Epic 2500-Mile Van-life Adventure: From Washington to California Along the Sierra Nevada.

[Music] [Music] in the quiet and small town of isqua our adventure begins it was a sunlit morning when Ina and legs sealed the last of our many boxes their home once filled with the daily Comforts of home now echoed with the promise of the unknown finally we’re ready to go and free yes ready to explore to discover to create our own stories this Vella is our ticket to Unforgettable Adventures [Music] I Ena I’m ol and this is our Charlie [Music] head down where you want to go my heart is for your soul hey darling where you want to go now my heart is burning for your soul from stars that up and up in the sky two ocean beds not seen by the ey our legs will walk us to a place but we don’t care for what people say so head down where you want to go my heart is burning for your soul head out and where you want to go now my heart is burning for your soul as they locked their door behind them a sense of Freedom washed over them they weren’t just leaving their house they were stepping into a new chapter of life on the road that night exhausted yet exhilarated they recounted the tinge of nervousness about the unknown road ahead led by Anabella they reached Oregon’s Scenic Coastline their first stop as Beachside State Recreation site a roughly 330 M 5.5h hour drive from isqua they parked by a beach as the sun dipped low painting the sky in Strokes of orange and pink with some clouds you want to go now my heart is burning for your soul good morning everyone we are in Oran right now we got yesterday here very late we went to Z bed immediately we C in the morning with pouring rain really hope California will welcome us with sunny [Music] weather hello everyone today is second day of our vacation uh first day we spent on road we came from small town of isqua and it took us almost 6 hours to get here we came at midnight so did not do much yet we just uh went straight to bed today we woke up and um we hope to go for walk along the ocean uh rain is subsiding so soon we will explore a new place we’ll see what it has to offer Charlie what do you think about second day of vacation he loves [Music] it this TR away to the coast somewhere far away from home all we need is just ourselves and not nothing else feel the S between our toes here the oceans heav flow the summer air FS Al lungs and keeps us Young [Music] so we’ll write our names in the Cent where we l I’m Le down to rest and we’ll fall asleep where the landing ocean a place in the wildness the fire burns through the night keeps us want the Morning Light we watch the sun fill the sky and bl all sense of time so we write our names in the C where we l b be down to rest and will fall our sleep where the landing ocean be I’ll play in the worldness a place in the worldness these days lately feel like BL I’ll place in the [Music] wildness Oleg and in’s Road Trip the wi insensitive navigated the coastal curves each turn unveiled a masterpiece a Hidden Cove bathed in gold or a cliff face wrestling the crashing waves it was a scene ripped from a dream and they were wide awake in it but the real magic was waiting the road took a sudden dip pointing towards a dark M on the cliff the Sea Lion Caves they exchanged a look a jolt of anticipation electrifying the air the coastal drive wasn’t just beaches anymore it held a secret underground World a vast cave system over 300 ft deep below Highway and 1,000 ft long their hearts pounded a rhythm of excitement [Music] we’re now an amazing place it was discovered in 1880 by Captain William Cox he discovered one of the largest sea caves and right now it’s 300 ft below Highway 101 in 1961 lift was created in this place so it’s accessible by everyone in one minute you can see this amazing creatures [Music] [Music] [Music] Ocean Breeze whipped in his hair as she gazed down at the rocky Cove this wasn’t your typical beach view below A Chorus of barks echoed Stellar sea lions their Prime mating season in full swing April had brought them not just crashing waves but a drama unlike any other no just an ordinary day sun is peeking through feel the winds are changing as I breathe in Air that’s new flowers coming into blown morning c as a sky it’s been a while but I knew this day would come and EAS my mind splitting their trip to yosity Oleg and Ina opted for a night stopover at benbo COA in Garberville California the semic drive took a leisurely 7 hours covering 366 miles refreshed and invigorated they hit the road again the next day in Abella their trusty car purred contentedly as they cruised for another 6.5 hours conquering 363 miles and there’s no time to waste right now I’m on my way I don’t know where I’m going but I be okay a chance is set and Sun I’m on my way and there’s no town no way right [Music] now on my way finally after 2 days of Adventure yosity National Park’s grandor unfolded before them [Music] [Music] our first breakfast in yam Park [Music] meet me down by the water escape the ground so we can be us cuz lately days are feeling shorter before we know it the summer will have come but I know some we can [Music] go mayy we should skip the winter this town is far too crowded for us now cuz lately it’s getting colder warmer when you are [Music] around yeah I know somewhere we came [Music] meet me down by the water escape the crowd so we can be alone [Music] this is the original Visitor Center in Yos Valley built in 1903 uh second oldest building in the valley designed in the gothic style by a famous architect in San Francisco named berm Bernard maybeth you can see the front of the building as a tall facade it’s supposed to mimic the granite walls in the valley here and please go in and admire thank you so much and you’re I’m sure you’re welcome to film them too thank you our [Music] information thank you so much you’re welcome but I’ll tell you you want me to tell you yes go ahead yes yeah this is the second oldest building in I’ll take the bike hel out we’re I’m a volunteer along with this guy and I’m leaving and he’s taken over um but we’re stuck um so second oldest building in y Valley built in 1903 by Sierra Club volunteers the Sierra Club is a United States National Organization Environmental Education and mental advocacy so loving the Wilderness and everything John mure and naturalist from Scotland walked across the United States yeah need to come over here I’ll show you the timeline and he helped form yede as a national park he influenced the government along with other people he wasn’t glad [Music] once Ben John Mir F the Sierra Club two years later to basically Advocate to keep yed as a park and to expand the footprint make it a larger larger Park um so and then that evolved into the National Park Service and we have the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone that’s how it starts places up in Washington has a couple of national parks right mon yeah mpic National par you guys like that yeah we did we did so this is where a lot of it all started and we’re really proud that that the SE flage is instrumental in that movement of w Wildlife uh in Wilderness take a look around this great Library so enjoy [Music] [Music] it oo o [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Applause] for for [Music] I here we are after 3 days of um uh traveling from Washington State and this was our planed vacation we decided to drive only 7 hours per day and uh we left isaka at about 5:00 p.m. because we had to park for too long and by the time we get to Oregon it was already midnight but it was actually good because we just were so tired that we just slept and had nice dreams woke up in the morning to hail and rain but we decided to explore the ocean shore anyway and took a stroll along the beach and um just look at the beauty no matter what the weather we try to enjoy our presence every day every moment then next day know along the way we decided to stop at Seine cave it’s absolutely must do because it’s um amazing place to see wildlife in its natural habitat there is hundreds of sea lions who just enjoy themselves in the caves and uh buffing and Lane and um right now in a spring I guess it’s their mating season so they produce a lot of sounds to communicate with each other it’s was very amazing to see we enjoyed it a lot and um after that we contined to drive and we found ourselves in Redwoods California it was our next day overnight we did not explore much in uh redwoods because we wanted to come faster to usami National Park so in the morning when we woke up we just start driving again and it was a little bit kind of sad because you drive for so long to get where you want to be and sometimes you kind of like get in a mood that oh my goodness I plan it for so long I want to see so beautiful place and um then you don’t see people weather not good and sometimes you think like maybe your vacation will be not good but nonetheless When we arrive to your National Park we woke up in the morning and it was beautiful weather amazing nature amazing side scenes and um it’s where you finally realize that it’s when vacation starts you are where you’re supposed to be and now we just need to hike and to see all the places here enjoy ourselves and um go with the flow finally we arrived to California and we arrive to C National Park and will show you guys beautiful sceneries beautiful leges beautiful hikes and this is was very rewarding for us and we are going to explore and exploration is pretty much helps a lot to drive so every moment every second we drove this when he was waiting and excited to see something new I Charlie was bumped up a lot he went outside he want to run he was locking this want to escape the wind yeah he was all the way every opportunity escape artist he was locked in a van cage and all those three days before we got here not really much chances to run around right Charlie so we will stay here longer and explore this part every Trail every corner and enjoy it to the max [Music] as inella carried them deeper into the heart of nature yed National Park unfolded like a grand canvas painted by the gods of wilderness towering Cliffs ancient Giant Sequoia and thunderous waterfalls set the stage for a journey not just across distances but into Oleg and in aols in the shadow of these great monoliths their laughter echoed through the valley and their Whispers became part of yose’s Eternal story here amidst the beauty of the Half Dome at Sunset our bond deepened every shared smile and Touch under the Starlet Sky writing its own Timeless tale yed Sun dipped painting the trail gold as Oleg and in a hiked their laughter echoing off the cliffs each step was a stolen moment of joy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for soon breakfast will be ready yummy I think he approves but as dusk fell a Sinister chill crept in playful banter died replaced by a glance at the thermometer 75° now a bone chilling 32 their playground turned icy Labyrinth in mere hours disbelief flickered in their eyes could their Yus Love Story survive the night [Music] [Music] today your day in US national park and today we have snow blizzards yesterday was sunny hot weather 75° today we have 27° at night and right now snow blizzard and a lot of snow and here’s Ena in her Sun head because I prepared to come to California in May so I thought it will be very helpful and you know what it’s still helpful let protect me from snow not only Sun that’s right guys that’s why I love my head you see how much snow I have that’s unbelievable I can’t believe it like we really run away from rains in Seattle we come to the snow and you got just this weather in California it’s like unbelievable let’s go to our wi to our safe heaven let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s a brand new day and I’m on my way to blue skies and sunny days time moves so fast I won’t let this pass so let’s make these moments make these moments f [Music] [Applause] [Music] you and I can fly so high leave all of our worri far hi when we reach the Sun and all that we won then will make these moments make these moments fly [Music] [Applause] [Music] down move so fast that won’t let this pass so let’s make these moments make these moments Li [Music] Oleg and Ina left the snowy Embrace of yosee their hearts set on a sunlet adventure on the other side of the Sierra Nevada mountains their destination Lone Pine California a journey of 5.5 hours and 339 mil Spirits high they ventured onward to the stored Alabama Hills as in Abella their trusty vehicle wound through the rugged landscape the sheer magnitude of the Sierra Nevada mountains loomed in the background providing a majestic backdrop to their humble Journey the Alabama Hills have been all inspiring their beauty a testament to Nature’s Grandeur however the Relentless heat of the day posed a formidable challenge testing their limit and teaching them the vital importance of staying hydrated and prepared despite the heat the journey was filled with wonder and the promise of new adventures each day [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello we’re in Little Town of L Pine right now California and here majority of western movies were filmed in Alabama Hills we will go there in a minute but before that we stop in this area to see the museum about western movies and we will show it to you as well [Music] oh look at this amazing car it’s so huge but it’s barely fit to people interesting how design changed since then [Music] soon the whole town is drawn into the B hello hello including are you calling aliens yes [Music] even Tex Ritter made the trip up Highway 395 [Music] [Music] let’s go for a [Music] ride heavy duty car I like it this is just enough space to put your back and shoes probably honey right no I have two pairs of shoes only I am very simple [Music] woman that’s a great wagon here I don’t mind the travel in it overlaying Stage Line I really like this car it’s Buick roadm was built in 1941 and it’s so elegant and beautiful it’s amazing this Craftsman it’s just something like I would don’t mind to ride in it right now [Music] [Music] the Alabama Hills shimmered under a California Sun a Labyrinth of sculpted Granite beckoning Advent venture today Oleg and Ena their eyes sparkling with anticipation chose this wild canvas for their exploration with backpacks strapped on and a thirst for Discovery they ventured Into the Heart of the dusty maze each twist in the path unveiled a new Wonder colossal Boulders balanced precariously Whimsical rock formations and the whispering tales of the Wind Through The Canyons but Oleg and Ina weren’t just sightseers they were Prospectors searching for a secret whispered amongst seasoned hikers the hidden arches of the Alabama [Music] Hills CH just coloring pee [Music] [Music] [Music] think first sign is [Music] ready next [Music] one this is the best lunch in Long Pine but look at this view it’s so amazing should be ready some more our oil [Music] the small induction OV it looks so nice it’s so easy to set up you can put anywhere any place and have couple mods high medium Ms what we’re using right now have like 600 900 and 1,300 WS currently we using only 600 wat to cook our meal this is perfect setup for small [Music] R looks good looks yummy I want to eat right now not yet good boy good boy CH good boy CH want to eat also you’re going to make you as well we’re going to make you one as well [Music] here [Music] [Music] somewhere here it is super taco is ready that’s a huge because it’s super huge one guys burrito for Charlie as the first blush of dawn painted the sky Oleg and Ena their eyes alike with determination set out to conquer one of many Mount Whitney hikes the crisp Mountain Air invigorated them as they shouldered their packs ready to face the challenge with eager Hearts their destination Lone Pine Lake nestled at the foot of the Whitney portal the gateway to their audacious climb [Music] [Music] the ascent was a Relentless test of their strength the air grew thinner testing their lungs but their Spirits remained High finally after hours of steady progress they reached the 9,000 foot Mark the world unfolded before them in a breathtaking Panorama Jagged Peaks pierced the crystal clear sky and distant glaciers shimmered like scattered diamonds [Music] [Music] leaving the Alabama Hills behind Oleg and Ina steered North on Highway 395 2 hours and 124 mil later they arrived at Mono Lake beyond the Sierra Nevada Peaks Mono Lake unfolded in Serene Solitude its alkaline Waters mirrored the vast endless Sky The Surreal landscape of limestone Towers known as Tas Rose from the lake silent Testaments to the enduring power of nature and perhaps of their own [Applause] love as the sun dipped below the Horizon casting a Golden Glow over the lake Oleg and Ina made a silent promise they would always find beauty in the world and in each other no matter where their Journey took them me there with flow hair and light like the wind they come rushing rushing in [Music] oh [Music] [Music] on [Music] honey come we’re right now in um was Lake State Park and it’s um absolutely beautiful place temperature is very comfortable with little breeze but it’s still warm and sunny I feel very happy and relaxed and and what could be better as drinking cup of tea in such a beautiful place I enjoy every moment of our trip it’s already been 10 days we went through so many places we had our original PL that changed alone way due to um unexpected weather conditions and road closures but nonetheless it was wonderful experience all the way we uh visited wonderful Park yusei National Park it’s a gorgeous place we originally wanted to stay there 3 days but stayed five instead and there fluctuation of weather where we saw sunny beautiful weather then it’s all more like um fall and then it’s we saw very strong winds with rain and end up with the snow I actually like it because um it’s such a different side scenes when you see same place and within 5 days we were lucky enough to see it when it was sunny when it was snowing when it was raining and all these mountains look different every day there so we enjoyed it a lot and it was so Co to wake up in the morning and snow everywhere it’s like wow we made our hot tea with honey and um so how our neighbors in campsite did snowman children were happy playing around and we went to hikes multiple hikes in that area probably the best I like and usami National Park is Bridal whale Falls amazing place to see and uh as well as other side scenes another thing I like is tunnel where you can see a spectacular view of the valley then from uh yam we went to L Pine and and uh it’s the place where all um western movie was filmed from 1900 all this movies that our grandparents parents saw it’s always was filmed there it was amazing to be in that place imagining how it was filled what history of that place how people lived at that time and uh we saw with Alabama Hills we hiked there and um just absolutely gorgeous place to visit I just wish that we stay there longer because so beautiful there and there are so many amazing hikes from there we drove to Mona Lake in another a beautiful place to be it’s so interesting we learned that that Lake it’s actually quite a large lake and what are there saltier than in a sea and nonetheless it’s um natural habit for millions of birds because they’re resting in that area before they migrating further they feed their own brain Shams and with brain streams and unique only to that Lake it’s amazing how such a harsh environment still uh produce habitat for wildlife I really appreciate nature for that [Music] their next stop summer lake hot springs a tranquil Desert Oasis 411 M away after a 7-hour drive geothermal pools awaited promising to soothe tired muscles and rejuvenate their Spirits the destination is on your left Sil lake hot springs arrived [Music] [Music] [Applause] what right now in Summer Lake cut springs of Oregon it’s such a gorgeous Place wild nature very friendly people it’s um you can come here on urv or like if your P whatever you like and this rent is $35 per person it’s just amazing for all they have to offer it so cheap and we were so likey with get here and that all so we can enjoy all this Stu of um in on water they have re temperature this is c m one this is hotter and one over there a little bit colder and uh around us is mountains and pl and well bird Ro and blue [Music] [Applause] [Music] sky under the canvas of the Milky Way the they soaked in the heat the silence around they filled with the soft sounds of their contented size and The Whisper of the Desert [Music] Wind in a new day they drove 149 miles in 2.5 hours to their next destination Smith Rock at Smith Rock State Park rugged Cliffs Rose like ancient [Music] citadels lying in my arms you got my eyes love locked on you [Music] wild watching with you and the flowers where we sitting now been full blown sound of the W on the shore these are days that I live for you got my eyes locked on you with wild [Music] [Music] wild this mountains behind me is um Smith State Park in or it’s very compact Park but the view of this mountains are just droping and it’s World destination for rock climbers they everywhere you can see them even over here you can just take a trail and everywhere you go you see people do um climbing on this rocks so if you want to do it do it just [Music] f a quiet in a last day they drove 328 mi in 5.5 hours back home home awaited not just as a place but as a feeling of belonging somewhere or with someone who who transforms every return into a new beginning we the open road beckons a promise of endless Adventure joined cinematic adventures as we Chase hidden wonders around every band this journey Just Begun subscribe and embark on yours o [Music]

Join us on a breathtaking cinematic journey as we travel 2500 miles from Washington State to California, exploring the majestic Sierra Nevada mountains and the scenic wonders along the way. Our adventure begins in Issaquah, WA, and takes us through the stunning Oregon coast via Highway 101. From there, we reach the awe-inspiring Yosemite National Park, venture to the iconic Alabama Hills, and marvel at the surreal beauty of Mono Lake. We also take time to relax at Summer Lake Hot Springs in Oregon and explore the rugged terrain of Smith Rock State Park. Witness the romance of the road and the excitement of van life as we document our unforgettable experiences. Subscribe for more travel adventures and tips!

Starting in Issaquah, WA, and traveling down Highway 101
Exploring the Oregon coast
Visiting Yosemite National Park
Discovering the Alabama Hills
Experiencing the unique Mono Lake
Relaxing at Summer Lake Hot Springs in Oregon
Adventuring in Smith Rock State Park
Returning to Issaquah, WACinematic Adventures: Short & Big & Epic!

Attribution for LeConte Memorial Lodge exterior JPG: Eric Polk, CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, via Wikimedia Commons.

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