Mirador de la Creueta en Formentor, Pollensa, Mallorca, Spain

There is a 13.5 kilometre road which runs from Port de Pollenca to Mirador de la Creueta en Formentor (Cap Formentor). The lookout point of Mirador de la Creueta, with the islet of Colomer in the background, is one of the most photographed panoramas on the island. 🙂 I think it deserves it.

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  1. Wow!!! I'm speechless…What a beautiful place with stunning views of endless sea…Absolutely fantastic! Love it. Thank you very much for this wonderful video, Catalina. I wish you a happy and joyful weekend. 🙂

  2. És, com sempre, un vídeo preciós. Aquests penyassegats de vertigen i el mar, sempre el mar i l'aigua.
    La meva enhorabona i gràcies per convidar-me a veure els teus vídeos.
    Rep una afectuosa salutació
    José Luis.-

  3. @AMETLER Hola José Luis,
    Moltes gràcies per la teva visita i el comentari tan generós. Sempre escrius les paraules tan boniques! Moltes gràcies de nou!
    Una afectuosa salutació,

  4. @rainyday100film Hallo Rainer, Es ist leicht, es zu tun. Mallorca ist ein magischer Ort der permanenten Schönheit. Vielen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Kommentar! Liebe Grüße, Catalina

  5. Beautiful scenes. Great music. Congratulations Catalina. By the way, I'm back in the States, and I'll have the time to see all your great videos I did miss while I was in Colombian mountains.

  6. @wjaram52 Dear Willie, Thank you for your wonderful comment and visit.
    I can tell honestly that I missed your visits!
    I wait for your new videos that always are full of deep emotions.
    Thank you again!
    With sunny wishes, Catalina

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