Vitoria Gasteiz in the Basque Country, Spain. Episode 2405

Happy Friday how you thinking that we’re off on our travels again hi Bob hi Bob we’ve just been in the airport loung Al County now Andy don’t think it’s worth the money but I do I booked it on revelot I’ve got a revet card and if you book it on revet

You can buy a dragon pass which gets you to lots of different airport lounges and it’s €4 each now for me just so that we in the hustle and bustle of the main airport upstairs it’s worth it but we’ve also had a couple of glasses of wine

Each a little bit of food the food’s not the best quality but it’s just relaxing it’s a relaxing way to wait for your flight and they alert you when it’s time to board so we’re off we’re going now to get on the plane I’m wearing a jumper squinty the sun’s in my Eyes welcome to January where are we we’re at Victoria gasf and it was we thought it would to be freezing and it’s actually really warm and we’re here for the next two nights so come and join us and it’s Merry Christmas to me thanks anday oh yes so

We are in Victoria without a sea and literally yeah it’s not Victoria it’s Victoria we’re actually in the P Vasco which is a region in the north of Spain which sort of borders with France and you might not have heard of Victoria you might have heard of santande or bilb because they’re

Probably W more widely known and recognized names than Victoria but Victoria is actually the capital city it’s where the parliament sits it’s a really old city dating some of the streets actually date back to the 11th and the 12th century it’s got like a medieval quarter it’s got an old um City wall

And I’m but in cuz handy were talking sorry go on I’m Sor thinking she’s proper gone off on one before we even start what I was going to say was we’re s in one of what looks like many little old squares literally behind us that building there is where the apartments

Yeah we did it look at the descript there would definitely be too many stairs here for you look in the description for how to book the same placee with they are quite ni hel might get a bit of footage possibly but here’s there’s two Cathedrals here as well

We’re going to do at least one of them but hopefully to yeah it’s one of the only cities in Spain to have two Cathedrals it’s also reg it’s also recognized by the European uh Parliament as being a green City Now here in Victoria because it’s such a green area there are over 170 kilometers worth of cycle tracks so all you look get out the bloody way and come up here and look you can tell because there is bicycles [Applause] Everywhere [Applause] [Applause] Oh J I was B to eliminate any of your mistakes we’re in a restaurant called Elbas I think it’s called Elbas the menu is not very big it’s more like tappers so we’ve ordered a few tappers and a glass of wine and we’ll see what it’s going to be like when we

Get it muscles Al And of yeah that looks really it smells good it’s very hot well I’ve just got a whip of that is it good it’s really ni is that mustard don’t know actually there’s two sauces in there that’s so nice Helen’s like FL it getting some of this be the camera right so I’ve got

Oh what the hell is that oh hell is not try these SAU hang on hang on a little bit of told you we should have Ed th then oh oh that’s just kicked in the dip oh that’s the pors with a papaya dip and that’s the omade Al bondas I’m

Struggling a bit because I’m sat on a little tiny table but lovely this is the salsa short and sweet uh if you can hear us the grand bill was 5980 and that was lovely morning it’s uh Saturday it is Saturday behind us is where the apartment is now if you look

I’m just going to spin you around look at this and I’ve just seen that they’ve got a Sund dial on the wall as well so this is yet another church and the square where we were having a m yesterday is There to become different when you found something’s going on take your time think aot think of everything you’ve got You so this is the the main post of this building know L of the big cities you find that the K building is very very and fr the one in Madrid Stunning we’re on the hunt surprise surprise for the local uh Market food market and we found it we think what’s it called it’s called Mardo di abastas I think have a Look Ellen last night ah you should try snails before try Pig ear you should try snails yeah well snails are the local delicacy in this are so we should try him No We in a place called I don’t know you’d say it 2x i k i TK TK TK TK maybe I don’t know yeah the ham on cettas the crispy belly pork which if you remember when we were in Madrid we had it at Mardo San Miguel and that alone cost us

16 yeah tortilla diatas con bolog two beers the whole lot costers 1490 cheers now I never had to te with on it before bit messy to get they’re nice AR they yeah put my Hand [Applause] Right youing kill me this me if I can catch my breath can’t see all way down to the bottom the nice thing about being here in um Victoria is I know we’ve got some cars parked here but there are not many cars driving around the city center

There are the trams and the buses but you don’t really see many cars do You Hell I’m on my phone we’re in a place called our copy we booked it earlier we’ve seen it a few times seen it online and we’re just going to look to see what we’re going to get everywhere is so busy tonight glad we book somewhere otherwise

I don’t think we’d be eating a couple of the bars are were actually diso takes and they were got people dancing in them at 68 6:00 p.m. so getting in party central we’ll show you what we get but we won’t say Much this is wag beef I wasn’t expecting that much cut super F the wag is beauti so the cettas the homemade and there’s three different ones I think so we’ve got squid yeah uh she said he said sorry crab and cheese so yeah uh anyway

Don’t care as long as I don’t have them ones as soon as I saw those they were either going to be spinach or squid delicious are they you’re welcome to you might like them no m i just no obviously Andy’s not trying to squid one I think that might be

Crab they are really nice is that hammer crab is it nice yes very tasty blows your head good that’s the crab one it’s a very intense flavor but it’s nice really nice the squid ones have got little bits of calamari in them really tasty which is I’m glad I didn’t have

One this is the um oh nice check this out this is black pudding it’s a SED them all see you they can’t see it yet all right show them yeah it looks like a brownie I’m guessing that’s beetro chips you got onion I’m guessing that’s pars or carrot oh it’s

Chispy look at that ah but it’s crispy bit oh crispy but nice and moist in the Middle look at that oh and it’s red out that looks lovely never had anything like this before ever you’re going to love it it’s B it’s from Burgos I think which I think is famous

In Spain it’s a famous area in Spain I’m stribling to it’s that sort of crispy that gets stuck in your teeth that looks like ketchup that’s on the bottom it’s not oh it’s spicy red pepper sauce nice this steam coming off that You doing your happy dance that’s nice that is nice so this is the Cod pill pill B pill pill which looks like it’s got see I can see I at Tom more SE or chilies and it looks like it’s got a little bit of coriander on

Top can’t really taste much on that oh for me that’s not got a lot of taste to it but the cup might be all right so and it’s a bit tub oh it looks nice but it’s not flaky it’s it’s a bit flaky but it’s not melting your mouth sort of like I’ve

Never known anything like it chewy yeah never known prob about that one of Andy’s favorites I think they might be pork cheeks yeah they are small though they’re pces they’re Dr into pieces they’re stuning B it bre for the sauce they are nice she wanted a dessert I went bother

So she decided to get two but we have got we’ve got no clue what we’re getting no idea at all I think that’s some sort of ice cream with hot chocolate right okay so that’s the traditional bath desert so it’s difficult to actually understand what we’re getting because

The menu is not in Spanish even it’s in bass which is completely different so he said something like with caramel and toot and so I think that’s this so I’m going to try this it’s like a lemon cake oh that’s really nice it’s like a lemon cake it’s really

Creamy it’s got like a custard on chop and caramel sa I can taste Cinnamon definitely it’s very nice try that one as well now so we I don’t know what this is neither is it ice cream which one’s nicer the fast one yeah that is going to end up all down your nice cream top you like that one Better [Applause] [Applause] It looks a mess because they’ve already started it’s possibly one of the best T have every no CH te is not one of the best CH te still still one in uh Madrid I think is the best tortilla but what they’ve done is they’ve put a slice of ham on it some

Cheese and some alol and some bapon and it’s delici like that I enjoyed that yeah that really tasty got for two coffees and the Big Slice of talk to you 620 6 20 if you look in the back catalog Going Back 2 years we are on the Camino de Santiago

We are on the Cino de Santiago but that doesn’t mean that we’re walk in the Cino to Santiago no but some of you guys have done the Cino to Santiago and this is as much as we’re going to walk on the commun of Santiago I’ve just got to say

About Victoria I’m very surprised at how quiet the city is all the time that we’ve been here it’s been really really quiet not a lot of people about a lot of the shops closed until last night and last night was like Carnival I don’t know if everybody just comes out on a Saturday

Night and this day does for the rest of the week but it were manic last night weren it again this morning quiet as anything I Night P is around about 20 to 10 tonight so we’ve got quite a bit of time to kill now we’re walking to one of

The two Cathedrals this one is a museum and then we booked in to do a tour of the cathedral the Tower and the Crypt of the other cathedral which is the old Cathedral Another thing that’s been surprising about the churches and the religious buildings here in Victoria they’ve been closed usually when we’re visiting a city the churches are open most of the time for you to go inside if you want to have a look and for those of you that

Want to say a little prayer or something but here they’ve been closed the one near us was actually open last night but this one it’s open now and it’s a first time we’ve seen it open while we’ve been here let’s go and have a look Know so this is the Cathedral of Maria immaculada of V Victoria and it’s a fairly new cathedral the old Cathedral we’re going to visit later on and we’ll tell you a little bit about that then but they started to build this Cathedral when they created the dicese of Victoria in 8

1862 and they considered that the old cathedral was too small so they needed a bigger Cathedral and work started on this cathedral in 1907 and by 1911 the Crypt had been built but then in 1914 Works stopped because they had financial problems and they couldn’t continue to build it and

They left this Cathedral empty and with no work going on it for 32 years and in 19 1946 they started building it again and the church was eventually consecrated in 1973 so it’s fairly new now it’s a museum for religious artifacts so it’s the Museum of sacred art of Victoria so

It’s not actually even used as a church anymore the one that we’re going to see a little bit later as I said before he’s much older and was the original Cathedral here in Victoria and that’s why there are two cathedrals in this city that’s probably the bells we can

Hear kicking up right now yeah the other one Santa Maria as well I think I mean this one has got a a basque name but I can’t pronounce it so I’m not even going to attempt That Oh To [Applause] Okay so we’re about to do a guided tour around the other cathedral which is the Cathedral of Santa Maria uh the tour is going to be in Spanish we’re not going to translate any of it we’ll just show you what we see I think that’s going to

Be the easiest way of doing it and we might give you a recap after yes the the cathedral actually at this moment in time you can only go on a guided tour it’s not possible to access it if you’re not on a guided tour because there are

Lots of um renovation Works going off they’ve got in fact I think we might even have to wear hard arts in some of it but we’ll see this has undergone a massive restoration project basically I think it was falling down yeah I think this Cathedral they

Had to do lots and lots of tests even on the foundations to find out what went on with it but it’s safe now so this is the 11th to 12th centuries that’s the 10th to the 11th century this is the 13th century and you can see how it’s

Progressed this is uh Gast days which became Victoria vast days this here is the original moat it’s 8 m wide and about 3 m deep also notic in the ceiling that there’s wires with sensors on them to detect any movement but hopefully they’ve rectified any issu she said that there there is

Movement like there is in any any building but it’s not dangerous movement so they’re not worried about it and the the cathedral after the works have been done to it been opened it up for General use since 2014 but it has have major major um surgery works it yeah now if

You’re look at this there you might see a coin and that was what they used to Pay Catholic questions for the Fairman I will say it’s been quite interesting so far little bit M of what you’d expect that but Helen was saying off camera that basically where we were was 9 M below the surface below the cathedral yeah below the cathedral floor so it’s

Like church built on a church built on a church built ET Etc [Applause] [Applause] Even I need to watch my head walking into this space goody H there no very totally here Holy wow so we’re actually up in the parapet walls of the church Andy sounds out of breath I Am so we’re on our way up the bell Tower excuse my every breathing yeah so we started off 9 M below the floor of the cathedral and we’re now 28 m above ground level ground level yeah yeah but the Cath the Cathedral on ground level or no it’s above ground level I think so we’ve done lots of stairs um this part

Of the bell tower that we were that we’re studying now was built in the 17th century and there is a Spire above us which is fairly new because it burnt down I can’t remember what year she said 17th century you said no this is from the 17th century they had some sort of

Fiesta to celebrate the end of the plague and they set a firework off and it hit the Bell Tower spire and burnt it down so there were some markings on the archways each one of these archways had a bell hanging from it there were eight in total they had to removed three oh

Not they the ones that downstairs no there were three floors with bells on so there were there were eight in total they actually removed three of them because the wind kept making them ring so they only then they they were left with five Bells but the markings up

There are actually old markings that were put there by the Bell ringers and they’re the names of the Bell ringers they think so that we came through yesterday that I think is the original gate into the city yeah into the town okay when you come in here there is

A bus and we’ll Link in the description and look on the website there is a bus that you can catch from the airport into Victoria which is 4 each and it’s the same coming back but it is a bit of a month free4 book Him in Advance is my

Recommendation there there’s one bus for the whole aircraft and it only goes when the aircraft comes in and when the aircraft you back out it picks you up in Victoria yeah two hours before so it’s not a regular B service that you can think if I don’t get on that one I’ll up

On the next one because there isn’t a next one it’s crazy there’s you can get taxes as well by the way they come for Ryan a and another airline which we’ll put below because I can’t remember who it is um and that’s who they do that bus

For it’s a special deal they done for those buses basically also in Victoria Airport when you flying back there is only when you’ve gone through um security there is only a vending machine there’s no Cafe three vending machines but yeah yeah but there there’s no cafe

Or bar or there are toilets and that’s it give you an idea it’s smaller than the old sanh Havier give you Ana don’t forget you can follow us on Instagram or Facebook and he’s probably done that way around cuz he usually does it Wrong Way Around um we’ loads of photos from

Various bits and pieces that we’ve done hope you’ve enjoyed this one don’t forget if you if you enjoyed it leave us a comment I know that a lot of you that are watching are not actually subscribed to our channel so give us a subscribe oh

Just give us a thumbs up and share it won’t hurt share it with your friends if you’ve got any friends that are coming to Victoria yeah uh on that one thanks a lot see you soon bye just quickly I can’t see the screen I’ve not got my glasses on but basically

They’ve changed our seats yeah we back so we paid for priority and we paid for seats and I’m on row four now and Andy’s on row 27 27 we were both on 35 so we both we’ve both SE sat next to each other thankfully it’s only an hour she gets an hour off

We head into Spain´s Basque Country, in the North of Spain via Ryanair.

We spend 2 nights, exploring this ancient city with lots of charm. Food. Churches and TWO cathedrals.

Where we stayed (EXCELLENT location):

The airport bus:

We also ate at
Le Basque:
Bar Txiki:
Restaurante Arkupe:
Berladi No. 5:

00:00 Start
00:05 Titles
00:13 Alicante airport Lounge
00:56 Vitoria – Gasteiz Airport
02:49 Machete Plaza
03:21 El Farolone
03:46 Plaza Virgen Blanca
04:10 Plaza España
05:08 Le Basque
07:17 Saturday
09:15 Mercado de Abastos
10:37 Bar Txiki
11:56 Florida Park
12:50 Medieval City Wall
13:23 Vitoria by Night
14:12 Restaurante Arkupe
19:47 Church of San Miguel
21:00 Sunday – Berladi No. 5
22:42 Cathedral Maria Inmaculada of Vitoria
26:18 Provincia Plaza
26:34 Church of San Pedro Apostle
28:11 Church of San Vicente Martir
29:39 Santa Maria Cathedral
37:35 Vitoria Airport
39:39 Outro
39:52 Finish

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  1. It looks a nice place with nice food you are globe trotters ever thought of becoming a Travel Agent I'm a qualified one but you'd be great at it! I love squid croquettes though.

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