Hiking the Sierra Nevada Mountains | S01E23

You hear that what effect though I don’t want this feeling to go While we stayed in granada we got to know our wonderful airbnb hostess angela she moved from spain from germany and can fluently speak german spanish and english on two separate evenings angela offered to take us on a sunset hike along with her rescue dog kira angelo provides a variety of guided

Hiking tours throughout sierra nevada mountains we enthusiastically recommend these tours especially the sunset hike we’ve left a link to our hiking tours in the description below While angela and i walked and talked travis went ahead with kyra and enjoyed the solitude of the sierra nevada mountains although i love motorcycles i do like exploring the world view motorcycle it’s sometimes really nice just to disconnect go for a little hike on your own

Like right now all i hear is the sound of a couple buzzing flies maybe some birds a little bit of wind nothing else no airplanes no motorized vehicles it’s nice You hear that perfect though So Here we go yeah come on all right you ready All right it’s a gorgeous day it’s the perfect time to go for a hike the temperature is pretty reasonable beautiful sunsets that’s something i didn’t have really take the time to do before when i was working so much It was rare when i would catch a sunrise especially because i’m not a morning person but it was also fairly rare that i would even catch a sunset So since we’ve started traveling especially since coronavirus i’ve enjoyed i’ve enjoyed just watching the day end with a gorgeous beautiful sunset I don’t know here’s a lesson there somewhere slow down enjoy the enjoy the moment again look at this view join us next episode as we explore the countryside and the city streets of the southern coast of the malaga province and swim in the mediterranean If sea enjoyed this video please like subscribe and consider visiting our patreon page to see the benefits we offer our supporters the link is in the description below You

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Hiking the Sierra Nevada Mountains | S01E23:
Join us as we enjoy a sunset mountain hike with our wonderful hostess, Angela and her dog Kira. Sometimes it’s nice to unwind from motorized vehicles and enjoy the quiet and solitude of hiking in the wilderness. The Sierra Nevada mountain range in Spain was the perfect place to unwind.

For more on this hike please read our blog post: https://viajarmoto.com/2020/07/10/hiking-the-sierra-nevadas/

Angela provides organize hiking trips of the Sierra Nevadas: https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/369653


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Filming date: June 2020
Filming locations: Sierra Nevada Mountains, Spain
Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/paqnox/
Day of Mine – Biddy Sullivan

Best regards,
Travis & Chantil


  1. Wonderful and beautiful video, esp. the commentary about life and work! 

    LOL… my wife wakes up at 7 am everyday… I am generally still asleep at that time. Only time I wake up early is when I am traveling on my motorcycle adventures or at my sailboat. I wake up early to photograph the sun RISE and enjoy the sunsets.

    BTW, These short videos work–I like them. The commentary about trying to make sense of life and find meaning in all of it is good. <3

  2. Hey Travis and Chantil! I found you on IG from your ARR podcast post and am currently listening to your interview w/ Jim (28 minutes in so far) and am looking forward to watching your YouTube videos.

    Stay safe and healthy!
    Josh aka fatratgoon

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