Donostia (in Basque language or Euskara) or San Sebastián (in Spanish) is a city located on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and 20 km away from the French border. The city is the capital of Gipuzkoa, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country.

The city architecture was mainly influenced by Clasicist style and later the French Belle Epoque style, after becoming a resort town for royalty at the end of the 19th century and in the early 20th century.

The main economic activities are commerce and tourism, being one of the most famous tourist destinations in Spain. Despite the city’s small size, international events such as the San Sebastián International Film Festival have given it an international dimension.

San Sebastián, along with Wrocław, Poland, will be the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

Photographic slideshow containing pictures of the main touristic highlights obtained during several trips to the city:

– Old Town (Parte Zaharra in Euskara / Parte Vieja in Spanish)

Saint Mary Church (Andramari eliza / Iglesia Santa María)
Constitution Square (Konstituzio Plaza / Plaza de la Constitución)
St. Vincent Church (San Vicente Eliza / Iglesia de San Vicente)
St. Elmo Museum (San Telmo Museoa / Museo San Telmo)

– Mount Urgull (Urgull Mendia / Monte Urgull)

Aerial views from the top (where stands the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue) and panoramic photos over city downtown from the Zurriola Beach to Igeldo Mount including a detailed panorama of the Concha Beach (Kontxako Hondartza / Playa de la Concha)

– City Hall and Alderdi Eder Gardens (Udaletxea – Alderdi Eder Lorategiak / Ayuntamiento – Jardines de Alderdi Eder).
– Boulevard
– Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa and Gipuzkoa Square (Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia – Gipuzkoako Plaza / Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa – Plaza Gipuzkoa)
– Liberty Avenue (Askatasunaren Hiribidea / Avenida de la Libertad)
– Good Shepherd Cathedral and Square (Artzai Onaren Katedrala eta Plaza / Catedral y Plaza del Buen Pastor)
– 19th City Expansion (Zabalgunea / El Ensanche)

– Tour along the Urumea River (Urumea Ibaia / Río Urumea)

María Cristina Bridge (Maria Cristina Zubia / Puente María Cristina)
St. Catherine Bridge (Santa Katalina Zubia / Puente Santa Catalina)
Euskadi Square (Euskadiko Plaza / Plaza de Euskadi)
Maria Cristina Hotel
Victoria Eugenia Theatre (Victoria Eugenia Antzokia / Teatro Victoria Eugenia)
Kursaal Bridge (Kursaal Zubia / Puente del Kursaal)
Kursaal Congress Hall (Kursaal Batzar Jauregia / Palacio de Congresos Kursaal)

– Aiete Palace (Aiete Jauregia / Palacio de Aiete)

– “Comb of the Winds” (Haizearen Orrazia / Peine de los Vientos)


  1. Zein ederra! Bilbotarra naiz eta euskal herritar gisa ezin harroago sentitzen naiz halako hiri ederra izateaz. Euskal hiriak elkarren osagarri direla ezin ukatu!

  2. To much rain and people that don't smile. Go one day and get out. Go to logrono and get better food,nicer people, and much,much, cheaper

  3. Espectacular video sobre una hermosa ciudad. La música muy buena. Me gustaría saber cuál es el tema sinfónico coral que cierra el video. Agradezco si alguien sabe y conoce cuál es y quién lo interpreta. La música acompaña y le da clima a las imágenes. Muy bueno

  4. I lived in Zarauz like a year and a half. All social life goes on in the street and in bars. You and your grupo enter a bar. Everybody orders what they wish while they hang there for not long. Then off to the next. Later its dinner then a couple more upscale clubs. Finish into the wee hours at a basement disco. Couple hours of sleep before work. home shower and "a la calle" again. People walking the paseo along the beach all night long.

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