Solo Climber in WYOMING….Discovers Mysterious Power in Bigfoot!

Hi Guys,

Tonight we have a story about Carl who went to Wyoming in the Wind River Range on a solo climb. There while camping Carl discovered something approach his tent and then he discovered it had the potential to create profound Fear!

Keep Hiking!
Base Camp Chris

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#scarystories #nationalparks #bigfootencounters #paranormal

►►WATCH OTHER VIDEOS from Base Camp Chris🎥

►EXTREMELY Distressing Hike in Vermont Forest | +SOLO Tent Campout

►SOMETHING Does Not Want Us HERE! Pacific Creek Valley Story…

►FRIGHTENING Encounter for Family in Joshua Tree National Park


  1. Great story Chris! Your on it (the mystery) your method is good out there just enjoying the hiking and not banging on pots and pans, doing calls that we don’t know in there language what they mean etc………… just good old fashioned hiking letting nature funnel things out there. You bring the stories to life and that’s creative…….😊😊😊❤❤❤

  2. Date:

    December 29, 2000


    American Institute of Physics — Inside Science News Service


    Researchers may have found the key to the intimidating and paralyzing affect that a tiger's roar has on animals, including humans. New research by bioacousticians shows that very low frequency sounds may be the key.



    A tiger's intimidating roar has the power to paralyze the animal that hears it and that even includes experienced human trainers. Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, a bioacoustician from the Fauna Communications Research Institute in North Carolina, presented her research at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Newport Beach, California on December 7. Bioacoustics is the study of the frequency or pitch, loudness, and duration of animal sounds to learn about an animal's behavior. At the meeting, von Muggenthaler discussed her work analyzing the frequency of tiger sounds to better understand the part of a tiger's roar that we can feel, but can't hear.

    Why study something that we can't hear?

    "Humans can only hear some of the sounds that tigers use to communicate," says von Muggenthaler. "Humans can hear frequencies from 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz, but whales, elephants, rhinos, and tigers can produce sounds below 20 hertz." This low-pitched sound, called "infrasound," can travel long distances permeating buildings, cutting through dense forests, and even passing through mountains. The lower the frequency, the farther the distance the sound can travel. Scientists believe that infrasound is the missing link in studying tiger communication.

    In the first study of its kind, von Muggenthaler and her colleagues recorded every growl, hiss, chuff, and roar of twenty-four tigers at the Carnivore Preservation Trust in Pittsboro, North Carolina, and the Riverbanks Zoological Park in Columbia, South Carolina. Bioacousticians found that tigers can create sounds at about 18 hertz and when tigers roar they can create frequencies significantly below this. "When a tiger roars-the sound will rattle and paralyze you," says von Muggenthaler. "Although untested, we suspect that this is caused by the low frequencies and loudness of the sound."

    When the researchers played back a tape of recorded tiger sounds including audible and infrasounds, the tigers appeared to react to these sounds. Sometimes they would roar and leap towards the speakers and sometimes sneak away. The next step for von Muggenthaler is to take the recorded infrasounds to scientists who can determine whether or not tigers can hear the infrasounds. Von Muggenthaler hopes to learn more about tigers, protect them from extinction, and understand the unheard, paralyzing power in their roar.

    American Institute of Physics — Inside Science News Service. "The secret of a tiger's roar." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 December 2000. <;.

  3. Another great story worthy of coffee time. It's be cool to have your partner join you for a video but have her appear in a bigfoot costume, and sneak in from behind a tree. Would be kinda fun.

  4. Anything that causes fear is from the spiritual enemy of our world, so this confirms for me that these things are supernatural in their origin sent by the enemy. It also explains why these things kill humans.

  5. I've read of infrasound on many a Bigfoot sites. It's their way of moving you out of their territory. I also read they will usher you out too, like paralleling you in the woods. You can't see them but they definitely let you know they're there. Great story Chris. Keep hiking!👨‍🦯

  6. Evidently, a few species of big cats and whales use infrasound to communicate long-distance. Infrasound can also temporarily paralyze prey, making it easier to attack it’s target.

  7. It absolutely kills me how you circus clowns talk about Bigfoot as if it exists. There is NO ABSOLUTELY NO REAL HARD EVIDENCE after almost 70 years since the Patterson Gimlin film and THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of so called experts and laymen out there scouring the planet. So HILARIOUS. He had a nightmare or made up the whole story.

  8. WHICH begs the question. Did God give us humans the ability to PERCEIVE that "Infrasound"? OR is it the other way around, and, God gave BIGFOOT the ability to terrorize everything hahahaha. I LIKE to think THE FIRST answer. Yeah? God gave us ability to LEAVE Bigfoot be hahahah!!! , ~ Cheers , ~ "the" Rev

  9. As we evolve we move from one dimensional level to the next humans currently live in the third dimension maybe Bigfoot is able to move back and forth either intentionally or by accident

  10. Chris, you are my husband's absolute favorite! Your stories have gotten him through alot of depression and for that I'm so grateful! Where is home for you? I would love to fly you out to Missouri for my husband's 30th surprise birthday party! That would be so wonderful for him! Or maybe a special message from you. We love you Chris.

  11. Absolutely love your channel!!! I'm a Huge Believer in Bigfoot and cryptic.Mothman is a Great cryptic!! Watch Mothman Prophecies movie with Richard Gere..Excellent movie and True story!!! I live in Ohio and half my house is Bigfoot!! Salt Fork State Park in Hocking Hills Ohio has a huge Bigfoot Festival and tons of sightings down there!!! Keep up the great videos..God bless Frank

  12. Crocodiles, elephants, rhino, cassowaries, tigers and many other animals produce infrasound to communicate, call for a potential mate and to detect storms. The US military looked into using infrasound as a weapon at one stage as it causes increased heart rate, vibration of the eyeballs causing hallucinations, feeling cold, and feelings of dread and fear. A study by Vic Tandy into Infrasound is a very interesting read. He took readings from a variety of places that were reputed to be haunted and found high readings of infrasound which he says may explain some of the experiences people had in these areas.

  13. Great video Chris!! after that ending I think I would feel more comfortable camping in Minnesota with you next time! Close to a Ranger station ! Keep camping ! Keep hiking keep recording ! Keep the stories coming, you’re the best!
    Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
    Hatchet Tim!

  14. Go to Ohio at deer Creek State park in Fayette county and u will see signs and maybe big foot himself they are there no joke I have had game wardens come out to were I was fishing cause I ran into it an the warden took his gun out before walking into the woods .so there is no bears or big cats so just what r they not telling us for what reason we already know they put there

  15. Infrasound? Supernatural ability? C'mon, that is hard for me to swallow. My brothers and my sister and I never felt anything like this with our encounters with Big Foot. Certainly not in the Pacific Coast Rainforest all those years, and my brothers and I never felt anything of the sort in our encounter at the Mt. hood National Forest either. My only thought that I had while staring at this creature, was disbelief at what I was seeing. I did not run as I was transfixed on what I was seeing. I did not feel any dread, nor feelings of doom. I do not remember feeling fear–until my brothers came running towards me down the game trail, crying. I did not know why they were so upset. At the time, I did not know Shannon had been physically lifted up into the air by a female big foot. I did not know Sheldon had run into a Junior sized one peeing on a tree. Both of them were probably about 9, and I was 11 going on 12. They were developmentally disabled to boot, Sheldon mentally challenged. They did not talk about their experience right away until we all saw on the news that Big foot had been sighted in the area we all had been! Then we spoke up. I only ran after my brothers down the trail, because I followed after my brothers. I had been staring at a creature about 8 or 9 feet tall, not a bear, definitely Big Foot. I never said it was big foot either until three days later at home. Which shocked my parents. They kept telling us we saw bears. THEY were not bears.

    WE never discussed any paranormal stuff. WE were not tired out or fatigued from our encounter. In fact to this day, I cannot remember what we did for the following three days after. I think people are so shocked by what they see, that they cannot process their feelings well, and what they feel is their body and mind in total state of shock. They interpret these feelings as supernatural.

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