Here it’s amazing it’s uh a beautiful area to explore as you see there’s many people around of course with all this beautiful Sun so we approach that Fountain and we will end this live stream in a couple of minutes I want to thank you ready for everyone to join in this afternoon walk

In Seville sea it’s really a pleasure to walk with all of you and all of your comments I really appreciate that so much yes Lawrence there was a guitar yeah quite beautiful so there’s the other Tower right there so people are queuing for the boats and here it is this is pla

The on all of those archways at the bottom part at this level where we stand there’s the names and tiles of every region in Spain I can’t film that for you because I have to finish this live stream but they’re already portrayed in ours

And walks here in PLP so do take a look at those thank you so much J Santos thank you have a wonderful weekend you too thank you for coming and um I hope this inspires you if where you live their sun to go out have a Zen walk a very nice

Frequency walk that’s always so good for us especially if the Sun is out but if it’s not out and if it’s not too cold it’s always nice to to go and wander around and just absorb the atmosphere so I really thank you everyone and uh see you on our next Premiere hopefully

Tomorrow tomorrow at night time I will set a Premiere eventually either in PTO or in Lisbon cities of Portugal so stay tuned for that on the Zen walks channel so for now bye-bye everyone take care and thank you once again for all your support for subscribing for liking Zen walks videos

And for being there you are the ones who build the Zen walks Community thank you and goodbye yeah

Welcome to SEVILLE Spain! Please LIKE the live-stream. Thank you!
🇬🇧 Streamed February 3rd , 2024

► Date: 03/02/2024
► Time: 15:30 pm
► Temperature: 20ºC
► Map:
Shot in 1080p HDR at 60fps

☕ Buy Me A Coffee ►
➥ Click the THANKS button below the video window

► Camera: iPhone 14 Pro Max
► Gimbal: Zhiyun Smooth 4

#sevilla #sevillespain #seville #plazadeespaña #sevillahoy #sevilladirecto #directo


  1. There is always so much to see and so much to experience on your channel. I really love spending time here. Thanks for allowing me to look forward to something new. : )

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