Mr Rafael Torres Sanchez, President, Casa de Campo

my name is rafael torres and president of Casa de Campo and we just arrived last night for being present at world travel market good afternoon thank you very much taking the time to speak to breaking travel news today as you mentioned or a world travel market they wanted to shake how’s it going this year well it’s going very well we have plenty of appointment from from last year we’ve been doing a hard work you know to increase and reposition again casaya can pass the best and most exclusive restoring the wall and this year is doing very well we we have increased our passengers coming from Europe to Casa de Campo and probably with this kind of event will keep on growing on the next future root beers could you tell of you is just a little bit about the result of to your very famous for the Gulf in the sports but there’s a lot more an offer as well yeah it’s more it’s more than golf you know we have four golf courses but we have two thousand very Luxor and a specific pls we have do tell you have 274 sweets we have tennis colors we have altos de jabon that is one of the most beautiful place to visit in Dominican Republic and we have a marina also that has got 370 dogs and also of course we have la romana airport that is owned to the company and with all this kind of asset we are trying to reposition again in the luxury segment in the world Casa de Campo how would you describe tourism in Dominican Republic this year we describe this buoyant confidence how how are you feeling this year well I thing is been an amazing year for all the resorts and for all the different hotels and companies and I think the future is doing also very well all the actions and all the feeling that we have from the different markets for the next year are very positive and we keep on doing our work trying to approach the defect different segments and trying to keep on increasing the the passengers to the island and you certainly been very successful this year they recognized the American public’s leading resort and the Dominican Republic saline spa resort other world travel awards how does it feel to have taken those titles we feel really really proud you know to be once again once again this year the most exclusive Dominican we saw and also the golfers Paris or in the wall and thank you for all the people that they trust on us and we’ll keep on doing our best and increasing the reputation of the resort in the in the world congratulations and thank very much to this today thank you thank you very much

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