soonerjhtravels LIVE lets talk future! special guest from Florida!

let me see if this works [Music] [Music] walk along the river just keep on [Music] [Music] flowing down the morning sunsh oh I need to [Music] [Music] [Music] uhoh something wrong with the Audio I heard Chile in there on 10 me today but he couldn’t hear my 150 watts well that’s cool D um what was the audio too muffled and stuff or what I have a backup solar power that will run both my fridge and my chest FR that’s cool too I think everybody needs to have that it doesn’t take that much you know to just keep your fridge or freezer running can you hear me now Mo t one two three I have my U let me see I have this on is it still horrible right now hi Texas Donna how you doing haven’t seen you since the last time well I’m running my audio through through this through this mic I don’t even really need it I just wanted to see if I could do it but let’s see okay is that better is that okay right there yeah I think that I think that um Whatchamacallit the the Michael has has a a limiter in it so oh I’m doing great I’m doing great we’re GNA have a yeah oh I didn’t know that I just I just had this DJI and it’s been sitting in the bag so I said I’m going to do it let me see okay there that’s that’s normal right there no I see I see the I see the mic right there U Mo I’ll show you see this is what’s cool you just plug it in and you see hello hello audio test one two three but um but yeah we can turn it up I don’t need it anyway I don’t I don’t need it anyway I just thought it’d be kind of cool to to get it to work um it’s really amazing mic man and you know with the with them Banning DJI pretty soon oh you won’t see it on streamyard yeah and with them Banning DJI mics and and drones and stuff I think everybody should buy a a DJI mic and a drone just in case they do ban everything because because it won’t affect me because I’ve already got my mic and my drone and DJI makes the best stuff man you know I think that’s a bunch of bull if they do that but you know get you a decent drone for like under 600 bucks that’s the best one you’ll ever buly because it’s a DJI but um uh they’re banning DJI the whole company somebody’s mad in the government I don’t know who it is started this bill or whatever but uh and um they’re banning the whole company and and that’s includes everything that they do everything that they make from DJI you know so but all the all the all the stuff that people already have you know like I have my mics and drones and stuff then um then um they’re already grandfathered in they can’t stop us from flying our drones or using the mics we already have it’s stuff they can’t do that they’re doing it man they’re passing the bill it’s got like I think it’s got like one more thing to do and then old sleepy Joe has to sign it or something like that that’s it you know you know it’s it it’s it’s kind of like uh it reminds me of the other bill that they have that they keep farting around with and that’s the one where where they um where they say right now it’s illegal for anybody to sit there and a and do film anything in in any national park National Monument or national this or that or that you know and that’s why when you watch my videos like on my trip and stuff then I would sit there and and um instead of saying hey here we are at at uh like at the Grand Canyon you know the national park or I would just make it into like a home movie type and that’s why I do that when I say me and Yuki driving to the Grand Canyon you know that way it’s more like a a home movie and they can’t say that I’m making that just to profit off of it you know but uh yeah um that is because someone in the government has been bought off hi hi there Troy Adventure America good to see you um I kind of agree but they’ve been passing they’ve been doing they’ve been bickering with this for I don’t know a couple years it’s all started when that one person he he he made a video of One National Park and I forgot which one it was but then yeah you just don’t monetize is what you do mo mobile tech but U this person did it unknowingly and stuff and he got he got a big old fine and all this stuff with him and and and he really got into it and took it to court and at first he won and they they said you know they can’t do that we’re they’re going to overthrow that and they did but then they turned around and said no that’s overruled and so it’s back they it went back to the point where you have to pay like $300 minimum and all this stuff hey 909 Jeff how you doing man oh and there’s Mr Dutchman my my my assistant my assistant Whatchamacallit moderator Dutchman the moderator of the world oh my God it’s 1154 degrees hey Dutchman I I just watched uh this girl down there in Courtside I don’t know why well I know why she’s down there she always stays in you know she stays down there at the longterm visitors area and this time when the guy that was there he had a trailer there and he he left out of town and stuff so so um he said you can stay here and use the air and stuff you got to pay the electric and stuff so she just stayed there but she did a little video and she had one of those little portable microphones I mean a portable ther thermostats and she goes here it is I just got it out of the the trailer and and it said like 75 degrees and she sat it on the table in the shade and it got to like 109 real quick then she goes okay we’re going to turn it off we’re going to put it we’re going to set it directly in the Sun and then we’re going to come back and check on it in about 20 minutes she comes back out there and checks on it it’s like 115 degrees I’m went holy smokes man that’s burning right there yeah it’s like that here too mobile tech is like 90 you know so 909 adventures herck and I still can’t remember that herck and more part whenever I say hey what’s up 909 adventures herck and more I steer clear of most of the national parks anyhow well you know lot of them are still going to it you know like like you say um like uh what’s her name the one you follow cat cat m m mcgregory or whatever her name is she’s been going to him but she just doesn’t I guess she doesn’t monetize those videos but yeah she goes all through you know all through the parks and everything you know right now people got to be boiling in those trailer I know man ain’t no way you could be in a trailer down in Courtside uhuh no way You’ be scorched well I heard they had a little bit of rain what was that last week or so there Dutchman supposedly the mon monsoon season is getting ready to start up but I heard I saw one guy we always stay at core energ Campground yeah yeah I like those also and and usually if if they’re not free you know the the the amount that they charge is so little that’s it’s worth it you know like one of the guys that’s traveling around um I don’t know if you guys know him is he’s travels in one of those Scamp trailers and he’s got a little dog and he he he just says my my Scamp trailer Adventures he’s always going like he goes to New Mexico and all these places you know and he’ll get like he’ll just go like from one park to the other and stuff and then um uh he he does a lot of core engineer stuff when he goes to Texas and Oklahoma too hey there’s megaan Mike how you doing man are you still up there in nice and cool Michigan I hope I know it’s not nice and cool but but I know it’s a lot cooler than you know it is here it is worth it with the senior discount pass you pay high yeah it exactly exactly Texas Donna that’s you know that’s that’s that was my whole thing too is you know a lot of people when they go when they start saying they’re going to be van lifers and oh you’re in Wisconsin now cool and um they say and they say um they don’t want to pay you know I don’t I got enough money in this and that I don’t want to pay anything you know so but you know what I don’t think there’s nothing wrong with like paying in some places I I paid like I stayed at like like the Oliver Lee Oliver Lee um Memorial in New Mexico I paid 20 bucks for like like two nights man and it was a beautiful place that was like a it was a dry camping place there you know and because I had the senior pass and stuff they give you half off and all that but they had the best showers and all that kind of stuff there you’re you’re real comfortable there you know but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with with saying okay let’s go to this place you know core of engineer they have electric hookups and stuff and you’re and you’re paying under 20 bucks you know and that’s that sometimes you just need to go somewhere in hooker into the electricity and all that stuff charge everything back up you know yeah hit the like button thanks Dutchman yeah BLM sites are great also and you know it’s also a misconception too mobile tech that everybody thinks that BLM sites are all totally free they’re not there’s some of them that are not free but they they charge just a little bit you know and and and you know it’s for one example it’s place I stayed at in New Mexico and it’s called the Valley of Fire not the Valley of Fire from Nevada but this place is called the Valley of Fire it’s on the lava pit and know and it’s a BLM place but they just charge a little bit you know and you can stay you can stay there and with your your pass and all that you can get water you can get water electricity and hot showers and stuff and it’s like only like n 10 bucks so couple of days there it’s only less than 20 bucks you know so that’s worth it yeah $5 if you’re old or military yeah oh yeah I just I I’ve been seeing all this stuff uh who was it that went to uh Bridgeport um not Wonder husty but uh uh what’s her name with the dogs but um went everybody’s going to do their little Little baty Ghost Town videos now but I heard they didn’t even open up Mo until till May so shoot if I would have went there would have been a waste my time because they’re closed all year until May so I’ll do a live from Twin Lakes cool that’d be cool I think you’ve been there before and did a live didn’t you so you know you got service at least let me see I was I was checking my messages to see if my special guest is going to be on here or not he had something he had to do and then he’s gonna he’s gonna come on here in a minute yeah they had lots of snow man yep yep but I also have starlink lots of lives from Twin Lakes but I also have starlink well you’re the you’re one of like the only ones that that I’ve heard that have have starlink and well I don’t I I didn’t know when you got it and all that when you first got it Mo but well I kind of remember I remember you were mad because it didn’t work very good for your classes or something but um but you know the way they have it set up now where you don’t have to pay very much and stuff is pretty good so I have another I have a different option and I’ll show it to you I have this it’s like a modem travel Pi it’s called Trav without the e in it but anywhere you go and I haven’t really got way out in the boonies and stuff but all these antennas are for is it’s constantly it’s like a router that’s constantly picking up like 4G and this and that and picks up like two or three different places that way that way it’ll automatically switch to the other one you know so you’ll have service so so I agree yeah really really you’re talking about the core engineers and all that stuff right all right your active duty prior cool man so you should well I think you saw I think well I don’t I don’t remember he was in there with there’s one guy that comes into my lives on once in a while he’s called uh what’s he called but he’s always he’s a Marine ex marine he’s always Ura he’s in Texas too devil dog yeah devil dog his I did a live with him once we split it once and a his name is devil dog and he’s active marine and he won’t tell you hello he just goes ur ur yeah yeah and that’s what uh that’s what I like about the travel F once you pay um once you pay for your whatever modem that you want and stuff you pick one of the plans that you want but but you know what they have the big their top plan is like only $120 or something like that you know so that’s still cheaper than what you have but you know that remains to be seen how good it works out in the middle of nowhere you know I’m planning my next trip also because I can’t stand just sitting around man I want to go somewhere man but I don’t want to be stuck like somewhere where it gets real cold in the in the winter time stuff you know but what I would love to do right now and I’m looking at it is go up towards uh South Dakota I got to go up through Iowa go up to Cedar Falls sou Falls and then uh then go up to where I want to go up there in in South Dakota and once I get there there’s a couple of things I want to see including that big 50 foot Indian lady that 50 foot Indian lady statue they call it Dignity of the Earth and Sky and uh I want to see that and do a try to do a um what do you call it a drone go around the circle of the drone on her and if I if I time it right I could get up there and and it’ll be like when the sun’s going down and that’d be really cool because the way they have her position she’s got like her arms spread out and she’s got like a shawl on and then on the shaw I think she’s metal mostly metal metal but in the shaw she has like some of the stained glasses so when the Sun goes down lights those up you know from behind her that’s pretty cool Dr shotti how you doing man good to see you man good to see you I did lies and Death Valley with Starling yeah it it works great you know but everybody says about about about starlink and death belly and stuff they listen too much about Wonder hussy what she says she goes it’s a power hog it takes all your power but but you know all these things they do they they do take a lot of power and stuff but I don’t know why she’s he’s got one of those big giant 1,000 or 500 watt whatever you know amp hour jackar and this and that you know so stalls Blues how you doing man that’s how you doing Texas Donna said that would be awesome to see it would be and it’s off it’s right off the highway I forgot whatever Highway it is it’s the one that goes right across the middle of uh South Dakota man but uh but yeah it would be awesome to see and it’s right off of uh the interstate at a rest area it’s right before the river that till you get into Chamberlain South Dakota Donna so you ever up that way you know I don’t know why a lot of people don’t post anything on it maybe maybe they want to they don’t want to post native stuff I don’t know but I want to see it you know and you can make you can bet your butt that when I go out there to see it I’m going to show you guys all kinds of stuff about it I’ll make my video out there I still high have high hopes you will be the mayor of Slab City for 20 really really mayor of the slabs that’s funny because I was just watching somebody going through there and that one that one house where that guy lived at that chased me down there Dutchman when I went to Slab City I was doing a live they they this guy they went to the front of the house and it said the Church of something so the guy was living in this church place you know it’s it’s that place that has ladders or something in the top you I was going oh so he was living there and at some church and they coming and trying to assault me hey there’s Tim Mo bang for your bucks how you doing man that’s what I’m saying Thank God It’s Friday talking about TGIF we need TG and TGIF where’s she at she must be still up there in Alaska or something I like I like her Brie TG the waterfall Chaser man she does some good stuff and she’s always funny she makes you laugh man it uses 45 Watts okay so you know as well as I do Mo if it uses 45 Watts you know some of those power stations shoot some of those power stations they uh they uh they can run my I could run my refrigerator and freezer on a on a midsize or a smaller the smallest Power Station you have you know and I can run it for two or three days you know so you know you can run it for quite a bit if you’re not doing nothing else but if you just sit there and hook it up and just just go crazy and let it keep it on yeah you know okay here’s my guest let’s see let me see if he’s ready there can you hear me there here we go Florida how you doing there can you hear me yeah I hear you so you wanna you want to be you w to remain nameless see what yeah I’m sure about yeah oh I’ll give you guys that’s that’s the skunk skunk guy what was it called again Statue Texas Donna it’s called dignity dignity and I believe it says Dignity of the sky and Earth or something like but yeah and look at the pictures of that thing and you’re go oh my gosh I’ve gotta go see that I I know even people like people like Mo for your bucks here he would love it too I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not moang I’m talking about that that 50 foot tall Indian woman statue in South Dakota that’s that’s one of the next things on my list is going up to South Dakota well how’s it how’s it going there in a in in Florida is it all muggy and hot it’s 90 and muggy here you got us beat on the humidity 10 minutes till 8 o’clock in the afternoon or in the evening and it’s 90 degrees outside still yep yep it’s a heavy 90 degrees isn’t it yeah it is like like I said I went outside to get some stuff out of my car and I was outside maybe five minutes and I had sweat pouring from My Five head so yeah I always I always tell people oh yeah in Oklahoma the humidity is so thick that you can go swimming across the air that’s what it feels like it sometimes makes it harder to breathe and everything you got that big humidity I have the mesh router so the whole campground to use it if they have the key I thought you could only get like 20 people or something like that mo mobile tech to shotty says where’s sad and JoJo oh maybe they’re lurking I don’t know that’d be cool if they stopped in and said hello too Slab City is pretty sketchy if you don’t know the locals um yeah we were talking about that earlier there in moang and and uh Dutchman was with me that day he wasn’t with me he was watching my live I was doing a live stream while I was driving and first it came out real cool because we were we stopped at a Salvation Mountain and all that stuff and everybody there is real nice and stuff because they want you to pitch in for the donations and stuff you know but but I said all right this is pretty cool but then when you get into the actual part of Slab City it was started getting real dumpy and and the people just give you dirty looks as you drove by you know that’s what we were talking about about Slab City so now he’s always telling me that I need to run for Run for the governor stalls Blues yeah check out stalls Blues stalls plays some mean guitar licks and he does some photography a lot of the wildlife out there and I believe he’s in a he’s in Illinois somewhere out there and he’s got a lot of Scenic things to look at while you listen to him playing pretty good stuff man our Florida guest does lives also he always does lives at the beach and stuff that’s pretty cool but you’re in the you’re in the north part of North part right you you haven’t had any stormy weather or anything coming in have you I think it’s funny that first the first the first storm this year is going to be called Alberto but it’s over there by Texas I think we had go ahead we had some pretty rough thunderstorm yeah that’s it yeah but uh yeah but the Alber Alberto is right now it’s just a tropical storm so that’s all it’ll be unless it picks up then it then it gets this hurricane Stripes I guess they call it but yeah it’s about that time man you know hey there’s carp broes how you doing man how’s things down under how you how you doing man you guys are you guys scorching hot down there too man I believe he’s in Australia or New Zealand or somewhere down there Adventure America I use a 12vt refrigerator th watt yeah see below freezing too well I hope I hope you have a good if it’s below below freezing I hope you have a good lithium battery or you have the kind that has the heaters on it you know because that cold fre below freezing will kill your lithium batteries unless you have that heater on there so make sure you keep them warm man thanks I have Native American ancestor bar far remove yeah that’s you know that’s what I’m saying Donna and everybody knows if you go to South Dakota you know they’re they’re heavy into all that stuff because you you have the you have the whatchamacallit you have well they don’t they don’t like Mount rushman but they have their own you know they have the Whatchamacallit that big statue they working on over there the Native Americans so yeah so I think it’s a fitting tribute that right when you get into the state you see that big statue of her and you know it’s not an Indian man it’s a a Native American woman so that makes it even better you know power to him right I love seeing anything strange and unusual I’m the same way moang yeah strange and unusual man what do you guys want to do that’s what my that’s what this was gonna say was let’s talk about the future what do you guys have planned in your bucket list for the next year coming up or next few months man what’s with the right image oh that’s that’s uh that’s my guess he’s from Florida there carpo Brutus his name’s skunk though but um uh oh he went off what with the right image yeah that’s who it is though anybody else want to come on you sweat in the shower yeah really that’s what what that’s what’s really bad when when it gets so muggy and stuff and you sweat you feel like a shower you’ll be refreshed right when you get out and you’re still sweaty and stuff Dutchman is King B life and Tandy Andy and I used it all in Twin legs yeah 113 degrees and 133% humidity yeah you know what they say though Dutchmen they say it’s hot but it’s a different kind of hot but uh it’s that 133% humidity that’s not you know that’s good if it was any higher than that you’d be really suffering man mobile tech for emperor I’d rather run a brot there you go Mo girls I told sad you hop on not sure if they’ll see it or not oh you don’t have to do that man I don’t I don’t want to force anybody to come come watch me sure you can Dutchman you can you can share anybody you’re a mod you’re the king mod man I just looked up that statue that’s where we will be going on vacation no matter what my husband said right on Donna r on well I know you know you’re gonna you’re gonna go to other places but that’s going to be a place you’re definitely gonna stop no matter what he says tour Arizona and New Mexico I love it man I love I love Arizona and New Mexico I think they’re two of the most hidden gym of the States you know even though a lot of the roads are messed up and stuff but my gosh Arizona has so much to offer so much stuff and so beautiful you know not just it’s not just desert and you know dust and stuff out there it’s got a lot of stuff out there the same with New Mexico they really do have a lot of good beautiful stuff Alberto is affecting us the high tide oh man they’re swamping your towns already oh my gosh when is the is it already down there in Rockport and um and U fton and all that I hope you guys don’t get affected by that man I know that could it floods real good if it if you know if it hangs around too long somehow I think it will be his idea Ed Donna uh well Donna I think you got to just take him the long way around and go start up there go up that way and and then go go around and then go down south that’s a good way to do it too you can go to South Dakota then you can go west and then come down and then you can go down and then the first good places you’ll see is like tow tows New Mexico and stuff good idea I’ve done that too hey there’s zson how you doing man you’re talking about Hot and Hot and I don’t know if it’s humid but tell us what you’re temperature is there Zon I have a good friend who lives near Santa Fe on a cattle ranch yeah Santa Fe is pretty nice I bet right now Santa Fe is nice and cool in the evenings you know and they’re at a good elevation they don’t really get real hot they get snow but whenever they get snow and it snows like two or inches it’ll usually is gone by the next day you know so that’s and plus the old town if you haven’t if nobody has been to uh to uh if nobody’s been to um Santa Fe you guys need to go there man it’s it’s really it’s really beautiful town man lots of old architecture Church the churches there are really beautiful and uh let’s see oh no Rockport is flooded oh my God go what what about what’s his name is he there is he okay what about uh boond doing with Dennis where did he go he must have went somewhere else and uh who’s that other guy that’s down there all the time that’s that he’s always that’s always with the by the church I hope they’re okay and they didn’t get get flooded out you’re talk you’re talking it’s flooded but I’m not but I don’t think it’s a a violent flood or anything right it just came over the over the sides and flood in the streets and stuff hopefully sadden JoJo for Universal ruler right on the Cowgirl Restaurant and Bar in Santa Fe is great yeah bison Burgers I want to try one be back shortly okay okay have trash pandas to feat okay where did our guest go our Our Guest disappeared that’s that’s I’m sorry I I wasn’t expecting that uh Troy Adventure America because I was thinking you know I see all the stuff on YouTube about uh Alberto and all that but I didn’t realize it was so close so it’s actually happening right now where they’re getting flooded hey there’s a there’s quite resilience hey how you doing how you doing there Carter you guys want to know another cool van life guy there you go quiet resilience he lives in a let me see if I can get this right he lives in a 93 I think it’s a 93 or something like that Chevy G20 is it a G20 van and he’s got it all fixed out and everything and he’s and he stays right now he’s he’s doing pretty good he’s smart he’s up there in the in the in the cool cool mountains of of Oregon right next to a real nice Ice Cold Creek I bet man but check him out um let me see that’s when if you if you could could you uh can you drop a quiet resilience is uh drop his link so he needs he needs some more more Whatchamacallit he needs some more more subs he’s real getting close to a thousand so we need to push him up there everybody like van life and stuff there you go but uh Carter goes beyond that stuff he he’s he he deals with he he messes with that AI stuff and he knows how to do the do all these cool re very very cool um thumbnails if you see his thumbnails you’re gonna watch his videos and plus he’s got a cool dog named Bandit also hey look who’s there the dirty knobs how you doing DK good to see you man man ekk I don’t know how many people I sent it to I know I sent it to mobile tech and I sent it to you I think about the the big boy the big boy is a big giant steam engine it’s called 4014 and they they get it they it starts off I think in Wyoming somewhere and and they power that thing up and they get a big old tour going and it goes all the way this year it’s going all the way to Roseville California so all the states in between including NE Nevada they’re going to make stops at and stuff and and some of those places where they stop they’ll be there for a while you know like maybe overnight and stuff but uh but it’s going to be cool because after they come back from California they’re going to come this way they’re going to go back to Chicago and I think they’re going to go down to Dallas Fort Worth area and come through Oklahoma so I’m gonna definitely if I don’t catch it in Oklahoma I’m I’ll follow that sucker down to to Dallas and get video of that because you don’t see train like that anymore man if you guys want to see a cool cool train just Google 4014 Big Boy on Google and look at that train while it’s gone it’s huge man thank you Dutchman here’s quiet resilience Channel yeah yep it’s a bft what’s a bft I saw that it’s coming but a couple hours from me not the end of my block again I was thinking it was buy your house again because since it was there last time you know the dirty knobs has a channel and I don’t and he’s got he’s got a short video of it what five minutes or something like that but it’s it’s huge man it thing that thing is massive it’s a massive train and I would just like to see I want I want video of that thing coming in and then slowing down you know and then and then then taking off again that would be something else but you know it would be good enough just to see it Go by real quick too that’d be cool you got that right mobile tech the first car is a machine shop on that train is it really I thought I thought it had a I thought it had a all I thought it was all the what what do you call it what what runs it is it steam where they burn stuff they burn up stuff to cause the steam or what but I don’t know when it gets running though it’s it’s pretty awesome I bet 110 feet wow hey there you go there you go carter I need to do that I figured out my membership deleted all the levels and created one with full access at 99 Cents yeah yeah that’s that’s good you know that’s what I was thinking you know because when I started filling that out to open it I just said well I’ll just I’ll just make four or three different levels and have them all at 99 Cents you know but I just said n I’m not going to even mess with it but that’s a good idea just have one level you know yeah you don’t know if it’s oil or wood I think it’s I don’t know because if it’s wood they’re gonna have to carry a bunch of extra wood to get that thing running man can you imagine what they have to do to get that running you know how you doing carpo brus I was checking my message over there and I guess I don’t know I guess my guest over there couldn’t get back in or something let me see let’s try one point I don’t know what’s going on I have to be away from home to do it he’s saying that he has to it doesn’t work real well unless he is away from home huh mobile tech says 130 ft long 32 F feet and weighs 1.2 million pounds because of their great length the frames of the big boys were hinged or articulated to allow them all right that’s cool that’s cool and you know it’s amazing that all that stuff and how big it is but they’re still regular they still ride on the regular train tracks you know which are only what what I mean four foot wide I I thought I read that it takes six hours to get temped and can only run a couple hours or something yeah that’s why they go through all these little towns and stop and stuff you know or they don’t they don’t really turn it on and go real fast but they just take it easy wherever they’re going but I think when they get to they’re going to California they’re going to Roseville mobile tech if you know where Roseville is I think it’s uh I think it’s north of Sacramento but when they get there they’re going to stay there for probably a few days and get it check it all out and you know have all the people there’ll be there’ll be a big event down there you know so it’s pretty cool and all this is happening pretty soon you guys want to check it out I have the link somewhere but I don’t have it on me where I could tell at where I could ask Dutchman to drop the link but but you go to steam you go to steam engine something let me see I can look it up real quick and it tells you all the information it’s pretty cool what what I could do is just find my email and and and show show the show the mail huh the email let’s see s here we go okay you go to Heritage steam schedu index and then it’ll tell you if that’s too much for you there you go okay mobile checks already did it thanks thanks there but um that’ll if you look through that it’ll gives you a couple pictures of it but it gives you a map of the of the United States where it’s going and I thought about going to Wyoming to get to see the start of it but uh big boy really really there you go stalls that’s funny nobody knows who John Holmes was yep it’s coming through Nevada and I think there’s like two towns or three towns it’s going to go through but I think that’s north of you still but I think still it’s pretty close isn’t it it’s unless there’s like a mountain pass that it’s going through something their mobile tech but all right mobile tech thanks for posting the link man yeah the first time that I saw it I didn’t see it but the first time I heard about it was a couple years ago when when they were coming through here and one of the girls that I used to follow sooner sooner girl sooner girl and now she moved to Florida so I don’t know if she’s sooner Florida girl but she she followed it for a couple of small towns and they hurry up and got way ahead of it and then they parked and they ran over there and got pictures of it coming in town so yeah that’s pretty cool probably going over the Donner Pass is that where you you’re close to is the Donner Pass up there up there through the mountains there’s Troy I do know who he is well that’s okay they can look it up their themselves Troy it would be cool to see it man and and mo I don’t know what the Doner pass looks like you know as far as mountains and all that stuff but it would be really cool to see it going through a mountain pass and see how you know it’s going to be how how easy it is to get through it or what you know I’m going over it at the end of the month okay cool oh the the ad donor pass yeah I bet that would be a good place to go see it man tell Wonder hussy she’s probably not interested though in that kind of stuff there’s a you know you know that’s what gets me about Wonder fussy is she’ll sit there and U she’ll sit there and say I’ve done everything I’ve gone everywhere I’ve done this and that and there’s nothing else but you know there’s a lot of things that she hasn’t got like she’s been to tonopa like a million times but she’s never done anything on that that tonopa mining Museum and that was really cool man you could go you could do like an hourlong video of that and go through all the stuff and you know it’s not just it’s not just the clown motel and the the mzpa hotel in tonopa they have that mining thing you know the whole time was was based on mining for all those years you know and and and there and you can still see all that stuff and right at the top of all that stuff is that mining the mining what is it called historic mining camp museum is what it was yeah I saw the big boy train when it was at Pomona California before it was moved all right that was cool so so it wasn’t an operation then when you saw it right that’s minut it was just just like sitting there on display a lot of people confus me for Holmes in the locker room of the why Styles you’re funny man the Sierra Nevadas would not be easy on the dinner party times no on the Donner Party yeah on the Donner Party Time yeah I lived in Tona paw yeah I loved it man I love Tona PA I think I think it was a little bit I don’t know as big as gold Goldfield they’re they’re two different kind of places but you know but I like I like tonopa better out of both of them you know no it wasn’t in operation that’s what I figured you know they there some sometime after all that is when they re re got it going and stuff I think there was only like a a few amounts of the big boy trains made you know you like Goldfield better oh I know why because in Goldfield you got like a ton more of those taverns and bars I bet but I just like the way it’s set up though but both of them are pretty small and both of them have similar similar streets and stuff when you go through it you know like you’re going into town and you make you have to go to a big left and goes around both of them are like that but one thing I messed up when I went to Goldfield though I didn’t go to that they have a old antique Cemetery there also I didn’t go to that one I missed that one I always love to go over the donor pass to North Lake Tahoe when I went camping yeah I bet man love the energy of this community thank you thank you I actually actually I was gonna I asked I asked um brexton if he wanted to come on but he said nah I’m out having dinner somewhere so I can’t I just said well let me see who else can I get and then I got what’s his name and then then he then he can’t get on here so anybody else want to come on up you can you wanna you want to come up here mobile tech so you can just talk it’s easier to talk I’d like walk around the graveyard there in Virginia City yeah Eastern Sierra has been my playground yeah for your entire life I only party in Sicily Alaska with mfield and Joel Flashman that’s how I found you brexton that’s how I found your channel yeah I saw John’s video on Goldfield Town see why mobile te yeah they’re all cool man I like I like all those old towns but I think I think out of the two well Goldfield is pretty hilly too but but I think that uh tonopa has more Hills and stuff on it I went dang look at this picture I got and I go I had I got a picture of a mining cart and then after I I looked at the picture I went wow because behind I got the whole town in the background and a big old mountain on the side of it and stuff I’m wow you know I wish I wasn’t in such a hurry though when I went because oh yeah Virginia City I’d like to see that that’s from Bonanza isn’t it that’s the one where they they they burn it up in the the map on Bonanza is there is there really anything there where they say Bonanza was on that map I love going to Lake Tahoe once in a while yeah I heard well Nikki Delvin Tha was saying about how how it got so dirty at areas because of people you know and they need to do massive cleanups on it and stuff or was it Wonder hussy I don’t know I can’t think I can’t they they go to so many of the same places yeah there is a huge Bonanza Hotel really that’s cool I just remember that every time you know when they do that theme song then they show that map and it says Virginia City and then the Flames come out yeah Donna Texas Donna I did a live with him one time we did and I forgot what it was like it was like four hours long the live he was he was he was uh very amused not amused he was like he couldn’t believe it was so easy to do this oh I didn’t answer that question too a long time ago quiet resilience said how am I doing this this is through a steamy yard uh Carter if you’re still in there or are you still listening somewhere this is through steamy yard and at streamyard and you can do this you can get streamyard free and they’ll give you what was it what was it Mo it’s either 20 or 30 hours a a month free you know so if you only do a few lives a month it’d be worth it to do but you have to have up here in the corner you have to have the streamyard logo which is a duck or something but yeah that’s what it is I have the paid version you could have like up to 10 people up here with you if you want to if you wanted to you know I don’t even know 10 people oh there he is quiet resilience yeah so this is streamyard so you can look into streamyard it’s a it’s a really userfriendly app and you know like and look it’s it’s horizontal but but but uh it gives you all these options where you could actually play music you could play Background you play videos in the background you can run banners and stuff you could do all kinds of stuff you know and uh it’s pretty amazing let’s see let’s see here we go let me show you one like here’s a banner see on the very bottom then let me see another example uh okay you go to your brand if you want to show pictures you’d go I guess I have it won’t show up because I’m in the middle right now but uh there we go see I just changed the picture in the background yeah it’s really it’s really easy it’s really easy to uh to to operate and stuff it’s pretty cool and I like the fact that you can play the music you can sit there and go oh pardon me folks but I’m gonna go to the restroom and you just play a little musical clip or something but here’s what else is cool there U is is is this right this feature right here if you want to take a break for a second you just go Stop Cam and then that shows up you can tell that I’m still there because my voice you can see the thing reverberating or whatever are you leaving carpo Brutus we’re just getting started but thanks for stopping in man appreciate you stopping in man yeah you can come on there if you have a beer doesn’t matter hope you come by next time Carper Brutus hope you have a good good week there man but uh yeah it’s got and then also the way I have it I have my picture up there in the corner and then I you know always put I’m John or John sooner JH and you could also uh let me see what else can you do when different people come in here like if you have two different people on here you put them to the sides over here or you can put them at the top you can put them in little squares and have the picture bigger you know just a lot lot of stuff you can do with it but yeah you can and and the banners and stuff any anything me know you can put anything on there like here’s my sooner Jay’s travel Banner you know oh there’s my email one you know and they also give you a thing when you’re if you if you just want to talk to somebody they have a a private chat room where you can just sit there and and chat in private with somebody you know so yeah so I think I think that uh it’s a good deal and it’s if you do a lot of live streaming it’s worth looking into you know because it’s only $25 a month for a lot of features a heck of a lot of features uh oh yeah I forgot to post the invite I was thinking I have to send you an email there uh oh yeah uh and if you’re still listening there with Carter if you want to invite somebody up here watch mobile Tech’s going to come up but I’m going to post a link right here this is what you do this is the invite if anybody else wants to come up just click on this link it’ll take you into what they call my basement then I have to verify who you are you know if I usually I just look at the picture and I could tell it it’s who it is then then if I hit okay then it comes up so yeah sorry about that Mo hurry up and hurry up and get in here Mo because so I could run to the restroom and then I’ll be back see that’s what’s good too if you have two people up here you just say you can just go like this say I’ll be right back I’ll be right [Music] back but yeah definitely streamyard streamyard you know I take it for granted because I’ve had it for so long now well yeah that’s mobile tech I could tell so let me make you let me make you bigger there how’s that okay I’ll be I’ll be right back I’m gonna go I’m gonna go get a get get a okay I’ll be right back okay getting a beer I heard that I heard that pop all right Troy is still here come in MO they have to give permissions to their mic and camera as well on their device yeah oh I’m already set up for all that stuff he there he is my ti hat here yeah but one thing I did want to say though is I want everybody to everybody that cares about Pamela G give her give her some prayers man and I don’t know if she’s watching what’s the matter with Pamela G nothing’s matter with her she’s just having some problems uh with family and stuff so it’s it’s stuff that’s gone you know beyond her control and it’s very hard to handle so well I’ll tell you sometimes family can be your worst enemies exactly friends can’t pick your family yeah and you can’t pick your wife’s family either yeah so yeah you know I can’t really say much about it I don’t I don’t really want to say much about it but you know okay I am I am officially on vacation now oh yeah you you on vacation you’re always doing something you got your hand in something man I am officially on vacation so so how do they say well who’s you’re the boss so what do you do say I’m I’m on vacation now that’s all I do I just say I’m officially on vacation and I pop a beer and that’s it I’m officially on vacation the shop is closed uh I’ve got most of the metal on the trailer that uh uh hold on hold on for a second Carter car Carter’s gonna try to come in too oh crowed and we’re gonna let let let me add him okay he he he’s never he’s never seen this so oh where’s where’s your mic have you tried your mic there uh Carter because it says your mic is not working there we go unmuted there we go there we go oh that’s quiet resilience yeah say something there overlapping noise there you go so did you get all that I was saying about streamyard man it’s pretty cool isn’t it look yeah I have stream I have streamyard also I but I use the pro version for my class to that Echo oh turn you got to turn something off if you got an echo that means you have a phone and a laptop and you can hear it just turn the sound down on your computer if that’s and you can you you can’t see the chat when you’re a guest on the device that you’re using unless it’s a computer yeah yeah you have to have a computer I got like I’m looking at the chat on my computer here but I’m transmitting on my phone then Al also if if you look at the chat on just streamyard you can’t tell who’s the who’s well you can see who the mods are yeah they changed that that’s pretty neat well yeah they you go everybody’s blue that’s mod well tell us about tell us about the professional version of it Mo well it’s the same I think I can bring 20 up to 20 people in oh that’s too many man I never do that though I mean the most I’ve had in at once is two and that was uh desert Deb and AJ at the same time boy that was fun I remember we had fun that day yeah I remember that one yeah yeah that was that was great um I have I’ll tell you what I have some some uh what do they call them uh clips from there I have one clip especially it’s just funny as hell of from that uh live stream with ajb here post it here and if you click on it it won’t take you away from us it just plays in the background you can watch here here’s the easy way to do it though Mo they changed the rules they Chang the rules now so you can go back to your old live but you could only do this on your phone okay go to your phone and you and you and do the thing hit the button that says remix and then it says make a short out of this and you go to that whatever you’re watching and you find whatever you want and makes a short for you no well this is different this is a clip yeah that’s what that’s what they are little clip it’s already this is already made it’s a you know it was that was a three-hour live stream I don’t want to go through that now this is already made Jes God what WR with you no but it’s the easy way to make this this is one and it’s just fantastic it really is fantastic hold on okay I’ve got it now watch let’s let’s see who else we can get up here here we go uh this one is this one is entitled balls oh yeah I remember that remember that this is just fun here in hell it won’t take you away from here if you watch it it’s just a very short it’s a short clip AJ that’s AJ saying oh yeah she said balls yeah anybody else want to come up Troy you want to come up here too or you don’t you or you don’t want to let’s see what your let’s see what your your Whatchamacallit looks like their Carter what what do you have sweee when you turn off your cam what happens you want your cookie don’t you I gotta get my dog a cookie real quick okay oh okay that’s one of your okay that’s pretty cool it’s pretty neat I like I like this man like you guys aren’t seeing it but I have like this display where it shows you like 20 different ways to put the what’s what we’re showing right now on here so we have room for more people too see look look at there there’s Jenny there’s Jenny Gibbs and perum oh Jenny yeah she’s got nice legs huh yep she she dances great I like I like watching her that dance and then Carter knows this campsite that’s that’s that’s I call that the power pole Campground over there I have to get my dog see you can go you can do it across the top like this but there’s too much stuff in the way let me see I can’t get it back to how we had it though let’s see there we go how’s that see and if somebody else somebody else comes up then you would be moved over to the left you know like that’s uh that’s Sabrina that’s his dog up there she’s blind she went blind yeah and I have to give her drops um twice a day three different types of drops that’s so she could keep her eyeballs even though she has glaucoma really bad just to keep the eyes in in the sockets yeah if you don’t do that you have to take the remove the eyes and sew the lids shut now I didn’t want to have a dog that had her eyes closed all the time I’m glad I did it it’s it’s a little bit of a hassle and it’s expensive but I’m really glad I did it uh Carter you you got somebody saying hello to you Bo bodilly bodilly hello belli said hi baby all right here we go we got some of your guys coming on now there quite resilient Kings of Appalachia that’s he’s one of your subs too right yeah get your head up here what are you doing you that’s all you you got it all you goof yeah you’re good can you guys hear me yeah Sabrina is a sweet dog for sure yeah she wants to go camping she loves to get in the trailers and she loves to go camping and she loves she loves the tents too yeah she knows it’s a good time oh yeah she’s well you see her in a lot of my camping videos she’s pretty much you comfy are you comfy you’re comfy aren’t you about as big as your dog isn’t it there Carter or bigger I don’t know you hear me you are a good man sir yeah he’s a he went through heck with with with Sabrina there Donna yeah but we got her all taken care of now yeah I like your I like your lamp there I I have a video I have a video on that lamp actually I got the real thing it’s 50 foot lamp there oh yeah that was great I love seeing that hey there’s Joanne glass how you doing I’ll tell you what’s another good thing to get too if you’re lighting propane pits and all that kind of stuff get one of these get a lighter like this you guys let me see oh no you I’ve got I got just thing I got a blow torch this one those plas this a little plasma one look at this check out this check this out where I got a great big one here it see it this look see that little it’s like looks like a taser got a big giant blowtorch that’ll work too but that’s pretty good they’re like only like five bucks so I mean you don’t need any kindling I start whole logs on fire like kindling yeah with the blow torch yeah with a blow torch microphone trying to find a good place for this darn thing I guess over here is good can you all hear me yeah I hear you okay just just jump right in there man and yell well I was I was messing with my my headphones and my mic and all that stuff and it didn’t sound like you guys could hear me so did you hear me boilly Bo Dilly was saying that my mic wasn’t working we could there you go okay I didn’t know you were trying to talk no worries we got it figured out now yeah it’s pretty cool man I like I like this format where you can do this man you know it’s yeah it’s a lot easier than sitting there and typing it all out every single time you know how is Joanne glass oh yeah Joanne glass is here hiy Joanne where’s the camera is it right there yeah that’s it okay now I know what side it’s on anyway yeah hi Joanne we’re playing it’s Friday night yeah we’re just we’re just playing time in the Hot Town Summer in the city back of my neck getting good and pretty that’s a oldie man that’s a real oldie I’m a real oldie back in the days used to use CBS now we have the internet to chat yep that’s right you know you have that in Australia guy in here and uh one time on 11 meters it was midnight Christmas and snowing outside I was in Northern California and it was snowing outside and it was midnight Christmas Eve and I was talking to this guy in Australia on 11 meters real clear wow and uh and it he he said Merry Christmas near the end of our conversation it dawned on me I went because he said he’ just come in from surfing and and it’s snowing outside where I’m at and I went oh that’s right you have Christmas in the summer I said what’s it like to have Christmas in the summer you know what he said he said I don’t know mate what’s it like to have it in the winter okay I makes sense you know like he doesn’t know what it’s like to have Christmas in the winter I guess Santa Claus you know uses a maybe a hobiecat or something in Australia instead of slle yeah yeah flying hobiecat so I started a uh a series on remodeling my van while living van life you’re actually living in your van I am hey that’s that’s what I was gonna tell you Carter is Mo Mo he do he he red do uh trailers and stuff but his his vehicle is a what is it Mo it’s like 1970 or what is it your truck your van my 19 van 20 what is it 1992 1992 but don’t you have something that’s real Old 97 I’m sorry the last one was I got I got a Blazer that’s a 197 yeah8 Carter likes the old Chevies man that’s what he’s got I do yeah well this thing it goes anywhere I’ve had it for 25 years I rebuilt the entire thing myself very it runs like new and and it’ll smog anywhere it’ll smog in California if two Pistons aren’t even working and it’s blowing smoke out the rear it’ll still smog because it was a California I mean a uh it was a forestry truck so it was Fleet built and it has a sticker on the uh you never want to get rid of the uh air filter cover because it’s got a sticker on there and it has the numbers that that make it good I don’t care if that thing’s blowing smoke out the rear end man it’ll pass smog in California very cool it’s cool it’s really cool I had one time I took it in for smog and it was so bad the guy says well it passes because of this but he says you really should clean this up and he says look at this he pulled the distributor cap off he says just as I thought he showed it to me and you know they got those electric EFI ignition things on the top of the distributor cap but inside it looks like a normal distributor cap it’s got the Center Post that the uh rotor rides on and makes a connection there with a springy type piece of metal right for the rotor and then it’s got all the things all the way around that the rotor makes contact with for the spark looks well the thing that hits up here was burned off complet there was a hole burned completely in it yep and all the tips all the way well the end of the rotor was just burned completely off and all the tips were all burned and looked like they’ve been Char welded or hit by lightning or something yeah and still and it’s still passed that’s awesome since then I I just dropped a whole new distributor it’s real easy to do so but yeah that’s 78 Blazer I love that thing man it’s got NP 205 transfer case with the uh uh the four-speed uh with the granny granny Gear Well if you were saying it was it was a fleet vehicle for forestry yeah yeah they built those trucks to go through some go through some hills that’s for sure yeah and it it comes stock out of the uh uh I mean it it takes 33s bone stock the way it came from the factory uh and it’s got a 12 inch uh or 12 bolt rear end it’s a 3/4 ton rear end very nice very nice it’s not a 10 bolt so yeah I had a 87 4×4 it was pretty nice it had the uh the TBI yeah 350 it was okay yeah this thing also had a PTO winch 8,500 pound winch nice you guys are talking way before they had the code readers of throwing the codes and crap oh they a no yeah this thing there’s no smog on it at all yeah there’s nothing Vehicles newer Vehicles there’s so many electronics on it they got GPS location they got you can’t see the motor in there you remember changing your plugs and points changing your points too remember that yeah I had a I had a 73 chevel head points in it yeah I switched it over to electronic I had a 19 1966 GTO 67 67 chel man I had a 66 GTO yeah that’s a good one too man but I always wanted a bill I always wanted a 57 or a 55 B yeah man I’ve never had one right now I’ve got I just bought a 1948 trailer and I’m looking for something like a 1948 tow vehicle for it what be cool one of those like those van style ones would be cool one of those old ones what are they called they call them something I forgot what they called them the old van the old P they’re called panel trucks yeah Panel trucks that’d be cool panel truck would be a yeah you know I used to have a 1952 Dodge panel truck when I was in the military and that would have been perfect for towing this thing yeah yeah something like that would be good because you can carry all your crap in the panel truck yeah that’s cool B Dilly my neighbor has a 57 four-door hard top B air pristine the four-door wow they didn’t race the four-doors I don’t think I ever saw one on the drag strip y Kings of Appalachia a 92 Wrangler yeah runs C points I had Adventure America I used I wish I still had this I used to have a 1965 Chevy camper van it had the the the six-cylinder engine in the dogghouse between the two front seats you can rebuild you could pretty much rebuild the head and or rebuild the motor put it change the head gasket or whatever give it a tuneup from inside the van right you had to anyway but in the rain you could do it yeah and uh uh when you the camper van special had the big flat windshield you know you die in a head on collision all right you didn’t want to hit I don’t know if you guys have seen the YouTube Chanel called The Swim Shop they convert all these older Vans into four-wheel drive and they’ve got a 60s they call it a 60s G10 and they’re doing a four-wheel drive conversion on it it’s it’s pretty freaking sweet and a G10 is a pickup truck isn’t it a C10 like Charlie C is Charlie But A G G’s Eng golf that’s that’s a van oh okay H I’d like to see that well my 65 when you opened the side door it had barn doors on the side and I always I love barn doors right that’s why I rebuilt my 97 I couldn’t find a replacement band for it when it was time uh uh that had barn doors yeah you know got barn doors yeah and so I just rebuilt the engine [ __ ] had already been rebuilt so I rebuilt the engine then I rebuilt the front end the whole damn van now I’m now I’m changing all the locks in it they’re going well this one when I bought it the guy who owned it before me he had the engine rebuilt he said he rebuilt the transmission but I wound up in parump Nevada with a transmission that was locked in high gear so nice I wind up getting my transmission replaced there so I gotta re I got a new engine only bad thing is it’s got 308s in the rear end so it’s just a dog I’d love to get 373s in the rear end you have a hard time with hills yeah oh it just I slow down to like 45 50 miles an hour and it’s absolutely nuts yeah well if you do that uh lock it while you’re at it put a limited slip Locker back there yeah the one benefit that he did do in the rear end was put a locker in it because then it’s it’s almost I know people with just locked rear ends on Vans go go everywhere the four-wheel drive Vans go yeah yeah you just gotta know how to drive that’s all there’s a guy I can’t remember the name of his channel but he’s got a savannah John like yours and he just did a suspension lift uh put in a big huge rear leaf springs to help support everything and yeah I mean he went down into Baja Mexico all kinds of stuff and uh he goes wherever he wants to drive yeah that’s nice man yeah I would love to get a lift kit for this but they don’t make them they don’t make lift kits for the the older g20s it’s is your is yours a eight eight cylinder there you have to make your own then mine is a is A8 cylinder it’s the 350 TBI yeah okay cool yeah I like the 350 man yeah yeah it it it it’s the rear end man I’m telling you those gears 308s it’s what’s really hampering the performance of this this van it really know what they did to my blazer they put 308 in the rear end in my blazer but it’s got a granny gear and and too low a four low uh in the transfer case so you can get I can get out and walk next to that thing going uphill and just reach in the steering wheel and it’ll idle uphill next to me at a walking distance and I just steer it I’ve done that and and uh but when you want to get on the freeway and go somewhere you’re hardly touching the gas fill or you’re going 85 miles an hour thing’s amazing that and they wanted that so their guys could all come into Sacramento for their monthly meetings and my dad was a game ward well you know and he had one of those type deals I I but uh I can’t remember what he had uh I was too young at the time to even give a [ __ ] but uh we lived in Markleeville in the middle of Sierra and he was having to go he was he was uh game warden for Alpine County and he had to go to monthly meetings in Sacramento so he just kicked back and fourth gear and that thing hauled ass yeah yeah so look up marleyville sometime on the map or on Google Earth or something you won’t believe it I lived there it was a town of when moved there they changed the sign from 199 to 200 for the I mean from 99 to 100 uh for the population and when I left there when I graduated high school uh they changed it back to 99 I’m not kidding you that’s small town for you little fishing Town little it’s only known for fishing in a hot spring ah but it’s a beautiful little town they got this one bar it’s been there million years 100 years I think 120 years something like that but you walk inside and the whole walls in the ceiling are covered with bras you can imagine how that happens they give you a t-shirt they give women free t-shirts but they have to leave their bra and they have to take the bra off before they put the t-shirt on and you have to hang your bra there so there’s millions of bras in there all over the place little yeah it’s a little uh bar little twostory bar it’s got a little hotel on top but it’s a little fishing Town huh yeah I used to catch big old Cutthroat in the creek marlyville creek right across the street from my house where I live I just walk right across the street Wham catch dinner hey hey Carter hey Carter this is this is the guy that I I mentioned in the video that video going to Goldfield and I’m driving along and I go I see a thing that says Angels it look like Angels Landing or something like that ladies there there’s a there’s a plane there and I go oh that’s the place that Mo told me about so I I I did a UI and go back over there and I go oh it’s a brothel so somebody had made a brothel out there and they had business back there but but there’s a the tell them about the plane there Mo tell them about the plane most most brothel in Nevada have runways they have their own private runways for the high rollers to come in and their aircraft and stuff and uh our skydiving team uh went to went there to to because this pilot was gonna it was this Pilot’s idea he says come on let’s go to a brothel and you can jump in everybody can jump into a brothel and yeah so we did that and uh sometime just before Sunset everybody was getting hammered and it was time you know for nobody to go skydiving anymore because it was getting a little dangerous pilot decided to go up by himself one more time because nobody wanted to get on his airplane he was Stone drunk so he went to take off and a dust devil got him halfway down the runway and he ground looped the airplane oh W so there it sits it never left that’s why the one wi tips all curled up but I have in my videos you can see it’s a lot in a lot better shape than it is now but but uh um yeah that’s what happened now how that and that airplane stayed there forever I’ve also landed my hand glider at a brothel called Jan’s Ranch in in the Eastern Sierra in the in the Owens Valley so that’s two brothel that I’ve either you know that I’ve come come out of the sky and land it in so far coconut girl I used to date a flying Elvis maybe that’s what oh I knew the flying Elvises yeah yeah one of them was a real good friend of mine Jim Wallace yeah I knew the flying H was this do you know you know you know this coconut Girl here uh uh let me see where is she coconut girl I’m looking coconut girl um I’m in the liveat I don’t seeon where coconut I don’t see a coconut gr anyway he Texas Dawn Adventure America Jo it’s right after after Adventure America I said I seen John’s video and then right after that it’s coconut Girl maybe maybe somebody deleted her already I don’t know it hasn’t popped up for me yet huh that’s weird well coconut girl has me well the coconut girl has me blocked like Anna does Anna has me blocked you know like me I called her a ex her daughter account I I called Anna some names and told told her what I thought of her one time about because of a a video a short that she did okay and I let I let her have it with both barrels and she didn’t like that so she blocks me now when she comes into any any of these things I can see her but she can’t see me she’s only blocking me from G Adventure America but yeah I knew the flying Elvises uh a lot of the biggies Tom Sanders one of the biggest photographers in the business he did all the James Bond and any anytime you see skydiving and in movies my friend Tom Sanders is the one that got me into skydiving in the first place I have photographs of me that he took Sky I did a tandem skydive father Father’s Day weekend back in like 08 cool had a blast had a film made and everything it was it was really fun isn’t it fun yeah oh I was it’s easy isn’t it I was scared shitless when I was up at the plane 10,000 feet I got the uh the actual skydiver he’s strapped to my back and he’s scooting me forward to the door and I’m like holding on for dear life and he grabs my and we go out we do this we jump out we all sprawl out and then we went over on our backs sett down it was scary but it was a blast you know once you’re once you’re out there for a bit it it felt pretty good didn’t it yeah yeah when the ground’s not coming up at you when the canopy opened up and it went all quiet you could see everything it was the greatest feeling in the world yeah yeah well I got a few thousand of those under my belt and yeah yeah I did it for like 30 years it’s it’s just a hell of a lot of fun I really enjoyed it yeah but I I did a lot of hang I was hang hang GL pilot before I got into skydiving very cool and so I flew flew into a brothel on on my first uh a longdistance flight in the Owens Valley it was Janie’s Ranch it’s exactly 100 miles from where I took off at I flew the first time I saw Mount Whitney was when I flew over it 2,000 feet over the top of it I’m looking down on going oh there’s Mount Whitney John waving everybody see you people go hey have you ever hiked out windy I go no but I’ve been there yeah well how did you do that flew over it well get on it Adventure America go skydiving go do it go do it go jump out of a plane perfect good plane there is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane they’ve never made such a thing that’s a man who’s never jumped out of a plane hey hey Carter um yeah mo mobile tech has I’m I’m gonna say close to 30,000 subs and he’s not happy we here we are having like barely a thousand and Stu I’m struggling to get to a thousand it’s like I’ve hit my I I’ve only got 2 only got like 23.4 th000 I think it is okay 23,000 but well you know what my check was we just got them today you get I get paid on the 21st you know how much it was what take a guess I don’t know I have no idea 100 bucks $134 okay well see that’s that’s misleading though Carter because he makes most of his money through his class he does you know he does he holds a class every Tuesday and he’s got like I charge for that yeah what do you have like I forgot how many how many do you have signed up for that that’s on patreon any given time for the last seven years I’ve had uh between 200 and 250 students right now I think that’s your main income right there yeah you know all that the trailers I sell yeah that’s pretty Dam I make I make 37 well last year I made 37,000 on patreon but I think I think that’s why though because you know you have the class and stuff you don’t you you probably don’t pay attention to your YouTube part of it so you don’t you probably could care less about YouTube on you know exactly look at yeah I I still post on YouTube you know well yeah but but you don’t sit there and go out of your way I don’t give a crap I’m not trying to make a successful Channel I don’t give a crap about it I don’t I don’t you know like lose sleep over whether I got a new how many Subs I got or yeah you any of that crap I could as a matter of fact all my adventure videos none of them I don’t I don’t monetize those I’ve got videos with over a quarter million views on them you know how many how many videos do you have mob Tech over 900 it’s like 940 something now and they’re all full pretty much full size ones over over 10 minutes or whatever well I go all all the way back to when it was only 10minute videos and you were using uh 640 by 480 resolution so if you watch it on a big screen it’s all pixelated this big yeah the picture on your monitor was only that big so if you look look at my old videos and squish it down to about six inches by four inches that looks great yeah it’s like like the first digital cameras that came out were like that too you go oh man picture is this big you know yeah I still have my very first digital camera it was a Sony yeah and now and now look our our pH 48 megapixels yeah I was on uh well it was 1.3 Mega it was 1.3 megapixel photos yeah that was hot back then but uh um I was on uh YouTube before Google owned it and then I was for two years and then when gole before AdSense that’s pretty Dam way before AdSense when Google bought it they erased they they erased all our videos that we had up we had to start over so the first video I have since Google bought it I think it was 17 years ago if you go back to my very first video it’s the Paris jet taking off we had a dc9 that we used to jump out of also yeah our our the airport owner he L flying that thing our Runway was too short so he always had to go all the way to the end and just before he hit the trees he just turned the nose up like that Rock It Off The Runway and it would blast chunk it would blast chunks of asphalt out of the runway all over the place very cool funny yeah we got videos of that it’s just funnier than [ __ ] y so we know somebody that’s before AdSense that’s that’s pretty cool oh yeah we yeah we were doing it for fun and YouTube was a lot more fun back then too and it wasn’t all antisocial people actually debated and still got along on YouTube and everybody had freedom of their of speech there nothing was censored there was no ads and uh videos were limited to 10 minutes yeah yeah and we used to have a thing that you could make reply videos so if I said uh something about you know uh uh I think Joe Biden sucks and and he ought to be taken down or something uh a guy could do a reply video which would be listed automatically right under your video that comes back on and and contends what you have to say about Joe Biden sucking and say Joe Biden doesn’t suck as bad as you think he does or something you know to reply back with with a different uh opinion and a different View Point that’s and yeah YouTube allowed that they not only allowed it they they promoted it now they s you the crap out of you if you don’t if you don’t hug a [ __ ] every day they’re gonna knock you off the the off YouTube yeah Mo was there before misinformation and disinformation and before Co before Adventure America looks like they just started posting videos yeah October of 23 that’s when I launched my YouTube channel was October 23 yeah well you can go actually look at my channel and go to the oldest one uh because because you can bring up videos and click on the top where it says uh oldest to newest or newest to oldest you can check that I’ll show you the very first video and when it was I think it’s 17 years ago now I was younger then and and having a lot more fun and I had girlfriends Jo SK or a Creator we had we had a saying in skydiving you didn’t lose your girlfriend you just lost your turn that’s every day we passed him around like you can’t oh you’re back wellow how you’ve been through everybody already been through months howd you end up back here on my doorstep oh hey I uh John you would know about this I uh I backed out of my office lease deal oh oh you went you went and checked it out and stuff already I did check it out uh it was really nice I mean there was nothing wrong with it but I don’t know I started talking to a buddy here locally and he brought up he’s just like I thought you wanted to travel why do you want to get locked down into a lease I’m like dude why you got to say that really I W up backing out of the lease and I’m I’m hoping hoping that uh this next week I don’t get called up for jury duty this is the last week of the month my luck it’ll be first oh you gotta go on the jury for Trump what’s that you gonna go on a trump jury let’s execute him right now really I don’t know I don’t know anyways so you got out of the whole deal then I guess so we don’t talk about politics here you know that’s good that’s a good good and bad thing I guess for you and we don’t talk about the Corona virus either I got the model’s filled with it man hea but uh yeah no I wound up backing out of it and I sent the uh real estate agent a text message called up the insurance company told them it’s a noo so after June I’m hoping to head up to Washington State I got a buddy there who’s got a little piece of property G stay with him for a little bit and yeah yeah make some video content out of the van and uh basically just where where in Washington State I think you said it’s west of Spokane oh yes smokane where they got all those Good Apples yeah a lot of desert land in that part of uh Washington State too yeah I got a friend coming down from Seattle uh at the end of summer G to meet me here in the Eastern Sierra he’s an old skydive in front of mine he’s a doctor he got fired because he wouldn’t falsify death certificates in the beginning of Co how about that I knew uh I knew a proof yeah yeah yeah I knew a nurse he just retired she was forced to retire because she wouldn’t get the vaccine she oh that too yeah he wouldn’t get the vaccine he wouldn’t sign falsified death certificates so he just ended up saying okay screw you guys see you later and retire yeah so and he ain’t no slouch I skydived with him for years it’s always nice to have a doctor around when you’re skydiving we’ve had a few of them around we also jump with cops too and they’re cool cops because they just kind of look the other way when they’re walking through the drop zone at nighttime gotta check on my dog here yeah jumped uh I didn’t jump with him but went up in the airplane with him a couple of times when he was practice jumping uh Pat sesy so I got to meet and his brother Don swayy I jump is that when they were doing that movie that uh yeah Point Break yeah yeah yeah that was a hell of a movie man yeah and Tom Cruz some of the jump jump things out of that that pretty cool yeah Tom Cruz uh when he was doing the uh uh what was it called it was the uh the Spy Movie um dang I can’t remember of it but remember but he’s been out there a few times and also someone that a lot of people probably don’t know by name is Kirsten Johnson who do you think that is who’s Kirsten Johnson K it starts with a K Kirsten k iir s t it’s E I think it’s either Ian or Ian Johnson you know who that is nope have you ever seen Third Rock From the Sun oh yeah yeah the blonde she’s she’s the that chick is just like you see her there in real life exactly like that she is so much fun and so loud and she’s not acting when you see her in Third Rock that’s exactly she also did she was in the movie one of the uh spoof uh uh uh spy movies um with what’s his name but God I can’t remember this stuff now off hand but she was IV humpa remember that she was one of those uh what’s that guy goofy guy spy Mike Myers no she was Ivana hpia in the movie the guy that the you know the Shag guy yeah oh yeah oh is that him is that what his name is yeah that’s him yeah okay yeah wasn’t yeah did he did a movie where and all that stuff yeah yeah okay yeah so I she played she played Ivana Humpin yeah Ivana how you doing yeah pretty good yeah we uh got to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger he was out there and did some jumps good old Arnold I used to like him until he became governor of California and ruined it yeah blame it on all the governors there though we haven’t had a good one since Reagan and when Reagan was governor my dad worked for Reagan so very cool yeah well only good about there was a time that I liked Schwarzenegger but uh yeah these days that’s and and I love his movies you know what rean what’s the name of that movie he did where he’s chasing that guy that’s in that really hot car and he’s a sheriff and goes all the way to the border of Mexico and just finally beats the crap out of him on a bridge what’s the name of that movie I don’t remember that one oh it’s a great movie this guy that broke out broke not out of jail they were transporting him and he broke away with the help of all kinds of people and they finally put him in this really souped up hot rod that could actually jump over other cars and outrun helicopters and he did all these the car did all these crazy stunts in the movie and at the very end he’s going through the last town in before the Mexican border and that’s Schwarzenegger’s town he’s Sheriff there and he ain’t going for it he’s so he stops him right at the right on the bridge that goes over the the river that c that that uh is the Border I remember that movie I can’t remember what it’s called but yeah that was that was one of his best hey Troy Troy said he’s got to go skydiving with you Mo oh I quit doing it when I lost sight in my right eye it just uh seemed a little more dangerous then and I’m getting old you know just turn your head one way like this you’ll be good you don’t need both eyes to jump I have all my gear I could go to any drop zone and just do what they call a refresher jump and get signed off and I’d be back in the airplane skydiving again I have all my gear right here well I was GNA tell my story but I don’t know if I’m want to tell it or not you know who died yesterday come on you can’t stage and say this Don Donald Southerland died yesterday I met him once I don’t want to get into the details and stuff but I took a piss with Donald Southerland and no I didn’t shake hands so so it was all cool we went we well were you guys standing next to each other you’re I’ve met some really weird people like that myself yeah I I just thought about that when when when he died and I went oh man I met that guy back there back in 71 memory memory scams he was he was he just got through doing that character in that Kelly’s hero movie remember that that whoop he was a tank driver unreal way to meet somebody be right on that one the met I’ve met movie was a concert it was a concert and and Jane Fonda was there that’s when everybody hated her because she did the FTA tour and stuff and it was her 30th birthday so a group of us me and my buddies we went down into where they were having their birthday party We snuck in there and my my buddy was like he loved Jane Ponda and [ __ ] and he goes could I have your autograph ask her she goes I don’t do that he starts crying I go man this is too much I got to go take a peep so I went to the bathroom and that’s where I met Donald Souther great stories man so how do you spark up a conversation with Donald Sutherland in the bathroom really really you don’t you just I just said hello how you doing h look adventure adventure America said you only need one eye mobile tech was it called The Last Stand that might be the name of the movie probably is yeah I think it is yeah this is pretty cool man having everybody on here and stuff um only thing you can do any better is is is uh your audio needs to be a tad higher I don’t know why but I don’t know why you’re using are you just through your phone or what no I’m on my laptop but I have a my exhaust fan on the on the roof it’s running how’s that is that better oh I could hear you all right it’s just like like he’s like twice twice as loud as you are and I don’t know how loud I am compared to you but your just audio is just a little lowo loud mobile Mobile’s a little loud as it is yeah he’s he’s a loudy loudy one he’s one of them he’s one of them ham radio loud mouth blah blah blah here you go mobile tech if you see any of these at the sales buy one what is it this is a six meter mfj radio oh have you seen my g90 this is what I need I’m gonna hook this up but I need that kind of connection for the power you know the 12vt power that has the what do you call it that goes into the hole right there oh yeah the S what is it SB I don’t know s plugs up have you seen my g90 look at this thing this thing is cool yeah you always show it off that’s my that’s my g90 that’s pretty cool it’s yeah it’s 10 through 160 m it’s got a waterfall display puts out 20 watts and I’ve lost 33 countries on it now that’s good man can you take it portable though oh yeah I have taken it portter can you tell the difference now he we lost his audio right right yeah we lost your audio Mo it’s it’s it’s real weak now what happened what you do different we hear you but barely yeah you’re down you’re down there now how long I been on my phone’s probably overheating yeah it is that there we go now you’re back yeah my this phone overheats that’s weird about how they overheat and I I need a bigger phone a better phone mine if you’re if you’re outside and it overheats it’ll it’ll say you can’t do nothing else until I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what John would you do me a favor John what’s that put the link up again and we’ll come in on my computer okay all right I was gonna say I was David Who David Letterman yeah yeah he was saying he worked in Helena Montana at the airport and he met David had a full grown beard Troy says I’d like to come up on the panel John maybe next live okay that’s cool yeah that’d be cool you’re always anybody’s welcome man the more the merrier let’s see so you have you downloaded the streamyard yet there Carter no I haven’t not yet I did I well I mean I set up an account I mean obviously yeah um but I thought I had set it up but yeah I don’t know I probably got to a point and said I’m not dealing with this right now yeah really yeah that’s what I always end up doing then you have it’s just hanging there yeah yeah I uh well actually I’m not gonna say anything about it because I created content on it and yeah it’s it’s all hooked up for my members but I don’t have any members yet well but but but what’s cool about streamyard is you could actually use it for other things besides streaming stuff you could sit there record the whole thing you know in in the basement or in the studio whatever they call it and you can save that and you could go back and edit it and all that then you could release it and stuff if you want to you know that’s pretty cool you can do a lot of stuff it’s not just you know this part of it it has a little bit I have a hot spot so I have I have a 100 Gig per month so I have to watch my you know like online editors eat up all of my data so yeah exactly actually I found a free install that is comparable to Adobe and uh I forgot what it was called Da Vinci D Vin yeah you said something about on on one of your videos yeah right yeah so I started using it and then uh there’s also a photo editor like Photoshop uh it’s called [ __ ] g i m yeah yeah I’ve heard of that I’ve heard that one too yeah so you like Da Vinci I haven’t tried that one I do I’m starting starting to learn the tricks um it’s pretty easy I mean really you know once you start learning what you need to know in order to edit the video um I’ve got a video that will be well it was all about what I did today and uh I think it comes out on Monday so I’ve got like three videos in the queue that are scheduled yeah that’s cool yeah yeah and they all have the cool the cool thumbnails I sit there and see those thumbnails and man that’s damn cool man yeah yeah that’s that’s my chat GPT that’s that’s me using that AI stuff man is that a that is that a pay for program or you got or what or they do have a chat GPT 3.5 that’s free yeah it starts out it starts out free then they charge you when you can’t do what you want yeah I mean it’s you know it’s not necessarily you have a free version like trial version like you don’t have a trial version with ch GPT the 3.5 is is good you know but with the 4.0 you get all of the new updates everything comes your way it’s just I see that Adventure America I’m looking at the chat on my phone yeah that’s that’s what bad about the streamyard one the free one right there where my head is up in there in the corner is the is the big duck duck yeah if it’s a free version you gotta have that on there so you can’t take it off but yeah but other than that you know streamyard is pretty decent I think so yeah it’s it’s got to be because there’s a lot of people that use it I know I was trying to before I found out that you were live I was trying to go live but I was going through YouTube’s live and yeah yeah time and the last time so last Friday I tried going live and it just the date and everything was out of whack so it was like nobody would jump into my live yeah but yeah but I saw a thing from uh where was it I think it’s through Community or somewhere they apologized about all that because all these people were complained about they couldn’t get nothing to on their live streams and stuff and and they did a bunch of tweak St and fixed some stuff yeah they did a public apology so it really was messed up you know it wasn’t it wasn’t just you or just just Bob over here you know it was messed up the whole thing was messed up when still happening to me SC up and they apologize yeah really doson pickup truck yes yes I remember the Dotson pickup truck oh hell yeah I had one I had a 71 man had the uh did it have a four-speed transmission in it yeah no it had yeah yeah four on the floor yeah I had an old doson B210 once cool man we used to get behind semi trucks like a foot off their bumper and draft and not have to spend any money on gas yeah Joanne asked about the do and pick up Joanne I got a video on there I’ll have to find it and bring it back up and put it in the where it’ll show up but yeah it’s got my I had a little yellow one little yellow one but what’s funny it was only four cylinder and it had not headers it had header yeah that sucker was loud as heck but I love had a for Courier yeah four I remember those too the Ford couriers we have a ham radio in 9 minutes appreciate you brother have a good weekend yep thanks for stopping in b billly bodilly b billly Bly I dig that name that like the song you know yeah yep do resilience what is it you do that you thought you needed to rent office space for I well just content creation I’m building a brand I’ve got a website um I’m interested in getting into Drop Shipping but I think I’m GNA wind up putting that in the back burner for a little while I why do you need an office Comfort it was it was too good of a deal though man 200 something a month oh okay I thought yeah $2,000 $200 a month you know and you yeah you can run a business from your van out of the office and you can use that to go back to as a home base once in a while and clean things up that that was my my thought process because like $2 I get AC and heat it’s all covered electricity is covered the only thing I would have to pay for would have been the phone and the internet which you know as I said it I mean it is that’s a hell of a deal man what is you do it’s just this content creation uh like I said I’ve got a website so I write oh you’re not talking about a real job or anything or a real business this is a real job man this is a real business I know I know you you don’t have if you’re wear time editing videos takes time man it’s not tell me about it I got 942 you know gez I’ll be right back I’m I’m burned out on it myself I do my live streams every Tuesday for my class and I make a video once in a while for YouTube I I’m enjoying it it it is something new to you yeah I mean I I graduated rehab in in October and the big thing that they we’re pushing is you got to find Community you got to find a group of people and I mean this is this is my out this is where I’m getting in touch with my my creative side that has been buried for decades and okay well I go along with that yeah I me while you’re building your channel You Gotta Eat oh yeah yeah well I I have I have disability coming in so it it provides okay yeah I’m I have uh Social Security coming in and uh uh and then the the patreon and I also rebuild trailers for for clients restore old vintage trailers for clients so between all that it keeps me going here and I own this place yeah I like big giant shop out there with a huge lot in the back it’s all fenced in I got a 12200 square foot irrigated front yard it’s all automatic fruit trees Apple peaches plums that’s awesome and a blind dog that’s diabetic hey that’s that’s it and I live in a farming Comm Community out in the middle of nowhere and everybody in this town is armed and we have zero zero crime yeah so zero crime I uh I lived in Eatonville when I was a um a little kid like eight years old Eatonville Washington and it was I mean it’s a small little mountain town I would uh I would ride my horse down to the uh the corner market and they had a like a a horse where you tie up the the horse the post and it it was just it was cool you know and you saw them all the time Mountain trucks they had the the gun racks and the back windows and yeah exactly nobody messed with you it was you still see that here yeah that’s cool yeah it’s pretty cool um I like it and being Farm uh farming Community here there’s only 5,000 people in the valley and we’re an hour and a half away from the the biggest city which would be Reno uh we’re south of that and uh I’ve got the Eastern Sierra 50 miles from me here and I can oh it’s just uh fishing hiking uh anything I want to do camping here I hear people clicking on here for the net already they’re see if the repeater working hey Carter I was I was on my way up to go seeo when I was downum and stuff yeah what happened with that you never explained that because it got too damn cold up there in tonopa man in ton live in tonopa I know but you could have come here with you’re even farther north no no no no it’s a you know one night it got down to 23 degrees and I said [ __ ] I go I better I better get I better stay at this little in the back I had yeah I I stayed at the RV park so I could plug in a little electric stove that I had little electric G I got all kinds of heaters but I have yeah but yeah but you’re like you’re like six or seven hours from tunnel PW though oh no no it’s not that far it’s about two and a half hours oh was it okay yeah that was real close for two and a half hours you should have come here you get SP a week here and if you needed anything done I got a full a full service shop right there yeah you’re right I should have I should have came up there [Music] you instead instead I could just kick myself because I went to Southern Cal instead well I’ll kick you come on over here I’ll kick you yeah that’s that’s the wrong direction there John you don’t yeah you went to cforia man over all the time really here these are country people here by go I love the state I love the beautiful things that it has but some of the people there were just you know it’s not we have zero you know why we have zero crime here every everyone carries and everyone has backos Dutchman we’ll check you later man see you later Dutch I know the uh you know honestly to me California comes down to the politics the people that run the state they’re absolutely horrible people they that was my state I was born there and I had to get out because I was born in San Diego I grew up and down the West Coast I mean it I used to fly my hand glider down there at Tory Pines all the time yeah yeah most time in California was Sunnyville so South Bay so I mean you know I just watched a video about San Francisco that was posted about a week ago yeah all trash all trash now nothing it just all the businesses are gone yeah everything’s gone downtown’s gone man so there’s there’s very there’s like a handful of businesses left anymore you know and I remember this was a few months ago the mall in San Francisco the people that were running that mall they just handed it back to the bank said we’re done when you when you got all those grabs and all that you know they don’t do nothing about it you know what else can you do you know what else can you do that’s that’s what I was saying is you know the politics the people that run the state you know I mean there was a time when it was it was freaking awesome to be in California Sounds like in the beginning what’s that you want to hear what a net sounds like in the beginning sure oh is there a net beginning okay you hear that dang loud right there hear thatb us to havec my name is Paul and I’m transmitting to you from haor I am ready to take your checkins right now please K7 zfi Larry and Mason hey Mo you need to get on there like you’re talking toh somebody taking an order Jack in the Box can I take your order you don’t have any kind of radios there Carter at all or I’ve got a CB radio came with the van but I think the antenna is disconnected because it doesn’t I mean there’s nothing there yeah I’d like to get it connected weather weather channel would be nice to be able to access once in a while yeah we lost we lost Mo okay I’m going to guess what what are classes about joh his cles are is it about this stuff no his classes are on remodeling old classic trailer oh gotcha okay totally they take it down to the frame and stuff replace all the inside outside gets all the rust and all the Joan see you later Joanne good night Joanne have a good one thanks for stopping by yeah that’s what he does he’s the pro at that you know I love the old classic trailers you know when I see them on the radio or on the highways definitely I don’t know if you saw that video I did about little blue trailer but I was leaving Lake havu City and I saw it way up there oh that’s cool man I’m gonna catch up to it Adventure America I left in 9 watching and listening when I left California anyhow well Sabrina I I’ve been testing her all week she has come up she she came up with a uh you’re right you’re right well an episode let’s put it that way I noticed some things wrong with her she was lethargic she was kind of clumsy drinking a lot of water not sleeping well and wasn’t looking right at all I knew something was wrong I tested her and she was like way up see how polite he is on the air9 390 uh in glucose level anybody that’s uh knows anything about diabetes you know 120 is the target yeah so it’s same with dogs and cats I guess so I’ve been working all week and monitoring her and testing her every two hours and raising her insulin level and uh we tried to change in diet but that actually made it work so we went back P Carter and his his lowest level on uh his patri now I’m getting test results I’ve got her area now between 119 and 147 so uh that’s perfect range for her and she like it shows she’s bouncing that’s awesome she’s ready to go camping now but I I have to keep testing hours and we have to make sure she’s leveled off before I take her out C hey how you doing and deal with it camping and Lisa’s from you too because on Saturday the 29th I have to go over the hill into cforia and pick up anothera know that you came over here well I I sent the link out on vacation link cool cool so that’s what I’m doing but I’ve been working hard on the trailers and uh getting things done and uh getting Sabrina I don’t know why we’re trying to be quiet just keep her like that for three days we should have it licked so uh we’ll see how all that goes um yeah with that I got a little story about my class and a bunch of people that came to camp with me in my backyard to help me put metal on a trailer and we’ll save that for next round so with that uh wjc y K7 zfi back to net control yeah they usually go like three rounds and then they say bye on the last okay we’ll be listening for that second core round Larry wow it’s pretty good you’re having a a live seminar or you had a live Lisa I’m start then mobile tech and then quiet resilience they they joined in here so I’m in Oklahoma City mobile tech is in Errington Nevada and and quiet resilience is at where I can’t remember somewhere in the woods of Oregon no actually I’m in clamo Falls Oregon right now oh clth Falls okay that’s cool yeah it’s pretty good I like I said I’ve I’ve got four days they’ve already I’ve already checked the schedule for Monday no jurors are needed so four days left of next week and if I don’t get called up I’m heading up I’m G to go find a campsite stay there for two weeks and then uh after two weeks said I’ll continue my track up to Washington state do they pay you no matter what or no they only pay you if you’re active right right yeah so it really kind of sucks because I’m stuck like I can’t go anywhere yeah you’re right you’re like a prisoner waiting to hear exactly yeah KN on wood I don’t get called up and then we’ll head up towards Washington State well I I always found in in my experience I always found that whenever you registered to vote and stuff that’s when you get the jury duty stuff but when you get old when you get old like me certain age they don’t bother you no more multitasking nowah apparently for organ it’s whenever you get a driver’s license hey Gandalf Smith how you doing sir welcome to the chat here hi Gand we got an inter International one here there we go up there in or say what I was talking to Gandalf Smith yes telling how we got an international video here could be an exent with ham radio operators I’m a ham and he’s a ham I’m I’ve been at it a little bit longer and I’ve got more more uh stuff I can do you know different bands and frequencies just started out I think he was more more on the CB side and he advanced in into him but he’s doing pretty good though how we doing how are you Arlene I’ve always thought about getting into ham but uh it’s one of those things that on the back burner right now yeah it’s it’s easy to do it right Lis you just go take the go take the test on the online place and keep doing the test over and over until you get up in the 80 80% and you’ll pass the test easy you know then you’ll get like certain Privileges and stuff and different bands you could operate on H so yeah and it’s pretty good like someone like you could you could get on two meter or 440 that’s like and then and you could like stay in contact with people you know it’s pretty good like stormchasers they use like like certain frequencies on two meter and stuff you know what I just found out John I didn’t realize there was any type of I can join this group using streamyard I what I didn’t know that streamyard to streamyard instead of instead of YouTube to streamyard yeah you can do that yeah if I can do that then I could change my background and everything if I wanted to yep let let me see what happens background yeah that’s about how the radio’s been and the bands have not been very good really not very good at all actually so I reset now I think isn’t this weekend um um what’s going on this weekend something something’s going on in radio this weekend so oh should be field day field day yeah I think all it did really was bring me into the chat I’m glad it did that I don’t see anything different on your background now no no I can’t I can’t change that am I here am am I I can do what I can do is streamyard this to my audience if I want now yeah yeah that’s what you can do and then and listen there yeah yeah I’ve never tried that that’s what’s good about streamyard is they also keep every one of your things that you do your live streams there Carter and you can go back to your library and and get pieces out of that or you know do whatever you want to with it I’m gonna be on here again in a minute so I gotta turn the volume down particip we don’t have you know if I go out even a little ways to be in the field are no trees my back is killing me not day might be if I drove all the way up to the top of do you still have your do you still have the front passenger seats turn around again turned around oh the passenger seat yes yes I do I gave that tip to uh to what’s his name Jelly Bean oh there you go yeah he’s always talking yeah I need to a place to sit somebody else wrote about that and I said just turn your seat around man that makes a good seat yeah oh it does oh my God yeah and your your H suggestion about Center table Yeah a center table in between the I’m the mind is going I’m trying to come up with a a design in my head then I’m going to write it down all you need is like all you need is one two pieces of pipe you all that plumbing stuff pipes you know and the the thing cable so you could screw it on there so easy easy stuff man less than 30 minutes to do if you got all right size you know thata yeah I’m I’m coming up with something that’s I’ll get something going because that’s G to be my whether it’s happen or now let’s go around again oh boy it’s too bad Harold isn’t here I tell him that hey I’m going to Vive with you for the number of trips too said I never wanted to be a ham operator my PSAs are too high so I got to go see that kind of a doctor that deals with that at least it’s in a town I’m somewh with okay let’s go back to Larry Larry tell us there she is here he goes seminar that you had at your housei thanks Paul K7 zfi here Larry and M oh there’s your friend Tina yeah whenever I do metal on skin seems to be the most intimidating part of the build for most of my students so to relieve some of that tension whenever I do a metal job here and and metal a trailer put all the metal skin on and we did all brand new skin uh on this 54 Jewel I invite my students so I had four you know to come help me and they can get some hands-on experience so I had four students show up and they all camped out in the back lot and on my front yard and everywhere and we they were all nice and comfortable uh and it just happened to be during that hot spell last week which is perfect for hanging metal because uh you want it 90 degrees or on a trailer and that’s because the metal so with me being on this live put it on so you want we had 100 degrees in view go up the metal so everybody like it yeah Tuesday they actually showed up on boost your your hours too nobody got hurt and that was all good I think I’m 800 hours away from 4,000 really that’s the tough that’s supposed to be on vacation a few days later but if you do like a live stream or two every week then I realized yeah last Frid I got ready to go over that trailer it’s just not going to work so oh I missed all the spring vacations because I kept running into work and stuff life happens and yeah stands right the bands have been dead but Stan I did hear Chile and a few others in there on 10 meters this afternoon they’re about 54 and fading and coming back in and fading and coming back in but yeah unless you want to talk to people close got 88 degrees out of the L today cler that’s all full L I park on the sou don’t have that humidity Dutchman with that yeah just vacation dog Oklahoma to make sure she’s out of the woods difference you know that I will give it back to Paul W7 jcy K7 zfi back to net control hey Joanne okay wow was on here earlier the instructor Yes sounds like it was a great time and uh Larry after net would like to have a short conversation with after the next so hang around a couple minutes after I close it up I appreciate it now we move on to tomorrow’s gonna be 91 91 right now let me see what it is tomorrow tomorrow’s high as 91 I I have to uh follow the Coastal Highway Joan did you tease all the guys on CB a couple people they all seem like theyed when you get to Washington though Carter when you get to Washington are you GNA get one of those passes don’t you need to pass for everything in Washington that’s a good question I have have the America the Beautiful pass I’m talking about their state pass I don’t know they give you a discount or something because you have the America the I don’t know I don’t know I’ll find out yeah for sure man morning 28 I’ll be in the dentist appointment it’s o’ in the morning Tina how’s your weekend going Friday right she and she’s in the Philippines so Saturday morning to you it’s a next day isn’t it yeah I don’t know thank you I appreciate that it’s the next day yeah and then yep Saturday I have to be up to crack Aon be out there getting ready to do some paddling that’s gonna be a l Saturday morning the where you at Tina in Philippines oh in the Philippines she’s in the future in the future she’s my fore teller I’ve always wanted to go to the Philippines it’s happening it’s gonna happen build build a castle on top of it but I’m not sure what they power with if it’s Pedal Power also want to go to the DVI power that’s something I I want to sail to the British V Virgin Islands and do the Caribbean Caribbean whatever you want to call it and Costa Rica I want to I want to do Costa Rica I want actually I want to fly to Costa Rica and jump there there you go that’s only if I ever decide to jump again really neat drop zone right on the beach there so you’re jumping looking down at the ocean for 15,000 you ever seen that show called Cooper’s treasure did you ever see that show called Cooper’s treasure no okay is it about DB Cooper no uh one of the astronauts he when he was up there a long time he did all all these maps and stuff and and all these maps that he did were places where there’s treasure and stuff oh and one of the guys got a hold of the map and they went went looking for it this where you say goodbye the third round right yeah I think so yeah I mean I don’t care but you know I’ve I’ve heard this stuff before but you know there you go you guys never know you [Music] never I have a Alias account with him is my Mo you got any sung glasses that look like those no I just use that picture right there I know who the is I’m looking at right now I know that man a lot of us do yes I had and we’ve watched people books and in forums threads that are 150,000 uh comments big you know 200,000 comments big people that you know been trying to figure that out for years you got minut you I remember it happening and uh they said that he most likely tried to jump somewhere over over uh where Utah I can’t remember where they say you jump but they found some money though some some people were vacationing they s found some the money that was by a river yeah that was that was a plant oh that was a plant to lead to lead the officials off track yeah but it wasn’t that much well it’s it’s not enough no it wasn’t it wasn’t much money now but back then it was you know 200,000 yeah they only found $5,000 and that was a plan yeah yeah he went there and deposited that $5,000 there to to to send everybody off in the wrong direction heck we we don’t know it might be you you Mo no that’s what I was trying to say I was asking Mo if he had any sunglasses like those not like those oh you broke them I would too I’d stash everything to hide my identity really do you remember the movie Dumbo Drop Dumbo Drop no oper oh no I don’t remember it was a Disney movie called dun Dumbo Drop where they dropped an elephant out of an airplane yeah that was Operation Dumbo Drop Like That Operation Dumbo Drop you remember that movie I was on the rigging crew oh you were on that one on the rigging crew cool cool yeah yeah we did all the rigging for the platform you know with the parachute the cargo shoots and everything for the for the phony elephant which looks real that that elephant looked real it was amazing it was a robot a robot elephant yeah we threw that thing out of a C130 now Mirage El Mirage uh dry lake bed is where we did it at nowadays they don’t even mess with that just do they CGI is that how they do it whatever they do CGI go first okay we off again this guy wants to ask me a question or something when the Net’s over he probably gonna say who are those people that keep saying all kind of stuff in the background I don’t know if you when I was doing did were you able hear any of that I could hear not really I didn’t pay attention to what you’re saying to them no I could hear yeah you can hear what he’s saying yeah oh okay it’s pretty clear and loud I just heard you know last week when you went and found all those treasures and I thought you might Beed I’m just waiting for this other guy to call me there’s another conversation and I actually know it work it is a it is a tube security alert streamyard was granted access to your Google account if you did not Grant access you should check this activity and secure your account you change password now yeah yeah right yeah couple years ago I actually yeah they usually say if if this was you you disregard this notice they didn’t say that this time uh oh but that’s how I got the chat to work was by signing in with the streamyard that’s when you know it’s real huh I said that’s when you know it’s real I guess security threat Mo you know that you know that video I made on how to do a live stream in horizontal that short video I did I did it because I saw this guy do a he goes I’m gonna record this guy playing I’m gonna do it live while he’s playing his guitar he goes to the place where the guy’s in concert and he’s has the whole thing sideways and I’m going what the hell you can’t even get your format ready and then you’re sitting there making a live stream out of that I’m not even gonna watch because I don’t want to turn my head like this watch so I made that just for that you know got with streamyard you don’t need all that crap just if you get streamyard just do that yeah you just turn the camera yeah it always shows it like this you know yeah that’s the easiest way to do it you know oh I got a I got a video scheduled for tomorrow the most ridiculous Sasquatch story you’ve ever heard you gonna that’s GNA stir them up there’s a bunch of them lately have you noticed that oh yeah I had the block a couple on my channel I was gonna I was gonna make a fake one but instead of the Sasquatch itself I was gonna put it was a female s squat yeah it was it was a Solo solo female sasquad you should do a space alien all these YouTuber all the YouTuber girls the single girls are getting the Vans and all that crap that’s what they Bo put hash solo female traveler and they get millions of views and crap you know if they’re wearing a butt tone you know a guy a guy can’t do anything to do like get that many views you know so I put now I put in my hashtags I put not a solo female traveler and I put I I put hashtag solot traveler that way they’ll at least look at it you know click it click it what it says Traver you know what you do7 your upload defaults where it’s got that spot yeah you put all your stuff in there yeah you could put in Solo female traveler that way the algorithm will pick you up and sort you out yeah they’ll get all they’ll get they’ll get all pissed though after they open up your stuff like three or four times but be too late you would have got the views already I forget what it’s called but I’m not using it anymore yeah it’s one of those Ro you know you unroll it you know the air comes comes out of goes into it or whatever Adventure America because I was using YouTube live was hurting like crazy but it keeps I my cheap $19 air mattress when I go camping my back gets way better and I wake up only and I come back here and it starts hurting again so I finally just got rid of it but I forget what it was called okay well it’s been at least couple the only bad thing about YouTube live doing the vertical on once you get on there and do that you can read the chat real good stuff but you get a bunch of trolls man the trolls I thought this one girl live and she did it like that and she got were like they were like ruthless all kind of her her um moderator didn’t really understand who to who to get rid of who was a troll and all that stuff like forget it which one do you get more views from Adventure America YouTube or streamyard stre number is nice in that you can adjust the uh you canjust I say YouTube because YouTube’s pushing the ver vertical they they’ll push your stuff out [Music] there keep any warmer than than the than the air mattress you’re using now that’s the only thing about an air mattress is they do s pretty warm see that see that guy in there called Gandalf Smith well I lower the amount of pressure he’s in there and once he figured out how to do a live stream and set one time he got he was do going at it pretty good doing lives and stuff he got he got torn up by trolls they attacked him so bad and stuff that he gave up he said forget this yeah it was bad and then it took a while to recover I don’t know I think he’s done like a couple Liv they were like doing stuff like changing their names and coming back and stuff it was terrible but I don’t know how they do that how they regulate who gets to change on us it says you can only change your name like what three times or something like that it takes two months or something like that sobody change their they must have sub accounts trolls with a accounts yeah off n of a thousand trolls yeah I have been helped by trolls see they’re real man they’re real and they’re a real problem man oh I believe it that’s why it’s good to have a finally gave up because still the best bed I’ve had so far for long for undisturbed night’s sleep and no back ache is a cheap $19 Intex uh air mattress so I just keep a bunch of them around just you because they eventually you know blow up but but they’re good that’s what I use that’s something to consider all right uh certainly less expensive than some of these others so I appreciate your input on that I’ll let you go have a good evening Larry and well the nice thing about air mattress I can get one of those out of Walmart when I pass through have to wait for shipping k7i this W7 y 73 Larry all righty Paul yeah get the queen size they’re great uh so W7 jcy K7 zfi 73s Paul you guys ever use a social blade I I I watch it once in a while just to see see where I sit yeah I checked I checked out my social blade today and they’re saying within like two weeks two and a half weeks I’ll be well over a thousand that’s good that’s good and I’m not saying you know like 1500 I’m saying like yeah you break the Thousand Mark well then you’re they’re saying like 1100 1150 yeah in about what’s what’s your what’s level that they have your like mine is B B minus or something like that nice I’m a C+ okay that’s good yeah I never heard of this stuff because I never had to go through any of that you know it’s just something to kind of give you like a a little bit more of a analytics I don’t I just post videos that’s all I do yeah you know and you know every once in a while I’ll go live and some subscribe mention this stuff and I go check out and it’s interesting I mean it’s some good information had a lot of fun doing it over the years and I’ve actually made some money doing it over the years and uh uh but YouTube has really turned me off in the last few years about the last five years I’ve gotten really turned off by YouTube by all their Shenanigans yeah and uh you know I with with less viewers I used to make a lot more money on AdSense and I never did it for the money but the thing is once they start paying you you get used to it it was nice to have I was getting anywhere from $800 to $1,500 a month and then all of a sudden they just whacked that down to practically nothing like I said uh this month I got $134 so but I never the thing is I can’t get mad about that because I never did it for the ad since right and the thing is also if you just demonetize yourself they’ll put commercials on there anyway so at least this way I have some control over the commercials and I don’t have to monetize all my videos yeah so I monetize the videos that have in something to do with my class or a project that we’re working on or something like that and all my adventure videos I don’t monetize because they’re just there for fun but by doing that YouTube doesn’t put commercials on a video that I’ve not monetized that’s what money is think is in the ads that money is in is in the ads and where they place them and stuff you know well yeah but some of the ads just a lot of them lately just make me sick to my stomach and I didn’t want those associated with my name or my videos right and only got so much control with that yeah exactly you know yeah I want my ads if on my trailers I want all my ads to be about RVs and and and camping and stuff but no they’re going to tell you that your vagina stinks you know every time they tell me vagina S I hate it because I’m going well I don’t know what to buy for my vagina yeah yeah I didn’t even know think thanks for letting me know yeah oh yeah I need that brao because my tits are so freaking big I want that brog send it to me now no I why are these ads on my on my videos y okay okay Carter here’s something that’s important also that you’re close to being fully monetized and all that stuff you’re getting around to that area once you get to that point where you are fully monetized and stuff don’t let up okay you have you have to keep posting and posting and posting that’s the only reason that’s the only reason I got totally montiz is because when I went on my 40-day 40-day trip I post a video every day plus all the shorts and stuff you know because it’s it’s what you’ve done the last 28 days is your watch time you know right yeah like if you’re car right now say say you hit a weak spot in your next week and then then you don’t have enough hours or they’re gonna demonetize you again so once you get to the point where you’re monetized you have to keep going up you can’t just relax you know and taper off or anything you got to keep getting up get mad at when you do that yeah they want you to you’re gonna be a good little worker be well like I say I don’t make my living I don’t even make my living on patreon I mean you know it’s nice to have 37,000 extra a year for doing a two-hour live stream once a week yeah that’s what I pay $37,000 and I take vacations from it but then I like to do a live stream wherever I’m from because all my all my students really love it because what we’re talking about is building trailers here and I’ll be out camping in a trailer yeah yeah and they just love it you know so awesome so it work s great you know for me yeah it’s great for you because you have that you know you have that ability to to teach the class and you know what you’re doing and all that so that’s good it all worked out good for you and that I can’t believe people are paying me to teach them to do that exactly okay I’ll take the money really really hell yeah man but that’s a you know you’re talking $134 a month from YouTube is what about $1,500 a year maybe if that much compared to 37,000 a year for having patreon right but I actually the reason I have so many patrons is because I actually do something for them I’m not just some chick in a butt thong right yeah exactly man although that would pay a lot better if I was maybe for a little while if there’s any young ladies out there uh in butt thongs uh you can become a YouTube millionaire overnight Y no no joke there that’s what I’m saying the women have the advantage man they have you know right away if they start if you have down to my level of income is that what you’re talking about equality yeah come down to my level really well you walk around half naked you know 10,000 million subscribers you know hundreds millions of dollars every month yeah I’ve seen some of these that they they claim they’re van lifers and stuff they’re good-look girls and stuff and they’ve been doing it for four years or so but they only have like 30 videos and I’m going what you and then they go I don’t know how what can I do to get more views and I’m going how about make more videos maybe that’ll work you know and I’m going dang that’s incredible you know yeah yeah it is I don’t know I I just have fun with it I mean that’s that’s my mind exactly that’s what you want to do have fun with it you know as soon as you start making it real and start scripting and figuring things out I don’t even do that with my classes all I do is come up with every week I come up with an idea for the class which is usually something I’m working on anyway on one of the trailers I’m working on and then I go with that and I don’t I don’t uh uh I don’t memorize any I put some notes down during the week of things I want to talk about like talking points and that’s it and I go unscripted live every Tuesday for two hours and and I I make $ 37,000 a year just doing that so but I’m also here for their questions 24 247 they send me uh questions during their entire project so like when I get up in the morning between 6 and 8:00 I’m answering emails on questions like what video do I watch for this or how do I do that or blah blah blah you know and I answer their questions for a couple hours and then while I’m out in the shop working all day I got my computer out there running and I’m answering their questions there too and when I go on vacation I do it on this thing so well I just wanted I just wanted to see if I could do it you know I just didn’t I didn’t know if I could do it or not to be monetized and do all that I didn’t want to earn a living with it I just but I just thought if I’m gonna do it any it’d be nice to you know hey I could take this extra money I make and put it in the gas tank you know that would help yeah or into a new camera or something like that you know because you can do that my my income as little as it is it pays my internet uh uh here you know what it cost me for internet and um a few other little subscriptions I have for you know editing videos and things like that so it pays for that uh I finally got away from you know got to have the greatest latest greatest equipment and camera and lighting and audio and all this [ __ ] all you need is one of these you can forget about all that [ __ ] yeah well I started my channel was an iPhone SE it’s like the cheapest iPhone that you could buy and I mean that’s that’s where a lot of my videos they were recorded on now that that phone leaped out of my pocket to its demise I wound up picking myself up a iPhone 12 it’s nothing new but it has better features than the SE which I’m thankful for um so you know I’m like I said it for me it’s it’s going to be stages it’s you know reinvesting like I said my big thing I just I want to have fun with it I’ve got time so you know every once in a while you’ll have a video go completely viral and you’ll make money that month yeah whoa and from what I understand doing a lot of shorts will help your channel too so do like at least a short a day if not maybe two a day y exactly exactly man that’s what I’ve been doing yeah because it will help your channel it might not help you because you don’t make hardly anything advertising wise on shorts but it helps your channel because people are introduced to you now and they see what you do and so people that are likeminded and you know will will subscribe and I’ve actually subbed to a lot quite a few people just from happening to see their shorts yeah oh yeah this one guy that walks around on the beach with a cell phone around his neck over in Greece and it’s nothing but butt thongs everywhere so all the all these beautiful butts and legs everywhere that’s that’s one of the things though the mobile tech once you get to be a big dog up there and have a bunch of subs and all that then you don’t watch other people’s videos anymore I do I do I don’t watch my own I know you do I’m not saying you but you know I’m just saying I do I watch I watch yours don’t I God it on the internet I’d love to have like Wonder husy watch one or two of my videos but she never does but you know somebody like that you know somebody that has you know Wonder Hy actually you know he actually has watched a few of my videos because Wonder husy in the beginning contacted me I didn’t contact her she made the first Contact which is how I found out about her I didn’t even know she existed until she contacted me and it was when she got that little trailer and she wanted some advice on it so and I could go meet her anytime I want I actually saw her in Ballarat once but she was filming so I didn’t want to bother her and then we all s and uh I I I know her schedule and stuff for when she goes right just an hour and a half away from me in Bridgeport you know she there I could run into her there go meet her there if I wanted to I’ve been a little afraid to because I’m not that kind of guy that goes chasing after someone you know I don’t want to freak him out right people do that with her and I guess she’s used to it but uh I’d rather it happen with her anyway by happen stance but just by chance like I same time well she if she does that Memphis trip or that Nashville trip I might go find her there i’ go look for if she came that far you know and you had you’re not close to her like I am she’s just right down there in t yeah drive right to her house if I actually wanted to just meet up with her i’ tell you she me because she contacted me when she got that little trailer for some advice that I gave her and she was always thankful for that yeah yeah if Van City van lifee made a comment on one of my videos that would be for me that would be pretty epic yeah yeah but see you know what I’m talking about then they just don’t watch other people’s videos you know they don’t I used to watch Van City van life but he got old well and that happens you people they you know I used to watch Matt’s off-road until he got really big and started scripting you know I don’t I want to see that’s what I like about YouTube I’m seeing you it’s YouTube and you it’s not you know Hollywood tube which is what it become they start scripting and they have really well that’s that’s the problem that’s problem mod that everybody thinks that if they they start a YouTube channel they’re GNA make bucks right away big bucks you know yeah oh no it doesn’t it’s not the case you know I’ve been building my channel for 17 years and I make $134 a month so no yeah yeah no you’re not gonna like I said unless you got a butt thong and you look good in it definitely not a quick SCH is it wear but you might blow up the internet if you do that really anyway you guys I’m gonna I’m gonna get off of here man so why all right aren’t we having fun you want me to stay on for a while I will we’re almost three hours yeah it’s almost go it’s going on three hours so so well Mo’s got it made cuz these two hours well you guys both are at two hours earlier than me yeah it’s 8:20 yeah so what are you 10:20 what time is it it’s yeah okay 10:20 yeah what do you got what what do you got on in the background or is that the sun peeking through no that’s oh no for John it’s 10 yeah yeah that’s right the hell with it let’s just’s stay on for a while way behind the hill you’re right let’s just stay on for a while okay why not I was just GNA go get another beer I don’t want to so let me go get another beer Joan said you all are so funny that’s I’ll be right back I’m going to get me another beer oh I have to visit the little boy room that’s cool did anybody here ever watch Naked Gun the movie yeah remember when he left his mic on and he went to the bathroom oh yeah I have a bathroom in my shop and I did that once I couldn’t believe I did it either because I love that movie and I know I shouldn’t I should have turned the mic off but I didn’t so is it from the class I said I’ll be right back and I have I have a bathroom I left the door open of course because the camera wasn’t in there with me but I had my my uh uh M wirel mic on and I forgot to turn it off I P fullon Naked Gun awesome I’ll never live that one down either all right I gotta let my dog out better do that my dog doesn’t want to go out oh now I’m the only one here so I can’t go get a beer can I because we can’t have dead air oh Brenda’s going to be on and you have so much CH fun on CH on her Channel yeah like this place is boring I guess okay Joanne we know how you are now well maybe we’ll go to her Channel who’s Brenda she wear butt thong oh there he is there’s one one back soon as we get at least one back then I can go get a bear that’ll be my third beer tonight and that’s usually my Max excuse me sorry course I drank I drank a cord of of uh Fireball God I still got most of that fireball that uh Zed gave me in Death Valley last year Jesus Christ that’s that’s funny a gallon and a half what am I gonna do with a G you know I use those little bottles you know like on the airplane B he gives me [ __ ] that’s like wow man you know my God I couldn’t believe it and I still have that sixpack of beer with a picture of the Volkswagen bus on the front what’s that beer called he gave me a sixpack of that um blueberry or something something like that yeah blueberry beer or something raspberry beer I think it is oh it’s freeden Redbird in here hello Brenda if you’re in here I missed all right you’re back so I’m going to go get a beer I’ll be right back look everybody everybody left [Laughter] look no no uh Mo left this thing on but I like this this is what I like the most about um about the Whatchamacallit stream streamyard is when you got to go to the bathroom you just sit there gotta go pee hit that Stop Cam and then run off and go you know I am drinking Fireball are you really are you really Troy oh okay okay John Larry ask who Brenda was Brenda’s Channel took off man I remember when Brenda she wasn’t she didn’t have very much stuff on there and then she started doing live and then bam she just went boom but a lot of because she made friends with uh what’s her name go to Brenda and what’s her name the other and all those lives that you guys go to and stuff that that really that really did that really shot her Channel up man I’m glad too you know Wendy Yeah Wendy and Wendy and Brenda how can you forget that Wendy and Brenda I mean I’ve I’ve heard some hilarious hilarious lives on that one i’ I’ve been there in there sometime I go should I go in there and I go no because then I’m gonna have to say hi to everybody and I don’t know these people are out of control I was telling them I have to go so I can go to Brenda’s Channel that’s okay that’s okay Joanne you don’t have to do that you just do be like Gandalf it’s just be right back be right back BRB yeah GP it’s BRB ggp which means be right back gotta go get gotta go pee it supposed to say G GB means be right back gotta get beer yeah you’re not kidding gandal they get wild there man where do they get wild at Bren Brenda and Brenda and Wendy’s live really I don’t know I don’t know you guys I don’t know you guys need to drop their links Gandalf can you drop Wendy and uh Brenda’s links yeah do that so mobile tech mobile tech he he kind of like those kind of lives I’m dirty old man I I don’t have no life of course I live I live in Nevada so if need be I can rent I can have so much fun yeah who’s gonna drop the link there where’s the link I think I think Gandalf was looking them up I think yeah yeah you’d like them there couple of older well Brenda’s the older lady but Wendy’s one Wendy’s the younger one but a lot of people are just in love with Wendy and stuff you know so there’s this lady I just picked up on uh on YouTube lately she’s 60 years old blonde and gorgeous really yeah and crazy and lately and she’s a she’s a full-tim in a uh uh in a camper truck and lately uh she’s been visiting clothing optional RV camps in the one in Quartzsite I don’t know where they are she hasn’t mentioned where they are but there’s one in court side that’s RV Club yeah there’s one south of the where where all the people stay there it’s you got you got to go farther Wonder Hy went there once she went there no not that one the one she’s been frequenting is somewhere else I think like either in Colorado or in uh Mexico or something hi Mrs Adventure how you doing Angela let me see if I can get find her link and so I’ll I’ll put a link look look at Troy got my attention [Laughter] Mo anyway Mo there’s Freedom red birds there that’s Brenda and then uh let’s see okay I guess he’s looking up Wendy’s so make sure you copy that one make sure you copy the yeah let me uh I’m going to get people these people are crazy on there yeah she’s like 60 and she’s gorgeous and and I’m thinking well [ __ ] that’s only 12 years younger than me I can go get that I wouldn’t feel like Robin Gradle there we go that’s why I can’t think of Wendy’s because name is Southern swn and grown because she started out doing like a lot of seeds and growing gardening and all that stuff but I think she found her true calling was the live streams trying to find this good Wendy’s a good person I like her well so is Brenda also I think she’s oh yeah here she is okay okay clothing optional truck camping Adventure at 59 this was last year she’s she’s doing one right now that I haven’t found the uh link to yet but let me get this my husband yeah all these uh all these dang ads that don’t pertain to me my husband’s a panty dropper what’s that [Laughter] up oh my god do we even want to really know this person Mo oh yeah no that’s the advertisement coming that’s what I mean that Google says it’s supposed to be targeted advertising so I get all these weird ads about my vagina stinking and everything I just don’t know what um no I’m posting the link for this chick right now and that’s her first visit to a hip Camp uh in her truck camper uh where it’s clothing optional so she’s just getting used to it she really found out than this chick loves walking around naked and I’ve been to nudus camps I did a bunch of work in a nudus camp uh uh you know putting 13 driveways and and and porch slabs in at one it was local me so I know what they’re like there’s a lot of people in Den camps that really shouldn’t be allowed to walk around naked they should be forced to cover up because oh my God there’s just some people that shouldn’t be naked yeah that’s like that’s what wonder I mean these people I’d be embarrassed if that was me and I was looking in a mirror I wouldn’t be able to have any mirrors in my house naked that’s what wonder wonder husty was saying that about the old guys going these old guys that have their balls hanging down to their knees now yeah and the old chicks that have their you know boomas hanging down on their knees no that’s their that’s where they hide their wallet and stuff now yeah wait is it on the left or the right you wanna you might want to get that checked out Mo Mrs Adventure said if you guys don’t know Mrs Adventure that’s Adventure America’s wife so so don’t say anything bad okay no know them I’ve sub to them geez go done messing me up Joan Joanne said I’m gone Brenda’s on that means that means they’re starting a live over there yeah but we never got a link Joanne give us a link to Brenda before you leave wants to crash crash the party we should we should crash the party absolutely yeah if we only had a link we could do that we I mean we could stay on here and do it that’s that’s true Angela it’s never the people you want to see the right on point there yeah they like me they like Mo but there beaches in Texas there hey look Victor Debs how you doing Victor I didn’t see you in here earlier so hi Victor Debs how you doing Mo here Gandalf posted the link he said on Brenda there it is it is yeah go in there and give him hell there Mo say hey is this where the action [Laughter] is I I read this on a bathroom wall yeah say something right everyone been here from the beginning but been busy okay that’s that’s cool being busy is a good thing Victor okay I’m there oh there’s Branda she the blonde dang it now I gotta go in there and see what’s going on our Channel subscribers of five minutes or longer can send minut oh you can’t subscribers only mode there it is freedom red hi br well I’m I I can’t post Freedom Redbird I still can’t post I got I can’t SC this okay yeah that was Brenda okay well now I know who Branda is no I’m looking for something younger probably about 20 or 30 years [Music] younger yeah I know you don’t Adventure America you don’t you never do some beaches you go to you can’t help it you either put your camera away or you can’t help it yeah yeah I got to respect the wife yeah happy wife happy life I know I tried to do that a couple of times just didn’t work out never got never got to the altar no I made it to the altar but never made it to the altar I should have never made it to the altar a lot of people should have never made it there yeah yo now I got nobody to leave all my crap to who somebody’s gonna want all this crap someday I don’t know who what else have I got for showing H over there fun stuff fun stuff let’s see here that video My Time Lapse video that I posted on the 19th has 1142 views that’s cool and all it is is just still frame shots of me gutting my van down to the shell and then rebuilding it from there did you hashtag vanli ipris you didn’t get a quar million I did put some some keywords cool anybody know what this is is that one of those old Sony TV holy c yeah it worksman Sony Vision or whatever it’s called I collect old Sony Watchman yeah Sports this is the sport that’s nice so I used to have one of those and go to the OU games and watch replays on it yeah oh this thing works I I I collect old electronics I have a 1954 desktop TV over there that I use in my trailers when they’re on display and I play uh I Love Lucy through it on a so uh but yeah Sony right there oop when Sony actually put out good stuff now look at the size of that screen compared to my hand you know they you say Sony the one and only pretty cool deal a Geer counter Geer counter I have a guer counter right in there I used to do be a hobby Miner I used to go for gold do you like do you still like to go explore mines Mo oh yeah yeah I love doing that do you really a lot of people doing it still man there’s me in Paris when I actually had girlfriends we have a swimming pool with that drop zone it was great uh hang around the swimming pool you’ll meet ladies in butt [Laughter] thongs that’s that’s Mo’s hashtag right there hashut thong but on a butt kick tonight put those uncomfortable as hell and I don’t think it’s sexy at all I would you know what I think sexy the old um uh Dukes a hazard uh short uh short uh blue jean shorts on women that’s you know that sexy to me and the and the tie top you know how they tied it up here so they it expose their just their mid drift you know that looks sexy to me that butt thong looks uncomfortable would you would you want to wear one of those geez yeah it doesn’t look sexy to me at all the daisy daisy dukes that’s what they’re called Daisy Dukes da yeah but uh but they look funny when they cut them so short whe they’re shorter than the pockets the pox pockets are sticking away pockets are hanging out Yeahs those on I think that looks great that’s that’s sexy to me so you know how we were just talking about how at nude parks there really shouldn’t be some people walking around nude yeah yeah we just rolled into Daisy Dukes with the pockets hanging out right really I was walking into a Walmart and as I was walking in there was this lady walking out in Daisy Duke shorts Pockets showing and then I looked up all the way to look at her face and it it nearly made me jump out of my skin it was it was pretty bad that bad huh yeah yeah it was it was pretty bad did she have more than one tooth uh I didn’t really look at her that long smiling at you or anything I noticed a lot of wrinkles off your other Toth I noticed a lot of wrinkles and sagginess and I was just if you want to see that Stu you go to Walmart Walmart on the 24-hour Walmarts that’s where you go to see that late at night they still have those anymore I don’t think they I haven’t seen one since Co man so but I have to drive somewhere though yeah I have to go a long ways to go to a Walmart and the people that are in my Walmarts are they’re normal people so normal people they are they’re normal people I mean they well actually they are kind of weird the kids are really weird around here because if you’re walking up to a door and there’s a kid standing there he’ll open the door for you and say here you go sir you go what you call me yeah yeah I haven’t heard that in a long time you say thank you no problem sir okay let me go wow these kids are from another planet let me throw them in my Walmart plug you guys I don’t think I mention I I told uh I told Carter earlier but uh this is for the people in the chat you guys if you go to Walmart online and you and you go to the go to the camping gear and stuff they got a big discounts on all their a lot of their equipment I guess I guess because of the time of the year for camping and stuff but you know they got a lot of stuff that’s really discounted real low and they’ll deliver too so so that’s what I’m looking for those those collapsible uh what do you call it collapsible bowls and and and stuff those are that’d be handy to have in advance so I’m going to pick up a couple of those they have uh they have even the propane tanks man the the little propane tanks two for n bucks so or 9.98 or something that’s pretty good deal on those you know two for yeah what do you see on my screen right now what what do you see on my screen right now you I see you added another thing on here that says Mo what do you want me to do add you again can I add you again then you’re going to be on their double oh yeah do that add me again let me see I want to play with this I want to see what it does okay that’s now hang on a second now hang on okay um you’re trying to make us go into infinity or what yeah we’re gonna go yeah just hang on this is GNA be cool now wait a minute oh there you go okay I see you’re trying to show us your stuff there that’s your that’s your that’s your your rig I like that 78 Blazer right there yeah that’s nice man nice RS that’s right Avenger America the sooner Walmart discount yeah this is one and that’s a 69 Siesta trailer behind me and you can see Sabrina sitting down there uh uh behind my chair uh and and you can see the solar I was just starting to dabble into solar stuff then so I was trying stuff out and that’s a little stairway I made for Sabrina because she went blind she can’t jump in and out of the truck anymore so she goes up and down those stairs to get in and out okay so yeah I I was wondering if I could do this and obviously I can so yeah you you just have to be added twice that’s all so actually any any one of us could do that and add yourself again and you want if like like well only if you have streamyard I’m I’m coming to you on this one with on this stream with streamyard now yeah so uh yeah I wanted to uh find some uh find us a a jumping down the airplane picture yeah I’m looking for a jumping there’s one there’s one I saw here we are over Paris making a heart there’s one look at that I like that one right there man that’s nice yeah we love Skydive Paris see that’s the Drop Zone down there in the runway and everything we’re right over wow green part is the runway okay well who the who the heck was the guy taking the picture that’s what I want to know a friend of mine was he he was still in the plane or was he jumper well he’s he’s above us with a camera on his head a couple of cameras actually okay go to that one up there yeah that one right here that’s me right here in the light blue oh man this is nice man that’s cool that’s Lake Paris out there in the background yeah that’s Lake Paris in the background and we’re directly there’s the 15 freeway below us so just to give you an idea that’s pretty damn cool Mo that’s pretty cool now see you now you taught us something new now now Carter said Carter’s in there going how can I use this in mine now did this for 30 years uh here’s the I’ve jumped out of both of these here’s our DC3 yeah the DC3 that’s a dc9 over here or jet who was the uh who was the little lady in the in the previous folder shot um down yeah right there she’s smiling holding something up in her hand oh yeah she’s got a Shiner Bo what do you say to a girl what do you say to a girl with uh with a black eye yeah holy you already hit her once or you already told her once bu uh she was a lady that I used to go camping and skydiving with quite a bit we called her naked Nancy she she just hated clothes she ran around naked all the time so everywhere she could we have our own wind tunnel see we have we have a right Angela I’m with you right Angela we have this wind tunnel here and you in Paris and you can go skydiving that without getting in an airplane that thing’s pretty cool it’s only uh $20 a minute friend m c there’s Santa Claus jumping out of the Santa Claus yeah so uh yeah I’ve I’ve done this for a long time and uh here’s one that didn’t make it Off The Runway I have a whole video of that on on my channel that’s a DC3 that exploded in Flames while taking off oh man that’s sad yeah and and photographers were on board this guy was one of them that took this picture and I I have the whole video on my channel so and they say airplanes aren’t safe there is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane that’s all I want to say about that they don’t they don’t exist yeah jumping out of the otter that’s that’s a cool shot there we actually take a piece out the out of the door we’re all hooked up together like that out of the door and we get out and everybody chases down to us and grabs a hold so um yeah good stuff good stuff here let’s see what else let’s see um my uh my main line oh that’s a that’s a new one no that’s the one I rebuilt already and then I bought the the one the one I just bought is the same thing only 2et shorter but smaller but smaller right right yeah this see it says silver lodger on there yeah mine mine is a silver Lark it’s man that’s beautiful man that’s beautiful it took me two two and a half years to restore this thing but that’s what I it look it used to look like the other one that I have now and I was completely restored this one uh it’s it’s it’s really bitching I mean the inside is just beautiful like this is all new wood in here I mean I re 56 you say no this is 1948 Mainline oh God 48 yeah these are original horsehair bench seats here for the dinette this is inside my shop yeah it took me a while this one there’s the original ice box oh wow wow really you just put a chunk of ice in there yeah you put the ice in the top they used to put a block block of ice in there original uh panel Ray heater propane heater wow and see that that that seat in the back there folds down into a bed that’s a goucho seat that goes back up into a couch too well see I I see where I see where everything’s cust I see where they got the idea for those those tall propane heaters now that they have that was like it but you know well they worked they sure worked good but propane was a lot cheaper then there’s there it is turned into a goucho uh a a turned into a couch so I rebuilt this whole thing and made it look still completely original a gooo a couo yeah I milled all my own lumber for this that’s nice work man that’s that looks good that’s oh man that’s really cool man Mo damn yeah this thing uh it um where’s here’s here’s one yeah it’s worth $40,000 right now yeah but why sell it when you can ride around that thing man well this isn’t mine I did this for a customer I didn’t think this is when we only thought thought there was only six in the world including this one and then mine came along we go oh wow there’s seven yeah there’s mine’s the seventh one we there’s only seven of them we can find that we know of so I’m figuring there might be at least 10 in the world because there’s probably two or three left that we still don’t yeah but they’re gonna say yours yours is a shorty one though you’re the shorty oh it doesn’t matter there’s one shorter than me called the loafer and that one’s only that one’s only 10 feet long this one here is is mine is is 14 14 ft it’s a 14 foot box so it’s still pretty big and it’s really wide I had these uh made by an artist friend of mine who uh is another skydiver friend of mine he pops on to my live streams once in a while all I see is Airbnb really there it is after I finished it first time I to and I’m having it weigh right there how much is 2300 lb that’s not bad considering everything that that you were showing all the wood trailer yeah it’s 20 foot trailer so not bad all these truck drivers and everybody in the office and everything had to come out and look at it I stopped everything everything stopped Paul tricky welcome to the live yeah there’s carpa R Us again welcome back hey quiet resilience uh you said that you lived in in San Diego before so do you know where so do you know oh you’re born there um so you do you know where anab bgo is no okay I went there I went there on my trip just see the wildf flowers and stuff and there’s a guy out there that got a chunk of land right before the town and stuff out there in the middle of the desert and stuff really nice and you got like six or seven of the small trailers like he’s showing us not that quality you know but just small ones out there he’s got a painted up real nice and stuff and that’s what his air be B is that’s pretty cool it’s really cool man I bet I bet he’s always selling out on that too good idea man just grab a chunk of land you know and put some Traders on it make some money man absolutely and there’s there’s some people here Southern Oregon yeah and they have they have uh a large piece of land and they put out like the uh the heavy canvas tents and they’ve got it on a deck and it’s got nice that’s pretty cool I like that well there’s a word for them the there’s a there’s a name for them I forgot what they’re called well those ones that are like in the octagon and stuff and like a TP type tent no there there’s some that are roundish looking and there’s some that are more like a square and stuff there’s different types of them but yeah right yeah but they’ve got them out there on their property and shoot they rent them for like $200 to $300 a night yeah exactly man you know which I think is holy crap I wouldn’t pay $2 to $300 a night but I mean obviously they’re getting it so yeah but if you think about it what’s a good Motel cost now anyway it’s over $100 you know in a in a city it’s over $100 anyway so yeah at least out there you’re out there $300 yeah screw that I know you’d rather camp out so but you know what he’s saying it’ be it’d be a good idea though really do it do something like that yeah that’s what I was I was trying to say mo is you could run out your trailer for two to $300 a night oh I know I could yeah I could do that but I don’t don’t want anybody else in it here we are in Death Valley here’s an old cabin in Death Valley that we’re in it’s one of those volunteer cabins you can stay there this one had a shower it worked solar hot water there another cabin 100y old cabin’s out in Death Valley man hey Mo did you uh did you uh ever contact Jenny about the the little the little trailer yeah we were already talked yeah it’s it’s she’s not she doesn’t want it she doesn’t want it okay she doesn’t really want it and besides that you know what the problem is now it actually I’d have to work on it before I gave it to her anyway so but she’s not she’s not into that yeah you you don’t want to give her something that has puts time and money into then you know well yeah you know well I would have fixed it up if she actually wanted I would have got I would have done thear there’s nak he is that’s that’s nak Nancy and she’s a skydiving instructor believe it or not she’s a really good Sky fire and beer welcome in man well Mo she’s been through a lot of sh crap lately because she lost her mother so that’s why I was wondering about you know what if you guys did anything about that so but she’s getting back to where she is where she’s okay now with it so she’s handling a lot better so here we’re getting pretty big in the sky let’s see if I can get one of these that you can actually see show us show us another one of those where you’re jumping out man look at all these canopies in the sky yeah that’s cool y those are 100 ways got 100 people in the [Music] formation there they are all practicing this is this was the save the titty campaign yeah it was uh they’re jumping to make money for breast cancer they they did that for five years then they then they found out that the organizer was keeping all the money okay okay okay Mo I’m gonna go ahead and ask this have you ever done one of those nude jumps where everybody’s naked and jump out uh yeah did you really yeah we jumped in yeah we’ve jumped into a nudus camp uh naked and we also this is a funny one let me go let me uh I can’t show you pictures of this one I don’t want to see the pictures but there’s that Mighty Mo by the way the big boy or Mighty Mo yeah there it is right there yeah yeah yeah there it is Big Boy number 44 I’m gonna go see it man I don’t care that’s that’s on my bucket list for sure okay I’m gonna get rid of this this share thing here there we go yeah okay am I on here twice now or once you’re on here once okay good all right so that’s cool thank you tell how to do that man that’s cool um it asks you if you want to sign in with streamyard if you do you get all your streamyard controls if you have streamyard yeah it’s just like I’m doing streamyard now and you’re doing streamyard now we can both do the same [ __ ] yeah so it might not might not apply to free the free accounts and stuff I can stop my cam and do it like that you know yeah yeah and uh I can I can present photos like you said saw and I’ll bet look what look here I’ll do this save the Tas I’ll do this watch this um let’s see hold on there we go I like that everybody everybody that sees that goes can you play the piano oh cool but it has that weird thing where it’s moving around man here there there there goes it’s it’s s now what are you doing Mo I see the flag down there oh do you yeah what are you doing what you hear you don’t hear the video or the sound there we go no I see a flag though it says Mo flag you want me want me to open it up there’s my backround yeah there you go that’s that’s cool man that’s not your real van that’s your that’s your van of your thumbnails right yeah yeah that’s that’s my okay I see wait a minute hold on now it’s awesome though actually that’s my that’s my future van it it won’t play for some reason yeah it won’t it won’t play play I don’t know why that uh that one video I saw that you did where where you’re doing something with the thumbnail where he’s parked there and he’s got like that little Second Story and all that stuff up there in the ladder going up there but uh I saw a place like that for sale in Arizona all it was is a place for your van to go park or RV had a lake and had a place where you could pull underneath you know was covered on and it had like Power and electric and water I’m like wow that’s great man it was like it’s only like two or three acres but it was cool man yeah little little did I know back then though how much you know it was really worth you know somebody bought that up in a heartbeat man and it was done it was done really well that’s what that picture reminded me of wow look there’s that place you know yo Paul whoa we got a Galaxy on Mo oh now he’s in a vintage TV there there we go okay how did you do that man I have a program he’s on the Vintage TV I remember that it was like Let’s Make a Deal 43 channels or some crap like that well that’s if you used both UHF and VHF I see the sunglasses now there he is see yeah okay you know all the tips and tricks there the crown yeah there you go he’s the king I’m doing great Paul tricky how are you doing man enjoy there he is Mickey Mouse enjoying the Friday night really hey I don’t care what anybody says I think we had a a great live like this this is cool you see all this all this stuff that we’ve never seen before and stuff it’s awesome man oh okay what is it now okay now he’s on a picture on the wall oh that is cool unbelievable thanks Victor Victor devs I think so too it’s different I it’s it’s a different live anyway I thought actually I I just wanted to do a live and and be with that guy in Florida and do our live together together and and hopefully get a few more watch hours and stuff but this this beats it all man look at that yeah you know we got all this stuff on here so now you’re on a what is that a billboard or something yeah I’m on a billboard here I’m on the side of the 405 freeway right here I don’t know how to undo that now mostly go live on YouTube but I might change my mind to Mo I’m sticking around till you shut it down thanks [Music] Victor I can’t believe Mo’s pulling Mo you’re pulling all the tricks out now man look at this [Music] Barcelona are you gonna pull out a Price’s ride or something now and I don’t have that anywhere um [Laughter] whoa really Adventure America said MO is invited to my live [Laughter] anytime yeah Mo’s a good guy to have a live man I did I was out there at Indian bread rocks in Southern Arizona camping out and we did a live out there it was pretty cool if you did a bunch of shorts like that you might get a crudload of views yep that’s what I tried to tell him there Victor but he said he don’t like it he don’t but he knows now they changed they changed the the the rules in in YouTube where you can make you can make lives from all your material any actually from anybody’s material you can grab somebody else’s material if they don’t object and make a lot uh make a little short out of it you know and it’s all through that you have to do it through your phone it’s called remix you know did you know about that a Carter uhuh yeah look at it look on your phone next time and just practice on something on your own stuff but just look at the little button that says remix you won’t see it on the on your laptop it’s only on the phone so you got to find a good clip or something and then you can make a short out of it and then it gives you you know it’ll say look at look at the fulllength video you know so that’s pretty cool mushroom days Mo I looking for something else and I can’t find it oh here maybe it’s this yeah I think this is it yeah this is it yeah oh man you need a ham radio one too whatever you yeah to make that yep no room left for me dang it it’s incredible man all right enough of that crap really enough of that all right now I got to eat dinner it’s getting late I gotta eat dinner 907 I haven’t eaten dinner yet what I’ve been drinking my dinner so oh well you know now I actually have to eat something so with that I’m probably gonna go ahead what is Victor Deb said Mo if you did a bunch of shorts like that you may get a crud load of views yeah but I don’t care about the views not into it you know I don’t care I just come here for fun we we care though that’s just a simple little program that I use the reason I got that program was because it allows me to use my uh um my my uh big camera my Canon yeah digital for that’s pretty cool though yeah for my class and everything so you know that’s a big camera where you change lenses and all that you know it’s an EOS so okay man if you’re gonna go go eat something then I’m gonna end this stream because it’s been almost going on for no it’s 3:41 yeah yeah okay well it’s been fun John it’s been fun it’s a lot of fun man I never been through all this before wow it was nice meeting you brother yeah yeah you too quiet resilience thank you you you guys all all of you in the chat man appreciate yall for coming in love you guys man absolutely thanks a lot man wouldn’t be worth doing without you guys and and stay tuned in we’re we’ll do it again some other time man thanks a lot bye bye

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Equipment I use:
Video & Pictures: Sony A7II (full frame, mirrorless) 28mm 2.0 lens, Rode Microphone
Video: Sony a5000
Video: Iphone 14 promax
Video: DJI Osmo Action 4
Audio: DJI Wireless Mic2
Gimbal: Dji Ronin-SC with Utebit quick connector
Gimbal: Hohem Isteady Multi
Gimbal: Hohem iSteady Pro4
Tripod: Manfrotto 3001BD with 486RC2 Head
Photography: Canon 1Ds MKII or Canon 1Ds MKIII, assortment of Canon L lens, Alien Bees Lights & Triggers & Defusers
Drone: Mavic Pro, old but reliable
Music: Fender Stratocaster Sea Foam Green Vintera 50’s, Fender Telecaster American, Fender Telecaster B bender Vintera 60’s, Gibson Les Paul Studio, Gibson Firebird, PRS Santana SE, Zager ZAD50CE African Mahogany Acoustic, Fender Newporter Acoustic Guitar the one with the Strat neck, Martin Acoustic LX1RE, 1979 Hohner Acoustic Dreadnaught and several more…

Work? naw, I did my time! 😃 Photog of Models, Ex Chef at 2 members only clubs, Ham K5CHF, GMRS WRKA914, Sooners & Broncos fan since ’77…Screw Cov1d! AF brat! Lets Go Sooners!


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