O que FAZER em SAN SEBASTIÁN? // Turismo na Espanha

Hello guys, Arthurito speaking, new video! Today we’re going to San Sebastian, in the Basque country, here in Spain a place rich in history and culture and it’s also a really cool place for us to visit I’ll show you the main tourist attractions and leave a like, share this video, let’s go with me in more this adventure! we began our journey leaving Burgos by car, gradually entering the heart of the Basque country as we advanced through the tunnels it was impossible not to notice the striking transition suddenly the vegetation changed, going from vast fields to more verdant and lush landscapes the community of Castilla y León displays an architecture more robust while the Basque country welcomed us with traditional stone buildings providing a fantastic contrast these differences reflect the richness and cultural diversity of Spain an enriching experience when crossing these regional borders we are once again here in the Basque country we came 2:30 h in drive from Burgos to San Sebastián, I’m right in front of a shopping mall here, look we’re in the old town San Sebastián and Bilbao are the biggest cities, Bilbao we already have a video here on the channel if you haven’t watched it, watch it! and now we’re going to explore San Sebastián, which is cloudy here the weather in this part of Spain is quite unstable and in the summer it doesn’t usually go above 25º although the rest of Spain can get up to 40º, here, it doesn’t usually happen the people in coats down here, look and we’re going to explore this city together so leave your like and let’s go! In the old town of San Sebastián there are bars with pintxos which is the most traditional food they are like pieces of bread with stuffing on top and are usually quite expensive you can buy a pintxo for between €2 and €4 depending on the bar you enter I went into a bar where the pintxo was €3.60 so if you eat 10 pintxos you spend €36 just to give you an idea in the lively Plaza Konstituzio immersed in the heart of San Sebastián we find a mosaic of bars that offer an experience unique and tasty Basque cuisine with a wide variety of pintxos carefully arranged on the counters each pintxo is a work of art with intense flavors and creative combinations from traditional ones like tortillas and Jamón to the most innovative and sophisticated a tradition that celebrates local flavors in small proportions ideal for sharing and savoring in a relaxed and lively atmosphere nearby stands the majestic church of San Bizente a historical landmark that adds an aura of serenity to the vibrant atmosphere of the square Inside, visitors are welcomed with impressive architectural details and beautiful religious works of art where history and spirituality are intertwined in the centuries-old walls of this place the city keeps the regional identity alive through various symbolic elements such as the flag of the Basque country known as Ikurriña and festivals such as the drumming, which is a festival where you wear a typical costume and use drums to honor the city the Koruko Church the City Hall and several buildings that are here on the beachfront of the shell are examples of the typical architecture of the region we are here at the beach of the shell in San Sebastián the beach the most famous in the city, the best known there are other beaches too, but here at Concha beach there’s the pier I’m standing on where people jump from right here into the water I also saw speedboats, several speedboats several small boats moored here, it is the most important point of the city without a doubt and you also know that San Sebastián was the European cultural capital in 2016 due to its rich historical and cultural diversity, I will show you! besides its natural beauty, this beach is an integral part of the social life of San Sebastián it is an ideal location to practice water sports, take walks along the promenade or simply relax on sunny days where over the years it has become a symbol of the city, very close to the beach, we have a really cool shopping area where you can walk around and discover and explore the shops in these charming little streets arriving at Gipuzkoa Plaza which is a green heart here in the middle of San Sebastián and returning to our hotel we had a very pleasant surprise look at the show that is happening down there we had the pleasure of enjoying a typical performance of the Basque country the next day here in San Sebastián today is a Sunday morning a much calmer day, much more beautiful you can see the sun appearing, the sun between clouds unlike yesterday which was cloudier darker, and raining I’m here in front of this theater which is Vitória Eugênia which has several dance performances, neo-baroque style, and now I’m going to show you a beach for surfers, which is a little more secluded in relation to the concha beach that I showed you, let’s go! I’m on the banks of the Urumea River, look how beautiful this walkway is people are doing sports there are people skateboarding, walking, strolling on Sunday morning which is a day that generally here in the Basque country Stores close down, not like in Madrid the shops remain open on Sunday too so it’s a good day for you to rest, for you to relax and look at the view here from this bridge here behind me, look this river provides a picturesque setting and contributes significantly to the identity of the city with its serene waters, the river crosses the heart of San Sebastián adding a special touch to the urban landscape Look, we’re crossing the Kursaal Bridge here, it’s a beautiful bridge here there’s also a passage for cars and on the other side, there are other bridges, there are also several bridges that cross the Urumeia River and here is the Congress palace, it also has the same name as this bridge: Kursaal and now we are arriving at the beach that I told you about after passing through Kursaal, which is an iconic cultural center from San Sebastián to we arrive at one of the coolest beaches known for its waves favorable to surfing We are here at Zurriola beach, and we already see several surfers there in the background it is typical here in the region a more relaxed beach, a calmer beach compared to Concha beach because Concha beach is right in the center of San Sebastián, here it is a more isolated beach but you also have a stunning beauty here, look the buildings in front of it, Imagine you have a building like that in front of the sea in fact this one is the gulf of Vizcaya, which is also part of the Atlantic Ocean but as San Sebastián is a very rainy city, you don’t have many beach days a year but the day you have the beach, people come even in rainy weather and get in the water people make the most of it it’s 21ºC now early in the morning, it’s 9:30 in the morning, the temperature won’t rise much more but people are enjoying it. I’ll show you the images! This beach is a wide and attractive stretch of sand being a point of vibrant meeting place for sea lovers and offering a very lively atmosphere and due to surfing, you have several shops where you can rent boards and buy sports clothes as well as a promenade full of bars and restaurants there is also the option of taking the City Tour bus, as we have seen in other cities and doing the entire tour from above is also an option if you have little time and if you don’t really like exploring the city on foot it is a great option for you too and we get in the car crossing the center for people to reach the promenade once again from Concha beach which represents a combination between the relaxed lifestyle by the sea and classic European elegance where on Sunday morning it becomes a popular meeting point for residents and an essential attraction for those visiting San Sebastián and next to this iconic beach, we have another one that has a more serene atmosphere but also offers opportunities for calmer water sports and is close to one of the city’s main attractions which is Mount Igeldo and can also be easily accessed and I arrived here at Ondarreta Beach, it is very busy this morning, look and it is a continuation of the Concha beach that is on the other side there is Concha beach, Ondarreta beach in the middle we have an island there, look at Santa Klara Island on this side, we have this mountain which is Monte Igeldo that you can take, a tip for you, you can take a funicular which is like a cable car that goes up and you can take a picture of the whole bay here, look at this this extensive strip of golden sand, it’s ideal for relaxing, having a picnic, or simply strolling around enjoying the beautiful panoramic views of the ocean from here on the busy Ondarreta beach in San Sebastián I’m finishing this video about this city for you the beach is the strong point here despite having a cloudy climate throughout the year but also on sunny days like today people flock to the beaches because it has an incredible view from Concha beach, Ondarreta beach we also went to the Zurriola beach that I showed you in this video, leave a like, and comment here about other beaches that you like in Spain that you want to visit in Spain I have already shown you several beaches And that’s it, stay there, until the next video, thanks!

Olá galera! Sejam bem-vindos a San Sebastián, no País Basco, uma cidade que encanta com sua história, sabor e beleza natural!
Se você ainda não me segue no instagram, segue lá: @arthurito_studios

Neste vídeo, mergulhamos nas maravilhas do centro histórico, explorando os ricos sabores dos tradicionais pintxos e desfrutando das magníficas praias que embelezam a costa.

Acompanhe-me nessa jornada repleta de descobertas, desde os marcos históricos e sua gastronomia que tornam San Sebastián um paraíso para os amantes da culinária basca.

Prepare-se para se apaixonar por cada detalhe desta cidade encantadora à beira-mar!
Não se esqueça de curtir, compartilhar e se inscrever para mais aventuras comigo!


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