Good morning, a new year, a new adventure. We are on the first day of our 3-month trip. We landed in America 3 days ago. We stayed at the hotel for 2 days in these 3 days. In the meantime, we got my driver’s license and permits. We prepared the RV. What makes me wonder the most is when I turn on the ignition at the end of 8 months, I wonder if Ford will start again. ? [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know you can’t sleep at night. At least we have a rented car, if it doesn’t start we can start it. We have everything , in fact there is electricity there, we can connect it to electricity, fill it, charge it, although we have everything, I was a little excited, but I was very happy when it worked. Starting from Palm Springs, we are going on a 5-hour road towards Biship. Yes, we have probably been going for two hours so far. So, we will go like this for another 3 hours. This is the area where the Colorado plateau slowly descends, sloping upwards. We used these roads to ski when we were young, on our way to college, next to Mamooth Mountain. we will pass. One of California’s largest ski resorts. At midnight, all the kids, we would get together and go skiing, and then we would start skiing in the early hours of the morning as soon as the tracks opened on the mountain, but this is youth, I don’t know if you can do it today, we will pass through the valley of death soon, we continue on the road next to the valley of death, we will not enter the valley of death, that is the lowest point of America. If the ocean finds a channel, it fills it and makes a lake. There was actually a big sea in the middle of the American continent. It was under the sea at this time and rose up. This plateau was formed. Yesterday we went to Palm Springs Palm Desert, there is a huge river there, it destroyed everything last year, what a huge area it is. It has taken over the roads and washed away, its name is White Water. When we were here the year before, we passed in front of it and watched the really white foamy water in last year’s videos . That White Water seems to have become muddy Water and it seems to drag everything that comes its way. This incident happened in August. This is true, but they were able to open the park in January. The Desert is not a sand desert as you know it , and it is very beautiful in Spring, cacti bloom. If you still look now, you see green. Yes, let me tell you a memory of mine. While I was going skiing with Can, we were caught on the radar here and got a speeding ticket. The police said that if you want, the court will open at 8 in the morning, go and tell your problem in the court. Sometimes they write fines. If the police are not present in that court, you can somehow get acquitted by telling your side. There is the town of Bishop on the road, it is a small town, its biggest building is the Palace of Justice . We entered a coffeehouse that opened early. An old man was sitting there, we sat next to him . Salam Aleykumselam, how are you? Are you okay? What are you doing next? Here we are, traveling, we are students. This is this and that. We have done the necessary procedures. We are waiting at the court door. Our hope is that the police will not come. There is no police around. And well, I went to court and you wonder who came out? You are very lucky indeed. My old uncle from the coffee shop turned out to be very lucky indeed. Mr. Judge, how are you? You have already heard our whole story. We said, "We are innocent, Judge." He smiled and said, "Come on." And we tore it up like that. It cost us a couple of hours, but it cost us 80-90 dollars. When we were students, 80-90 dollars was quite expensive. a money. They are farming in the desert, it was a lush green desert a while ago. It looks like a valley. So, it’s a beautiful [Music] plain surrounded by mountains. We have a saying, "As long as birds fly, caravans don’t pass by." We, as Caravans, were passing through here once upon a time. Caravans used to pass through here. There is a name for a group that came from the east, passed through this desert, and then hit the mountains, got caught in the storm and snow in the mountains, and froze . What dangers did the men go through to pass? They survived the attacks of the Indians. Think about the snake in the desert, the centipede, the scorpion, this and that, isn’t it Happy Christmas? Punishment is coming. Let’s not see those Christmas lights. There were very strict protocols for turning on those lights, so when he turns on that light, the dispatcher has to inform him. I’ve been behind a car for months, I’m like, I’m getting somewhere, I’m getting somewhere like that. According to seriously they can’t turn on Light [Music] Good luck to everyone Afterwards Greetings from Macc brother and Cemsan, last night at 100 o’clock, Feem was saying something in my ear. However, you were sleeping so well. I was sleeping soundly there. We were seeing almost all of Milky Way with all its stars. Billions of stars were looking at us. Exactly how beautiful it was. How beautiful those stars were around us. Since there was no light or light pollution, there was a clear and clear sky as they say. We will leave here around 10 in the morning. I say it is a 3 hour and 3.5 hour journey. Well, actually, since we will be passing through mountain roads, we will go slowly, at an average speed of 45 mph. As I have already told you, after we arrived, we call it Stay put, in order to recover, we had to stay in one place, let’s not be on the road all the time, but we are here for a hundred days, now we will go, we will stay in another place for 3 nights and days. But after that we have a surprise. A very old friend of ours, M, and her daughter, Madison , will be living 46 Miles away from our last campsite . We talked to them. Sometime on Sunday, we will either do a wine tasting or have a meal with them. From there, our road is right next to our Napa Valley campsite. There is a trout farm. If you remember last year, your lives were close there. Places like this are established in places where the water flows clear and cold. That’s why this place is suitable for this. The snow water coming from the mountains passes coldly before flowing into the lake and allows the fish to breed. This year, every time we went We would like to introduce you to camping in detail. Camping has gained great fame in America since the 1900s and 30s. People discovered the arvi in ​​the 1950s and a large industry has been established since then. Also, there is an underground river flowing at a depth of 160 meters, the waters of which are magnificent and untouched. Is it drinkable? We will drink it too. We have bees. There are also cabins like this . You can rent the cabins. This place costs 50 dollars per night. If you want to be on the river, it is 55 dollars. If you want to get a full hookup, it is 6 dollars. In total, we paid 121 dollars for 2 evenings, which is around 61 dollars. It corresponds to a price. It corresponds to 2 and a half stars. This year , I decided not to do everything to the point, point by point, like last year, because when you do that, it is as if you are following a schedule . These plans you made later will go back to back like dominoes. Because you paid for it, do you know if you are washing it by hand here? No, we wash it in the stream. I think the stream would be nice. Put the stones on top of it. After that, put the stones on top of it. The stream flows next to it and this is our reception. It’s also a must because in winter, it gets knee-deep here. Maybe it gets even more snow. You can see the snow on the tops of the mountains and in the valley behind . It’s only just dropped its flowers. It’s just this little bit of fruit. How cold is it here? If our hands had grown a little by now, we’d be able to pick even just this much in the car. You will ask what the antenna behind it is. I know Fein should be able to go camping in America and travel around with an ARV . There will be no flies or snakes around us. You can access the internet almost anywhere in the world whenever we want. This Starling is in America. I think it is accessible according to American prices. We pay 150 dollars for our plan. This is 150 dollars. We can go almost anywhere in the American continent. Other than that, it has technology-specific prices and commercial-specific prices. Believe me , it communicates directly with the satellite faster than any internet we have ever used. When I set it up last night , it first turns right and then turns left to find the satellites. After that, it says I found it, you can do it, it has an antenna, it has an original cable coming out of the antenna you see at the back, and the end of this cable goes to the wifi transmitter, which is also its own Wi-Fi, of course. 110 volts are installed inside the caravan itself, you will use the electricity, but in case of emergency, it has a generator, this generator gives us 4 hours [Music] It was a cool evening last night, we went to bed at 88 o’clock, we prepared a perfect dinner , we ate, what was he saying, hom gıtl hili gıtl we did this from one of my followers I learned it. I laughed a lot. I hope he is watching this. I remember him as Ibrahim. If I remember his name correctly, we did well. They said that the internet connection here was weak. When we arrived, they said it was working in Y, but it was working until the evening. We will be here in high places, in the mountains, on hills, for at least the next month. That’s why we activated our Star link. Yes, that’s it. We did this at around 3:00 in the morning until I decided to set up his system in the middle of the night, log in to the account, and refill the money . Then, I completed all the e-mails until 7:00. I also looked at my accounts, which I had not looked at since yesterday, but the sunrise this morning is perfect. Yes, it is rising very beautifully [Music] [ Music]

**Sezon 3, Bölüm 1: Karavanla ABD. Vahşi Batıdan Doğuya**

California ve Oregon sahillerini Highway 1’den geziyoruz. Macera dolu 3 aylık ilk bölümümüzde Palm Springs’den kuzeye, yüksek çöllerden Doğu Sierra Nevada Dağları’na çıkıyoruz. Buradan Batıya Pacifik Okyanusuna varacağız. Yolda dünyaca ünlü Yosemity Doğa Parkını Keşfedeceğiz.



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