Land of quirks and extremes – This is COLOMBIA!
Pablo Escobar…most people will have heard about Colombia because of him and the Narcos Netflix series they made about his life. But Colombia is SOOOO much more than this! There are many Colombia facts a lot more interesting than Pablo Escobar. Whilst the snow industry brought Colombia
To a standstill in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s making it a no-go area, it has since undergone a HUGE transformation. It is now one of the safest places to visit in South America. Let’s speak about all the facts you should know to get a better understanding of the country. Are you ready
To embark on a journey to the mysterious paradise of South America, a land enchanted by its natural wonders, vibrant culture, and streets steeped in history? Yes, today, we are delving into the captivating world of Colombia! Nestled on the northwest coast of South America, bathed by the
Azure waters of the Caribbean, lies a paradise cloaked in lush greenery — this is Colombia! Are you ready to take our first step? Colombia’s beauty isn’t confined to its geography alone. It’s embedded in the warmth of its people and the richness of its cultures. This country offers a
Colorful mosaic born from hundreds of years of history and the amalgamation of diverse ethnic groups. But this is just the beginning! Join us to delve deeper into Colombia and unveil its secrets. With its vibrant streets, breathtaking nature, and sincere people, Colombia is waiting to be
Discovered. Are you ready? 1. Colombia is a vast country If you have an idea to explore Colombia, don’t think that you will be able to visit every corner of Colombia in one month. The surface of the country is equivalent to the sum of France + Spain + Portugal. Also, even though
The trunk roads are acceptable, you will have to be patient if you plan to travel off the beaten path. Fortunately, internal flights are cheap, especially if you book them in advance. 2. Amazon rainforest One-third of Colombia is covered with the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon is the world’s
Largest rainforest, and you can visit year-round, either hike in the area or take a boat. Almost one million Indians live in the Amazon region comprising these countries: Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. The 400 different tribes have their own
Language, culture, and territory. 3. The happiest place in the world Colombia has been for many years one of the happiest countries in the world people filled out a survey based on their feeling of being happy or unhappy happy and it turned out that more than 85% of Colombians feel happy 4.
Colombia’s national parks are impressive Colombia has 60 National Parks, covering over 10% of its land. Tayrona National Park stands out as the most popular destination for both locals and travelers, offering a unique blend of stunning white-sand beaches against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada
Mountain range. These national parks offer an infinite variety of landscapes, rivaling even the United States in terms of protected areas. There are also glaciers such as Los Nevados, high-altitude lakes like Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, and even some of the oldest
Rock paintings on Earth found in Chiribiquete. 5. Colombia Has Coastlines on Two Seas In a remarkable geographical feature, Colombia stands out as the sole country in South America, blessed with coastlines bordering both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Colombia’s dual coastal
Regions offer an abundance of natural wonders. On one side, the Pacific Ocean showcases its majestic power, with rugged landscapes and pristine beaches captivating visitors. On the other side, the Caribbean Sea enchants with its turquoise waters and picturesque tropical settings, drawing in
Tourists from far and wide. 6. Dancing is Major in Colombia Aside from hosting large salsa festival, Colombia has gained international recognition for its exceptional dancing skills. Many believe that Colombians possess an innate talent and are born dancers. In Colombia, the joy of dancing is
Deeply ingrained in the culture. With salsa clubs adorning every street corner, music plays a vital role in the daily lives of Colombians. It comes as no surprise, then, that the largest annual salsa event in the world takes place right here. Welcome to the World Salsa Festival in Cali, Colombia,
Attracting a staggering 44,000 participants over four unforgettable days. 7. Wax palm, a symbol of Colombia Wax palm is a national tree and symbol of Colombia. The Colombian government set up Los Nevados National Natural Park where Cocora Valley is a part. You can go hiking in Cocora Valley,
The protected forest reserve, and be surrounded by 45-meter tall wax palms, the tallest palm trees on the planet. 8. Second most holiday days Looking for a place to work? Go to Colombia. Colombians have the second most Bank Holidays globally, which are usually celebrated on Mondays. Who knows,
Maybe long weekends and balanced work and personal life is the secret to the happiest nation in the world. 9. President awarded a Nobel Prize Past Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for signing a deal with Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia in 2016.
This deal will help to end a 50-year guerrilla war in Colombia. Colombian Congress approved the agreement despite more than half of Colombians voting against it. 10.Medellin City Center Medellin city center is a really strange place and not the best place for kids. Street vendors sell
Porn DVDs right on the streets, and prostitutes offer their services right next to the church’s entrances. At least redemption is right next door. 11.One of the Highest Capital Cities One of the most interesting facts about Colombia is that Bogota is the fourth highest capital globally
(the first is La Paz in Bolivia at 3,869 m). It lies at an elevation of 2,640 meters above sea level. Within cities bigger than 3 million people, it is the highest. Half of the world’s population lives below 200 meters of elevation. 12.Emerald production Colombia is by far the biggest producer
Of emeralds. Emerald belongs to the most precious gemstones, and it’s estimated that every second emerald on the planet comes from Colombia. Emerald trade was a big contributor to civil problems that ended in 2016 with a peace deal between the government and Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia. 13.Bandeja Paisa The most famous food in Colombia is bandeja paisa, a mix of ground beef, fried pork, avocado, rice, beans, plantain, fried egg, arepas, and sausage. It’s a very filling meal you can find in any Colombian restaurant. 14.Named after Christopher Columbus Colombia is named after
The Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. The country has undergone many name changes, including the Republic of New Granada. Since 1886, the official name has been the Republic of Colombia. This is, for me, the most interesting fact about Colombia. 15.National sport The
National sport of Colombia is Tejo, throwing metal disks into pits covered with gunpowder and then exploding. While this is mostly alcohol friendly game, Colombia’s most popular sport is football. 16.Biggest cocaine producer Colombia is the world’s biggest cocaine producer. For a long time,
It ranks within the first 3 places, followed by Peru and Bolivia. The Colombian government can confiscate about 80% of the cocaine every year. Around 100 tons make it to the market. Colombia’s drug trade is worth US$10 billion. That’s one-quarter as much as the country’s
Legal exports. 17.Only two seasons Colombia is a tropical country passing the equator on the south, so there aren’t four seasons. Temperatures are stable throughout the year, and the only thing that changes is a rainy season with a dry season. Some parts of Colombia have the same weather all
Year round, such as Medellin. It’s called “The City of the Eternal Spring”. 18.Massive biodiversity Colombia belongs to a group of 17 megadiverse countries. These countries have more than 5,000 biological species. It has one of the highest numbers of species by area in the world,
Including butterflies, amphibian species and has more bird species than Europe and North America combined. 19.Women are bosses There are only three countries where it is more likely to have a female boss instead of a man. In Colombia, 53% of bosses are women. Only one country has a
More women bosses ratio – Jamaica, where 59 out of 100 bosses are women. 20.Diverse country The ethnically diverse Colombia is a mix of indigenous descendants, Spanish, people from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. There’s no one skin colour dominant in Colombia, and often you can’t tell
If the person is Colombian or a visitor. 21.Greatest Colombian who ever lived Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote the most-sold novel in the Spanish language and won a Nobel Prize for literature. He was a great friend of Fidel Castro. Marquez was described as “the greatest
Colombian who ever lived” at his funeral. 22.More Spanish speaking ratio than in Spain In Colombia, 99.2% of people speak Spanish compared to Spain, where 99% speak Spanish. Colombia is a country that has the second biggest ratio of Spanish-speaking people right after Mexico.
23.Fruits Colombia has more than 400 fruit. They grow pineapple, banana, avocado, lime, and mango from well-known fruit. Colombia’s most exotic fruits are lulo, passion fruit, zapote, dragon fruit, borojo, curuba, gulupa, and golden berry. 24.A coffee region named a heritage site
Colombia is the biggest producer of Arabica coffee beans in the world. Counting all types of coffee, the country is the third biggest producer. Coffee plants require high altitudes, warm but not sunny weather to grow the best harvest. UNESCO rewarded the Colombian coffee cultural
Landscape as Heritage Site. 25.National drink The national drink of Colombia is Aguardiente, translated to burning water. It’s a liquor made of sugarcane with anise flavour, and you drink it from a shot glass, just like you would vodka. 26.One of the biggest Patriots Colombians are one
Of the biggest patriots; television and radio have to play the National anthem at 6 am and 6 pm every day. Maybe the government doesn’t want people to forget the lyrics. 27.Ruins older than Machu Piccu Ciudad Perdida, or Lost City, is an ancient city built of mountainside terraces
In the Sierra Nevada mountains. Archaeologists believe the city was founded 650 years earlier than Machu Picchu in Peru. This truly is one of the most interesting facts about Colombia – Machu Picchu is better known but younger than Ciudad Perdida. Tourist agencies now offer a Lost City
Jungle trek which usually takes 4-6 days, passes indigenous villages, and covers 70 km. 28.Transformation in progress Former murder capital of the world, Medellin lost its title, which now belongs to Celaya in Mexico. Medellin gained the title “thanks” to Pablo Escobar’s drug
Wars and transformed into a great city that welcomes visitors. Medellin was declared the World’s Most Innovative City in 2012. 29.The most famous Colombian Talking about famous Colombians, the current most famous person from Colombia is probably Shakira. She is one of the most popular
Singers in the world, born in Barranquilla. 30.Drug deaths In the USA, almost half a million people die every year from smoking American tobacco. Cocaine, mainly from Colombia, kills roughly 15,000 people. Was the War on Drugs led in the right countries, for the right cause,
Or should the USA rather ban tobacco instead? Colombia is a country that captivates every moment with its deep historical imprints and unique cultural touches. With its colorful past, the vibrant energy of modern life, and the breathtaking natural beauty, Colombia is a land
That weaves a saga dancing with history, a melody capturing your heart through its street music, and a dream liberating your soul in its tropical paradises. Colombia is not just a country; it’s an adventure. We are concluding the video where we discussed 30 facts about Colombia,
Delving into its history, culture, nature, and people. Thank you for joining us on this extraordinary journey. If you like this video please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching.
In this country promotional documentary, I introduce you 30 important informations about Colombia. I talked about daily life in Colombia, Colombian culture, traditions and history. Also, the geography features and interesting facts of Colombia.
While watching the documentary, You will learn what you didn’t know about Colombia. You will watch an excellent Colombian country documentary video that explain many unknown and surprising topics about Colombia. #colombia #documentary #colombian
1 Comment
A very informative video. I learned many interesting things about Colombia that I didnt know before. Thanks.