😱GIBARA: lo que oculta una ciudad TURÍSTICA en CUBA/HOLGUÍN 2024

Everyone wants to visit Hibara, there is a time of year when it is almost impossible to find accommodation in this Cuban city. People come from other countries, other provinces, artists flood the streets and during that week Hibara is on everyone’s lips, but what happens the rest of the year ? hides hibara when the buses full of travelers leave that’s what i’m going to tell you today because i’m tired of no one telling it welcome folks to one more video in today’s video i’m pleased to show you hibara one of the best known cities in olgin and Cuba and Cuba also why good mainly because of the International Film Festival that is held here every year But there is much more hibara hides much more it has much more to offer And that is what I want to show you in today’s video know how to ivar outside about that very specific date that is barely one week a year and see what life is like here and tell you other curious things that are about jbara that Let me tell you that there are a lot of them and without further ado let’s start walking jbara because there is a lot to say Jbara is located on the northern coast of Cuba approximately 35 km from the city of Olguín. From here you can get there in different ways. Buses must leave daily from the Balearic Islands but they depend on fuel. So they are not safe. Another of the most common routes are machines. that leave from the Alcid Espino piquera and the prices are very variable the day I traveled it cost me 400 pesos for the one way trip and 500 for the return trip But it can cost more or less depending on the date and time when you arrive in Jbara The first thing you have to do is eat a shrimp cocktail at the stand that is right in front of the terminal. It is an unwritten law that I highly recommend. You know what a whore is. No, no, you don’t know. Well, look, I’m going to do this to you. I tell you that this story is a shady fact from today’s video it is another one here in Hibara they planted these these trees thinking that they were going to provide shade they said [__] which tree is bigger than which tree is better with this we have safe shade for the summer And in hibara with the heat that the sun makes the sea El Salitre Well things went a little wrong Because these trees that I have here behind me I’m going to get out quickly because one of these things could fall on my head It bears these fruits I guess I know that they are colloquially called pirinda gentleman and they are quite dangerous Because look look at this this is heavy this is heavy I swear this is heavy I believe that if my head falls I could get hurt And it is a tree from Africa over there the giraffe eats this and they brought them here and planted it and the queños like that boy but if there is no giraffe here there is nothing here they are going to kill me beware when they come to jivara with the whores who Be careful with the bitch Well, I tell you that they have very kindly allowed me to go up to the terrace of the Ordoño hotel and I want to tell you from here the next disturbing fact from today’s video. Let me upload for a moment this fact, more than disturbing, more than murky, it is a nice fact, yes because I tell you about the Ordoño hotel, which is where I am right now. I am on the terrace of this hotel. It was built by Don Felipe. Don Felipe Ordoño had a very beautiful marriage, a very beautiful relationship with Doña Isabel, who unfortunately died and was buried in the first cemetery of Hibara. The terrace had been built during the period of the illness that took his life and Don Felipe from his terrace observed the cemetery that is behind there through spyglasses similar to the ones I have here and observed the tomb of his beloved Mrs. Isabel, where that house is now, he had a garden, a garden of flowers that were flowers that he harvested to take to the cemetery every day to his wife. Listen, what a beautiful thing, what a love, so pure, no, and there is also a saying that they say that yes. You come here as a couple to this hotel you find True love Eternal love That love is for life In a while we are going to approach the cemetery where Don Felipe’s wife is buried and right next to the Hotel Ordoño is this another hotel that is in ruins that is a hotel that is under reconstruction in repair But according to what they tell me there is no budget to repair and Well, this is how they see it, the blackouts in Jbara are longer than in Ori, much longer here. They tell me that if the current has to arrive at 12, it does not arrive at 12, it arrives at 12:15 12:30 or if there is too much deficit Well, it’s still without power until they can put it in. That’s one of the saddest and most painful things that happen right now in the municipalities that really suffer much more, much more than the provincial capitals, in Jbara the same thing happens as in others municipalities of Olguín Although they have SMEs, the price of the products can be a little more expensive because they have to bring them from Olgin and transportation obviously increases the final price. Since there was no power, almost all the establishments were closed this time. Our lunch was a pizza for 100 pesos and some soft drinks for 220 hibara has three museums gentleman no one no two three museums and all super interesting the History Museum of the history here in Gibara a museum of natural sciences that is incredible and also a museum of decorative arts that I had never been to a museum of this type seemed magical to me it seemed simply magical I could really dedicate an entire video to each museum and it would fall short but since I don’t want to bore you I’m going to mention the things that I liked the most. The good ones caught my attention first and at the end the bad ones. In the history museum, I found out that Hibara was known as little Spain so much so that it even had a vice consulate of this country. In addition, the museum is now very visited because there are records of the entry of Spanish citizens to Cuba and with the law of democratic memory this service is highly requested at the entrance to the Museum of Natural Sciences there is a document with the biography of Joaquín, the taxidermist responsible for the conservation of most of the species that are exhibited there For Joaquín it began as a hobby that finally became his reason for being and this museum is a fundamental part of his legacy and finally what I think became my new favorite museum, the museum of decorative arts gentleman When I saw that armchair the lovers that I had only seen in the dolls I wanted to die But clearly none of the pieces can be touched the kitchen stole my heart they even have a refrigerator from the time and look at the sink gentleman I couldn’t brush my teeth because how could I? I’m going to dirty that beautiful thing. I also discovered the most murky fact of the entire trip. The story of the Cup of Love. This legend speaks of Two lovers, Ignacia and Adolfo. The first time Adolfo entered the lady’s room was on her deathbed. When Ignacia freed him from the commitment that united them shortly before his death, Adolfo asked Illo, a Havana cartoonist, to design a mausoleum to honor the memory of his beloved. Real hair of Ignacia was used in the model and it is still preserved in the living room. This museum, as you could see, the infrastructure of the museums is quite deteriorated and some even have areas in danger of collapse, which alarmed me greatly for its workers. For those who visit them and for the centuries of history and culture that they store, Hibara like so many other places. Almost all of us in Cuba have many constructions to finish, constructions that began to be built and the boardwalk was never finished. This part of the Gibara Malecon is one of them and they tell me that it is something very unfortunate because here there was a club called Villa. white and it was a very loved club, visited by the entire Jareño family because it was in very bad condition, it was never repaired, it was destroyed to do this damage and it was not done either. Gibar beach is full of sargassum, I think according to the popular standards of the beaches cannot be considered a good beach, however, whenever I think about returning to Hibara I think about its sea. That sea that can be seen from every point in the city is not the bluest sea or the best for swimming, but it is a sea that I miss when you are far away I have walked Jbara with many people who are important to me to return It is to see those who are no longer here and know that there is nothing wrong with them no longer being there Even if the sea in the town makes me sad Blanca, the Ibare work in normal jobs. They tell me that the issue of fishing is not as booming as in previous years. It is something that has been declining. There is a factory. The only factory here in Hibara that provides many jobs is the spinning mill, but outside of That’s why people dedicate themselves to what we dedicate ourselves to everywhere: buying, selling, teaching, healing, normal jobs, there are gyms, eh, there is one or another bar, there is one or another cafeteria, there are my SMEs, too, like in all places, and well, that’s what we do. What has been happening with Hibara Yes Hibara has always been a very quiet town the phenomenon of emigration has obviously had an impact on it And now it is even quieter as If that were possible the comments are always that Jbara at night is like It turns everything off, very quiet, there is not much life, but I think that with the bars in recent years this has improved a little. I see more life than before, but it really is a very quiet city, extremely quiet, so if what you are looking for is a quiet place, a place that makes you gasp with loneliness and melancholy. Your place is ibara. Don’t come to jbara looking for parties or looking for big commotions because hibara is a very quiet place . That’s from 2004, jbara was named as a national monument and it’s no wonder that you are already seeing in this video the amount of history, architecture, culture that jbara contains and well. Since that date it has been a national monument and also since 2022 It began to be part of the network of heritage cities of Cuba, this network is made up of only 15 cities. So imagine the honor of Jbara Caero, you are not wrong with Hibara. Well, I tell you that since I arrived in Hibara, there is no power. I arrived at 9 The morning is already 1 in the afternoon. I don’t know if you can see. Aha, 1 in the afternoon and in Kivara the power has not arrived yet. That means that most of the businesses are closed, practically all of them. No, I have not been able to record in Nowhere because they are not really working because there is no current and well I laugh I laugh because I don’t want to put myself here I don’t want to get upset But this is horrible it’s fatal you already know what I think about this whole issue of the current a moment after recording this when I looked in front of me I saw this man who was obviously carrying a sack of coal in his wheelbarrow. I don’t know what he is going to use it for but I don’t think this is a coincidence. I couldn’t leave Gibara without to know the outcome of the stories of am that I discovered on this trip, that is why I went to the cemeteries of Gibara to observe with my own eyes the tomb of Doña Isabel and the mausoleum of Ignacia and I am inside the cemetery of Gibara to show you the monument La Copa of the love of this story that I have told you about this monument that was made for Ignacia, his beloved, to remember her and see how it remains exactly as he designed it, which in fact was made in Italy and was moved to Cuba in pieces, it is a truly monument very beautiful and this is the tomb of Doña Isabel, the tomb that Felipe Don Felipe saw from his house in the current Ordoño hotel, look, unfortunately it is a little deteriorated, it lost a piece of the name but as we can see It is a quite large tomb and it is seen that It was made with great affection by her husband. I left without having electricity and it is a shame. I wish that light would return to Gibara in all possible aspects. See the sea of ​​Gibara and remember that one day you were happy there and that today It can also be despite the blackouts. M No, that’s better than leaving . I hope you liked today’s video. I say goodbye to these tracks from this place, which is one of my favorite places in Gibara, without a doubt. I love coming here. sit here look at the sea and there is a little wind there is always a wind in hibara No matter what time of year I am always hairy in hibara but happy I hope you enjoyed this video please let me know in the comments what you thought if you have visited jivara what place do you like I would like me to visit everything you want to tell me about what we have shown in today’s video will be well received. I always respond to your comments and I’m very happy to read them, subscribe if you haven’t already and see you in the next video [Music] I went i

Gibara🌬️, la Villa Blanca de Holguín. Un destino turístico conocido por sus eventos culturales y pintoresca estampa🏖️. Esta ciudad es sede cada año del Festival Internacional de Cine 🎬 de Gibara, pero su belleza sobrepasa el marco de este evento. Gibara es considerada Monumento Nacional desde el 2004, y forma parte de la red de ciudades patrimoniales desde el 2022.

Por eso hoy, te llevo a conocer un poco más sobre su día a día💁🏻‍♀️ ¿se parece al del resto de Cuba🇨🇺? ¿qué se puede comer en las calles de Gibara? ¿cómo están los precios 💸de la comida? ¿cómo se llega a Gibara desde Holguín?

Por si esto fuera poco quiero contarte algunas de las leyendas más famosas de esta ciudad, La copa del amor❤️ y la relación de Felipe Ordoño con el primer cementerio de Gibara. 🪦

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Espero que disfruten el video, los quiero mucho. 🥹
me fui,

0:00 ¿Qué esconde Gibara?
1:17 ¿cómo llegar a Gibara?
2:00 Las pirindongas
3:07 El Hotel Ordoño
4:40 Los apagones
5:25 Precios de la comida
5:53 Los museos de Gibara
6:22 Museo de Historia de Gibara
6:49 Museo de Ciencias Naturales
7:06 Museo de Artes Decorativas
7:36 Leyenda: La Copa del amor
8:05 Triste realidad
8:24 Obras sin acabar
9:10 La playa de Gibara
9:56 La vida en Gibara
11:30 Monumento Nacional
12:04 Los apagones continúan
12:55 Los cementerios de Gibara
14:06 Mis deseos para Gibara

#gibara #holguin #cuba #turismoencuba #gibaraholguin #villablancacuba #HOLGUIN2024 #hotelordoño #lacopadelamor #leyendasdegibara #FICG #cinepobre #vlogdeviajes #vlogencuba #viajarporcuba #viajarcuba #hotelesholguin #destinosholguin #destinoscuba #callescubanas #vidaencuba #aprendedora #recorrercuba #playascubanas #youtubercubana


  1. Comment 1, Like 2, Hola Katy!!!️, Cóctel de camarones mmmh 😋, Gibara y las Pirindongas 😁, hay que tener cuidado, jajajaja, que bonitos se ven los museos 😃, muchas gracias por darnos un hermoso recorrido por esta ciudad, me dieron ganas de visitarla, es un placer aprender en cada video contigo, un enorme abrazo mi bella amiga, me fui… Wiiiiiii….

  2. Bonita ciudad, que lastima que siendo una ciudad patrimonio de Cuba, se esté cayendo a pedazos ☹️☹️ muy bonita la historia de don Felipe y doña Isabel 💞….en cambio muy tétrica la historia de la copa del amor de Fito y Nachita….😱

  3. Wow que lugar tan iconico con tanta historia que contar, me encantaron los museos, pero la Don Felipe e Isabela genial un amor tan puro y genial como pocos hoy en día y Katy hermosa 😍♥️ como siempre nunca dejas de sorprendernos eres Genial 🙌.

  4. Vaya, cada lugar en Cuba es único, ver lugares como este me hacen sentir que viajo en el tiempo justo como cuando visito Cuba, realmente es otro mundo interesante que tiene mucho por descubrir..gracias porque aprendo mas de estos lugares Katy!! Saludos desde México!!

  5. Has tocado un tema que me entristece, soy un enamorado eterno de Gibara y su arquitecturas, siento mucho su abandono y olvido por la autoridades y no ahora que el pais sufre una profunda crisis, cuando vivian en Cuba recuerdo que una universida italiana dono el proyecto completo de restauracion de la villa ( estudiantes de 5 año de arquitectura ) y con un valor monetario enorme y solo se pintaron algunas fachadas y pequeñas acciones de mantenimiento, es una pena que la historia de Gibara se pierda, saludos.

  6. Ahhhh 🤩 me encantó. Muchas gracias Aprendedora por este video mostrándonos Gibara, ahora quiero 10 capítulos más 🙂

    Atte: el equipo de producción de Gibara Town Academy The Series

  7. Mil gracias por este video. ❤ Mi mamá nació en Jibara en 1929. Se fue de Jibara para la Habana en el 1948. Regresó en 1951 después que se casó con mi papá para ir a visitar sus padres porque se venía a vivir en los Estados Unidos. Nunca llegue a conocer mis abuelos, ni tíos y tías. Mi mamá era la major de 9 hermanos y hermanas. Mi sentí tan cerca a mi familia que me imagino todavía hay algunos que viven allí. Precioso los museos, pero siento los amagos que pasan. Espero mucho más videos interesante. Otra ves gracias! ❤

  8. Ojalá me fuera para España. Tengo ascendencia española por ambos bandos. Kathy tu video acerca de la Villa Blanca de Gibara es asombroso, yo he querido ir a Gibara, pero mi papá no ha querido ir, no sé lo que le pasó a él allí. Más a mí me gustó el museo de Ciencias Naturales. Qué lástima que algunos edificios estén sin remodelar y en un serio estado de deterioro, eso junto con las obras inconclusas y sin terminar son cosas comunes en el socialismo. Otra cosa que no me gusta es la cantidad de basura que hay cerca de la costa.

  9. muy bonito pueblito gracias aprendedora mos mostrarlo sabes que de esta nueva forma el ser humano va conociendo mas el planeta y sus bellos rincones gracias a personas como tu que los muestran conocemos historias peculiares que pasaron ahi en otros tiempos hay un dejo de nostalgia al ver la decadencia de un lugar que si tuviera su infraestructura original en mejor estado pues seria mas bonita todavia en fin muchas gracias una vez mas por tomarte el tiempo de mostrarnos una joya mas de tu hermoso pais y de tu hermosa provincia saludos y cuidate

  10. Ufff, excelente presentación acerca de este pueblo tan clásico, con atención sería un pueblo estilo portuario y colonial.. gracias por compartir.
    Post-data: es verdad que el sol te dió duro Gran Panita, en otros vídeos te noto más clara 😂

  11. Buen vídeo, ya tuve lá fortuna de visitar Gibara y si és un pueblo piscatório pitoresco.
    Pena el transporte ser complicado.
    Ah y esa vez que visite, entre al Hotel realmente és bonito sin embargo lá chica recepcionista no muy prestable.
    Fue a comer a un restaurante que tiene una terraza con vista para el mar, me gustó mucho.
    Ver eses museos casi a caer és un atentado.

  12. Lindo pueblo, se parece mucho a Melena del sur en Mayabeque q también tiene playa , pero es en la costa sur , felicidades excelente video, tienes un talento enorme ❤️🇨🇺❤️

  13. Que lindoooo ese lugar, enfrente del mar, con tantos museos unicos como el de artes decorativas, es un lugar que evoca paz y al amor puro como la historia de Doña Isabel y Don Felipe, vida llevame a Cuba y arrojame en Gibara.❤

  14. Wow con El museo de artes decorativas , no imaginaba que existiera algo así , Gracias Panita por mostrarnos estos lugares😊
    Pd : espero te hallas empavesado en bloqueador solar porque andar a las 1 pm en la calle debe considerase deporte de alto riesgo 😅

  15. Gibara es como una madre internacional. Gibara es nostalgia, melancolía, tranquilidad y amor. Mi última vez fue en 2021 (por suerte). No veo la hora de volver. Por cierto, Kathy, tengo una prima allá que es la directora del Cine Jiba: Sandra Hernandez. Pa' la próxima, llégate de mi parte o cuadramos y le haces una entrevista😊Gracias por el video. Por llevarnos a todos hasta esa querida Villa Blanca de los Cangrejos❤

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