San Sebastian is a small city known as Donostia in the Basque language. Shimmering above the breathtaking Concha Bay, this elegant town has a favored location with even more famous golden beaches.

Some of the beaches of San Sebastián are the beautiful La Concha and the spacious Zurriola which is especially attractive for the surfers. Every summer a huge number of tourists flock to this town in Northern Spain to occupy every square inch. The Isla de Santa Clara is also very well known among travellers. Ferries leave a couple of times an hour for the picturesque island so it’s easily accessible.

La Playa de la Concha, is a golden sandy beach sweeping from Parte Vieja (the old town in the heart of the city) in the east, all the way to to Monte Igueldo in the west and it is a wonderful feature of this city.

It is probably, if not, the only city beach in Europe and possibly the world, you’ll want to spend a while at splashing in the sea or people watching. And let’s not forget Playa de Gros (also known as Playa de la Zurriola), a favourite with surfers.

Check out this amazing coastal town and enjoy the video!

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  1. Chantel why do i love you people so much, thats a great place for a honeymoon, and the way gold is going up for me that can become a reality and thats a beautiful beach for me and my dream girl from Ipanema, i love you all, Jerome from Florida

  2. Im from San Sebastian 🙂 is really nice to have people filming our beautiful city, glad you enjoy it! There are so many beautiful places here!!!

  3. Enjoyed your photography and it looks like you had a fun time. San Sebastián is a beautiful city in Basque Country. It is a shame you didn't do more research before your visit. Pintxos are not the same as tapas, the Plaza de Constitution is not and never was a hotel. The doors are numbered from the old days when it was a bull fight ring. Piene viento is name of the sculpture at end of La Concha. The language spoken is Euskarra and an example of that would have been nice. I do applaud you for exposing your girls to world travel and getting a first hand experience of all its wonder. You did pick the best ice cream shop in the whole city! Safe travels

  4. So nice that you incorporated your 3 daughters into the video, something I do not see very often. I also think you did the best job of any video on SS/Donostia of showing off its incredible beauty! I also liked that you showed the map of SS and pointed out the different areas. Very well done!!

  5. A good sunny summer day in San Sebastian. Lucky, because in all the north of Spain in summer there are some cloudy (and for me nice) days.

  6. It’s so cool to see you travelling the world and the girls exposed the cultural, historical and gastronomic influences! Congratulations and happy to see you enjoyed Spain 😊 Agree with you that San Sebastián is among the best cities in the world.

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