Want to discover San Sebastian’s best cider house and the most amazing food (including an incredible steak!)? This is a Basque Country feast! Venga, let’s go! 🥝

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I’d long heard about the incredible experience of spending an evening at a Basque cider house. So, while in the Basque Country city San Sebastian with my Devour Tours colleagues Lauren and Cyra, we decided to leave all the amazing San Sebastian pintxo bars and head to the nearby town of Astigarraga and visit Zapiain, one of the famous Basque cider houses, for an evening of all-you-can-drink freshly fermented cider, incredible food (including the most amazing T-bone steak) and great company.

Cider has been made for centuries in northern Spain, and the style of cider is very different from the sweet, fizzy stuff you might be used to. This is bitter, fresh and totally addictive. Plus, it pairs amazingly with the big, rustic flavours served in the north of España.

For your information, the full meal at Zapiain (five courses plus all the cider you can handle) is €35.

Hola, Spain lovers! We’re James and Yoly. James is a New Zealander, and Yoly is from Spain. And we both live in Madrid. This channel is all about giving you a local insight into life in Spain, and helping you experience this country like a local when you come to visit (or live!). If that sounds like your kind of thing, bienvenido!

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  1. Majos sois la ostia, este es uno de los videos mas guays del Pais Vasco, enhorabuena , un excelente trabajo como siempre. Un abrazo muy fuerte desde los Estados Unidos. Que Viva España, Viva Nueva Zelandia y miña terra Galega.

  2. I'm from San Sebastian and I can say you showed well what "ir de sidrería" means. Just 1 thing: Real basque people breaks the nuts with their own hands xD.

    You should come to Basque Country (I would recommend San Sebastian or Bilbao) in December 21th. That day it's Santo Tomas day (you can check what we celebrate) and bassically it consists on drinking cider and eating "chistorra" every day (that day you can find many food "stalls" on the street, where "chistorra" and cider is sold until 08:00 p.m.

  3. The acoustics in that cellar are incredible! That was one of the most amazing things I have ever been lucky enough to hear! GB that I have ears to hear. Salute!

  4. Ninguna sidra en España (y puede que en el mundo) es mejor que la de Asturias..
    El país Vasco tiene una sidra bebible , pero nada excelente…. ¡¡puxa!!

  5. Como se llama ese lugar?
    Viajo a España la semana que viene y estare en esa area tambien.
    Todo parece de maravilla!!

  6. Hello James, so I will be in San Sebastián next month and I would love to visit that sidrería, can you tell me what is the easiest way to get there? And also some people are saying it’s expensive, can you tell me about the prices?
    Anything will help, gracias!!!

  7. I love the pride and the passion of the Basque people. Their singing brought me to tears. There struggle has been too long and I pray they will find resolution in autonomy with Spain and France. Is the 'experience ' of the Cider house annual event by invitation only or can anyone buy a ticket? Where and when is the question. Information please!

  8. ¿Ahora también usáis vasos como los asturianos? ¿habéis abandonado los de nocilla?

    visitor, do not be fooled, the authentic cider culture in Spain you will find in Asturias, this is a copy, they have climbed into the car: they have copied us the glass, the Espicha culture, the spreading so that bubbles form…

    ¡Vuestra sidra sabe a puxarra!

  9. Hi James, it is a pleasure to write to you and Yoli. It is great that you have decided to make this video! However, I wish you have expanded on some details such as a where exactly the "Sidrerias" are located, if the "menu" is similar among all different Sidrerias… Said this, rest assured that I’m very glad to see that you have enjoyed my region and that you have showed it to everybody. Thanks a lot for this! I moved to Madrid 18 years ago and I am still miss these kind of plans so much.
    Finally, please let me raise a Quizz night question: guess why people eats standing.

    Best regards

    Pd: Your videos are also very helpful to improve English language!

  10. James, im hoping to go to san seb at the end of august. Can you tell me the name of this restaurante?
    Muchas gracias por tu ayuda !

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