In this video, we used the PINTXO App as our guide, to try all of the incredible food the Spanish city San Sebastian has to offer. We tried the pintxo Gilda and also sampled the world famous Basque Cheesecake. Join us, as we eat through the city and its numerous pintxo bars on our own DIY Food Tour.


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00:00 – Intro – Pintxos App
01:12 – Antonio Bar, San Sebastian – Trying Spanish Tortilla
02:55 – La Espiga – Trying Delicia, Morros de Ternera, and Chorrera
07:05 – Casa Valles – Trying Gilda, Tortilla de Bacalao, and Vermouth
11:10 – Antonio Bar – Trying Antxoa, Ravioli de Langostino, and Txakoli
13:35 – Casa Urola – Trying Vieira con Ajoblanco
15:33 – The Loaf – Trying Basque Cheesecake and Brownie
16:37 – El Tamboril – Trying Champiñon al Ajillo and Escabeche de Atún
18:31 – Kapadokia Bar – Trying Puntalette, Sandwich de Rabo, Sangria, and Cider
18:55 – La Viña – Trying Basque Cheesecake with Sherry and Txakoli
24:03 – Bar Ezkurra/Outro – Spanish Tortilla and Russian Salad

== About Us ==
We’re Brandon and Anja, an international couple (from Canada and Germany) traveling the world together as digital nomads on a budget. We want to explore as many countries as possible and eat all the amazing local foods every place has to offer. We hope our travel vlogs can inspire others to do the same.


  1. Thanks everybody for watching out new video! If you enjoyed this one, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. If you've missed our first few videos, don't forget to check those out as well! 🍻
    – Brandon & Anja

  2. Love seeing your experience of San Sebastian which is known for having the highest number of Michelin starred retaurants in the world! The Basque culture reveres well cooked and delicious food. I was lucky to be in San Sebastian for one week and was in awe that I was taken to eat at a 3 star Michelin restaurant ( Martin Beresatagui ) The pinxto( Basque language for tapas) places are to die for !

  3. Some trivia for you…Port aux Basques in Newfoundland was named for the Basques whalers that came to NL every year in the 1600s. Also, there is an Island off the coast of Newfoundland called Baccalieu…the name is thought to be derived from baccalao, and the cod fishery was the main draw for Europeans to come to Newfoundland. Thanks for the video….we got to see the original Basques!

  4. – Venezuela es el pais mas vasco de America por la sencilla razon de ser Bolibar la patria chica del Libertador de America y la Real Compania Guipuzcoana de Caracas la empresa encargada de gestionar el monopolio comercial entre la provincia de Venezuela y el puerto de Cadiz promoviendo el crecimiento del pais vasco en la epoca borbonica.
    – Venezuela es conocida como la octava provincia del pais vasco hispano frances (Euskera) por la gran cantidad de vascos que emigraron al pais desde la colonia.
    – Venezuela historicamente tiene relacion directa con San Sebastian y Bilbao por ser las sedes de la Real Compania Guipuzcoana de Caracas vigente entre 1724 y 1789

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