1 Week 2 Cities : Real Alcazar of Seville + Best Paella in Madrid + Exploring Madrid and Sevilla

[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel for another Vlog so right now I’m in sill and yesterday I was in my listen long story short my sister offered me a trip and who am I to say no but wait I don’t even know where to begin the story so as I said my sister offered me a trip so yesterday I went to Madrid uh really really early in the morning which is why I look tired um because it’s been like at least like 3 or 4 days that I’ve only been having like two and a half to 3 hours of 3 hours of sleep per night plus I’ve been having long days so I feel and look exhausted I could have be bored to do my makeup because she was like no ma’am anyways let me tell you what [Music] happened e [Music] oh [Music] [Music] today is like the want and we really really love the the city the architecture and it just so happened that it is like the procession right now in the city so there are a lot of people and they are um special like the procession so so there’s that event we’re both Muslims so we’re not going to partake in any of the events but it is really cool to see like them Del their own religion and like their own culture and stuff like that so that’s really cool and we end up like scratching the idea of going to Granada so we’re not going to do that and we’re going to go back to Madrid early because honestly there’s not much to do in Sevilla as a tourist you can like see everything within two two days to be honest St 3 days here doesn’t really make sense and we also wanted to like see more things in Madrid so that will give us like more time to do those things and be happy with like the whole itary and everything like that um so tomorrow listen I want to sleep in here tomorrow but like here’s the thing we want to go to I think that’s the name of the place right now listen my brain is right I’m really really tired I’m sorry I’ll put the real name on the screen but I believe it is the real alasar so we really want to go there and news flash if you didn’t know I mean not news flash but more like fun fact if you didn’t know um Game of Thrones was shot there so like I’m really excited I’m A Game of Thrones like super fan so I’m really excited about that however it is almost impossible to get tickets online so even though we’re not able to like get tickets online what we did is that we wed to ask uh questions to the people who work there about like you know getting tickets and stuff like that and they Rec recommended to come in early and they said that they cut up the line at 9:30 so if you come at 9:31 or 9:32 you’re not going to be able to queue to even get the ticket so that there’s that and then she she also said like yeah like usually like they cut they cut off the the line at 9:30 however today they cut it up at 9: so come in early so then we’re like you know what see us So the plan is to actually start queuing at 700 a.m. tomorrow that’s going to be wild so if we have to be there um at 700 a.m. that means that obviously like we need to like you know wake up early uh to be able to like get ready and go there and queue so I’m looking forward to like visiting the the palace but I’m not looking forward to wake up early because I’m really really really tired you guys but anyways let me show you guys what I’ve been up to [Music] today hi guys we’re now in Silla we just um checked into the hostel so right now the room is not ready for us yet however uh that’s fine we’re like can’t talk however that’s fine because uh we wanted to explore and go to Al alasar alasar I think I said it right um we couldn’t buy tickets online it was fully booked until until at least like April 1 or second so we’re just going to try our luck and go cute over there um but yeah [Music] more more back [Music] [Music] all now we’re on our way to theana hopefully the wind doesn’t blow us away like um I’m not feeling cold or like that it is much warmer than gity 2 however the wind is like something serious so now we’re just going to go to Tiana and maybe find something or like a little place to eat and drink at chill for a little bit and then we’re just going to go back to our room to rest so yeah the some music though I [Music] yeah yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is about like 3:00 or 400 p.m. I don’t even know can’t be bar to look at the time we are back at the hotel that we booked and we’re just going to rest honestly we don’t really have plans for tonight we’re both really tired like I know I’m exhausted so whatever happens happens but anyways I catch up with you guys later good morning so as I told you guys yesterday we decided to like wake up really really early uh this morning to C for um to visit the alad hopefully hopefully hopefully there are not a lot of people already there uh queuing because the place actually opens at like 9:30 and and and it is 7:00 a.m. right now and raining and it’s rain all night yesterday like pretty hard right now it’s like drizzling um but it’s not like the ideal weather to discover the city and stuff like that so but yeah where’s my sister I don’t know where she’s at so yeah that’s the plan hopefully it’s worth it okay and also I feel like so much better um like I feel well rested I really needed to sleep yesterday so when when we got back I napped for a bit and then I end up going back to sleep at like I want say midnight or 1:00 a.m. and slept through the night woke up at like what 6 6 6:30 something like that to be out the house now well out the house out the hotel but yeah anyways I’ll see you guys [Music] later okay y’all we made it seems empty so far but they are no okay they’re not going in there yes it seems empty so far as far as um the box office so we might be the first one in que which is good only bad thing as I said earlier we have to wait until they open and I’m pretty hungry I think my sister’s hungry as well so we’ll have to figure it out figure out how to um get food as we wait blah blah blah BL blah but yeah anyways I’ll catch I’ll put you guys later okay all like we’re not the first ones look this is the queue so far but starting from here hello hey guys so it is an hour 45 later we’re still on the rain um we’re still under the rain waiting for the box office to open so that we can get some tickets we got some C my it’s not ideal that P is going to be everything and it C me out but um yeah I’ll Che in the hey guys so we finally got our tickets and now we’re queing again because the uh the P not opening yet it opens at 9:30 it is now 9:20 and R let me show you like how bad is raining right now I’m for sure going to get sick but I’m really really happy we got the tickets and um and um I think I I’ll do like a proper like video separate video on tips on how to D to get to see that I’m s and everything i d but anyways see you guys in it [Music] [Music] m [Music] want hi guys hopefully you can hear me well it is quite windy and a bit loud but we went back to the hostel to rest a bit and then now it’s about like 5 p.m. is the plan is to go to espia to see it IIA and after that um my sister um a d show so that was be the plan afterwards we really don’t have plans where like once you really go out we’re just going to go back in and get ready for tomorrow we’re going back to Madrid and yeah I’ll catch you I’ll catch you guys later [Music] happy happy [Music] h [Music] [Music] hey y’all it’s about 6:00 p.m. now in Madrid it is freezing and very very windy um so we came back some hours ago we went to eat ATA and now my sister is shopping and our way to the temple something something I put it on the screen so windy I in my head and has been just past few days but anyways I’ll catch up with you guys when we’re back I mean when we go to the temple [Music] a [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you [Music] good morning y’all so my trip is coming to an end today is my last day in Madrid I’m living um around 400 p.m. I believe right now I woke up not too long ago listen I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus because like we’ve been doing like so much during the past few days and didn’t really have like much rest plus being like under the rain um like literally we’ve been hit by the way like too many times this week we’ve been queuing to going to like museums and stuff like that like for so long this week like literally we’ve queued more like we spend more time queuing than in the actual like place we queed for like that’s how bad the cues were um so I feel like really tired and and I’m like so um ready to like just be home and sleep and just like lay in bed and do nothing uh so right now my sister’s taking a shower and I’m packing my suitcase um before we head outside well we head out to have breakfast um I I know that my sister should be making her way to the airport around 1 p.m. it is about to be 10: so it’s not like we have time to do anything else like today and I think we’re both like really tired like too tired to do anything uh besides eat so yeah that’s what’s going to happen um but but let me show you what I got I got a few things so we when we went to the pl Museum I got this like beach tote um I can’t recall right now what this material is but like I feel like you guys can tell what it is so yeah and then it says M de PR and it’s quite big honestly like that’s how big it is and I feel like it’s pretty cute and handy and it’s a good souvenir so I got that and then for in Sevilla I got this ceramic incense holder it’s pretty cute it’s like pretty wrapped up I’m not sure if you can actually see what it looks like but it’s like little red and round I thought that was pretty really pretty cute but yeah I thought it was pretty cute so I got it and I feel like it’s a good souvenir so now I have to get some incense the thing is in my culture we do uh use incense quite regularly but like personally I don’t use incense that much and I don’t really have any like on me like at home so I have to like buy some to make use of my ceramic incense holder or or I could give it to my mom because I know that um she she Burns incense like every day so yeah and also yesterday when we were shopping uh my sister got me some things that I wanted sah so that was like pretty nice of her um let me show you guys like I already packed it so I don’t want to like undo my suitcase but um let me show you so it’s like pretty much a set so I got the pants like it’s the pants and the asymmetric top I put a picture on the screen so I got that in Gray and then they also had a blue one um which is like this color so this is the top I only got the top I didn’t get the bottom because like when I tried the whole set together the blue was looking too like frumpy on me and like too too loose even though like I pick the same sizes in two sets but it just looks better in the gray than it does in the blue however when I was changing um like I removed the top put my regular pants like my own pants and I see how this STP and it looked good to together I was there so I was just like oh you know what let me just get the top um I like the color and I’m just not going to wear it as a set I’m going to wear it as a separate top so that’s still like a a good find anyways and like I also like it because like it’s giving this like elevated uh casual style I’m so happy that people finally like coined the term to the style um because like that’s like the style that I’ve been naturally gravitating towards as I’ve been getting older so I like to look put together but sometimes I don’t want to be all dressed up you know what I’m trying to say so this like the perfect excited if you’re looking for that anyways oh and I also got a blush from Kiko it is so so so pretty you guys look at this color oh my gosh like so beautiful um I Swatch it on well let me try to Swatch it for you guys like the lighting is pretty bad I’m not sure if you’re going to see it or not but like as I Swatch it on my on my hand it was giving like this like naturally flushed pinkish like tone Oh y’all you can see it so you see how like it’s pink it’s there but it’s subtle like it’s there but it’s not there you know what I’m trying to say so like I’ve been looking for um a blush that will give me the same effect like on my skin I always see uh like you know girls who are white basically have that look and I’m like oh my gosh I wish I could find a blush that would like work like that on my melanated uh skin but I could never find one that like gave me that look it was either like too pink or not pink enough or like not pigmented enough you know but this I feel like is like the perfect like the perfect color however the only thing I don’t like about this um is that this how it comes so first of all it is huge so it’s not like you can’t just like carry it in your bag or in your purse you know you can’t it’s like really big and then second thing it doesn’t have a cover like the box is the cover of the blush and I’ve never seen that before like usually it has like you know a lid for for the blush and stuff like that but like the packaging is the cover and I don’t know how how that’s going to last um like in my collection cuz like it would like you know it will get damaged it will rip and everything like that so yeah anyways that’s all I got for this trip I’ve been coming here to shop anyways so it’s not like you know I spending on spending money or shopping basically but um so yeah that’s all I got for my trip uh this time around I didn’t even come here to shop anything like that so this is just like extra like bonuses for me I want to say uh because like I wasn’t planning on spending money or like buying anything uh for the this trip anyways I’m going to wait for my sister to finish taking her shower and then I’m going to catch up with you guys at um the breakfast [Music] [Applause] [Music] spot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Join me on an unforgettable week-long adventure in the vibrant cities of Sevilla and Madrid! From historic palaces to scrumptious Spanish dishes, this vlog has it all! 🇪🇸✈️

🎨 In Madrid, we started our journey with the world-renowned Museo del Prado, marveled at the ancient Temple of Debod, and indulged in some of the best paella you could dream of! Despite the bustling Easter processions that filled the streets, the vibrant energy added a unique charm to our visit. 🐣🎉 However, navigating through the crowded celebrations reminded us to plan a bit better next time during such popular events!

👑 We also explored the majestic Royal Palace of Madrid, which was absolutely breathtaking.

🐂 Next up, Sevilla! Here we soaked up the local culture at the Plaza de Toros, wandered through the stunning halls of Real Alcazar (yes, where they filmed those epic Game of Thrones scenes!), and got swept away by an authentic flamenco performance. 💃🔥

🏰 Don’t miss the scenic shots at Plaza España and our culinary adventures with delicious pulpo and Spanish oxtail that left us wanting more.

📹 Watch, like, and subscribe for more adventures from around the world. Drop a comment below if you’ve visited these cities or plan to soon – I’d love to hear about your experiences!

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♡ F O L L O W M Y S O C I A L S ♡

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