5 Facts About Barcelona You Didn’t Know! | #Barcelona #shorts #travel #spain

Uncover 5 surprising and unknown facts about Barcelona that most people don’t know! From Gaudí’s hidden designs in the Sagrada Família to the city’s Roman roots and quirky traditions, this video highlights fascinating details that make Barcelona unique. Perfect for travelers, history enthusiasts, or anyone curious about the hidden side of this iconic city. Learn something new about Barcelona in just a few minutes!

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Extra News:

It’s fascinating to know that Gaudí wasn’t the original architect of the Sagrada Família. Construction of the basilica began in 1882, and the first architect was Francisco de Paula del Villar. He designed the building in a traditional neo-Gothic style, which was quite different from what we see today. However, after just one year, Villar resigned due to disagreements with the project’s funders.

In 1883, Antoni Gaudí took over the project. He completely transformed the design, moving away from the neo-Gothic plan to his unique, organic, and modernist style, heavily inspired by nature. Gaudí devoted the last 15 years of his life entirely to the Sagrada Família. Knowing he wouldn’t live to see its completion, Gaudí created detailed plans to ensure future architects could follow his vision.

So, while Gaudí is famously linked to the Sagrada Família, it’s fascinating to think that without Villar, the basilica might have had a completely different look!

#SagradaFamilia #GaudiFacts #BarcelonaSecrets #GaudiArchitecture #TravelBarcelona #HiddenBarcelona #BarcelonaHistory #ModernismArchitecture #CatalanCulture #GaudiDesigns

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