Campvue Developer Diary #1 | Kelty Meadow Campground | Sierra Nevada, California

[Music] howdy my name is Glenn a lot of you probably know me from the cactus Atlas And if you do you know that I love the outdoors so welcome to Camp view my latest endeavor this is going to be the first of what I’m going to be dubbing developer Diaries where I’m going to be uh explaining what camp view is what the motivation behind it is and how I’m building it and actually all the way down to demoing features of what you’re going to see over time over the summer as I travel and gain content for the channel mainly the campground drive-throughs that some of you might be familiar with already so I have a lot of exciting things to share so let’s just get straight into it and uh we’ll see how it goes it’s going to be pretty casual [Music] so maybe the first thing that we can talk about today is what exactly is Camp VI and what’s the motivation behind it I think the easiest way to explain it is to show our current Channel trailer that really explains in a nutshell what we’re trying to do here ever go to reserve a campsite for a special camping Adventure where the campsite photo you saw on the reservation website made the site look okay enough but when you arrive you have that wump wump moment when you realize the site you picked is in the section where they pack them in like sardines just hope your neighbors aren’t the loud partying all nighter types well here at Camp view we understand that frustration and like you we prefer to plan a camping trip like a pro here at Camp view our goal is simple to provide you with visualizations of campsites by way of video with the hope that our unique perspective assists you with picking that perfect site for your upcoming trip now the next time you book a site you’ll at least know what you’re getting into before you arrive Camp view find your perfect site I’ve been camping now for the last two weeks night after night after night without a break in a tent and I can tell you in that short amount of time if you’ve seen that video I’ve run into that same situation I’ve been engaging with other campers asking them about their likes and dislikes and there’s a common theme when everything come when it comes down to it especially on reserve websites um how do you really know if you’re getting a good campsite or not and a lot of you know how bad it can suck if you get the wrong one especially next to the wrong group or the very unlevel sites and the list could go on uh no shade you know what I mean so um all I’m trying to do here on Camp you is take something that already exists so I would not dub this an invention but rather an innovation on trying to allow people to scout out sites in a visual manner to get as much information about a site as possible before making a selection on a reserve website especially and really that’s what these developer Diaries are all about are when I’m in the field doing some extensive travel this summer collecting content I.E Campground drive-through videos um I’m going to be trying to build this app simultaneously on the road um but the current phase is the content Gathering phase and number one priority and exposing this to the world now I thought what better way to build an app than to immerse myself in the Life day after day so even though I said I love the outdoors I equally love technology and I am a software engineer by trade that is my full-time uh career and what I have the most passion for so Camp you is really an attempt for me to combine those two loves into one thing being that I’m a software engineer and I’m likely going to have to re-enter the workforce by the end of the summer after I’m finished with this endeavor um I I want to appeal to a more technically minded audience also a developer crowd I think would have an interest in this maybe to see my process to see me using technology in the woods to get the job done the same job you would get done maybe you have the you’re lucky to have a remote job and can go camping and you’re unsure if it’s doable watch this and learn I’m going to show you some really cool stuff and while I am going to talk some tech probably will look at a little bit of code but I’m trying to cater to a very broad audience here so I’m not going to get super nerdy and too difficult so for those of you that aren’t technically minded if I do talk a little Tech Shop briefly I’ll keep it short just just if it doesn’t make sense uh don’t worry um I think there’s a story that I’m going to tell here regardless to many different tastes so with that being said um let’s dive into this I’m at Cy Meadow one of the fine National Forest Campgrounds um in the Sierra National Forest about an hour from Yos south of there so let me give you a quick tour of my current setup and I’ll show you how I’m living my life first of all just the Practical stuff well welcome to my home at least for one more night here at Kelty Meadow Campground in the Sierra National Forest one of the many National Forest Campgrounds you can seek out if you know where to look if you’ve come here from the cactus Atlas pretty familiar list of characters right slim that’s the name of my pickup truck um and then that yellow tent you’ve probably been seeing in some of our latest videos um really my standard setup and I’ve been living in it now for I think about 2 weeks or something like that or coming up on it tent night after night after night after night in a tent mostly without showers or access even to water in campgrounds like this but I’m somehow getting by perfectly so Camp view once again the scene should really illustrate what my channel trailer uh should convey you go on a site to pick out a campsite they zero in on the site but they don’t really give you the context the neighboring sites the ones that could be quite close um and there are different types of folks I think some like the comfort of that communal Style but others like silence and hearing the birds and not music but one thing I’ll be clear on here is everybody’s been fantastic no rules have been broken but still you know what I’m saying it’s like if I had better Intel I may have chosen one of the sites further down the road uh that you’ll be able to see on our new um app and YouTube Channel Camp view so once again this isn’t an attempt to invent anything new it’s an attempt to innovate to take a formula that exists and update it for 20 24 and try to create the best user experience possible and one of my big goals is to translate this into multiple languages so that way we can get this information across the world where a lot of people are finding it and I have an interesting anecdote to tell you that might actually help some people so these last couple days have been my office days and I’ve really been spending it backing up thousands of 4K Clips video content much of which is to feed into Camp view um and I’ve noticed being one of the first visible sites on this Loop a lot of campers arrive here um especially I would say International um those who English is clearly not their first language and they’re met with they come here and they’re confused and they’ll they’ll see me and I’ve dealt with four people so I was joking with uh one of the people driving through that I should get a a check from the forest service for playing Campground host a little bit but um people arrive here and they’re very surprised to learn there’s no water um it’s it’s remote there’s really not much here and there’s really they have like porta potties not actually even like Vault regular Vault toilet so they see that and then they leave and they go get a hotel and then the site gets not used and a lot of this Campground is underutilized even though people’s names are on the reserve Signs Now technically if you read every piece of information on you would have known these things but imagine you’re planning a trip internationally you only have so much time to work maybe it’s not the most userfriendly I don’t even know if translates into multiple languages but um that’s really where I want to kind of help and be kind of an intermediary in between that process so that guy next time if he’s shopping for a site and he knows about this he can go there and I’ll make it abundantly clear in our user experience um what’s here and what’s not because that was a very com that remains to be a very common theme here at this Campground so I was actually quite amazed four four times in one day so that’s really what I’m trying to help with and to try to make it as user friendly for the broadest audience internationally um taking an existing idea using my technical skills that I’ve gained over well over a decade of experience developing and building and documenting the processo [Music] you like that don’t you so I’m on my way now to do some Camp view content Gathering which are a few of our Campground drive-throughs and I’m just like a mile away from my campground at caly Meadow and you could see there’s this beautiful Meadow it’s all private land behind this fence but we’re parked in public land and there’s a nice little pull out here where I assume people uh pull over to probably just get pictures it’s very beautiful but one of my constant needs is to be able to do to plot routes on Google Maps or wherever I need to go if I don’t have an offline map um or just research keeping in contact with my wife Amy whatever whatever you want I have many uses of the internet but when you’re camping deep in the woods using a um satellite solution can be a challenge as some of you know getting a nice clear line to the sky with a little bit of horizon seems to be working best for me with starlink so I’m going to show you my setup and um that’s really one of the first things I wanted to show you is my process and normally by by this point I’m a lot better prepared and I prepared weeks in advance but for various reasons I’m where I’m at where I’m at and I’m kind of planning things on the Fly for the next couple days so here is the setup that I have and there’s a big horse fly checking out my battery um this is my starlink setup with my power block my jackery that’s powering and giving me the internet right now as we speak I know for some of you this is kindergarten this is the introductory part of our uh vlog but basically just wanted to show you how I’m working um this is really how I’ve been getting by in situations where I don’t have clear views to the sky when I need to do research or do something um I can go find places like this um even cooler places up in the mountain sitting on top of granite Vistas seeing for miles and miles I can bring my office anywhere and you better dang well believe I’m loving that the only thing missing here is the uh solar panels so um they arrived after my my trip started they were late so I got everything but I’m using my car to charge that um which is not a problem but in the very near future my connectivity to the internet my uh way of being being a coder being a developer using laptops will be fully powered by the Sun but admittedly the best situation is when your campsite has a clear view to the sky and where you’re going to be plopping down for a few nights um you’re going to have connectivity and I’ve experienced that at place was sunset campground at my campsite there um had a view down the Sierra open view to the sky never had any issues connecting I could just sit at my campsite chill out get on my laptop and do my thing working in the field has its perks also because when you’re out here the actual private land owner the lady that owns this Ranch drove by saw me admiring it told me about the history of it even invited me for a private tour of the ranch and beer so after I told her what I’m building Camp View um and in fact when I told her the concept of it she was rah rah rah cheering me on so if this lady ever sees this um thank you for that feedback and I’m actually solving a real problem it sounds like the more I learn and talk to people that’s why I find it so helpful to live in the field day after day after day I am learning so much i’ there are things that I never even thought about incorporating into my application that now I think are going to be Essentials and it it goes a little bit beyond just picking the perfect campsite perhaps it’s where’s your Glenn’s favorite internet cafes I don’t know if I want to recommend this one CU I’d feel bad uh because the private land owner she’s a nice lady but I don’t want to advertise this one but my spot on top of the High Sierra heck yeah um the the qualifications you need shade you need the uh clear view to the sky and the views so it’s not just going to be all about where can I connect you got to have the views to go with it to qualify for Camp view certified and day by day even though I’m still very in the beginning stages of developing features for Camp view um I couldn’t trade the experience being out here for anything all right so now that we have connectivity let me show you what I’m up to and we’re going to work inside the cab inside the comfort of the vehicle in the shade we’ll leave the stuff out here for a little bit should be okay all right so here’s the next phase normally this is something that I would do before I started a trip and um trust me I did everything I could to plan on a very short time frame and I I did plan quite a bit uh leading up to today you haven’t seen the almost two weeks of me camping to know I’m kind of towards the tail end but I’m about an hour south of yose in the Sierra National Forest and one thing that I’ve been doing is collecting and doing camr drive-throughs of all of the national forest starting down by karville California actually starting in Joshua Tree Park went to Kernville came up the Sierra sequa National Forest Sierra National Forest and then my next destinations are yet to come but rinse and repeat same idea um so what I need to do is on days like today I’ve got a setup on my roof that I’ll show you that allows me to record these Campground drive-through videos uh it’s really a simple thing um I’ll show you what I do and then I have a spreadsheet here with all of the campgrounds don’t worry about the color scheme here it makes something to me it means something to me but all of these orange ones I think are the ones in this area so these green ones I knocked off already so um but basically I’m going to plot routes using Google Maps in my connectivity to figure out the optimal order to hit these all in because most likely I mean these things aren’t like right next door I might have an hours worth of driving or 45 minutes worth of driving one way to hit the furthest one out and then come back when we get to the campground I’ll explain the methodology to you um and how it goes it’s pretty quick usually but basically you know you could see down here on this trip I mean I’ve had there’s different statuses of what I was able to do and not able to do but basically you can see these are um campgrounds that I’ve either already visited and filmed or have yet to visit quite a lot already so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to focus on this activity just figure out the optimal way to go and use my connectivity via starlink pack it on up and then we’re going to hit the uh back roads here and I’m going to go find these campgrounds and I’m going to go film them so before we leave this Meadow although I have everything packed up and ready to go I’m going to just kind of show you my process for how I um actually film these campgrounds and pretty easy to explain have three GoPros magnetically mounted to the roof of my uh vehicle and I run them all at the same time I try to drive through the campground um ideally in sequence starting with site one all the way through to the end that’s not always possible sometimes it’s quite a puzzle to figure out but at the very least the goal is is to get every little nook and cranny of the uh Campground whilst filming another thing that I find works well in case you want to make Campground videos too is I typically try to conduct my business in the middle of the day like usually like 10:00 a.m. all the way up to like 3: or 4 sometimes is pretty good even in National Parks because that’s when everybody’s gone and often times a lot of people have checked out and the new people haven’t come in yet so there’s a lot more vacant sites and that’s what I’m ideally after um although it is helpful I think to see other people setups as you’re kind of panning by but I find for whatever reason I you know as me and a camper that has that need um just playing around with this simple setup I find is pretty effective at least for judging a couple things you can kind of see a site better as it moves by but also you can see what’s next to it which I think is what’s really missing from a lot of still photography and basically what I do is just plot you know I know I find out where all the campgrounds are located in this case they’re most of them except for one or maybe two I should say are all in sequence along a l so I’m going to go knock those out and then I’ve got a couple kind of outliers to get done and then back to the campground probably to take care of my needs after that and that’s really the gist of that I wanted to kind of film and just film some of the roads back here right now but I am on such a tight time frame that I have to prioritize business over over this cuz the content creation portion of this kind of in the content Gathering phase and without the content there is no app so number one PRI prity right now for Camp view even above these developer Diaries is making sure I hit as many of these things as I can I’m on a roll don’t want to mess it up now so what I’ll do is I’m going to go get some business done and we’ll hook up again and we’ll see what’s next to do for the day all right we’re back from business and I came back to my Campground and have you ever camped in the middle of a free grazing herd of cows and they’re not dumb either they saw me coming back and I caught one nosing my chair wasn’t doing anything bad it was just playing with it I think and uh they see people coming back and now they’re heading back to the meadow over there you guys know you’re not doing the right thing I know you know that they’re they don’t they seem afraid of me but I was talking to one of the private land owners that owns land um right over this way and she says that they’re used to her so I’m guess I’m guessing cows I always mention how they’re so skin on my Adventures but you know hey what are you guys doing huh what are you doing are you doing good things you’re a big one see you’re not as afraid of other people are you you’re just eating hey what you doing what you doing uhoh [Laughter] sorry all right so now those uh guys have moved on it’s funny nobody was over here and I I arrived and somebody else arrived and I think the cows knew they’re not supposed to be over here and I was trying to say we got to watch where we step now and they did leave some surprises over on that side but I didn’t see anything in my campsite so thank goodness there’s no patties way waiting for me anyway so now you see how what my temporary life is like living out here and what I’ve been up to so kind of a balance between this Camp view stuff and then you know building up content for our other YouTube channel while I’m traveling and trying to kill two birds with one stone and you have these awesome moments like this that are so unexpected so I have a little bit of planning left I would say in some transfer of digital files but for the most part um now is the part um where I need to eat dinner and take care of myself and I’m going to share a little bit about how I do that for such extended uh periods of time um quite easily if you’ve been following me around on my other stuff my other channel the cactus Atlas you know I’m no stranger to Camping I’ve been doing this for years now and usually when I go camping I don’t go on such extended trips like I’m finding myself on this summer and one of the challenges is eating right and making sure eating enough getting enough calories is usually my issue um and especially when you’re in remote locations like the Sierra Nevada where I mean you can go whole days with if you pass like a mom and pop convenience store you’re in good shape some days so what I opted to do is to kind of go the way of the hiker and this is basically outside of some like cold cuts and cold drinks in a cooler this is basically my caloric needs for the entire trip and I’ve been kind of working on it but I have been eating dehydrated meals that hikers would eat albeit I think I bought kind of more high-end uh Brands and I could tell you I’ve not had one that I dislike yet because I’m pretty much rolling from sunrise to sunset and then some on most days when I’m traveling yeah just even take making dinner having to clean up dishes all of the things you have to do when you’re camping takes time and I really need to maximize my time so if all I need to do is boil water and pour it into a bag and get a delicious tasting meal sign me up the only difficulty on a given night is choosing which one um I think tonight I’m going to make one here for you so you can kind of see what I’m doing my organization is starting to fall apart late in the trip here um had that one last night I’m going to try this this is a new one I’ve not had yet sweet pork and rice now you might think this is weird that there’s real meat in here cuz there is I have some with chicken with beef and this one’s pork I’ve had chicken and beef I’ve not yet had pork so this sounds like kind of maybe a uh slightly Asian inspired thing maybe um and it’s got some vegetables in it and stuff so this is what we’re having so this is what I called Old Faithful my little one burner Coleman butane I’ve used this thing so much now but yeah if you can just boil water then you can [Music] camp I don’t think I need to show you every step of this but basically all you do is you rip off the top of this bag it’s just all dehydrated dry stuff like if there’s rice or pasta it’s all like hard um and then same the meats that are in there completely dry then you just pour in whatever like this one wants wow one cup of water that’s more than usual um and then you you stir it really good seal it let it sit for 10 minutes and then open the bag and eat it and then you got like a whole meal and yeah it does actually kind of what the picture looks like I would say that’s accurate never having eaten one of those types of meals um not really have ever been an overnight backpack or anything like that um I’ve never really I thought they would just be horrible and nasty and some of those things are better than I’ve had people’s homemade maybe that’s not saying so good about people that make it and it’s not Amy by the way my wife but um I’m quite surprised we’ll see how this one tastes um all of them have been fantastic so far and I’m not just saying that I can tell you to date my favorite has been this one this is I bought three of these and it was a good choice it has mushrooms beef and it’s like beef strogen off if you’ve had beef strogen off and it tastes just like it and that’s essentially the magic here and um how I’ve been eating and fueling myself for the most part um and it’s been working really well for me and I’m not saying it’s the perfect model of health because some of those things are really high in sodium and other things but you know trust me compared to when I’m usually doing this and I have to make food and stuff when I get really busy I often times deprioritize eating which is horrible and that’s not a good way to conduct yourself you need energy to power the mind so I usually like to eat like earlier than a lot of people do cuz usually I’m heading to bed um I’m usually in the tent before 8 usually you know when the Sun starts to go down and I get up really early uh tomorrow I might be wanting to get it up around like 4 for example so 8:00 is pushing it if you want to get up at 4 it’s interesting I just got this bag out started making crinkly sounds and these guys must get treats or something like that cuz these two especially you two are looking for something yeah but no what do you want do you guys think I have something yummy now that I’m paying attention to you you walk away anyway now I’m waiting the 10 minutes for my food to finish I had to put something over it cuz I over tore the bag and and I’m trying there’s one spot where there’s a hole so I’m trying to keep the heat in or else my yum yums won’t taste right I fear all right here’s the final product give you a peek smells wonderful looks like the picture pretty much and uh let’s see how it eats okay so I have not had this one if it’s no good I’ll be honest let’s see can you see kind of what that looks like [Music] mhm tastes like something you can make at home I mean rice beans there’s black beans in it Peppers but I would say out of all the sauces out of all the it’s a really sweet flavor and out of all of them usually this isn’t my combo but this is the best one of all all the sauces that’s really got the most flavor M mhm the only caveat I would say if you eat these occasionally you eat you you get like a little slight crunch on some of the dehydrated bits like just here and there but it’s not unpleasant to me at all you think it would be and it’s not as Extreme as it sounds but um but for the most part it tastes like a fresh meal so I think I’m going to scarf the this down sit and relax for a moment and then we’ll chat a little bit more I know this is going to be less than ideal but you’re looking at Camp view you’re looking at one of the files of Camp view that’s the actual code that I’m writing here for uh the actual app and this is the current state of the app or you you’ll probably call it a web page but it’s an app and you can see in my address bar I’m not running it it’s not on the internet well it is but not accessible by you guys yet there is a domain campview [Music] docomomo way I hope but one thing I’ll point out is watch the load here I have the ability for you to change between light and dark mode um and it will pick up your system preference if you have Lighter dark mode um in your operating system um so it’ll default to that so if you like dark mode that’s what you’ll get and it’s a fully responsive page the only thing that’s not loading because I’m offline is I’ve got a YouTube iframe here that’s pulling in my new channel trailer but I don’t have the internet hooked up but essentially this is where you will come to click on a campground um and as a user you’ll be able to um create a user account write your own reviews um upvote probably reviews things like that maybe kind of Yelp like but more importantly you’ll click on this and you’ll get Campground information as well as video um in the form of Campground drive-throughs um in multiple languages so I’m trying to distribute this um in Europe Asia um anywhere my AI allows me to go which has been very successful so far I did a test in Russian and had somebody validate it and they said it was good all right so I’m going to now kind of I talked about internationalization and it’s not just going to be text it’s going to be audio um in video also and I did a test and I translated something using slim if you know who slim is my AI companion my truck’s voice and translated something in the Russian camping Sunset I didn’t and I’m experimenting with I think this was simplified Chinese I can’t remember but so what I’m basically saying is I’m going to be delivering the actual Camp view videos where there’s audio narration in multiple languages and now some of you on a cactus Atlas that really didn’t like the AI maybe more of my motivations behind the scenes are coming to light cuz I sure as heck can’t do that and I can’t afford to be hiring translators right but the Russian translation according to my Russian um developer friend said it was um a high quality translation with no accent the Chinese one I don’t know I haven’t validated that against anybody um but the main thing is um to start off I’m not looking for perfection if it sounds like really bad grammar but the point comes across I’m going to start somewhere you know you got to fail sometimes too there’s truth to that so um this is going to be like um a really cool Endeavor and I think it’s actually super doable now I’m not going to give away all of my feature ideas right here in this time because you know there are other people out there doing this with their own way but I have my own kind of model in mind for this and like I said I’m not looking to get rich on this but I you know I think over time you know with my learnings about other things this will be another uh Revenue stream in the household which can become a passive one um if need be um just like the YouTube channel because we always get paid on Old content when you guys see commercials so that was probably really difficult in a whirlwind tour but I wanted to kind of show visually that where it’s at um and I attacked the um the layout the CSS The Styling um all of the design stuff cuz that’s my weakest area to be honest cuz that’s what I’m more of a I like to work you know munge data together today and like merge objects and do like stuff like that um probably I’ve enjoy more of the back end if you guys know what that is but I I know a lot about the front end too I’ve done a lot of that in my career um and I think I’m going to do a video on the next developer diary that talks about the actual architecture of what I’m of used to build that uh which is a a little preview it’s a next J s um pipeline currently hosting it on versel or versal um and um on the free tier but I’m heavily considering just going all the way with it because it has everything I need uh I’m I’m going to go with a postgress database I’m cool with that and um even when I want to use something like object storage you I think there’s a Json B data field there’s a lot you can do and if it’s part of their I haven’t really fully explored the full architecture the other option is going to be AWS and that’s going to be a different present also cuz I’ve been reading articles about I think starting off in versel um on their architecture is probably very affordable at first but as you scale up I think it can become more expensive compared to AWS when it scales up later but I think migrating architectures in my power I could do whatever I want whenever I want so um that’s kind of a preview of maybe the next video is what am I building it with why did I choose that my methodology how am I designing the experience and all of that kind of stuff and this is why we can’t have nice things you know I’ve not really this is my first one of these and I plan on maybe you know they’ll get refined they really are agenda list it’s unlike what I do for the cactus Atlas for that I plan I know where I’m going I’ve got itineraries on spreadsheets if you saw it some people would think I’m nuts some of you have seen it but for these I just want it to be more organic I may not even put music in these although that’s hard to do Amy and I love our little musics but we’ll see cuz I’m going to be pretty much handling all the camp view stuff cuz Amy is busy with cactus hatas full time now and you live in a campground for like 3 days in a in the Sierra Nevada buried in here um I mean it becomes a home away from home when you pull into the driveway at night from wherever you’ve been like for work for the day like I had you get that feeling like it’s time to make dinner and after doing it day after day after day it just becomes almost normal and it’s I I could do it for a very long time I do like my Creature Comforts I do like a good shower [Music] but for the Serenity and the Peace of Mind mind and the ability to build something I think that’s going to be helpful to people and really feel like I’m contributing to to a problem to try to improve it I mean why not don’t you guys want to see what’s going to happen over the over time that’s why you’re going to want to subscribe right you want to support me and that’s really the best way to do it not asking anything else um subscribing will help me get closer to monetizing this channel um but not only that watching the content to build up our watch hours because um without that the subscriber count doesn’t really matter that’s not how it works so um so I’m appealing to you if you want to cheer me on you want to support me uh do that and but do it because you want to do it because you want to see this um or do it because you like camground drive-throughs I do I find them relaxing I was going to keep this one going but I’m going to keep it nice and tidy I think and keep it all Kelty Meadow our first meeting I hope I got AC my my main points across and I want to say thank you once again and I’ll see you on the next one whenever that is bye [Music] [Music]

Welcome to the first of many Campvue “developer diaries”, giving you a behind the scenes look at life on the road as a web developer who lives in a tent while simultaneously building a new app, Campvue.

In this first developer diary, Glenn introduces the concept Campvue as well as his motivations for wanting to build it.

Glenn camps at Kelty Meadow Campround in the Sierra National Forest, and shares a bit about campground life, such as how to seek out good locations for Starlink Connectivity, as well as how his daily caloric needs are met. You’ll of course get to see the Campvue app in an early form!

Kelty Meadow Campground is located near the majestic Fresno Dome, about an hour south of Yosemite National Park.

The campground is situated among beautiful mountain meadows, frequented by free grazing cattle, providing a unique camping experience.

NOTE: If you are from out of town, here for Yosemite and choosing to camp at Kelty Meadow because you can’t find a spot in the park, you need to be clear that this is NOT a National Park Campground. There is no office, no water, and when we went, no onsite campground host. There are a couple of toilets, but they are small porta-potties. Clean if the guests don’t make a mess, but nothing fancy.

This is not a place where you will have any coddling or help, and depending on which route you take to get in (Google will not distinguish for you), you may come in through some pretty rough dirt forest roads that I personally would not take a small electric vehicle on, but that’s just me.

Above all, don’t inconvenience other guests with your issues around this. If you are dissatisfied, chances are your poor planning and overlooking of details is to blame! Other guests are not here to serve you. Be an adult and be responsible for yourself and your loved ones!

Campvue advocates for safe, responsible and courteous camping.

VIDEO FILMED: 06/30/2024

▬▬ L O C A T I O N I N F O ▬▬
⚪ Kelty Meadow Campground –

▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ▬▬
00:00 Introduction
01:09 What is Campvue?
09:28 Cow’s at Kelty Meadow
10:00 Internet Connectivity
14:25 Planning
22:00 Making Meals
28:36 Intro to Campvue App
34:34 Winding Down

▬▬ L I N K S ▬▬
⚪ Music from Epidemic Sound –



  1. This is a wonderful idea. I'm glad that you were able to film before the forest fires in that part of the Sierra Neveda areas today. We will definitely be utilizing this channel along with Cactus Atlas. Thank you for this new application. 😊

  2. Excellent. I am a DEEP researcher when it comes to campgrounds, hunting high and low for good campground tours so I can select the best site (I think that's how I found Cactus Atlas). There's definitely a content void to be filled.

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