INSIDE Caribbean’s BEST Resort | Casa de Campo – Dominican Republic

This is the most luxerious res in Caribbean welcome to Gad this is a house to my taste look at this holy moly I don’t know anybody who would need that much space right let’s go ask our friend is doing oh oh [Applause] myig so yeah this used to be our family

Villa I’ll show you a picture of me a couple years ago and we don’t own it anymore but uh yeah pretty nice Villa let’s go from our Villa on to the next welcome to kasad Campo this is where we are going to stay for a week right now

So Pitbull has three houses here in Campo this is one of his houses let’s see if he’s in there we’re driving around inside Campo CL look that that house that house is not that cool apparently it’s not so my Uncle made this house my uncle was the architect of this house

Store no way my mom is meeting up with her old best friend and the craziest he is my best friend finia wow [Laughter] [Laughter] oh yeah you’re not ready for this Welcome To Paradise Island Welcome To Paradise we’ll show you everything today what to do here in Dominican Republic here we have like the restaurant area so here we are this is our place our place Cloud just wait for this over

Here look infinity pool infinity pool my friend in case you want to go to the beach you go right here but if you want to go to the infinity pool pool let’s go right over here Paradise on earth look at this this is the gem of the Dominican Republic it’s only found here

Yes I bet it’s very cheap and doesn’t cost anything right can’t believe we are here Bing the ice cream oh ice cream oh we don’t like ice cream right unfortunately we don’t like ice cream pool here ocean out there let’s go in front of you guys just

Yeah go case you guys want to be famous on YouTube you ready for the beat Cloud I’m ready I look at that water we’re going to go in the water let’s go see the oan Y pretty good Monday morning this is a Monday morning oh look

At my hair oh my God look at my hair where are you let’s do a handshake underneath the water wait we can’t keep our eyes Open So today we’re here in kazad Campo there’s a lot of crazy Villas like we’ve shown you yeah for like Justin Bieber Beyonce JC they have all stayed here and pitol has three houses here we’ll show you what the hotel looks like and some local secret spots so let’s get into it

All right let’s go you think you could you would want to drink here [Laughter] CL oh my God Happy Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day Matas now that I can’t spend it with Savannah I guess I have to spend it with clous and my mom back there sorry Savannah you think I didn’t bring Savannah here today I would have to buy her all this stuff for Valentine’s Day CLA I’ll give you $10 if you fit in this $10 e $0 in my life oh yeah now we have the most luxurious or actually the best golf course in the

Caribbean teeth of the dog teeth of the Dog if me and clous could play golf we would play Here kbo has a lot of crazy Villas and a lot of expensive stuff but they also have some very cool culture now we’re going to go back in time a little bit it’s the Gladiator fighting Place Gladiator Arena here sometimes we got lions and Matias it’s called

Al right now down here they’re preparing wedding feels good to be back home we’re going to show you where my parents got married way back in the ’90s is that poano we know Jenny PO he was a c long really Jenny poano apparently a cousin of our many years ago I have a

Lot of these fishes at home in Denmark what Kitty KY Kitty KY kitty kitty this is the old church here in kasad Deo where matias’s parents actually got married right there in 1995 so little while ago but it’s pretty peaceful and beautiful all right catch the GoPro you ready three two

One what a throw Maas I barely caught it hey get out of my spot I’m trying to enjoy the view well I’m going to show you the View that’s for real look here they eat people be careful it doesn’t look real it is if it comes attacks me I’m running this is the ugliest house in kasad Deo look here to be honest I don’t think it’s that ugly it’s terrible the birthday cake house [Applause] yeah

Have you ever wanted to go inside the best resort in the Caribbean, and one of the best resorts in the world? Well, today is your chance to do so!

Join us as we take you to the marvelous Casa de Campo in the Dominican Republic.

If you like extravagant villas, clear-water beaches, and beautiful sunsets, then you will love this video!

Casa de Campo is located near La Romana in the Dominican Republic, between the big tourist attractions of Punta Cana and Santo Domingo.

Don’t forget to subscribe, if you want to see more videos from our trip to the Dominican Republic, and our many other future adventures!

We hope you enjoy the video!

-Finmark Studios

0:00 – Visiting the Crazy House of Pitbull
1:11 – Playa Minitas – Best Beach in the World?
4:07 – Casa de Campo Luxury Hotel
5:15 – Teeth of the Dog – Best Golf Course in Caribbean
5:38 – Altos de Chavon – Wedding of My Parents
7:17 – Amazing Sunset to End the Day

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