This is Gona be Changing Vanlife for Us! (San Sebastian)

oh so inside this box is what’s going to be changing van life 100% for us but not only is this box going to be changing van life we are also going to be doing van life a little bit more differently to what we normally do for the next two months but we’ll explain that a little bit later in the video but right now we are in a town called San Sebastian and the locals call it denosa it’s a basque area in the north of Spain but we’ve been here for about a week visiting a friend and we weren’t actually going to film this area but we’ve fallen in love with it it’s literally become our favorite place so far in Europe and we’ve decided that we have to show you why we love it so much but we’re going to be doing it in what’s inside this box are you ready to open it oh yes oh wow it’s actually not that heavy I feel like a kid on Christmas I’ve got to like hide logos and stuff it’s supposed to be a surprise I don’t think this knife is very sharp you have scissors hi boy there okay I’ll cut this one and I’ll cut this one here there you go what do you guys think inside let us know in the comments below before Leanne opens it Go type it down and now for the grand reveal taada this is heavy it’s a scooter oh how cool is this how do I put % there we go but how cool is the color it’s green it’s like lumo green so our steering wheel came loose and basically the only thing we need to do is just screw on the steering wheel and that’s it we can start riding and it came with the screws and the little Allen key but the reason we’ve gotten scooters is it’s going to make it a lot more convenient for us to get around towns a lot of the major cities are actually Ula zones which means they low emission zones and Big Red fortunately cannot go in those areas so the scooters can help us get to those areas with ease and also in towns like San Sebastian where you can’t find any parking we’ve been able to park a little bit out of the main area and now we can nip into town quick and easy okay well that’s done so this is our friend that we’ve been visiting okay come out now okay now now I’ve got something that’s going to blow your mind no way what what tell us okay so when you get the scooters now I’m going to tell you exactly where to go so put down the camera so I can explain it to you so this is daa a very grumpy friend that does not like to be filmed you suck I’m sure you remember him from when we did the auto Trail back ins South Africa in 2022 one hot this time one hot this time but he told us that we should take the scooters down the road to an elevator take the elevator down to the bottom floor then ride about 500 M to where we’ll see a fular take the fular down the hill and then at the bottom of the hill we’ll see a bicycle tunnel that we must ride in towards the beach apparently this is very cool cool so the scooter that we have gotten is called an icen wheel it is an S9 Pro and this one can actually go about 25 kmph and clocks up to a range of about 30 km it also has disc brakes it’s got an accelerator pedal over here a brake pedal that just kind of slows your brakes down and then an actual rear brake we also have a a little bell to tell the people to move out the way when we are zipping straight through I’m taking it for my first test run I’m actually a little bit nervous I’m not the most confident scooter rider woohoo this is going to be so much fun and we got two of them let’s go okay so right now we’re going to be heading towards Laona Beach but da said that there’s a cool oh my gosh oh it’s not easy riding with one hand and holding a GoPro but apparently da said there’s a 2 km long tunnel that goes underneath the mountain that we’re on in order to get to the beach which should be fun [Music] woohoo we’re riding around s b I’m meeting you I think there the lift is down towards the 2 kilom Long Bridge it’s so weird seeing a left like in the middle of the streets Come Baby Woo that was a little nerve-wracking to actually ride I really need to get used to riding the scooter but it’s so far it’s pretty smooth I just need to get confident I think we need to change levels okay basically a lift just down to a sweet level they also have these bicycle lanes that we can actually take we’ve been seeing that a lot throughout Europe that you can basically have these little bicycle lanes and you can use a SC on them too which is pretty awesome yeah has a finicula that we need to take before we get to the tunnel how cool is this it’s like an inner city it’s a bicular like a left oh we supposed to press a button no you’re supposed to press this thing in order to go down so it’s working exactly like a lift I think there’s the road down there that’s going underneath this mountain towards the sea that’s so cool so we have found the tunnel go baby so this thing actually has a sport setting I think it’s probably flickering for you guys but if I click it twice I can go into a walking setting so it will only go about walking speed double tap it again then it can only go up to 15 km hour and then if I double tap it goes to sports mode and I can go 25 km hour so what this means is I’m going to catch up to the very quickly hola oh my gosh how cool is this so right now I am going to speed up past the end yeah baby cruise control wo I’m actually in cruise control mode right now so if you hold the acceleration button down for longer than 5 Seconds it activates cruise control how cool is this oh so I don’t even have to hold the thing down I just go it’s just keeping it speed almost increase control bye and that is it the end of our tunnel ride well that was pretty cool so now we’re heading to Laona Beach which is a very popular Beach here in s Sebastian and we’re going to go check what it’s like out there and then we’re going to go drop all the scooters and we’re going to also head to another area here in San Sebastian in order to check it out this places are really really cool and we’re also going to try and find something to eat for lunch and show you how the locals eat over here it’s quite different to anywhere else we’ve been we made it to the beach so if you uncp this thing and clip it towards the back then it makes it easy to carry the scooter down the stairs so this here is kcha Beach and it’s one of the Bays here in San Sebastian and as you can see the water here is just a blue blue blue color it’s absolutely gorgeous with the city just surrounding this little Bay there a peer that goes all the way along the beach and then you have the mountains that just pop up and the green on the mountains just make everything come alive so what’s cool about this scooter we actually have an app as well from which we can control it so I can actually change it into walk Mode medium mode and as well as highspeed mode on the app I can also turn the cruise control on and I can also turn it off and then we also have a lock feature on here so that if I lock it is completely locked the scooter has got like a restrain on it and you can hear that it’s like it’s stopping I’m struggling to actually push it right now so there’s no way that somebody can actually steal our scooter with that feature on and if I unlock it I can go again woo so if you’re wanting a scooter to zip around town like us I highly suggest going to I and Wheels website and getting yourself one of these bad boys you can type in the code Moon and get yourself a nice discount I’ll leave a link in the description below it is absolutely beautiful around here I mean Spain is our fourth country technically here while we’re on a mission to travel to every single country in Europe and this is incredible so far my favorite and we’ve barely even explored any of it you’re on the wrong lane H hola so right now we have just entered into the old town of s Bash and it’s really really so cute because you see all of these cute buildings all around here and it’s lined with all these little cafes and restaurants and it’s just such a nice atmosphere here so the square that we’re in right now this used to be an old bull fighting Square so you’ll notice that around me on these balconies each little door has a number on top of them so people would buy tickets and they would go to the correlating number on the door and then they would view the bull fight that would happen in the Square the place looks so modern today but I can imagine back then it looked similar to this but it was still like very rough in old school but I mean watching a bull fight I think that must be absolutely crazy especially back then gracias here you go oh yummy that looks delicious so basically how things work here in San Sebastian is you don’t go into a restaurant and sit down and order a meal you order these things it’s called Pinos and it’s basically a small little bit of food that you eat you order a beer you have some y you move on to the next bar and then you order some more so you kind of just have like these small little meals everywhere you go but some of them are absolutely fantastic we went out with our friend D the other day and he brought us all along here and it was just so much fun going around and just tasting all the little Pinchos that they had and then you carry on moving because eventually you find one that you really really like and then all you want is just that one so I’ve ordered some something like a prawn you really don’t know what you get sometimes but that’s a prawn and this is a tortilla the potata so it’s like a tortilla potato thing inside the bread I’m going to give this one a [Music] taste that is delicious it’s actually just so great ordering something like this eating it and you leave you don’t even have to wait for your meal you get there you order it in 1 minute you have it you eat it and you leave to the next place h m m wow that is amazing M okay so that way green color Okay h no h don’t speak Spanish I’m English no no okay good good gracias I no idea what he said but apparently there’s another place that has also a green color a green like restaurant that has also got very good food so he’s just giving us some local help basically loads of places around here with good food yeah so the people within s Sebastian are Basque so they speak Basque which is very different from Spanish obviously they understand Spanish but the language that they speak here is completely different and a like the guy said now that actually means goodbye graas byebye so that only cost us 92 so basically 3 hero for about one B job so we were actually really nervous to come to San Sebastian because a lot of the reviews on park for night said that their Camper vans had actually been broken into and obviously you don’t want to go and put yourself in a situation where that’s going to happen luckily we’ we’ve managed to park outside of our friend’s house and so far there’s been nothing wrong well touch wood but when you think of a city that you get a lot of places where they break in you think that it’s going to be a dingy City but this city is the complete opposite I absolutely love this place so this beach here is the second Little Bay here in sasan but this isn’t more of like a swimming beach it’s actually a beach where all the Surfers come like surfing is a popular thing here in San Sebastian cuz everyone is out in this Bay always surfing and it’s actually so much fun just to come and sit here and watch them that’s it a I really wish that I could learn how to serve I can do better than you I think this would be the perfect place to learn how to serve okay let’s go [Music] so we just dropped off the scooters at our friend’s house and we’re now on a bus to a town called payah which is like a cute little Harbor Town so we’ve just arrived in payah right here on the Harbor and we’re actually going to take a little taxi boat across to the other side of the harbor to have some beers but the houses here by the harbor are just adorable they all these cute little like flats and apartments but they’re all different colors you catch fish oh wow good poito [Laughter] poito so the boat is on the other side just picking up some people then is coming here to pick us up so we can go to the other side gracias so we sitting right here in the front of the boat it’s going to be a quick little ride to the other side but it’s such a cool little thing to do in such a picturesque town they charged us €18 5 for1 person’s take a bat from here to there so we paid €370 and we are officially off I think the reason I love s Sebastian is because like this literally took a 5 minute bus ride to get to and it feels like you’re completely out of the city but you have the city the beach the Harbor Town and right up here even some mountains where you can do some beautiful HKS all within like 10 minutes of each other and literally 45 seconds later we are here on the other side gracias no that looks amazing Cheers Cheers so we’re ordering a beer here p in s Sebastian you actually don’t choose a beer or whatever beer you want you just say you either want a sorito which is a small one or you can order a Kanya which is a bigger beer and basically they just give you the house beer and it’s either a small one or a big one and it’s as simple as that just enjoy every beer that you’re getting there you go baby thank you we got some hand croques here just to nibble on some more Pinchos there’s what it looks like inside and it almost tast like a ham cheese bow delicious I absolutely love cook so in the beginning of the video we mentioned that we’re going to be changing the channel a little bit now does that mean we’re going to stop traveling no ever since we arrived here in Europe our goal is still to complete every single country in Europe but we want to do it a little a little bit differently instead of focusing on the cities like we have done up until this point we kind of want to focus on the journey we’ve seen that every single time we have gotten to a city we focus and make a video on the city and then we have to work get to another city and then do that again and it’s kind of taking away from the journey and for ourselves we kind of like the journey rather than the destination so from here on outwards we are still going to be forming the big cities and stuff like that but we not going to be making an entire video about it instead it’s going to form a small portion of our videos and we’re rather going to go on the journey and it show like a little bit of some towns and where we stay and just a little bit more about us and our experiences to Danny said it all when she supposed to say something as all took it all over okay basically we want to just show you our experience and what we have a little bit more behind the scenes rather than this whole big production yeah and I mean it gets quite boring to film cities to be very honest it’s like every city kind of has the same little things and especially in Europe there’s so much history and as much as we like to drop a little fun fact here and there I feel like we can’t understand the history completely to give you guys proper informed like facts so we’ll drop little hints here and there but I’m really excited to show you our journey our cute little campsite that we stay in just the off the beaten path those kinds of gems yeah find the Little Gems places that haven’t been filmed before what these little towns are between all these big cities car Sebastian we were not going to form this and I was like we have to F this yeah so we are going to still carry on traveling we are still going to do every single country in Europe as planned but we’re just going to make it a little bit more toned down like toned down and stop focusing on the high-end production stuff and just have a little bit more of us so that you guys can get to know us a little bit more and we can really get to enjoy doing what we’re doing enjoy the big red flag oh show us your face why are you laughing it’s not funny show us your face no more big if you haven’t been watching other epodes just go on a big fat buddy moon with you guys cuz at the end of the day a buddy mooon is a holiday with friends and this is the type of stuff that you do with your friends on holiday yes so I guess let’s make it towards Morocco and let’s explore a little bit of what’s in between from San Sebastian to Morocco Daniel is going to fly the Drone but this happened there’s a sea girl on top of the roof over there panicking panicking shame I think you might have a nest somewhere sorry dude sorry sorry really don’t mean to stress out the seagull but he clearly has has a nest here or she clearly has a nest here and we definitely don’t want another drone to crash because the seagull flew into it like on the Art Trail good morning guys we’ve just packed all of our stuff back into big red a little bit of a mess but we’ll sort it out later it’s a disaster but it’s time to hit the road and carry on with our journey to Morocco goodbye San Sebastian so right now we’re heading to a town south of San Sebastian called pona and this is actually where the annual bull Festival happens in Spain if you’re not sure of what that bull Festival is then I’m sure you’ve seen online where people are running ahead and there’s bulls that get released into the streets and then the Bulls like chase them down the street but this is actually the town where that bull run happens oh my gosh that’s high oh it’s actually a little bit scary driving this side and seeing right off we’re literally driving through the mountains on the way to pmo now but there’s these Bridges where you just feel like you’re on a roller coaster it’s actually pretty scary according to my built-in Compass which actually tells you the altitude we are 470 m above sea level which actually isn’t that high but being in the mountains here it feels really really high so we’ve just stopped here in pump BL and we’ve actually parked our van right over there because there’s a few other Vans and apparently this is free I was watching the other girl down there to see if we needed to park cuz sometimes it’s a little confusing and she said NADA which means nothing but welcome to pump laa our aim in the city is in order to find the street that the bulls actually run and then just walk along the streets because the festival is not not happening right now it only happens like in the beginning of July so we’re going to miss it completely but I think just to see the streets is going to be awesome is this where they keep the balls [Music] H so I found a map on Google that shows us exactly where the Bulls were running and this over here is actually where they kept the Bulls in order to take them all the way to the bull ring that is a little bit further in town so from here all the way to the bull ring where we’re going to be walking right now is where the bulls actually run through the city so how this actually evolved into the bull run and what it is today is they used to have to transport the bull from theen all the way up the street to where the ring is and where the bull fighting would actually take place but some young boys would like to show their bravery and they would jump in front of the bull and just run in front of of it and that evolved into what the festival is today so from the holding pen where they actually kept the Bulls all the way until the bull ring is 875 M long now they say this part here which is 280 M on the streets of Kala Des Santo Domingo is the most dangerous because that is when the Bulls are the most active cuz they’ve literally just been let out of their pens and are so ready to run and storm up the street I can imagine that many of these walls have been hit either by people or by Bulls but looking around there isn’t really much place to be running like there’s no place to hide so if you are being chased by a bull I suggest you run run as fast as you can yeah be the fastest person beat everyone behind [Applause] you it’s such a contrast I’m sure to actually be here when the Bulls are running up and down like the street because the street itself is absolutely beautiful when the bull is running up and down I’m sure it’s absolutely Madness so this over here is what is known as Dead Man’s Corner the Bulls will be coming running from there and then take this corner here so this wall is kind of where stuff can really happen but we are now walking the final Street all the way towards the bull ring and we kind of hoping that we’re actually going to be able to enter the ball ring never been in one I’ve never seen one so I hope it’s not close towards the public and we’ll actually be able to see exactly inside of it holy moly I don’t know what I was expecting but this arena is huge it’s like the size of a rugby stadium do you think we can go inside I hope we can go inside I’d love to see the inside I was really thinking it was going to be something like just an open field with like a ring and maybe some stands I don’t know maybe I’m thinking of like the 1800s or something I really did not expect like an entire Stadium um are we able to go inside and have a look yeah how much does it cost um you have the price of there so it’s € okay oh my goodness this stadium is massive can you just imagine being one of those Runners that storm through here and then there’s a massive crowd like tearing you on the feeling and atmosphere around here must be incredible apparently this bull run happens for 7 days during the festival so from the 7th of July to the 14th of July in this year 2024 the Bulls run every single day so it’s quite a huge and long festival and it’s something that the Spanish are truly proud of so after the whole run the Bulls are actually leaded into this pen where they used to keep the Bulls until they separated into their individual pens so that they can go into the stadium but when they run in here here they have this wall here and this is for a pen keeper so he can like squeeze in here and keep himself safe when the Bulls come in and the bulls actually can’t get in here do you think we’re actually going to be able to go inside the stadium I think we are we to go inside this is so we are actually getting to walk in the ring itself I can’t imagine standing here looking at thousands and thousands of people and having a bull chase me this is incredible too bad it’s not red [Music] [Music] we are so lame we just like having but that’s all there is youro thank you so we’ve just stopped at a place called uh light AAA and we’ve gotten Pinchos and a sorito if you did not know earlier in the video we’ve already mentioned this and we’ve kind of gotten a little bit addicted it’s bad but it’s so yummy so we’ve ordered two of these cuz they just look absolutely delicious and then this is like a bread with hamon ham and a cheese and inside they and ordered a croquet a ham croquet so basically there’s this Ham around Spain or especially in this area called hamon I think that’s how you pronounce it but it’s very very popular and very very yummy so you have it as much as you can with every meal gracias h no it’s fine gracias I saw a Thing Once on Tik Tok where like People Like Us foreigners go to a country and then you greet or like you greet and you order stuff in English and then the minute you’re done with your order you’re like gracias then you speak their language just to be like yeah I feel a little bit local oh my gosh now now we have to sort all this out yep we have a lot of cleaning to do well we’re actually planning to go to Madrid today but I think because we already have a parking spot over here and we don’t have to search again for another parking spot I think we’re just going to stay here for the night and then do a final push to Madrid tomorrow but we’ll be doing all of that in a separate video but if you like this video do give it a like subscribe and maybe even consider leaving a super thanks yes like subscribe and comment we’d love to hear from you yeah also tell us where you want us to go as well and stuff like that if you do have some suggestions from like here onwards then please do let us know but we’ll see you in the next one otherwise cheers we do we even start probably without this thing don’t forget to go get yourselves a scooter

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BUDDYMOON DAY 810/1000 (VLOG 184)

We got something that is going to be changing Vanlife for us. Because our van is not able to go into low emission cities, it can be a little difficult to explore some places as we have to leave our van outside the city. So hopefully what we get now, will be able to make exploring places that are a little out of reach for us a little easier.

In this video, we also explore San Sebastian, a place that we have fallen inlove with. It has become one of our favourite places in all of Europe and show you why we love this place so much.

We also head to a town called Pamplona, where the famous Bull Run is held every year in order to check the town out, explore a bull ring and eat some Pinchos.

Come on holiday with us by the way. We have a trip at the end of the year and would love for you to join us.

What we use while traveling:
▶ Unlimited Data Sim:
▶ Flight Bookings: (Can save up to 60%)
▶ Hotel Bookings:
▶ Travel Insurance:
▶ VPN: App to protect our online info:

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Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and join us on our adventures:)
00:00 San Sebastian
09:40 Old Town
10:44 Food – Pincho’s
13:48 Beach
14:49 Pasaia – Habour town
17:42 Buddymoon Update
21:23 Bull Run – Pamplona

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