The hidden world beneath the ancient Alhambra fortress – BBC REEL

[Música] bueno estamos probablemente en el monumento más visitado de españa un monumento que recibe al año más de 2 millones de visitantes muchos de estos visitantes van buscando la perspectiva los jardines el agua al ordes palacio de la decoración y lo que muchos no saben es que por debajo de estos palacios hay

Zonas ocultas hay galerías rincones secretos [Música] e i y i [Música] estuvo resistiendo durante seis meses de asedio de las tropas cristianas hasta que finalmente fue entregada y fue entregada no mediante una batalla sino mediante un acuerdo de capitulación a la alhambra físicamente quedó como estaba

Pero fue sucedida por una stroppa y por un agente que desconocía la función entonces todavía hay mucho que descubrir [Música] no se especuló mucho el momento sobre el significado real de esta escalera concretamente sabemos que mucho más quinto uno de los grandes constructores de la alhambra fue avisado de noche de

Que iban a asesinarlo y él se escapó por una galería que pudo ser ésta [Música] el salón del trono se encuentra dentro de una de las torres más fortificadas de la alhambra la torre de comares estamos recorriendo la muralla de todo el recinto de la alhambra rodea por

Completo casi 2.000 metros hay zonas que están a cielo abierto y hay zonas que están ocultas para evitar interrumpir una vida del sultán con sus visibles el paso continúa la línea de la muralla pero atraviesan esos palacios por debajo a través de unos túneles [Música] cómo [Música]

De esta forma que vemos o si la campanada obedece a la necesidad del acceso de los cautivos eran descendido desde el agujero central mediante cuerdas de tal manera que una vez que eran depositados abajo prácticamente era imposible poderse escaparse del lugar la alhambra de a partir ser una solución

Y sobre todo a lo largo de todo el siglo 20 tiene un proceso de investigación en base al estudio de la arquitectura en base a las excavaciones arqueológicas lo cual damos ahora mismo empezando a comprender mejor lo que es el significado real de un lugar en que todavía para nosotros resulta un cierto

Halo de misterio [Música]

The ancient fortress of the Alhambra has a fascinating history, passing from Moorish sultans to Catholic kings. Today it is one of Spain’s most visited tourist attractions and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

However, very few know of the secret world of the Alhambra that lies unseen below the surface – a hidden network of tunnels and dungeons, off limits to tourists, that are still being uncovered and understood by archaeologists today.

Video by Izabela Cardoso and Fernando Teixeira

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  1. There's a hotel or Pension in the grounds.
    Also, it's lovely to see late in the eve when it's all lit up
    Granada was 1 of my favourite cities in Spain – especially during festival times.

  2. Not Al Hambra, is AL-Hamra, which means the red. It was named after tge ruler of Gharnata (Granada) who's last name is Al-Ahmar from the tribe of Bani Al-Ahmar. It was built by the moroccans The Marinids during their rule of Andalusia. And architecture is pure Moroccan

  3. Guess what was found in Cordoba when it fell ?

    The books and manuscripts from the library of Alexandria.

    Every movie about finding "treasure" is based on this discovery.
    The treasure was never gold and jewels.
    But the records of man and how to create world's.

    Like golem , they could not handle what they found and decided to create axis mundi.
    Hell on earth.
    But the opposite was just as easily created with the knowledge they found.
    But the temptation to keep it to themselves was to great.

  4. It was the Algerians who built it, this architecture is called Dziri , pure Algérian architect, the spanish themselves did a documentary stating it so did Andalusia, it was tarik Ibn ziad who conquered it, he was an Algerian amazigh from the Aouras mountains in Algeria

  5. We don’t forget ever never what u do for Muslim by killing them and force them to Yemeni whose belong to the grand grand grand Abi Amer Alhajeb AlMunsor..and the Yemeni tribe who opened the Andalusia.. We will not forget the attack of the Spaniards and their Queen Isabel and Freinand and their burning of a million books containing science and knowledge from medicine, mathematics, astronomy and engineering. One day we will come back.. And we will establish justice, not killing, as you did in the Morsicans, the Arabs and the Jews.

  6. I am from Yemen. My tribe migrated to Spain during this period and still have their fortress under their name until now. I am proud of my ancestors. Incredible to see this

  7. The language they use in the documentary is very interesting…. ‘Conquered by the catholic monarchs’ and ‘this ended the 800-year-old tradition of Islamic culture’…. If u take 20 minutes out of your day and read just a little bit about Spanish history you will see that the language used is just a tad bit inaccurate, almost as if the Spanish conquered the Muslims, like that land was rightfully Muslim. Language is very important because now people will think that the history of Spain began with the Muslims. This is the sad state of historians in the modern age.

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