The MOST delicious Valencia paella ever & a heartfelt Camino reunion

futuristic architecture mouthwatering paa and bustling Food Markets this is Valencia join me as we explore Spain’s thirdd largest city and then stay tuned to the end when I reunite with my Tio from the Camino de Santiago and explore Cena one of Spain’s most underrated cities all right friends buckle up let’s go VOS [Music] and venosa Valencia we are here in Valencia we just arrived late last night and now we are standing outside of the Mercato Central which is the famous food market here in Valencia let’s go check it out [Music] oh my God this looks amazing I can’t wait to explore every stall in this market I love food and I love Spanish food and this is like heaven there’s so much check out here [Music] got a little smoothie I think it was strawberry and watermelon S I finally decided to get a de IO which is the cone of IO H Pon for three over at this stand here the see how it [Music] tastes just took a little siesta back at the Airbnb we’re staying at and I think I’m officially Spanish because we go to bed late we eat late and we wake up late and we take CEST is in the middle of the day so let me know up the comments if you think that makes me Spanish maybe not um but hey my great grandma is from Spain so you know it counts right quick outfit check my sunglasses that I got in Malaga I have this white shirt on that I got in s Miguel de yende and I got this black skirt on with this cool slit in it in the right in the center which is from reformation and I have this side bag that you can get on Amazon I’ll put a link in the description below oh yeah and don’t forget the white shoes which this time I got from Target so all set for a day walking streets of Valencia [Music] we made it to the SE that Artic which is the Art and Science Museum here in Valencia it’s actually insane to see it in person it is way bigger than I was expecting it sort of gives me like Sydney Opera House Vibes let’s go get a closer look [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] I seriously can’t get over how beautiful this is I wasn’t expecting this at all it’s so gorgeous here we had a Tinto de Verano which is a Spanish drink at the bar that’s right over in the center of this whole place and it was so lovely and now the Sun is setting the light is soft and it’s just falling so beautifully on this structure it’s gorgeous so Valencia is known for paa this is where paa originated and right now we are eating paa for dinner this is the paa Maris so the one with the big shrimps in it and so far it’s been delicious I just had one of the shrimps so it’s going to be a paa marathon this whole weekend I’m so excited [Music] we’re on our biking tour in Valencia right now and we’re trying the orchata here which I didn’t know but it’s different from the Mexican orchata it’s like specific orchata to Valencia it tastes so good this cup is so cold it’s like very sweet kind of sugary but also really refreshing it’s kind of like a really good almond milk it’s nice so good for a hot day like [Music] today we Cafe De lasas which is highly recommended us come here Jo your Valencia we had some people say that this for the best place to come to get AA de Valencia which is right here at been SCH it’s por juice yeah a mixture of other alol inside not quite 100% sure we got it with some tapas olives some men chenko cheese and I’m just like so in love with this city right now and so ready to try out Seas the shed is things yeah by J Valencia is the drink of course that is typical and dative to Valencia so when oh [Music] it has been quite a day we biked from the historic Center to the beach and then we biked back and then we took a biking to tour so my legs kind of feel like they’re going to fall off right now but before we finish the day we are going to another Food Market in Valencia people say that this one is uh kind of more hidden because there’s Marcado Central which is right in the historic Center and a lot of tourists go there but if you can make it out definitely go to this one this is the Marat coron and it’s in a different neighborhood so you have to walk a little bit to get here but take a look at the market behind me it looks beautiful I haven’t even walked inside I so ready to explore it let’s go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just sat down at some Market here at Marat coron and I decided to get another ABA de Valencia because we are only here for one more night this is our last night lenia and you might as well just live it up right share your dis next up we’re heading to Cenna a beautiful Port City in Spain’s Mia region on my visit there I had an emotional reunion with my kinoo Alonso we met while Walking the Camino de Santiago nearly a year ago but we had to part ways halfway through the Journey I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see him again but Destiny had other plans and and my travel schedule aligned perfectly for an afternoon exploring the city where he’s from Cenna with its Rich Roman Heritage and stunning coastline is filled with so much history Alfonso gave us the grand tour and let me tell you it did not disappoint I honestly couldn’t believe how incredible this city is and I definitely need to come back and explore more fun fact if you’re wondering the cahana in Colombia was named after this very City Cenna Spain thanks for joining me on this amazing trip through Valencia and Cenna if you’re heading to Spain soon be sure to watch my video on Madrid next which is filled with ideas for things to do and places to eat in the Spanish capital and if you like this video please subscribe for more videos coming soon until next time happy travels

Explore two off-the-radar Spanish cities with me and stay tuned to the end when I visit a friend from the Camino! In Valencia, we explore two food markets, take a bike tour of the city, check out the cuitat de artes and ciencias, and try many of the region’s flavors – paella, agua de Valencia, and orxata! Then, we head to Cartagena, one of Spain’s most underrated cities, to visit my Camino tío, Alfonso!

Traveling to Spain soon? Watch this video next 👉

Then catch more from my Spain series:
Camino de Santiago:

👜 My travel bag:

📸 Camera Gear
DJI Pocket Pro 3:
DJI Mics:
Sony a6700:


00:00 Intro
00:30 Mercat Central
4:00 Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències
6:11 Valencian Paella
7:01 Bike Tour
8:06 Orxata de Valencia
8:46 Agua de Valencia
10:45 Mercat de Colon
12:04 Surprise Camino reunion

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I’m Jen, and I’m always running around the world. Based in Los Angeles, I’m just a flight away from the world’s most inspiring destinations. A long time ago, I discovered a passion for stories, language, and culture. Nowadays, I love sharing a glimpse into another world with you, whether at home or abroad. Check out my blog:

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