Dangerous or Dangerously Fun? Top 7 Reasons Why Visiting Honduras Mayb Scary But is Worth The Flight

what’s up guys it’s your boy El cheing and look we back with another one back out here with the big bad undas look guys before I came to undas everybody told me one thing don’t go they told me it’s too dangerous out there it’s nothing to do you know you basically wasting your time and let me tell you guys one of the best decisions I made this year was going to uras because I had so much fun I met so many great people I had so many great experiences is and it just felt you know it felt different it felt worth it it felt like a place that a lot of people don’t go to especially the city we’re going to talk about today so stay tuned if you ever been thinking about going to Honduras I’m going give you the lad down let’s do it I’ll check in dude on YouTube not a YouTuber but let go all right guys so first thing first like I said a lot of people I know when they go to uras they go to Ron which is like the little island off the coast of Honduras and some people go to like SAA which has like it’s closer to like the Dr SE stuff and you know all that stuff but very few people I know actually come to San Pedro Sula and that’s where I went the capital city as you can imagine in general just in general because tourism isn’t so big in uras it made some things inconvenient and the number one thing was money Dao Moola cash ver that green stuff it was so hard to get my hands on some Honduran limpas um so guys normally my process is I do my exchange with my bank right because if you go to you know a lot of other places they’re kind of janky so I do the transaction with my bank if you don’t know you could get the money delivered to you um or deliver to a bank at least with a Bank of America um and I’m sure of Banks probably have similar services like Chase the big ones but you could get it delivered to you and that’s what I always do for the most part I go on Bank of America no options don’t got no options for me they can’t help your boys when come to uran money now I’ve been to some places that I thought this was going to happen to me you know Chile like just a little other places that aren’t like super big tourist spots and Bank of America somehow always has it I mean even when I went to Egypt um just places you wouldn’t think Morocco bake of America always come stup for me somehow somehow little old Honduras which is not that far from the US they don’t have so you know it was inconvenient looked around I couldn’t find it so if you’re going to uras you may want to check out uh like Mom and Pop currency places give them a little time but they take a little while so that was it luckily I got in the country ATMs in a in a the airport worked so I was able to make the exchange not too much of a hassle not too much much of a big deal got the money of course you’re gonna get here with the little uh ATM fees make sure you’re always traveling with a with a car that uh doesn’t have foreign transaction fees and all that stuff so it wasn’t that bad but something to keep in mind guys so the second thing I noticed how undo us is I mean once my feet hit that ground bro I mean a couple hours in I was just getting major Dr Vibes major Dr pops like dang and I haven’t been in Dr in a minute so I’m like dang am I just am I just having like Dr fever but it wasn’t that like from the food uh the music if you guys see my NTI video so much demo she’s this music category in um in Dr so much and food like they have so much food similar like I talk about it in a couple videos uh and Di got this fried chicken that’s super similar to what they do out in Andor it’s called pic poo they got that they got poo gizo so much like everything was just reminding me of the Dr The Vibes like people hanging out in front of stores like chilling like it was given an island Vibe which is weird like I’ve been in El Salvador I’ve been to other centr Guatemala I’ve never experienced a Central American country that had that Vibe especially a capital city like Central American countries definitely have their own Vibe down talking about from Panama City Nicaragua I’ve been to all of these countries and none of them felt like this like I felt straight Island Vib straight Dr Vibes like okay this is different this is different but then at the same time it also has its own very strong culture of his own but it was just something interesting that I noticed so if anybody is wondering like yo what’s what’s the vibe that’s it like it it it felt like I want to say a mini Dr but I think I’m pretty sure Honduras is bigger than Dr but it felt like a Dr I’m talking about the countryside like when I travel more the countryside in uh in s Domingo I mean in Dr that’s the vibe I was getting it was was crazy staying on that uh Dr Vibe we got to go to the N life number three on this list it’s going to be the night life just prepare yourself bro that’s what nobody told me now let me just clear this up too I I think I may have said this in another video a lot of people ask a lot of times well or or or there like in disbelief that that cities that I don’t know if they’re just not because they’re not popular on YouTube or people don’t talk about them a lot these they this in disbelief when they see oh this country got night life oh I didn’t know that how did not know that and you got to remember guys especially when talking about Capital Cities even when it comes to things to do like I hear I see that a lot like people like oh Wells anything to do in S I go Chile do they have night life out there is there anything that they El sabad you got to remember guys like at least in the capital cities these these places tend to have over a million people bro there’s something to do they’re not all just sitting on their hands all day all of these places have something to do now it comes down to you if you want to go and and figure those things out like it’s not as easy as going to you know aana and going to Resort or going to uh Cara where you just walk outside and it’s lit it’s not that or real de Gena or whatever some places you actually have to go to and explore to to figure those things out and to get the vibe and I get it you kind of don’t want to take the risk um spend the money unless you know for sure it’s late um but I can guarantee you from my experience any place you go um for the most part I can’t remember any capital city that I’ve been to now I’m not saying go to like you know one off place I can’t remember any capital city that I went to that didn’t have things to do um night life or whatever but anyway I I digress let’s get back to the NTI night life was lit it and I admit I wasn’t expecting that but man it has so much so many options so many options the club was packed I show you guys I go to two clubs out there one was a little off but it was a weird event that day um so yeah that I ched that up to that but besides that man night life was was a movie out there I had so much fun like so much fun when everything was lit the people were so much fun like it just such a great experience and anybody who partied outside of the US knows it just such a great experience and for me andas was just great San Pedro suash say which is great because it was no tourist like it wasn’t no lot like I’m somebody who really like I’m like a true like like I’m a person that really enjoys going places and and kind of like seeing it untouched like it was it was just refreshing to go to a club and it was just straight Hondurans I don’t think it was nobody else there it definitely was no Americans it was not no Americans there I can tell you that so that’s that all right next on the list guys number four we’re going to talk about danger danger stranger danger that’s what everybody think about when they talk about Honduras and it’s for good reasons now look guys I ain’t about to say and lie to you I ain’t about to tell you go out there door ain’t nothing to worry about you know it’s hard to creep them Brooklyn streets it’s hard so I’mma tell you guys from my experience there always had to be alert you know nothing different than any other country I’ve been to just always be alert did I feel a overwhelming amount of danger no if I had to put a number on it I would say like a six out of 10 um I definitely wouldn’t recommend doing some of the stuff that I did in those videos like walking at night that was ridiculously insane um but the clubs were kind of close so I was like let me walk it out let me see but I did ended up getting uh which I did catch on from I didn’t end up getting stopped by the cops um they were doing like uh uh what is it called like they were doing car checks in the street and I was walking and they see me um and I probably probably thought I was in Honduran I talk about it a little bit uh Honduras got a a sh presence of Morenos or darkk um people call them um karunas ibly thought I was something like that so they came talking to me in Spanish checking my pockets seeing what I got um if you guys know me I keep I keep I I keep the bread in the sock if you see my videos I keep the money in the sock so you ain’t catching nothing on me but I do have I did I have heard of situations where you know they take your money they take stuff from you um that didn’t happen to me I spoke English even though you know I could have spoke Spanish but from my experience just heads up never do that if you don’t English just speak and it’s late night and you you in a cop situation just speak English you you want to have least amount of conversation that you can because then they’ll they’ll get suspicious are you huan American what you doing here I think the best is thing is just to come off as a prayer tourist that you don’t know what’s going on and you just try to get home so he was asking me and I’m like house house instead of saying Kasa he was asking where I going but anyway yeah stuff like that happens um but besides that I was pretty cool I got looks I got places that felt a little more shaky than others but for the most part it was it was fine all right guys number five food so like I said even though Honduras gives off strong Dr Vibes it’s its own country and it’s a very proud country and it’s it’s it has deep roots in its own identity and own food and all all that stuff has it own thing going on and as clear as TI a fool so I do talk about you know um a lot of stuff they had reminded me of the of Dr um but they also had a lot of other food that had nothing to do with the Dr so the biggest thing is probably baladas baladas is and I so guys I’ve been to I think I think I’ve I think I’ve been in every Central American country I’ve been Nicaragua I’ve been to Honduras I’ve been to salador I’ve been to Bama city um I’ve been in Mexico I’m trying to think what else what else is in there I’ve been a bise I’ve been I’ve been to most of them and a lot of them do have uh similar food so just for for example you got Mexico may have the quesadilla and El elabor got the papusa and and Honduras has the Bal now Never Say Never I’m just giving you advice if you’re around at any one of these anybody from these um Nations nationalities don’t ever say one is the same as the other you you might you might get hurt they might they might get on you but I can definitively say that I went to ures and and I was going to try this because you know it’s something I got to try if I’m there it’s like national dish and I had if you guys you guys probably seen it last year I went to uh El Salvador and I had Papas I had a lot of papas amazing papers amazing and the baladas look similar I’m like all right close to each other it’s probably probably the same I said I thought it I ain’t say it though but no B another level another level out of this world put me on a slingshot shoot me across the M shoot me across the world and send me back to andas just for Bell eyes because those things are so good uh just a a word of advice now these things were way rarer if you guys seen a video I tried like two times three times to get these things and I didn’t know apparently they more of a breakfast food and it may depend on the city because guys when I was in uh Stan pedla everybody told me they was a breakfast food and they don’t serve them after a certain time all right cool then I went to tell her and then I I come from the beach and they got some some baladas at like 6 7 o’clock I’m like yo they told me it was a breakfast somebody lying but all in all it is what it is some things was worth the wait um um so good uh I recommend you go to uh the market that I went to there’s a market I went to forgot the name of it let me try to find it and put it down below if not they got this place called uh I don’t want to Bush it the name I think it says St estelinas and it has like the best ones in uh St Pedro Sula but I went to some random spots in T and they were there were they were delicious so uh that’s that guys do not skip under dirty and food it is very good on top of that you also got like I was talking about that G it’s tongue twister G my my my man’s going to kill me told you I got a very close friend um but yeah they they have that food and as you could imagine guys that’s pulling from them African Roots I’m pulling from them African roots and I’m think so good I’m thing so good they amazing man uh I think I had a a shrimp with rice so good so flavorful so amazing do not skip out on food and uras that’s all I’m going to say I’m leaveing at that guys number six number six Transportation on if you guys see my videos you seen your boy ended up on the road your boy was on the road man not just not just not not not being focused just lacking just all lacking no I’m joking uh I want to I honestly want to say that you know this could happened anywhere but I did end up on a road and I do want to say just make sure you know that you always I always say ready because there’s no way to be ready for that situation but you you’re just keeping this in mind it can happen to you um the good thing is Honduras is huge on Transportation like they have so many bus companies they have so many options I will say once that buz broke down the next one that came by let us on so it was all good but transportation and Honduras can be a little crazy could be a little stressful um always calculate that in your time but like I said the best thing is bro it’s just Honduras is such a beautiful country for traveling around and they give you so many options to do it you could go like I said lasa from Las where you go to um Dr CB’s uh Dr SE Dr CB’s uh Village Usha um you could go to roon um there’s so many other beach cities along the coast too so it’s accessible it’s very accessible which you know believe it or not a lot of countries they make it hard they have one bus company and it’s all inflated and all that stuff so that’s just something to think about guys number seven beaches so if you guys seen I was in toras very very Charming little uh community so so dope like I said a lot of food with a lot of uh a lot of a lot of energy um and very local very authentic very nice Beach um if you guys watch the video you can see it if you want if you like one of those places where not there’s not a lot of hagglers and vendors and stuff tell Ur is for you the best part about it it’s it’s very convenient to get to especially from the capital you can spend like one day in the capital and the next day you can head out to to T Honduras it’s like an hour and a half um like I said there’s so many options when it come to the beaches but it’s a beautiful beach and it’s like a great option to just uh to have on on standby you could pay pay for the bus get on that thing get to the beach you stay for one day if you want to it just so it’s so quick to get to it’s easier to go into lasa which I think is like three hours away and then you go to the popular Super Famous Ron um Ron I think you should save for like a cruise or something um just way more convenient because the only other way to get there I think you have to fly into San Pedro Sula and then laa or fly to lasa and then take a boat or take another plane um they do offer daily uh flights from the capital San Pedro Sula to Ron but it’s just such a more convenient option to just go to TAA and get a lot of that that great stuff they got great restaurants take got great Beach and you can save yourself some money because the bus is cheap it’s under I want to say under $10 to get on the bus all right guys look I’mma leave it here seven things that I found to be super super interesting about Honduras hope you guys learned something I hope this was a interesting something you can use in the future if so drop a thumbs up and a comments also subscribe if you’re not subscribed thanks guys share this video to anybody you know that may want to go to and Doras and if you’ve been thinking about it go ahead and buy that ticket I’ll check in do it on YouTube not a YouTuber go what’s up guys if you like the shirt you see me wearing in this video or any of my other videos check out the description box below to get yours

#HONDURAS is famous for being filled with #beaches #food & #culture but is often left the majority of #travel and #vacation plans. Online you will not see much #traveling through San Pedro Sula but is the city really not #tourist friendly ? is it as #dangerous as people say ? In this video we explore a part of this beautiful #country that many people don’t talk about and see what life is like in the real Honduras. We explore the city at #night and see if Honduras is #dangerous we see the #nightlife and more #sanpedrosula San Pedro Sula

0:00 Intro
1:35 Finding Cash
3:28 DR Vibes
5:19 Nightlife
8:30 Dangerous?
11:07 Food
15:06 Transportation
16:51 Beachs

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  1. Hope you enjoyed the video! Remember, the channel cannot survive without your support! Here we don’t sell travel guides or constantly ask for donations. Everything is done with the intent to promote tourism and experiences around the world. Please like and subscribe to keep the channel active and posting regularly !

  2. Tegucigalpa is the Capital of Honduras. San Pedro Sula Honduras is considered the "industrial" capital of Honduras; it is the second largest city after Tegucigalpa. San Pedro Sula has been dubbed as “dormitory town” where migrants from other provinces commuting everyday through its highly efficient road and transport system. For the second straight year, San Pedro Sula, in northwest Honduras, has topped a list of the world's 50 most violent cities, with a rate of 169 intentional homicides per 100,000 inhabitants – an average of more than three people every day.

  3. Hi, my brother! I'm originally from San Pedro sula, but I've been in the States pretty much all my life. Just like you, I was concerned about going to the homeland so after 17 yrs i decided to go back …
    Let me tell you… best decision I made! To be honest, I felt safer than going out in new Orleans.. there's areas in NOLA that if you go, I can guarantee you that they will cut your head off.
    Honduras is a beautiful country with humble people… there's danger everywhere around the world. You just have to be smart.
    There's so much to do outside san pedro..

    It's a perfect place for passport bros too..

    Beautiful women who still have good values.

    At the airport, you can exchange local currency.. right by the rental car area… there's a guy who always wears a hat with Mexican flag.

    Thank you for speaking the truth about my country.

  4. Es muy desagradable que la mayor parte de los youtuber que vienen del extranjero
    Son movidos a nuestro pais la mala fama de peligrocidad que se tiene de nuestro pais en el extranjero
    Es raro y contado el youtuber extranjero que venga a nuestro pais movido por las cosa positivas de nuestro pais.

  5. Honduras is my country of origin I been living in the state for 30 years, and we are moving back to Honduras in couple of months. I appreciate what you do brother killing the narrative is great achievement because last time I checked bad and good people are everywhere and to be honest there more shooting here in Houston than in Honduras

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