La Sagrada Familia Barcelona Spain

Hi everyone welcome back so today I am so happy to share with you this amazing monumental architectural marvel which is La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain so first and foremost we’re gonna talk about ticket prices the ticket prices for la Sagrada família or 20 euros per adult and children 11 years and under

Are admitted absolutely free so I’m gonna go ahead and put some links below on pricing website and how to buy tickets so prior to coming to La Sagrada família I had zero knowledge ins or expectations my husband was actually the one to plan this portion of the trip and

I think that this is the first time that I really really came out of an experience just in awe and amazement that honestly it was quite an emotional experience going in there as well construction on the Sagrada família began in 1882 and it is still considered incomplete more than a hundred years

Later now can you imagine a hundred years by comparison the pyramids of Egypt only took 20 years to build La Sagrada família was designed by Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi now Gaudi disliked straight lines and angles since they don’t often appear naturally so he based his design on the swirling curves of nature and of course you recall the IV at the entrance of the church so la Sagrada família was also

Meant to be a simple Roman Catholic Church but later on who was designated as a cathedral and then in 2010 a basilica by pope benedict xvi There are to be 18 towers at la Sagrada família 12 towers will represent apostle’s 4 will represent the evangelists 1 will be designated for the Virgin Mary and the highest one in the middle of course will represent Jesus Christ now the only saw a quarter of the

Project finished prior to his death in an ironic twist of fate Gowdy was walking to confession when he was hit by a tram at the time he had actually abandoned his appearance due to depression after several of his friends family and collaborators had died after the tram accident he did not receive

Proper help or care because people around him thought that he was actually a beggar so even the hospital did not provide the proper care it was only one day after the accident that the chaplain of la Sagrada Familia recognize who Gaudi was but by then it was too late Gaudi died

Two days later as an honor to his legacy and his dedication to the church Gaudi was buried in the crypt of la Sagrada família even if you are not of the Catholic faith I can tell you that this church is literally an otherworldly experience you come in here you really

Feel the energy from the church you feel just excited and happy that was my feeling when I went in this church this is probably one of the most emotional feelings that I’ve had walking into any church just a grandeur of the architecture and just the colors that

Were beaming in with the beautiful day and the beautiful stained glass it really did make me reflect on everything as a whole including life and how beautiful nature is and just appreciate life in general just so excited and happy and grateful above all to be at this beautiful beautiful place so I hope

That you all can travel here and if you can’t then I hope you enjoyed this view in SOL la Sagrada família You

In this video we visit La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain. This is a cathedral/basilica that is beyond words. We went in with no expectations but left with an amazing feeling of amazement, gratitude, and appreciation of the building’s design and ode to nature. This is the legacy of Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. His work is well-know throughout Barcelona and his designs have helped to create an amazing architectural landscape throughout Spain.

La Sagrada Familia website:

You can buy tickets here:

Link to our channel:…

Spain Playlist:

Casa Batllo:

#lasagradafamilia #barcelona #spain


  1. Hello traveling friends! Today, we explore La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain! I really hope you enjoy this video as we enjoyed this incredible place. Comment below if you've been here, want to go here, or simply if you enjoyed the video! Also comment if you like the voice/sound quality! We finally upgraded our mic! We really hope you enjoy this journey with us! #lasagradafamilia

  2. আসসালামুআলাইকুম সবাইকে নামাজের দাওয়াত দিলাম সবাই নামাজ পড়বেন আল্লাহর পথে চলবেন ঈমান আমল নিয়ে বাঁচবেন

  3. One of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. At same level as the Great Mosque of Abu Dhabi. Just amazing places. Las Sagrada Familia is only a bit too crowded at times. Then again, so is the Great Mosque… Thank you for the video. Cheers

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