Death Valley National Park

Death Valley, California — Despite its name, great diversity of life survives in this below sea level basin.

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  1. This park is extraordinarily beautiful. It has brilliant orange and yellow sand dunes, mountains, canyons, salt flats that stretch for miles, unique and deadly plants and wildlife, and the hottest air temperatures in the world. Death Valley is one of the most beautiful, in my opinion.

  2. Death Valley is beautiful. Went in April, the weather is perfect, hot on the valley floor but cool and comfy on Dante's peak. The night sky is gorgeous. A def must see kinda place.

  3. 6 minutes in " … leaving the swindled Albert Johnson behind in Chicago," as a photo of New York's Flatiron building is displayed. I actually work in the building diagonal from it and the view is exact. Never changed. If you're making an educational piece, getting your facts straight includes accurate photos. Now I'm wondering what else was bogus.

  4. Had a low level ride up Death Valley right over Badwater and over Telescope Peak in a T-33 With Sq Leader Ron Green in the 60s. Will never forget.

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