AIRBNB IN HARO | SPAIN – La Rioja wine region

Well good morning good morning so we have just left andorra yeah and we’re on our way to the la rioja region of spain notorious for its red wine and wineries so we’re gonna be uh sounds terrible we’re gonna be eating and drinking our hearts out for the next

Five days i think because we haven’t done this on this trip already at all yeah it’s hard to get a good spanish meal i know it sounds crazy but you think tapas is in every corner but it really wasn’t like that we didn’t no no we didn’t actually but we did uh hear

That apparently barcelona yeah or seville maybe and san sebastian sebastian’s either way the the tapas is called a little bit different pictures pink no not pickles pictures something like that so anyway we’re hoping to eventually try that over there yeah um but andorra was great nice little quick stopover

Cheap for um certain types of beverages yeah well they’re a tax free uh well they they’re tax haven money or they were a tax haven but um there’s only 10 income tax versus 47 in australia at some interest rate and this uh 10 company taxes 30

Company tax so i can understand why like business is set up in andorra but there’s no tax on wine spirits and stuff like that so we got one so 1.25 litres of vodka oh gosh let me get this this is the workout we have one

Of these yeah so 1.25 liters was uh six euros so that’s nine bucks so that should really last us for the whole Um so yeah so we got some vodka from andorra and the fuel was fueled so fuel exercise so the fuel was half price which is good so we filled up before we left as well yes so we’ve got some snacks yeah in the last 12 months in europe it’s gone from

About a euro later to two euros a liter so i think they’re getting affected by the fuel price hike as well same as everybody else yeah so we didn’t we didn’t actually shoot anything in andorra that wasn’t really too much to shoot apart from the beautiful

Scenery yeah which we have a little bit of yeah but not too much because it was just a quick stopover and i think you had to go for a massive hike which was going to be a couple of hours so by the time we got there

It was pretty late it yeah it was like stuffed we drove we drove for five hours so it was a killer but this is this is a five hour drive as well so but the difference with this is that we are going to be staying in the kind well

The wine region for five nights yeah yeah so we’ve got plenty of time to explore we’re staying in a town called harold yes it’s like a self-contained apartment where it’s got a washing machine which i’m very happy about we’re going to one of the most busiest wine regions in the world you’re

Excited about a washing machine it’s not like that i have to wash our clothes all right yeah so we won’t film too much on the journey but we’re on the road now we’ve got uh i’ll show you a little four hours about four and a half hours to go

Pretty much some beautiful scenery we’ve just hit a little town still amazing scenery so yeah we should arrive at about three o’clock hopefully yeah we’ll stop halfway through today and have a break we never break yesterday yeah we’re not going to do that this time we’ll have a break

And then touch base when we’re halfway yeah see you then we’re there we have just nearly arrived to hiro all right well here it is i’ve missed that you missed it hi The area about an hour ago and um it’s just vineyards non-stop hasn’t stopped 100k 100k 120 cats with the vineyards it’s just non-stop so i think it’s going to be a fun time there’s going to be plenty of dreams yeah oh gosh lots of little tricks have a look at the town

Oh that looks really pretty we’ll we’ll do a proper tour of the actual place instead of yeah i think we’re here for a few days yeah absolutely plenty of time to go through it so we’re going to check in to our place uh we’ll show you the apartment yeah and then

See what else yeah i think we’re gonna rest and relax it’s going to be good well we are here in aro in la rioja it’s spain’s most famous wine region and we just met victor who has the obama names in martin and he gave us a little bit of a run down

And everything so let’s check his mother let’s see who’s here as a saying victor was sensational such a wonderful host yeah yeah really helpful maps for wineries where to go through restaurants you showed us where to park your car which is under an underground car park yeah so it was awesome

It was a fair old drive so we’re glad to be out of the car i think yes we left indoor and it’s probably about what five five hours and encountered our first bloody toll the whole time in spain twenty was it 20 21 21 euros

I don’t miss you that was the first one i guess that was all right so so what do we got we’re gonna start with the lounge the lounge room which is a nice two-seater two and a half hundred days i think it’s gonna be a bit sticky

Because it’s like a forty today yeah but today it’s the only day we’ve got little foot stalls those are the ottomans imagine having an empire built on and putting your feet up this is gonna be this is a view from the street there’s a mountain over there you can sort of see it

But that’s the main square is down that way so it’s only 200 meters away there’s a naughty seat tv yeah we’ve um a little dining room we’ll never use look one thing i’m so happy so happy is that a dryer or just a washer you know i think it’s just a washer

Just to wash off which is good with yeah uh cut the essentials in the freezer yeah he got us a fan which was nice it’s got to be the heat yeah so we’ve got two lovely bedrooms one for working one for sleeping so very nice and cozy yes we’ve got a

Snuggish bathroom i’ll say we’ve got a big bathroom we’ve got the world’s biggest bath it’s not dissimilar to the hotel paris just i think i just just it’s park size feeding oh and then they got the big bedroom here with another fan that’s nice the two fans this is cool yeah these are

Nice very cumbered what i love about my home is who i share with us with you baby homie’s where you are this is awesome we’re gonna love it here yeah we’ve got five nights five minutes we’ll do heaps of videos because he showed us a map and

Down the end of the street there’s like a like a restaurant region yes a bar region with tapa yeah and then there’s another region which has got all the winery seven of the most famous wineries in there yes region yeah so that will definitely be using oh

Wine tours and everything so it’ll be nice yes so stay tuned to the channel and uh we’ll do some um we’ll do some filming and some eating and drinking and some sleep and some writing and some editing so hope you enjoy the next few days okay bye

This was a great drive from Andorra to Haro in La Rioja. AB and i love red wine, so this was an easy pick.. Our little hire car, Herbert, has done a great job getting us around safely.

We hope you enjoy the video 🙂

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