PCT 2024 Pacific Crest Trail Episode 11 Mather Pass to Bishop on JMT John Muir Trail

nothing but waterfalls River Crossings and mountain passes here on the pretty crazy Trail woohoo happy birthday happy birthday Ranger happy birth 53 cheers woohoo [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah good morning this is Day 72 getting ready to head up to ma pass right now uh this first shot of the morning and uh I just thought I’d kind of pan around a little bit and show you some of the scenery but um looks like it’s going to be an awesome day um I’m looking forward to having this pass done and over with and then we can head on into vision [Music] [Music] sunrise here on the JMT PCT heading up to Mather Ranger Gadget first glimpse of sunlight pretty dang cool huh [Music] how do you like the sun cups that’s B pass right there if you look real close you might see a few little bodies heading up right in that saddle Panorama here for you beautiful snow covered mountains but they do make it difficult to hike that’s for sure there’s the bright [Music] Sun right here is the uh approach to Mather you can see people heading up right here kind of zigzagging on up and going way up here and then finally get into the saddle up and over [Music] [Applause] [Music] just the last pitch just to give you an idea that’s where we started way down there on the way up it just can’t tell you the steepness of this it’s crazy finish sh the reward all that hard work SM got a few more steps there it is finally made it to the top of ma man that was a big time challenge for me a lot of rock scrambling ice a work going straight up snow fields crazy now we just got to head back down look at that that’s where we’re uh heading to all good man slow and steady Washington Missi Take It Easy Come smooth let’s see how how smooth he is oh see if he’s got skills to pick that thing up on the way down watch this watch this pick up there he goes yeah look at that [Music] [Music] don’t do this at home kids [Music] wo right there is is the saddle of Mather pass which we just came through right there and uh working our way out of here I was hoping we wouldn’t have quite as much snow as we do but PCT never disappoints always surprises it’s crazy it’s hot out here in this snow you wouldn’t think so but man feels like you’re in a microwave [Music] [Music] right here below me is is the golden staircase um on the JMT PCT heading down to the valley finally out of the most of the snow woohoo okay still here on the p CT and you can see our Trail is now become a river Creek river adjacent to us is overflown and just totally taken over our Trail but we’ve really no big deal I me’ve been fighting water all day uh Crossings and snow Crossings and everything else so kind apart for the course ear this morning we’re actually getting to sleep in we’re not leaving till 8:00 this is our campsite it’s beautiful beautiful trees River really nice [Music] day 73 here June 6 on the PCT pretty crazy Trail and yesterday was an awesome hike coming down Mather climbing up that Beast took me way out of my comfort level that’s for sure but uh man great morning we decided to uh take an extra day to get into Bishop here and that allowed us to sleep in until a little after 8 I probably did break Camp till almost you know started hiking here at 8:30 two cups of coffee and uh Lenny and Larry’s cookie and I’m feeling pretty dang good at least till the Lenny and Larry’s kicks in but uh man great day beautiful Camp spot by the river and uh Life’s good right now after some rest take it easy what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger woohoo [Music] only one way to get in the lake when there’s snow on the mountain wo I got my breath check this out we’re at grous Meadow right nowo very refreshing jumping in here um as you can see we got some snow run off so it knocked the wind out of me cuz I’m a freaking Desert Rat but hey it was [Music] fun the Sierra you got to love it man you’ve got waterfalls everywhere hopefully that’s melting a little that snow up above [Music] us here comes Gadget trying to keep the shoes dry I gave that up a long time ago [Music] so on this Trail we don’t have too many bridges but uh check this one out looks like it’s got hit by a little bit of debris last year this is 2024 course we’re going to have to do an alternate through Bishop because one of the bridges is washed out check this out woohoo pretty awesome thank goodness there is a bridge here looks like a death trap doesn’t it wow awesome awesome trip crazy on our hike out of the Sierra into the bishop there was water everywhere does anybody want to try out the sliping slide here woohoo [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like we might have a little bit of weather coming in we’re uh staging for Bishop pass for tomorrow morning and then to get into the town of Bishop but uh yeah I’ll pan around here with a real camera and kind of show you what we got but uh we’ll see we could get some rain tomorrow possibly snow too you just never know so my campsite there’s my tent there’s the ominous looking clouds right there that’s the direction we’re heading and uh getting camp set up for right now beautiful area though PCT pretty crazy Trail full of surprises woohoo well it’s hiker midnight time to get to bed we’re going to hit the trail at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow so I’ll be waking up at 4:45 day 74 heading up Bishop pass check it out beautiful morning day 74 June 7th heading up Bishop pass right now having fun hiking in these Sun cups beautiful day though man I hope you guys all have an awesome day and uh enjoy the views quite the [Music] climb hey Gadget coming up views in every direction you know you’ve been out here a long time and you start taking them for granted not like this sketchy stuff at all yuck here goes Lord watch over me please was tough getting there but this heel slide has been good a little bit loose smooth taking it slow and easy and to his name nice and smooth gets a little sloppy right around that rock we made it safe and sound ice ax crampons all used never thought I’d use that ice gear as much as I have the snow gear anyway thank God I had him and thank goodness I got Gadget hiking with me too Desert Rat on snow and ice it’s not what I’m used to anyway well we made it into Bishop safe and sound and this concludes this video I need to get to bed and stop editing so I can hike tomorrow have an awesome day go out and do something fun and don’t forget to donate to Crohn’s you’ll see a link below in the video description [Music]

This video covers Mather Pass to Bishop in the Wild Sierra on the Pacific Crest Trail and JMT John Muir Trail 2024 episode 11 hiking the PCT from Kennedy Meadows South to Pinchot Pass. This is just the beginning of the adventure. The snow covered passes and river and stream crossings were challenging. Make sure you scribe to see the upcoming videos.

Don’t forget to contribute to Crohn’s see the link below. https://p2p.onecause.com/nationaldiy/mike-riggs-2

This is my story of doing a long thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. It is and will be one of the greatest adventures of my life. In 2023 I hike 1170 miles of the PCT and in 2024 I am going to hit the trail again to start all over again. I am a 62-year-old thru-hiker trying to hike from Mexico to Canada on the PCT to fulfill a dream of a lifetime. Join me as I face absolutely everything that comes with hiking the PCT. From run-ins with bears, and snakes, summiting snowy passes, going through the desert, dealing with wildfires, making new trail friends and seeing some of the most beautiful places on Earth, and surviving yet thriving in these truly wild spaces. Join me for some Type 1 and Type 2 fun and hopefully not too much Type 3 fun. I hope you enjoy the video and my story inspires you to get outside!

Don’t forget to give me a 👍🏼and subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/@MikeRiggsAdventures

👉 Follow me on social media

Fund Raiser to raise money to find a cure for Crohn’s Disease. Please make a donation to help with the fight all money goes directly to Crohn’s Foundation.

If you want to check out Rangers YouTube channel it is https://youtube.com/@Travelwithoutplans

YouTube 2023 PCT Hike Playlist

YouTube 2022 JMT Hike Playlist

YouTube Grand Canyon Hiking and Rim to Rim Playlist

YouTube 2024 PCT Hike Playlist

▶︎If you don’t know what type 1,2, and 3 Fun is this is for you.

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