1. Que pesados sois los catalanes macho. Vivis en el mundo de winnie de poo dejarias que tarragona hiciera un referemdum para quedarse en españa, tambien seria ilegal y no lo prrmitiriais verdad?

  2. WTF Justin ! Make no mistake Spain is a Castilian Fascist Criminal Cartel of Corruption to cover up the Spanish HOLOCAUST of Franco. Spain is a Castilian Chiringuito of Terrorists Criminals like the King of Spain FUGITIVE from justice for criminal stealing $5bn from Europeans – who want w to become an EU Member with criminal Terrorist like Castilian chiringuito Spain? Europe has a problem and it is called SPANISH HOLOCAUST and the Castilian chiringuito led my the King has to be put on Trial.

  3. WTF Justin! Make no mistake Spain is a Castilian Fascist Criminal Cartel of Corruption to cover up the Spanish HOLOCAUST of Franco. Spain is a Castilian Chiringuito of Terrorists Criminals like the King of Spain FUGITIVE from justice for criminal stealing $5bn from Europeans – who want w to become an EU Member with criminal Terrorist like Castilian chiringuito Spain? Europe has a problem and it is called SPANISH HOLOCAUST and the Castilian chiringuito led my the King has to be put on Trial.

  4. ما قرى اميلنا طال عمره،،، عرفنا لعبة الظلمة بثاني يوم بالمانيا،، ليش جايبن لديارك؟؟تراضي خاطر اردوغان بنا،، من العبودية ان تخضع لمن يجرم بك من ردة فعل!!!؟ وش اللي عندك غير لعبة البزران

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