Monday, June, 17: New Entrance for Friends of the Prado Museum

[Music] the exclusive entrance for the Amigos and Friends of the Prada museum is now located at the Puerta hona nor facing the world heritage P Del PR this exclusive entrance for Amigos and friend friends is an appreciation of your generous support our Amigos and Friends staff is waiting to welcome you to the Prada Museum [Music]

Amigos & Friends of the Prado Museum now have an exclusive entrance through the Puerta de Galería Jónica Norte, facing the world heritage, Paseo del Prado.

The Amigos & Friends staff on duty will be happy to help you scan your Friends of the Prado digital card and welcome you personally. Thank you for your support!

We encourage everyone to consider joining American Friends of the Prado Museum, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization of the United States dedicated to supporting the Museo del Prado and promoting visibility of its art collection.

Learn about our projects and help us do more.

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