good evening from the old town in San Sebastian where we are going for some more Pinchos I’m starving let’s get it the idea today is to hit the spots that were too full at lunch or that weren’t open there is about I want to say five or six maybe seven or eight of them and we’re going to see how many we can get into one evening [Music] so first off is Lavina now Lavina is famous for their Basque cheesecake but what a lot of people don’t know is they have these little canoos or like tips or something I’m not sure on the pronunciation but canoos and basically it is a little looks like almost a spring roll kind of wrapper rolled up into a cone filled with anery and cream cheese now I was really excited for this one and it is exactly that whipped cream cheese salty anery crispy com quick and easy I thought I’d get into Lavino before I got too busy I’m going to probably end the cheesecake there later on tonight but I want to get this one out the way early 68 [Applause] don’t [Music] so the first dish here is a specialty of theirs I hope you can hear me okay it’s quite loud in here but this is as you can see it’s like a spaghetti bnise except there’s no spaghetti it’s all made from camat I don’t know how chamari can have so much flavor that is exceptionally good that Seafood flavor Lo of garlic little bnise from tentacles a this is a much more like highend pincho bit more of a restaurant as well but what they do is still affordable bloody unbelievable I don’t know what I was expecting when I ordered this but it’s blown my mind that could be my dish of the day so far that is outstanding although doesn’t be [Music] a so next up is the ox tail tacos pickled onions coriander and some guacamole I’m not a big avocado fan but Taco feels amazing is DEC rich it’s already fatty and creamy then you add in the guacamole and that is as indulgent as they get standing bches but the squid wins every day of the week [Music] [Music] so that was I can’t remember the name I’ll put the name here it was like japeta I think so they’re famous for anies and I mean they have a whole Pinchos menu just of anies the ones that I had were anery tops like salted um marinated aneres topped with a trout row I had a marinated aneres topped with a king crab cream sauce I had just plain salted aneres and a marinated anrey with a forest fruit the forest fruits ones were actually amazing it almost counterbalanced completely the an you couldn’t taste it really sweet really salty um salted anes again not too salted I’m not sure how they they salt or marinade their anues but it’s a family recipe that’s been going for 180 years and it is divine cuz they’re not as harsh as you get in the supermarket it’s a much more natural process and perhaps maybe slightly less marinated cuz they know they’re selling them quicker they were unbelievable so sorry I didn’t get a video of it there has been more points where it’s just been so busy and I’m holding the camera myself I just haven’t physically been able to eat and hold and film for you guys so I have got little videos of each of the dishes and I put a little voice over for you so you can see them but I’m now going back to Lavina where we started going to get some cheesecake probably to take home I’ll eat it at home and you’ll see me there so we this is the end it has like a caramelized almost almost like a molasses smell to it so this is the bask cheesecake from Lavina this is a cheesecake that’s being done all over the world by so many places I saw someone saying they flew all the way to Turkey to have a Bas cheesecake in Turkey because they pour chocolate on it but this this is the [Music] one shut the front door I’ve made a few of these so I thought I’ve not made this oh that having eaten all evening and all day that has not me for six it’s rich but it’s not overly sweet it’s creamy you get a little smokiness little CH from the outside of that cheesecake the texture is so soft it’s almost like a mousse that is unbelievably good I can’t even the food in San Sebastian has been 10 out of 10 I haven’t had a single dish that I’ve not liked now there have been dishes that people might find plain or I don’t want to say plain and I don’t want to say missing seasoning but what they have here is an abundance of amazing ingredients and they let them shine and sometimes they don’t add salt or pepper to something something just tastes like if you get a mushroom it just tastes like a really good mushroom maybe with a little bit of garlic or or herbs it doesn’t need need the salt the ingredients are good enough without it so just be prepared when you come here for that don’t go and try and pile everything on with salt because we just put sodium into everything enjoy the food for the freshness that it is there are some that will knock you out with flavor and there’s others that will just taste so clean and so delicious that you’ll wonder if you’ve ever had that type of vegetable or meat before until you’ve tasted it and yeah I mean my my takeaways from it I think I’ve been quite lucky getting here early June because I don’t feel all the tourists have arrived um saying that I still had trouble getting into a few places there’s a few places unfortunately that I’m leaving here having not been to and I’m disappointed but I was here for such a short time I couldn’t justify standing in a queue for an hour and a half to get a table and then maybe not get into other places as well so I kind of oh I had to skip that so I would recommend if you are coming and you there are places that you have to eat and you are here for a period of time just be prepared to que um I’ve been informed the queue to go down quite quick I wasn’t willing to risk it and I was very happy with where I went there are not too many from what I could see there’s not too many like tourist trap places that charge you an arm and a leg I know there had been something a few years ago where there was reports that tourists were being charged different prices to locals there was an investigation if you ask any of the locals they’re not happy about that they want people to come here and enjoy the food and it should cost us the same amount as it costs them um I’m sure there’ be a few people that would disagree cuz I know tourism has caused some aggro to people I mean it has two to two and a half million people visit here every year and the San Sebastian only has a population of like 100 85,000 so as you can imagine it’s quite a big thing I know it generates an income I know it helps the economy don’t get me wrong I know all of that I do feel though that it’s at the busiest time I can only imagine what it’s like now is Pleasant with a few disappointments uh but love San Sebastian it’s small enough to walk around I walked like 22,000 steps today and I pretty much saw all of the city in the central area not the outskirts but one day and I saw a lot of it I would say three four days and you can see pretty much all of it and eat everywhere that you want to eat again super privileged to be able to do this for a hobby love the fact that you guys interact with me love the fact that you guys watch the videos I am going to try and focus on making the videos a little more streamlined um a little bit more editing a little bit more changing of Paces here and there I know I can go on and waffle like I am now I am going to try and change that any tips or recommendations or anybody wants to sort of talk and help and touch base with some editing tips or tools leave a comment below I’ll be sure to answer every comment as I always do and yeah I’m going to eat the rest of that cheesecake and pass out because it has been a lot so all the food you saw in the previous video and this video was all one day and I’m feeling it so I need to have a nap so I can get up in the morning eat some more head to build bow which I’m really excited about but yeah much love if you made it this far um let me know in the comments again that you’ve made it to the end um so I know the people that are staying and I very much appreciate you hit that follow button hit that Bell give you information and notification when I post I’m going to try to get back to posting once a week it’s been a bit sort of all over the place with new like a lot of changes in my life personally and like jobs and things like that so it’s been hard to get on top of but yeah I’m going to try and get back to it now for you guys I thoroughly missed doing it and I thoroughly enjoyed doing it so hopefully now this will be the spur that I need to get back into it and sort of make the effort and get some videos out for you guys there’s a loads of places that I want to visit I took down my old bar Market video so I want to go back and revisit that one I took it down because i’ put advertisements on it um to get more views to try and help at the start of my channel and feel that it did me I did did myself an injustice with it and it didn’t really give me a high view rate or give me a high view rate but a low retention rate because it wasn’t what I thought it was I’ve taking a few of them down so I will revisit those early markets that I went to do it again sort of bar Market sort of take two 2.0 and um yeah I’m going to hopefully maybe at some point look at maybe trying to do a meet again in London if any of the uh subscribers want to come down and we can have food and chat then um again let me know but thanks for watching and I’m signing off take care

What can I say? San Sebastian has become one of my favorite food destinations in the world. The people, the food, the history—it’s all incredible, and I feel like I’ve fallen in love.

la vina======

I began my evening with a cream cheese and anchovy cone and concluded it at the same place with one of the original Basque cheesecakes, which was, quite frankly, mind-blowingly delicious.

i moved onto
bar martinez====
I didn’t manage to film properly here, but I enjoyed a few bar-top pintxos, especially the egg-based ones, which they are renowned for.

the it was time for the mind blowingly good

The squid bolognese was a significant highlight, standing out as the best dish of the day. It was an innovative pasta-less dish where the squid was crafted to resemble tagliatelle, and its tentacles were transformed into the sauce. This culinary twist was mind-bending, challenging one’s taste buds to reconcile the visual deception with the incredible flavor. The oxtail tacos, though rich, fatty, and full of flavor, were another standout, yet they paled in comparison to the squid.

The next destination was a specialist in their craft, having preserved anchovies in the same manner for 180 years. The marinated anchovy paired with forest fruits was, although surprising, a particular favorite of mine. It’s a must-visit if you adore anchovies, or even if you’re uncertain, you must try them here.
txepetxa =======

This city is adored by many and revered by food enthusiasts from all around the world, and I can certainly see why. As a foodie, if you haven’t been here, and you have no intention to, you’re doing your stomach an injustice. Stop what you’re doing, book a flight, and come here—you can thank me later.

If you’re not confident enough to embark on a pintxo crawl independently, consider securing a guide for a tour led by experts and locals with a deep passion for their food and drink culture. They can assist you in navigating the vibrant bars of the old town.
i always use get your guide and this tour is a particular beaut
the ultimate san sebastian pintxo and wine tour


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