Palma de Mallorca and Warsaw vlog / summer 2023

oh [Music] [Music] it’s go so crazy hello guys and welcome to the trip to Palma de mayorca and wors of to get to palad DEA we had to have a flight from another city and we took a bus to get there in the early morning now let’s talk about Palma de Maya Palma de mayorca is a Western mediterran Island belonging to the BC Islands archipelago Palma is a major city and Seaport located in the southwest of mayorca the name of the island comes from an old Latin phrase insula mayor that means larger Island as mayorca is the largest island in all of Spain gradually the phrase was was mispronounced and the island became known as mayorca the island adj a Mediterranean climate with a year- round average temperature of 21 degrees on the coast and an average of more than 300 days of sunshine throughout the year I don’t know why I filmed so much content vertically and not horizontally in this trip I really don’t know I don’t have an answer for that probably I was thinking about doing Tik Tok Vlogs and stuff but as you see I figure out that I didn’t film enough horizontal videos so I’m going to use my vertical videos so don’t be mad at me mayorca is really good for calm and relaxing vacation if you want to sunbath swim in Aur water it’s perfect for that but also you can find some tourist attractions to visit for example in Palma as I said before in the capital of Palma de mayorca I will show you some of them and share my opinion and recommendations about visiting these places the place that you have seen before and seen right now is the Royal Palace of La aladina which dates back to the 14th century is the official resident of the king and queen during their stays in mayorca together with the Cathedral of Palma it’s a landmark of the capital of the Bic Islands the palace reflects the Artistic Styles that have succeeded each other throughout the history of the island as you understood it’s located really close to the cathedral de Santa Maria the mayorca a really famous Cathedral of mayorca which was built between 1,229 and 1,346 it’s a vast cathedral built on a previous mosque which was built at top on the original Christian church although construction of the present Cathedral began in 1,229 it did not finish until 1,601 Catalan architech Anthony gudi was drafted to restore the building in 1, 191 moreover if you an international student with IC card you can get a discount for ticket so don’t forget your IC if I remember correctly we spent one day in Palma walking around the city because usually we were living in another city and just sand bathing and enjoying our time there but I definitely recommend to visit Palma and its Old City where you will be able to find a lot of interesting places and restaurants [Music] the old city is usually compared to Florence due to architecture farore pal deino Alo and Naples in Italy let me introduce you several more tourist attractions which you can visit first all Pat Thea which we probably missed because I don’t remember anything about it second all belver Castle I’m not sure if I pronounce it well but it’s a Gothic style Castle on a hill 3 km to the west of the center of Palma and one more place you can visit in mayorca is the Cs Del dra or dragon’s caves it’s located on the east coast of the island and it’s a cave system with four great caves and shimmering underground Lakes our next St was valdosa is a village and municipality on the island of mayorca moreover shopen was living there for some years and writing his works this Village is located in the mountains and to get there we had to use a car I don’t know if there are any transport which goes there if you will go to vosa one day you can check it [Music] [Music] if you ever visit valdosa you must try their ice cream they have special and really tasty ice cream especially one with mandarin let me tell you one more interesting fact about mayorca the island has been inhabited by humans since 7,000 BC due to its significant geographic location in the middle of the Mediterranean many armies have attempt to invade mayorca in 123 BC the Romans claimed the island the most famous invasion was that of King Jam of Aragon in 1,229 which was the start of the creation of mayorca as we know it today [Music] [Music] so I have this interesting habit that I go to McDonald’s in every country I visiting and unfortunately I did not like the McDonald’s in Palma de mayorca because the burger was really really [Music] dry the blue is gorgeous just much [Music] is but it’s it’s hot it’s really hot you can see by my face going to [Music] see a sunet [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m literally Corner near the sea and here you can feel the expans of the sea and it just you know makes you feel a lot of emotions and it’s really out provoking oh my God I just I I love this place I want to turn back to here seriously [Music] [Music] I was surprised to see so many people coming there to see the sunset near the sea it’s interesting because noay during this age of Technologies people still care about such simple things like sunsets and some of them were having picnic there or they were just sitting alone and looking at the sun going down it was amazing and you know these little things they make the life more valuable it’s so warm and nice Now I off this island time seriously probably the most memorable memory I had in pad America was swimming under the water with this huge face mask and seeing all the fishes around you you really feel like a mermaid there and I really really loved it I cuted my leg because of the Rocks yeah but look at the view the view guys I don’t want to say goodbye to this place I’m in love with this place on our last day we had our dinner some pasta and we had our flight the worst of at night so the next day we were already in wors of so we visit a really nice cafe for a breakfast where you can choose several options and pay only for this set of options and the set usually contains three dishes if I remember correctly but unfortunately I heard that right now this Cafe is not the best one I’m not sure haven’t tried it since last summer but if I will be in Poland soon you will definitely know about it and you will definitely know if this place is good or no so you can also check it out but I cannot promise you that it will be nice also we had a small problem when I told the waitress that I’m allergic to nuts uh and the waitress said that the dish will be without nuts uh but they still brought the dish with nuts and we had to ask them again to replace it somehow so so it wasn’t that nice even at that time but at least the food were nice so I don’t know what’s going on there now if you have never been in P I definitely recommend you visit P especially in summer because it’s absolutely amazing I think every city is absolutely amazing during summertime but in Poland you will definitely rest and have fun because it’s a really nice country nice city like wor of you can find a lot of interesting things going on and on we somehow managed to see the vedding in the church I don’t know it was so Random we just decided to see the church inside we came in and then we see a real wedding going on there but in general guys you should visit Eastern Europe not only Western but also Eastern Europe I think you will like these places [Music] unfortunately the Eastern Europe is usually underestimated and I don’t know why because it’s really nice places and it’s usually cheaper than Western Europe but only now I guess young people and travelers start to look at the Eastern Europe like a travel destination before it wasn’t that popular so so it’s a pleasure to see so many International people speaking different languages in Eastern Europe cuz it’s a really nice country with a huge and Rich history and Heritage which should be explored and I hope you’re also going to plan your trip to Eastern Europe and if you do please comment down below tell me where you going or where you would like to go and maybe you can ask for some places you should visit maybe I’ve been in this countries maybe not also you can recommend your countries and your cities which I should visit let’s make like a small tour because it will be interesting for me to see where you from or which countries and cities you really liked where you traveled and yeah maybe I will make a video in this country and maybe we will meet each other there so who knows [Music] we’ve been in pond only for two days if I remember correctly but it was a really nice time and we visited a lot of places usually we were just walking around the city and in the old town but in general I definitely recommend it and I’d love to repeat this trip one day yeah thank you for watching see you in another video bye

Hello everyone! My name is White Dragon, and you will see different types of videos on this channel. Mostly you will see videos about drawing, books, hobbies and my life. This video was recorded in summer 2023, and after a long time, I just found the time to edit this video. I’m showing you my trip to Palma de Mallorca and Warsaw, Poland. I will show you some parts of my days, and tell you about my feelings, some adventures and culture. Subscribe and let’s become friends) I hope everyone could find here something for the soul) – my art Instagram – my small shop – my TikTok – my shop TikTok

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