Top 22 Must-See Destinations in Spain – Ultimate Spain Travel Guide

[Music] Spain have you dreamed of discovering Spain’s hidden gems where every nook and cranny exudes Rich history and amazing scenery imagine walking across the surreal bardus Real’s desert Enchanted by Santa Maria de monserat Abbey or listening for alhamra Whispers join us as we unveil the top mustsee destinations in Spain you simply must see not miss this amazing trip number one kamito Del re known also as the king’s little path the kamito Del re runs over Andalucia Spain’s dramatic ganes Gorge designed originally between 1901 and 1905 to reach the hydroelectric power station El choro King Alfonso the T gave it Royal name when he walked its unstable path in 1921 the first clear path collapsed and Drew Daredevils across its crumbling platforms using mountaineering gear 2014 saw the construction of New Wooden boardwalks which make it safer but still rather exciting on the edge of the gorge these boardwalks nowadays hang up to 100 m above the river combining environment history and thrills the kamito Del re presents a remarkable experience think on the resiliency of human engineering and The Echoes of past footsteps as you negotiate this world world how would our definition of Adventure change if we combine risk with [Music] beauty number two cavitate hidden treasure in the kulac Cabra area of Catalonia tavet is 900 m above Cliffs imagine a town where great views meet historic past here evidence of prehistoric activity consists in an Iberian wall Neolithic relics and megalithic tombs but front stage is the Cliffs of tet a hypnotic mix of colors falling into the abyss from the town’s point of view the this well-known scenery invites memories davet is a quiet Haven nowadays its 48 original houses from the 17th and 18th centuries form a harmonic group declared a cultural asset of Interest it dethly Blends modern and old architecture the peace and quiet here Comfort visitors underneath invites contemplation the Gilles and the valley of [Music] Saul and considering Echoes have you ever thought about the secrets the old tavat Ted walls mutter [Music] number three alhamra the fascinating Palace and fortification complex the alhamra graced the hills of Granada Andalusia Spain Arabic derived its name the red most surely relates to the sundried brick walls around it not only among the most well-known specimens of ISL IC architecture this architectural Wonder exhibits Spanish Renaissance form designed under Muhammad IBN Alamar the first nased Amir of the Emirate of Granada the alhamra dates back 13th century nestled on the Sabika Hill it replaced earlier fortifications and Samuel iian nagas 11th century residents later in the 14th century nasid Governors improved moved the Palaces after the Christian Reconquista in 1492 the alhamra became Ferdinand and Isabella’s Royal Court later on the beauty of Washington Irving’s tales of the alhamra won respect everywhere rediscovered after some of it was damaged by Napoleon’s Army the alhamra is today a popular tourist destination in Spain and a UNESCO world heritage site [Music] as you stroll its complex Courtyards and admire the delicate stuco work think about how the alhamra Echoes Millennia of History so closing cultural gaps and considering Echoes What secrets might the old alhamra s whisper to those who pay [Music] attention number four teda National Park tucked on tener Canary Islands teda National Park is an amazing Fusion of natural beauty and Volcanic Grandeur rise in 3,718 m above sea level mount Tada is the highest mountain in Spain from its ocean floor base this dormant volcano dominates the terrain and ranks third among all the volcanoes worldwide complimenting it Pico vijo finishes the pair of Canary Island Peaks above 3,000 M at 3,135 M declared as UNESCO world heritage site in 2007 the park spans 18,990 hectares its old lava flows lunar likee settings and rugged terrain Inspire awe and research tourists visit the RO de Garcia odd rock formations appearing sculpted by Giants Rising on an Eastern Ridge the observatorio Dela has telescopes pointed Skyward as you Meander over this volcanic domain consider the forces that over Millennia shaped it how might tidday National Park enable us to bring the distance separating Earth’s fiery past from our quest of cosmic knowledge close regarding Cosmic riddles What secrets might the ancient T rocks whisper to those who pay [Music] attention number five Basilica de sagada Familia known as Basilica it Temple expat de sagada Familia the sagada Familia is a stunning Masterpiece in Barcelona Catalonia Spain designed by notable Catalan architect Antoni this massive Church transcends time and Architectural standards starting in 1882 building is still ongoing but the Sagrada Familia shows human creativity and dedication combining goth Revival art nuuvo and modernista ideas its soaring spires meticulous facades and organic forms gaudi’s genius resides in his mix of religious symbolism with natural elements columns like tree trunks stained glass catching sunlight like Kaleidoscope leaves why distinguishes the sagrad familiar not only building but also a spiritual trip marveling at the passion facade which shows Christ’s suffering and the Nativity facade his birth visitors find Sunlight dances across brilliant stained glass as a forest of columns stretches for heaven think about how the incomplete Sagrada Familia vaults might motivate us to mix invention faith and art [Music] [Music] number six estal hidden jewel in the southern Minorca Spain as Talay calls with unspoiled Beauty tucked up near the well-known sonsa this little beach features excellent white sand and blue Waves accessible only on foot it remains a peaceful Haven despite popularity picture yourself walking along the beach with waves hitting your feet but what stories are being told in the reads besides their obvious Beauty how might being here by ourselves help us connect with the waves and the old rocks What secrets might the Sands of EST taler tell people who listen to them about Whispers [Music] [Music] number seven leria lanzerotti on lanzerotti the area where people grow wine in Laria is an amazing illustration of both the power of nature and human inventiveness imagine a scene with thousands of pits each containing one green Vine shockingly black these holes abound on the valley floor and lower slopes these holes were dug using up to three meters of volcanic Pebbles featuring holes in them this helps the Vine’s roots to reach the Earth round shaped stone walls called zokos help to deflect wind from the Vine [Music] why did people devise this unusual approach to cultivate grapes volcanic eruptions claimed Central lanzerotti in the 1730s now the ground once fit for farming was covered in basal on Laria slopes a thick layer of volcanic lail caused some to believe it wouldn’t be suitable for agriculture on the island people observed Flora flourishing in what resembled a desert mulch made from the porous peon kept the little rainfall inside it even turned Dew into water inside of its Stones plants like fig trees and Vines thrived when holes were excavated out of the loose pecon and dry stone walls were erected around them the principal kind of grape malvagia originated on Creek and now grows here Laria is beautiful and dry with unique wine making techniques thus people defend it number eight bardenas realis desert known as the bardenas realis or bardenas Reales this semi- desert natural region lies in southeast naar Spain covering almost 42,000 hectares this area is sculpted by erosion clay chalk and Sandstone shaped by wind and water into AR resting forms sea Canyons plateaus and single Hills sometimes referred to as czos the bardenas orales have no cities and vegetation is rare streams flow seasonally often they stay dry most of the Year among this dry expanse two distinct areas catch attention the black Barda and the white Barda thanks to plenty of gypsum in the soil the white salt covering the surface lends the white Bina Central and more desert-like its name Rising near aragan in the Southeast the black Barden has vegetative plateaus [Music] [Music] number nine embal de Canales talked in the foothills of sier Nevada embal de Canales is a Reservoir in the town of guar Sierra Granada Spain originally opened in 1988 the amazing Dam’s Waters now round the remnants of the former Canales Community serving multiple purposes including irrigation electricity generation and even leisure activities like picnics and swimming its capacity of 70 million cubic M lets you the fascinating question is however how this Reservoir influences the surrounding ecology see yourself staring down from the edge of the dam at the glistening water benevolent on first appearance are secrets maybe the careful balancing between human needs and Environmental Protection reveals the [Music] solution number 10 Congos deontre nestled between laa and wesa The Congos deontra Bay is a natural beauty still brilliantly unspoiled by mass tourism ignoring the noguera rokana river as it winds across the monc mountain range time has sculpted this Valley imagine Aragon separated from Catalonia by a narrow Gorge formed by sheer Cliffs Rising sharply from the sea combining environment Leisure and activity the 8 km Gorge hiking path presents an unusual trip traveling alone or with friends and family will surround you in amazing landscape and historic rock formations think on the Millennia the river traveled to create this Masterwork as You Follow the path in such a far away place it’s not easy to find beauty and peace no matter what it is it could be the wind or old stories written in the Rocks what Mysteries do you think monre harbers deep within as you uncover this hidden treasure Ponder the mysteries of The Congos de monra Bay is that the Griffin vulture circling overhead or the rustling leaves Whispering stories of old number 11 Terell Red Canyon tucked near Terell the Red Canyon Canon of Teruel also known as the aragones Colorado canyon or rambla de baranina is a real Wonder for adventurous hikers its less known name and great natural beauty promise a peaceful and immersive experience acting as moving historical reminders remnants of the Civil War abound around the rim of the canyon as you begin the circular Ascent across this Enchanted Ravine still towering vertical walls suddenly resist gravity and draw you in with their pure beauty the more near you get the more amazing the views get hence you will be much connected to the creations of [Music] nature ever come upon a Hidden Gem like the Red Canyon which feelings did it arouse and while you’re at it think about going to Teruel an Old Town rich in medieval influence with its magnificent mudar Towers Whispers of grandeur and fortitude from Millennia past its historic Center speaks [Music] number 12 P natural hes Del Rio duraton nestled in the middle of sovia Spain the duraton river gorgees natural park sometimes referred to as P natural de las Rio duraton is an interesting Haven for for nature lovers covering 5,037 hectares and just 1.2 km west of sepulvida this park presents an arresting scene shaped over Millennia by the Duran River imagine flying Cliffs whose rough faces Shield the river below from 100 m of height these ancient Gorges cut out from Limestone Rock create a breathtaking scene [Music] number 13 agas tueras Valley still one of Nature’s Most well-kept Secrets the agas twas Valley is tucked away in the western aragones Pyrenees part of the Jania region this perfect Valley is found inside the par natural de vales ocidental imagine the Meandering Aragon suban River creating a great swath cut from south to North this one deviates from most panan valleys in hesa in running Direction climbing to reach agas tueras the scene opens with Rich Meadows ancient megalithic stones and a Timeless quality the valley seems to be softly hanging it invites you to explore its secrets have you ever come upon a Hidden Valley like agas tueras which secrets in your view it might [Music] have number 14 Santa Maria de monserat Abbey Rising among the craggy mountains of Catalonia Spain Santa Mar de monserat Abbey is evidence of architectural genius as well as dedication built in 1025 this Benedictine Monastery sits dramatically on monzerat serrated Heights and Views an amazing landscape the holy Virgin of monserat basically lives in the sanctuary originally among the first boys choirs in Europe the escalan fills the Basilica with Celestial harmonies for religious celebrations from the summit s jeroni Catalonia opens out before you as a patchwork of valleys forests and far off Horizons clear days even show the island of malorca gracing the scene but monserat offers centuries of History artistic expression and spiritual meaning outside of conventional wisdom have you ever stood on top of a mountain and felt the Earth and Heavens meeting it set off in you what emotions number 15 Centro De interpret Del penteo Rising well above the small town of Ronda Spain the Centro De interpret Del penteo welcomes guests to learn the secrets of this 18th century architectural Wonder tucked on the brink of the well-known pente nuo the center offers an amazing window into its engineering background and natural surroundings enter to find interactive exhibits covering the Bridge’s construction its purpose in ronda’s urban Fabric and the geological processes sculpting the Magnificent tajo Gorge showing amazing pictures of the bridge against the town a 4minute audio visual show whisks you across time as you tour the panoramic Windows reveal breathtaking views of the rocky ground below has anyone ever stood on a well-known bridge and felt centuries underfoot stories do you suppose this ancient span [Music] Bears number 16 prior Das cadra graced Spain’s North West Coast priad Das crais sometimes called plad deas cathedrales Beach of the cathedrals originally Galician the travel company gave it the name Beach of the Holy Waters declared a natural Monument this Coastal treasure captivates visitors with its unusual rock formations arches and cavu evocative of ancient Cathedrals fashioned by Nature over Millennia as you walk along the Sandy Coast towering Cliffs Rising like buttresses frame the Atlantic Ocean low tide reveals secret passageways and alcoves calling exploration the way light and Shadow interact creates an otherworldly environment that begs respect and awe have you ever stood on a beach where the waves and rocks chronical historical events it set off in you what emotions [Music] [Music] number 17 valdosa tued Northwest of the Sierra de tramontana the valdosa of the island of mayorca exudes oldw World elegance and natural beauty just 25 minutes from Palmer This Charming town boasts a medieval architecture stunning valleys and Olive Groves attracting people in built in the 1400s the Royal Charter House of valdemosa is a landmark built in the 1400s this Monument marks the Royal Charter House of valdosa originally it housed the philosopher and Mystic Ramon lul the carthusian monks who lived there left their traces now guests can stroll through its peaceful halls and Gardens the link to Great musicians like George sand and Frederick chopan accentuates its attraction inspired by the surrounds chopan stayed here over Winter s and penned her Vivid account of their Moran Journey have you ever been anywhere where centuries old walls seem to be murmuring [Music] Secrets number 18 castelli off bisque in the Bas country Gastel an island with Rocky appeal calls linked by a man-made bridge to the mainland it is evidence of both natural beauty and human dedication at its Summit perched 150 m above sea level sits the San Juan deast lugat Hermitage honoring John the Baptist although some believe it could date even earlier its Origins are in the 10th Century the road to the Hermitage is an adventure in and of itself 2301 Stone steps upward each bearing historical markers Legend says three times at the top ringing the bell grants wishes from this vantage point the cantabrian sea offers simply breathtaking views have you ever climbed old stairs to find a place where sea and sky converge Whispering dreams into the breeze from Gast [Music] lugat number 19 Park natural de mondrago nestled southeast of mayorca Spain near the town of Santan mondrago natural park is a coastal treasure that skillfully blends Natural Beauty with past as you wind down small Lanes dotted with perfect stone walls fine white sand beaches and a unbelievable turquoise blue sea the park reveals its riches the amazing Cliffs and glistening clean Seas never stop to Astound even with their popularity the parks wetlands Essie’s font Denalis have migrating birds so raising its biological value many Meandering paths around the coast lead to breathtaking beaches including kala mondrago and Zara Mador Beach mondrago asks questions and inspires Wonder independent of your inclination toward the sea or the countryside number 20 alaza of sovia Rising dramatically in the heart of Castile and leyon Spain the alkazer of sovia best embodies a fairy tale Castle Rising on a rocky Crag its lovely turret draws attention from its strategic position first constructed at least in the 12th century this medieval fortification has witnessed important historical events it boasts 22 Kings and famous individuals its walls mirror Grandeur mystery and power declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 1985 it transcends the meeting point of the rivers eresma and clamor acting as a military archive and Museum today helps to preserve centuries of Secrets have you ever stood in a place where time seems to blend with Mythology stories do you see the Alcazar carrying [Music] number 21 Park gell among Barcelona’s UNESCO world heritage sites is the Magnificent architectural and natural park gell designed by Anton gudi as rich residential area for upper class of the city in this public park find Whimsical sculptures Enchanted Gardens and vibrant mosaics on Carmel Hill the park presents City and Sierra deera panoramic views comprising colorful ceramic tiles the serpentine bench runs across the middle Square magic is added by the Mosaic scales of the salamander sculpture in you [Music] [Music] number 22 imal ion de braz tued in the Spanish Pyrenees near BOS de panticosa embal iond braz offers a quiet refuge for outdoor enthusiasts starting at the ibond panticosa and working up to the braz reservoir Dam the trail you will find small paths bubbling streams and breathtaking Mountain views all along this climb is mostly about the unusual surroundings picture yourself swooping like a pyrenean raptor catching images fit for a postcard has anyone ever trekked to a secret Reservoir are where the mountains whisper Secrets stories do you think the braz has we appreciate you joining us on this amazing trip across the most beautiful places of Spain discover the rich past energetic culture and amazing surroundings that call for you subscribe now and keep tuned to not miss our next Journey [Music]

Have you dreamed of discovering Spain’s hidden gems, where every nook and cranny exudes rich history and amazing scenery?
Imagine walking across the surreal Bardenas Reales Desert, enchanted by Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey, or listening for Alhambra whispers. Join us as we unveil the top must-see destinations in Spain you simply must see. Not miss this amazing trip!

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[ Top 22 Must-See Destinations in Spain – Ultimate Spain Travel Guide ]

🕒 Timestamps:

In this video, you’ll discover:

Intro – 0:00 – 1:08

1. Caminito del Rey
– 1:08

2. Tavertet – 2:58

3. Alhambra – 4:37

4. Teide National Park – 6:47

5. Basílica de la Sagrada Família – 8:54

6. Es Talaier – 10:43

7. La Geria, Lanzarote – 11:47

8. Bardenas Reales Desert – 13:46

9. Embalse de Canales – 15:10

10. Congost de Mont-rebei – 16:19

11. Teruel Red Canyon – 17:53

12. Parque Natural Hoces del Río Duratón – 19:40

13. Aguas Tuertas Valley – 20:38

14. Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey – 21:50

15. Centro de Interpretación del Puente Nuevo – 23:26

16. Praia das Catedrais – 24:52

17. Valldemossa – 26:22

18. Gaztelugatxe – 27:56

19. Parc natural de Mondragó – 29:20

20. Alcázar of Segovia – 30:24

21. Park Güell – 31:44

22. Embalse Ibon de Brazato – 33:16

Outro – 34:05

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#spaintravelguide #spaintravel #spainbestplaces #caminitodelrey #alhambra #parkguell #spain4k

Audio&Video produced by City HD Explorers.

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