WINNER – Best Documentary – 2012 Cape Fear Independent Film Festival
WINNER – Sierra Nevada Award -2011 Mountain Film Awards
OFFICIAL SELECTION – 2011 Wild and Scenic Film Festival

HIGH SIERRA – A JOURNEY ON THE JOHN MUIR TRAIL is a first-hand experience along the John Muir Trail, through the tallest mountain range in the contiguous United States. It follows a group of young students as they make the 220 mile trek in the wake of John Muir’s own footsteps. The film captures the visual splendor of the ‘Range of Light’ as well as the range of emotions and physical challenges that accompany such an epic adventure. It includes reflection by Yosemite Park Ranger, Shelton Johnson (also featured in Ken Burn’s documentary, The National Parks), who shares insight about the trail and the spiritual meaning and importance of the American wilderness. The dynamic soundtrack, featuring music from Lonnie Walker, Megafaun, Phil Cook, Gayngs, Luego, Mandolin Orange, Boat, and I was totally destroying it completes this compelling high-definition audio-visual experience.

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  1. I know this is a long time ago, but your friend Zack probably had altitude sickness. It usually happens around 7-8000 ft… You may have figured this out – still watching. Also, I love the park ranger too. 🙂

  2. Outstanding documentary, great footage, beautiful narrated! I like the personal snippets of the different people. Thx for the effort of producing this beautiful movie. Thumbs up!

    Happy hiking

  3. To get blisters that bad, that quick, it’s your boots. They didn’t fit well. Could of als been his socks. You need wool hiking socks. They are very expensive.. I went in a hike and one member had worn work boots and had blisters the first day. Need good equipment

  4. Beautiful but, so many Parks Rules broken and stupidity. The older man should have been more responsible in setting an example by educating himself before hand. For example: Dangerously swimming above falls (sign clearly states no entering), camping in known bear filled meadow, food bags instead of REQUIRED bear canisters (& food bags in trees too close to camp), fires just anywhere, no fishing licenses, exceeding fish limits in both numbers taken and too small of sizes, etc……
    KNOW the regulations BEFORE you go.

  5. I'm only 20 minutes into this documentary and already we have kids who don't know what they're doing swimming at the top of Vernal Falls and not using proper bear storage in the back country. Whoever was in charge of this trip, should not have been… Hopefully, they have learned since this trip.

  6. Best JMT movie I've seen, and yes – I've seen the one everyone talks about. Hope you guys continue to adventure together, and making videos about them.

  7. Watching this in June of 2020 and thinking of so many things. First of all what a great documentary!! Secondly, I wonder if any of these guys ever hiked JMT again OR if they hiked longer and bigger trails, like the Himalayan foothills or the Pampas of Argentina with a view of the majestic Andes mountain range. What an adventure it would be to do this with a few close friends. I live in SoCal and never been much of a hiker. Just a few day hikes on the east coast where I'm originally from and walks along the coast here in California. I've seen Mt. Whitney from the Owens Valley at Long Pine and looks so high up. I've thought about climbing it but never had the courage to do so. With everything that's happening in the world at this time, I feel like it's time for me to get out and explore. Seeing this documentary puts into perspective how short life is, how little time we all have on this earth, yet most of us don't take advantage of what is out there. I'll be 45 in September and still don't feel that sense of purpose in my life. I think it's time to get out there and hit the trail. cheers!

  8. I got blisters on my feet from just watching this great production. As a former Marine, I would say that you guys would do very well in the Marine Corps infantry. Your daily attitudes were very uplifting. Thanks for this recording, of a very hard trail, at high altitudes.

  9. Muirs book is the number one thing that inspired me to get into hiking. I love how they adopted the other hikers. Only in backpacking do you just sort of say yea you guys are with us now. I live in a small town and you still don't get the kind of hospitality that you get out on the trail. I got adopted by some more experienced hikers last time I went backpacking and it changed my experience from good to great.

  10. Can't wait for our land to be ours again. Soon . God's wrath coming for sure . Those not slave's will be slaves. When we see them taken to bondage. Gods promises will come to pass. Serpent rider bottomless pit king hidden behind Noah's cloak. Obama be cast into bottomless pit with Congo Africa Babylon black Americans captain and Colonel of roots trans Atlantic slave trade no mercy slave masters hands who God fought and will destroy. Book of Enoch says first thing God does is cast satan into bottomless pit and black Muslim brotherhood and nubians Americans who drinked House of Israel blood . Gods people. Paleo Indians caucasian Hebrew Israelites ETHIOPIANS. Soon .

  11. Been looking everywhere for this Documentary
    I watch it often.
    It’s the best one done about Hiking the John Muir Trail.
    I worked with Sheldon and love his input.
    These guys so obsessed with food is Classic.
    I keep yelling.
    Stop with Granola Bars
    They’re worthless Lol
    The Blonde Guy
    I’m starving-I’m stuffed
    So funny.
    Sardines, ThickNoodle, MREs, Beans, Rice.
    Bread Peanut Butter
    No granola bars. 😆

  12. Thanks for not using proper food storage containers. You just made a bear more likely to do it again which could lead to the bear team taking it out.
    Not to mention all the garbage that the restoration crew has to pick up.
    Do everyone a favor and stay out of z Yosemite if you're not going to respect it.

    And don't worry, I've sent this video to the permit office so they know about your lack of caring so they can deal with you accordingly. Hopefully not issuing you any more permits.

  13. Very nicely filmed, edited and produced. Congratulations on winning an award.
    I got picked in the 2022 lottery w/ a start date of June 6. I just hope they have an early spring.
    At 60 I do not want to hike half the trail in snow and ford ice cold rivers in my undies!
    Snow slows everyone down and uses more calories than usual.
    I will keep entering the lottery, hoping I get a later start date.

  14. Too bad about Smokey air. Zac is dehydrated. Take saltine crackers to keep the water from going right through after you when you become dehydrated and try to rehydrate.

  15. Wow, I love this documentary. It’s so refreshing to see just some goofy kids with a zest for life. Not pretentious at all. Not trying to impress anyone or gain followers. Wish we could go back to this.

  16. I have nothing but total admiration for all of you guys, especially when you had sickness, sore and blistered feet, and the stress of wondering what you had let yourselves in for during the early days. But you didn't give up, although loads would have, you built your strength up, just kept on hiking, and look what you have achieved, very proud of you all, and you should be very proud of yourselves. We have nothing like this in the UK, you were very lucky to have hiked the JMT, breathtaking scenery all the way!

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