6-Minute: Scenic Road Trip to San Sebastian de las Vegas del Pepino (Spain? Nope, Puerto Rico!!!)

Traveled along the streets of San Sebastián de las Vegas del Pepino, Puerto Rico. Pepino, as his residents call it, was founded in 1752. Founded by people of Venezuela, Dominican Republic (both fleeing from conflict), Catalonia, Basque Country and Canary Islanders. San Sebastián Martir is the Patron Saint, by the Canaries & Basques influences.

The ruins of Sugar Cane Central Plata evoques of an agricultural era long gone in Puerto Rico. Still the tall cranes remains, but the main building is in disrepair. I was inside when the Central was still active, the fast rotating two story flywheel made the floor nearby jump one to two inches with every rotation. You have to be there to believe it! It began in 1910, and ended operations in 1996. As a curious note, its sugar warehouse had a couple of doors that were so huge, that we expected King Kong at the other side. What was at the other side? … just a five story brown sugar mountain (that we tried to escalate with our shoes still on :-p ).

The Ángel Mislán City Square is named after this loved danza composer (1862 – 1911).

The day after the Lares uprising (September 24, 1868), the rebel forces entered San Sebastián del Pepino and were surprised by an unexpected strong resistance, the rebellion died practically that day… in the area of the Paseo del 24 de Septiembre.

The Museum Casa de Doña Bisa, is a beautiful historic property that’s been preserved and restored to depict the way of living of the early 20th century.

Shortcuts to Interesting Sites!
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00:00 Central Plata
00:31 Vocational School Manuel Méndez Liciaga
01:27 Agricultural Market – Plaza Agropecuaria
01:58 Ramón María Torres School & Quin Mendez Baseball Park
02:50 Old Municipal Cemetery
03:27 Ángel Mislán City Square
03:47 San Sebastián Mártir Church
04:16 September 24 walk
04:28 Casa de Doña Bisa museum
05:25 Narciso Rabell Cabrero School / Historic Building
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If you are traveling to Puerto Rico here you will have a good idea of what to see or what expect. In this road tour you can learn what things to do and things to see in San Sebastian, Puerto Rico.

There are many places in San Sebastián that I still need to film… I will let you know! 😉

If you reached this part of this document, thanks!!!!

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6-Minute: Scenic Road Trip to San Sebastian de las Vegas del Pepino (Spain? Nope, Puerto Rico!!!)

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  2. Are you from Pepino, or have you visited San Sebastián? Have you visited the market square? What do you think about the conditions of the Central Plata?

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