Summer Rentals in Sosua: Insider Tips with Compai and Manuel

[Music] welcome to Kai’s xat Channel everything [Music] xat it’s been a while Manning since we’ve been in the studio it is so great to be back oh this is awesome so today Manny and myself what we’re gonna talk about is when you have rental condos down here in Shu and the Dominican Republic or anywhere else in the world more than likely you’re going to have a high season and a low season so what’s some everybody really understands how to make money in the High season because it’s a lot easier but to make money in the low season takes a lot of work and we’re going to share our experiences on how we survive in the low season with you so first thing I do during the low season as I adjust my prices and it sounds basic but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do it yeah so the thing for example that may work for you as a Airbnb host or property manager is that reducing let’s say 30% of your price maybe 25% you will get still more bookings because here in winter season we have a lot of people that comes let’s say Canadians start running from the winter that they they don’t want to be in their country for let’s say four months so from let’s say November till April inua will be fully booked most of the times but the hardest season it’s from May let’s say till September maybe October and it’s really really hard so if you already have a clientele maybe you can make an offer to them look instead of charging you let’s say 1,400 or 1,200 per month I’ll just give it to you for 800 per month and at least you can pay all your expenses and you can have some earnings as well it’s very very important and something very very difficult for those host that doesn’t want to invest is that those guests that are coming in summer season are very very very peaky and they want like more amenities for a cheaper price so maybe that will help you if you add more amenities as well John great Point great Point great Point Su was going through I don’t want to say a a a rebirth but I’ll say a Rejuvenation yeah I just spent six weeks almost two months redoing every one of my condos in cassad and when Manuel said amenities that’s what it boils down to when you’re a business owner doesn’t matter if it’s a bar a restaurant especially condo rentals you are stagnant if you don’t do anything you will lose market share you will lose income and then the next thing you know you’re trying to regain where you were and when you lose your client base it’s hard to get them back yeah so one of the things that I’m doing in cassid compai is I’m actually going to be building a cigar lounge and a bar um just finishing up the actual metal structure uh to how those two establishments but you have to you have to improve with with what your client base wants um I’m getting away from the monthly rentals and I’m going more towards the more of a resort field um me Manuel we’re always improving our properties always and and we’re we share Manning I need guys to fix my internet John you gotta call this guy so and then and you have to you have to be forward thinking you got to be willing to spend the money and you got to be able to be able to get it done quickly and efficiently the first time because people are paying good money now $80 to $100 for for a nice stay and so sue it yeah but you better provide that product and you know at the end is one summer season comes I think it’s the best moment to renovate your apartment the reason is since you don’t have too many guests like coming actually to suzu you can take that time okay the tiles are very old let me change all the tiles of my apartment or let me paint my apartment you see normally a bunch of Apartments here in suu are not maintained well you you can see all the filtrations on the ceiling or the walls you can see all the painting coming off and that’s the moment where you can actually improve your apartment and maybe that’s the time let’s say that you can charge more in winter season because you already invested your money in summer season and maybe you can let’s say charge $5 more per night in winter season so that’s actually a very good idea that you can invest in summer and not just thinking in winter season but at least improving your apartment because you know it’s really hard to get income in summer season but if you already have your guests H in winter season you already add them in your WhatsApp in your status of WhatsApp you can just post promotions let’s say from this month to this month I’ll give a 20% discount please text me and maybe one of those friends that came in winter season will share it to another friend Hey look it’s a 20% discount you can go to zasa from this month to this month take advantage from it and maybe friends and friends just share that post and you can get more income in summer season as well one of the keys to being successful in the summer season is is word of mouth and and man we hit the nail on the head um good clients bring you good C yeah so when you get client base that increases your client base man it just will make your life a lot easier but it can work against you too because if you do somebody wrong you better believe they’re gonna they’re going to say something yeah and and you’re not going to hit a home run every time you’re at bat things are going to things are going to break things are going to happen um it’s part of the business what I try to do is is is get the issue resolved as quickly as I can with the least amount of impact to the client easier said than done and I honestly believe that when the clients see you working real hard to to make things right to do the right thing I really haven’t had too many people really rake me over the Cs they’re they’ve been really easygo about it they’re not happy I mean don’t get me wrong they’re definitely not happy about it but they appreciate the effort and and for me that’s that’s rewarding so another thing that one as John said a very important thing is like the customer service that you give to your guest because if not they will go to another place you know if you don’t treat your guest as it’s supposed to be they will just go to another place try to find another host that will love H that the other host treat them well as a family you know because it’s really sad let’s say that a guess is paying his money and something is let’s say he has a leak in the bathroom and you just wait let’s say three days to repair a leak you know that’s not possible if you try your best let’s say if a leak happen a Saturday night for example it’s understandable that maybe a plumber is not available Sunday and he needs to wait till Monday that’s okay but at least you’re trying your best and the guest is seeing that you’re trying your best and that’s the most important thing that actually the guest can see how hard you are trying your best if not in Imagine you have over 5,000 properties for rent in suu Imagine and in the center so try to keep your guest because if not that guest have plenty of options in sua to go and maybe the other hostes will treat them better well I it’s so easy me following Manning because he’s just throwing the next line for me to say out there construction’s been going crazy in sua there’s been so much of it and the competition is is getting better and better so what it boils down to for me in the high reason is I need to maintain my my client base I need to adjust my pricing accordingly because a lot of guys try to get greeting and and and start going too high and you don’t want to offend people but you don’t want to give your product away yeah you know what I just like I said I just dumped I could have bought another small condo somewhere for the amount of money I just put in cassad Aon pie but it had to be done yeah 2017 I finished phase two it’s 2024 it was duom I when I came out I was a new guy on the block now I was I’m just another another condo yeah so I knew when I would have to raise my rates to to accommodate the investment that I made I was going to lose some market share but the G the goal is to gain more market share on the other end it’s it you know it’s business it’s a give and take you you want to take more than you give you know does that did I say that right yeah yeah yeah want to make sure say I wanted the opposite but you know you you want you want to get more client based and and when when you do make improvements and you raise your rates you will you will lose yeah some some market share you know at the end all the all depends what type of clients you’re looking for you know because we have guests in Su that are willing to pay let’s say $90 $100 for a single room but you must provide all those amenities that will make your apartment worth $100 per net but here in sua they’re building a bunch of new buildings with those the same same amenities and this will convert as Santo Domingo that you have luxury high-end apartments three bedroom let’s say like that for $80 per night you know because the competition in Santo Domingo is too high that obviously everyone must reduce their price but in suu it’s not the case because suu is very small and you don’t have this space and obviously something very important is the location no one can build whatever they want and build a 15f floor Tower as Santo Domingo you know but here in sasua it’s actually very difficult to build a building like that and you know they built a how it’s called Reese it’s called the new the new building Reese yeah I think it’s a new building that’s called Reese that they offer like high-end luxury apartment but at the end you have better places for a better price but you know suu will always be suu you know no no disrespect to the Dominican Republic I love it yeah this is my home I’m probably gonna die here you know but we’re not Turks and Kos you know the country has you know you have CAPA you know cassid Campo you have high-end places here but it’s not just so so until the whole Market increases the net value of the tourist things ain’t going to get that crazy out of hand and again it boils down to location the farther you get away from the walking distance to the beach your profit Mar margin shrinks drastically so the key to being successful on in the low SE it’s going to be your location your price point your amenities and your service and how consistent you are in all them will determine how successful you will be and that is my final statement what is yours yeah and then it’s like that just treat your guest as best as possible because at the end if he books through Airbnb he will try to book with you but directly and that’s the most important thing because imagine Airbnb takes us holds 3% at least we can earn 3% more and the sorry and the gas will save 14% And that’s a lot actually a lot of money imagine from $1,000 14% is actually a lot of money yeah oh yeah and we save and you save money so yes just treat your guest as a family and you know that you will be successful in summer season and they obviously will refer you that’s the most important thing if they refer you to more customers and then you’ll have a bunch of guest and your investment will be worth it guys thank you for watching compai xat channel it is so great to be back in the studio I really missed doing this guys watch your next video we’re GNA be pumping out more videos more often why because we’re in the slow season we have more time yeah and that’s see way please like And subscribe in case you have any other question just put it in the comments below and John will be happy to answer you I will adios

Join Compai and Manuel as they dive into the world of summer rentals in Sosua! 🌴 In this video, they’ll share essential facts about the summer rental market, offering expert advice on how to be profitable and avoid common mistakes. Discover what makes the summer market unique and learn valuable tips to ensure your rental business thrives. Don’t miss out on these insider secrets!

🔑 Key Topics Covered:

Understanding the summer rental market in Sosua
Strategies for maximizing profitability
Common mistakes to avoid in the rental business
Tips and tricks for a successful summer rental season
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To Contact John for a rental at Casa De Compai
WhatsApp 1-849-628-3821

#SosuaRentals #SummerRentals #RealEstateTips #Profitability #AvoidMistakes #CompaiAndManuel #casadecompai #dominican #expat #sosua

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