USA Road Trip ep.17 Największe drzewo świata w Sequoia National Park #vlog #ovtp

One would think that these trees are taller than the Statue of Liberty [Music] There were actually fires in the fields, I don’t know why I should be surprised because we are very high, but it was here that the first snow in California this year must have fallen recently the first seoja in seoja national The park

Here, these trees are a bit different because they are these giant mammoth trees, so the trunk is even more massive, maybe a little lower, this is one here, first come first served. And today we will see the second largest one in the world, but this one is

So black, almost smist from this side. the trunk seems to be bigger and this is what we probably saw from the road, this is probably the trail, unfortunately there are only corpses everywhere, these trunks have been cut off, it’s possible to get inside, even a wide angle t

Covers, I would have to have a boom, five very large steps, cave in the tree, not bad, that’s it they made a sad trail for Good Morning, I think there is a trail that shows the history that they were known to you Well, actually, we started from this

Side, from which you can also end If you go the other way, it’s the beginning or the end of this history of big trees But in times when they cut down these large ones, it seems to me that they did it by hand in old photos, this is what it looks like,

You can feel the smell of a bonfire somewhere here, it will still be extinguished, these fires, emotions are rising, the temperature is falling, we already had to get dressed to the point where is the second largest tree in the world in terms of volume, that is, there is General

Gr. interesting because here it is about trees all over the world that they have that we have seen Well, this is also quite nice Mexico Montezuma cypress Montezuma is the thickest in the world okay But there is nothing written whether seojes play any important role in American culture I guess

The bark is pretty good it’s just that the bark has such thick cracks that someone who climbs rocks could probably try to climb out of it, and here it’s probably more visible, but I don’t know how it was visible in the camera image, that they call all these sequoias all

These redwood forests And here, the orange color of the bark of the trunk is more visible, the confusion with the nomenclature continues, it’s best to know these Latin names, we have a cedar here , in general, when translated into Polish, it is a mammoth tree [Music] giant [Music]

[Music] giganteum pine but it’s a giant, these big cones and it’s probably ours, the Grand one, let’s go You can’t get close to it to make a comparative scale, but there is a tree in the world So we’ll see the tallest only tomorrow, not the tallest, but, well, not the tallest, only the biggest, we’ll see tomorrow and this is today’s

Second So what memory do you have for numbers because it was written below how tall it is, unfortunately not how high it is and how wide it is I think these are insignificant numbers imagine such a tree or when you say the password that it is I know

It is 200 something feet high so this doesn’t mean much to us who think in meters Well, it’s not the tallest tree Nor, but it’s really impressive, it’s a huge trunk and it grew here on almost a local peak because other trees didn’t cover it and it had a sort of perfect

Conditions to be the largest here in the area. Can you see both in the frame? It’s between two giants , speaking On a certain On a certain scale. I can’t say whether this tree is how much smaller it is than this

Grant. Because it’s already there. so big that one next to the other, even if they are different, I don’t know, two meters in diameter, they look very similar and you can see them a bit differently here too, because there are a lot of other trees

In between, there is no feeling that it is a monoculture, like a plantation . they grow different ones next to each other, of different scales Well, because for the first time, they were all so big Well, there were a lot of them Right next to each other, but I, for

Example, I see that these trees are bigger than those, when it comes to the width of the trunk, it’s also quite good, let’s go into the [Music] tree Come on, mom it is straight, it is supported so much that it kind of raises doubts

When this trunk collapses completely, you can get quite close to this giant. And it’s a pity that you can’t get closer to this Grant, because only from a distance of a few meters it still grows like a house in In my eyes, we’re going further, I didn’t count the steps

, but it’s probably not the whole trunk, in the sense of under the roots to the Crown. Let ‘s see the other way, you can see me, you can still look at this great [Musician], we’re coming out of this [Music] tree [Music] and that’s enough get off this small asphalt trail for

All tourists interested only in this main attraction you can walk quickly You can get up close just go down from the parking lot for about 2 kilometers, I think, and here the weeds are growing on what we are doing, but again the sun has gone behind

The clouds, the climate is as if the snow was about to start falling It’s a valley, water flows through it and there are so many cones growing there, it sounds like it’s empty under the bark, the bark is 20 cm thick, you can see that it’s burnt by the fire and that’s what it looks like here there is a piece of bark that looks like

A brick And there are cones, cones similar to these small cones Mammoth tree Here is the largest trunk I have ever seen, completely burned out, still several dozen meters high, Jesus [Music] it will fall over one day, but it was sleeping This is just on the surface and this core

Is standing, so you could say that the branch was on fire, this whole section of the forest is somehow dead and burned, some trees are withered and some are both dried and burned, it is not known what was

The cause or what came first and what happened later, but already young ones are growing like this, these are young mammoths, the mammoth mammoth is already thick The trunk is feeling warm [Music] please No, not this part, as if this one is dead , we have reached a place where in the Valley there is a fallen trunk of such a giant and you can see it’s probably lying here, maybe a small stream is flowing lately and it’s carrying

Sedimentary material like after a goose and it’s just that this big trunk is going to flow through practically the whole of this valley, you can see how here it’s accumulated in front of it and behind it, well, a lot of mass of such River mud

Or did he just create a dam here? The whole valley has filled up and now the stream is flowing around. I can see that it collapsed and dammed up. They are covered with a sheet of paper and they burn it in a controlled manner. Oh yes, as

There is paper lying here, not all traces of fires are here. as if they were the remains of natural fires and I guess it’s just like in Australia, where controlled burning is carried out to simply remove excess dry wood from the forest once a year, so maybe it’s the Dead Giant because

It’s still standing and it’s already it’s Dead and it’s definitely Giant also Long Story short once again how to describe it, the fire and forest services here do controlled burning so that once in a while all this dead wood material is not consumed by some huge wild fire And this is

Actually The giant looks even larger, at least in width, than this tree . There is no bark here, the trunk is covered with such nice lichens. You can see the traces of some huge fire

. The huge crown is also there at the very top, as if there were needles, but these needles do not fit the trunk because these needles are so as if I’m about to take out the zoom from the pine tree and take a photo. There’s probably some tree sprouting up there,

You want to approach it for my comparative scale, so once again, a dead giant sequoia. So there can be sequoias, we went to February and we’re back on the ground around these dry sequoias, there’s a lot of this bark which [Music] it’s gone

And we’re going, we’re going, we’re going something, this lens is cheating a bit, because the closer I am, the smaller the second plane seems to be when you get to such a close distance, these C [Music] every side, if you don’t look, these giants grow in

The mirror, don’t they? that they always know how to walk in this parking lot What about my phone I made somewhere there It’s PR What’s this scenic road I ‘ll take the old custom, I record it in the morning with coffee so we arrived yesterday to the campsite late in the evening, the campsite in Seoja National Park is strangely called Dolince on the side closer to the General Sherman tree, which is the largest tree we haven’t

Seen yet, and we saw the General Grants tree yesterday, which is the second largest one. So why did we park here at night if there was no noise ? no crap, if it didn’t work and it fell down, I’m joking, this trunk was already lying here.

But it fell down once. Yesterday I started looking at these trees in the dark with a flashlight. But there are no dry ones left, so there’s probably a lot of fallen ones or sweats here. And that’s it. story there are cages for

Food cages again, i.e. it is closed at night to protect it from the teddy bear And we use it as a place for cooking Well, because if there is light, it is covered, this is what it looks like in the morning, the sun is shining, it’s October 2,

Steam is coming out of the mouth, I don’t know how long it was yesterday it was about 5 degrees there but it was up there we are in the Valley below 10 at night it was definitely there but we bought a blanket but it’s nice the trees

Are steaming it’s steaming it’s steaming it’s like it’s smoking and that’s the end of these pictures pour it warm it’s quite warm but I have a lot of layers it’s warm in the sun, but in general it feels like autumn, everything is evaporating, Webasto would be useful in the car,

I’m already thinking about it, you can buy it in the Home Depo chain of stores, rebranded, the famous Chinese Webasto, the only problem will be the battery, so that it doesn’t run out of battery, and the installation, but that’s it You just have to find this hole somewhere

, or even a TR hole in the sense of assembly. Who knows, knows. There is no need to explain the topic for the millionth time. We leave our campsite at night, it was not visible and it turns out that it is nicely integrated into such

Granite, granite, bold colors. I don’t know what it’s like, as they say in Polish, boulders Well, but there are also some kind of weathering of these granites, they crack, they get rounded. Yesterday we drove along

The highest parts of this road, but unfortunately it was already dark and there was fog as well. It’s been a long time since I drove on such a road. gle, but the whole road is full of scenic views. Especially there, as you walk along the top

Parts, there are views to the right and left of these redwood forests, so this is a big advantage of these American national parks, that basically without getting out of the car, you can make a road trip whenever you want. visibility, you’ll see even more than on

Foot And this is what the ride between the Giants looks like, we’re driving well, we’re building tension, but I don’t have enough film, so I’ll be brief, we arrived at the parking lot. Under this tree, the general is the largest tree in the world in

Terms of volume, i.e. the mass of probably the entire living mass. Well, it is. it’s a bit colder here because we were going up a bit, everything is still in the clouds, I don’t know if we’ll see the top of this tree in such conditions. And here

We go, a break for education. So the path that leads to the largest tree in the world looks like this and you can feel a bit like in some this sanatorium Jaworzyna What was it called Jaworzyna Kicka Well, I think there were some big pines there too, big

Spruces and probably firs, unless not. And I feel the same way here, now there are patients coming here, both sides are asphalted , if you want, although there were stairs there, it is this whole one because earlier on the main road

We were going up the hill and now we were going down to this tree in down Well, because we didn’t say it’s 700 m, we’re probably in the halfway, just 138, so we’re halfway up this tree now, I don’t believe it. It’s 42 m, it’s like

It’s 84 in total, but does this Trail only have some elevation gain ? as much as this tree or did we start from its top t 65 Met down but damn So when we go down to this tree, its top will be higher than the parking lot where we started

Descending, at least this is a curiosity or one of these Well, I think I see it, since it’s probably that one, well the tallest tree oh no, that tree on the horizon is still the furthest and it’s still the tallest Okay, I’ll try to take a photo of it, we pass giants like

This one on the way and it’s a spruce , we also passed quite huge pine trees, so all the tree species just grew. monstrous And the largest of them here is the womb, we can’t get rid of this impression Well, but with a certain size of these trees you

Don’t feel it that way, which is as if it’s bigger and objectively bigger than what’s growing next to it Because, for example, these three joined together the trunks here are higher, that’s what I took the photo from above, than the big trunk which is more massive just behind them [Music]

I’ll take some photos with the lens soon, some interesting fact is that its tip is already dead, so it doesn’t grow upwards anymore, but it keeps growing in mass it becomes thicker or [Music] puts on weight Well, that’s what was written on the

Information boards there about the trees, that often the tops of them die, they are simply no longer able to supply [Music] [Music] water there Reflection its basics it’s Good it’s Good I’m wondering why it’s paved like that And this is like the whole foundation of this General Sherman Well that’s a good idea Wait I’ll go out to the stairs from the top [Music] and as many [Music] onlookers As possible walk around the tree, some part of it has fallen, probably a branch has fallen, broken off, so big [Music] thick, nice, that orange color KOR is shining through, it’s shining through those green trees, it’s very cloudy, practically no, the sun doesn’t shine through, and those trees are so bright No, not

Orange, and we went around the whole the trunk which is only pi 31 Met and this trail must have had about 100 queue for photos So we go and we read various interesting facts along the way Jagoda read

That the General Sherman tree has so much water in it that it would be enough for daily baths for 27 years every day so who knows? I bathe in general, you bathe every day for d days, it

Will last you half your life, not that a shower, a bath, that is, how many liters, who knows how many gallons, who has which bathtub, in how many gallons there is another fallen tree trunk , we won’t be able to pass such an attraction by car , but you haven’t

Passed it yet. Interesting fact not only for dendro logs but also for dendrochronology, you can read thousands of years of the history of tree growth from this particular one from the smaller ones What were

The years What were the winters What were the winters Were there fires Were there droughts or did it grow well o We are now walking between two Giants I don’t know if Jagoda

Ter you have But it’s hard for me to breathe here, it’s hard for me to breathe here too We have to check what altitude we are at, we’re weakened, we’re definitely high up, but okay, we’ve gone around everything, now we’re going for a walk a few

Kilometers in this forest, get a little away from these main trails because there probably won’t be that many people there [Music] we walk along the path between the Giants, it turns out again that the coolest are the trails that go somewhere next to the biggest attractions

Because here you can get quite close to these trees, they are not fenced off and there are a lot of them Well and we checked the altitude at which we are here and it turned out that it was 7000 feet. So we had to

Recalculate it and it turned out that it was 2130 meters and yesterday we were barely above the level one has to get used to it for a while, so maybe we’re just seeing the first symptoms ch joke jokes Well, it’s about the heavier breathing, it’s noticeable here, like a fallen Wiki

Of broken huge branches and it’s just lying there and will take hundreds of years to decompose because we’ve already read somewhere that such a huge giant that has been lying there for 200 years was immortalized in a photo 200 years ago and looked almost like this, so the

Wood is slowly decaying. And from such American curiosities, one could say that you could burn in the fireplace for 27 years non-stop or both longer cemu 27, the same when you take a bath, you probably take the same amount of water as there is wood in this

Trunk. If it burns only in winter, then it lasts 40 years, and here it seems to me that you can see such weathering structures in granite rocks. I don’t want to talk nonsense but these may be these cauldrons, cauldrons, erosion cauldrons. In any case, such

Depressions, and now in the middle of the frame there is a tree trunk fallen under the [Music] mountain, with a small tunnel drilled through it, the whole tree trunk broke under its own weight and fell into across, basically along the slope And somewhere there was an interesting fact that

Most sequoias or most simply large trees, when they fall down due to old age, it happens as if uphill, that is, these [Music] trunks fall down, not downwards, yes if someone could explain it, in my opinion, of course, you can

Read it, but I didn’t read it there, but it’s probably due to the fact that the roots grow exactly the opposite and support the tree from the bottom side of the slope. Well, when it dies, those roots must support it and it will grow. it will collapse in the opposite

Direction where it did not develop the root system and besides, the roots must grow as if in accordance with gravity downhill, not uphill, but this is only my explanation, I am speaking from my head, i.e. out of nowhere , I am going there, it will stay that way,

Closer, you are in the shadow a terribly huge empty hole. It scares me a bit, especially since I heard some creaking noises like that of wood breaking. Can you imagine if it was about to collapse at that moment, just like these other trees here ? Behind this burnt trunk two other

Large legs of a giant mammoth emerge. Maybe just Maybe just that’s why they’re called giant mammoth monkeys, it looks like a huge elephant, its leg is missing a fourth leg, did you hear it, then I ‘m lying, no, you heard it, it’s me, I kicked something now No [Music]

Well, it’s a terrifying sound, because we don’t know from which side, I won’t say that I would like it to fall down. But if I recorded it on a GoPro, maybe it would be the key to success. For example, there is a fallen tree trunk lying there, and some of it is burnt,

Maybe there is some noise. the trunk here and the tree looks even more impressive than the previous one and I want to record them all one by one Well, that’s a nice perspective, here’s the burnt one on the right And what doesn’t it seem, it’s almost as big as this Sherman

Well, you can get closer here It’s huge Well this is one of the biggest ones on this trail that we had, unfortunately my battery is running out, but how far can you turn the trees, not one of them just lays a little on top of the other,

It’s a nice view here because there is such a perspective, not like this one, on the other hand it was more orange, a meadow surrounded by redwoods, I think I’m tired of recording these trees, I can’t see anything, but you can see that the queue is going in the other direction, now

Question 8 f Look at this We are in the queue for the biggest attraction for motorists, i.e. driving through the redwoods, a few more cars and, God willing, we will fit in oh, let’s see if our car is less than eight feet long, we’ll find out how to withdraw, back out, nothing,

But we’ll take off the box, put it in the trunk and drive without the box. We’re getting closer, there’s no turning back, where I’ll be coming here on a mission to do circuses. This is what the ride through the tree looks like, let’s go, there will be a little ticking, it will pass

, I’m sure it will pass, here’s another photo, get in, take it easy , 10 o’clock, let’s go, it was worth it, it was an American-style attraction, they made it hard for me to drive through such a tree, I’ve never

Driven through a tree before, it’s a long one maybe I should turn off such a photo, I still want to have it as a souvenir [Music] Who would think that these trees are taller than the Statue of Liberty, this statue is terribly low,

Then there is this costal redwood where when we were there, they actually seemed much higher here in the middle, but they weren’t that massive, it doesn’t detect the height How many words are we choosing? I think that the tree, the tree, or

The pine cone, the glass, also fa, we can make two, you have to hold down Yes, two who are also collectibles because each one is different, one son was like that shiny and attention, let’s go, it doesn’t spin. If it doesn’t spin now, now you understand that I’m doing it, it’s something, something, something, it’s shiny, if it’s okay,

We’ll make a cone in this store already. I knew this sound [Music] I remember TR C pi, drink the revolutions, no he cooked ok, what are you going to do with it, I’ll give it a shot, I just have to go to the Baltic Sea to buy some Ciupagas

Z wybrzeża udajemy się do Sequoia National Park aby jeszcze raz podziwiać największe drzewa na świecie.Tym razem na wysokości ponad 2000 metrów w górach Sierra Nevada w Kaliforni od tysięcy raz rosną dumnie wielkie sekwoje z rodziny mamutowców olbrzymich. To inny gatunek niż sekwoje, które podziwialiśmy na wybrzeżu jeszcze nie tak dawno. W porównaniu z sekwoją wiecznie zieloną te nie są tak wysokie ale za to mają ogromne i masywne pnie pokryte pomarańczową grubą korą. Pośród setek innych drzew podziwiamy dwa największę okazy nazwane na cześć amerykańskich generałów – Sherman i Grant. Pokonujemy spacerem wiele kilometrów pośród tych majestatycznych drzew i moglibyśmy tak jeszcze dłużej ale robi się tu zimno i dziwnie jesiennie a przed nami wizja gorącej pustyni w Nevadzie. Na pożegnanie z sekwojowym lasem przejeżdżamy jeszcze tunelem wyciętym w ogromnym pniu 🙂

USA Road Trip ep.17 Biggest tree in the world in Sequoia National Park #vlog #ovtp

Hey adventurers! 🌲🎒 We’re leaving the coast behind and heading to Sequoia National Park to once again marvel at the world’s largest trees. 🌳✨ This time, we’re at an elevation of over 2,000 meters in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, where the grand sequoias of the giant mammoth family have been standing tall for thousands of years. These are a different species from the sequoias we admired on the coast not so long ago. Compared to the evergreen sequoia, they may not be as tall, but they boast huge and massive trunks covered with thick orange bark. 🍂 Among hundreds of other trees, we admire two of the largest specimens named in honor of American generals – Sherman and Grant. 🎖️ We walk for miles among these majestic trees and could go on even longer, but it’s getting cold and oddly autumnal here, and ahead of us lies the vision of the hot Nevada desert. 🏜️ As a farewell to the sequoia forest, we even drive through a tunnel carved out of a huge trunk. 🚗

00:00 – W tym odcinku:
00:15 – INTRO
00:43 – Wyjazd do Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
06:33 – Generał Grant – drugie drzewo świata
09:48 – Wewnątrz pnia sekwoi
11:36 – Spacer po sekwojowym lesie
24:24 – Lodgepole Campground w Sequoia N.P.
33:50 – Generał Sherman – największe drzewo świata!
41:15 – Spacer szlakiem kongresu
50:23 – Big Trees Loop
51:25 – Przejazd tunelem w drzewie
56:03 – Zapowiedź


  1. Na skróty:
    00:00 – W tym odcinku:

    00:15 – INTRO

    00:43 – Wyjazd do Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park

    06:33 – Generał Grant – drugie drzewo świata

    09:48 – Wewnątrz pnia sekwoi

    11:36 – Spacer po sekwojowym lesie

    24:24 – Lodgepole Campground w Sequoia N.P.

    33:50 – Generał Sherman – największe drzewo świata!

    41:15 – Spacer szlakiem kongresu

    50:23 – Big Trees Loop

    51:25 – Przejazd tunelem w drzewie

    56:03 – Zapowiedź

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