1. The beautiful Plaza de España otherwise known as the city of Theed on planet Naboo in Star Wars Attack of the Clones. Thanks for sharing and have an amazing day!

  2. I believe you will be seeing many plazas as you travel. (You lucky people) I wonder which one will be your favorite in a year or two!
    That tile work was incredibly beautiful.
    Keep having a great trip for all of us!!!
    Stay safe. Stay well. Peace.

  3. Since you're on a smaller ship, it looks like you can go to ports that the gigantic mega ships can't. What a wonderful opportunity! And that tile work on that bridge. WOW ❤

  4. Y'all are so right! That plaza in Seville is the most beautiful place ever. I first saw it on the Amazing Race CBS TV show. When we did our criss cross of Spain, I couldn't wait to be there myself! It's so awesome!!!! Have fun.

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